THADEMARKED BY THE SPORTING LIFE PITS. CO, ENTERED AT PHILA. P. O. AS SECOND CLASS MATTER VOLUME 26, NO. 10. PHILADELPHIA, NOVEMBER 30, 1895. PRICE, TEN CENTS. TOLEDO HAS HOPES. FREEDMAN CONTROLS. Claims That Ellis Has the Eighth Bailey, the Circus Man, Does Not BROOKLYN BUDGET. Western League Franchise. Own the New York Club. Special to "Sporting Life." Special to "Sporting Life:" PRESIDENT BYRNE LANDS M'CARTHY, RECENT CONTRACTS AND RELEASES Toledo, Nov. 29. It appears to be a set- New York, Nov. 29. President Freedman, tied fact that Omaha will not be in the of the New York Club, was asked yester­ OF BALL PLAYERS. Western League circuit. The Nebraska day for an opinion on the rumor to the ef­ THE CLEYER PLAYER. town is already in the Western fect that James A. Bailey, the circus man, Association, and an attempt , to in­ is the real owner of the New York Bass Ball clude it in the Western League would Club. Mr. Freedman said: Freedman, ol New Yorfc, Speaks Out certainly precipitate a fight. There was a big "Mr. Bailey doesn't own one one-hundredth of Both Club and Public Highly Pleased kick from the Association when the League one dollar's worth of -New York Club stock. He took in St. Paul last year, and although the never did own any stock and never will. There Plainly The Eighth Western League League won in that event, it received no guar­ are many stories about the ownership of the With This Important Acquisition- antee that it might do the same the next time. club, but I'll say right here that if anybody So Omaha was dropped and the eighth fran­ thinks that Andrew Freedman doesn't own the Some Crack Outfield Work to be Franchise Corbett Not to Invade chise was given to George B. Ellis. Since Mr. controlling interest he can come to my office Gunnels withdrew from the field the League and lose a good big bet. managers have felt a little bit gingery aljput "1 bought over 1200 shares of stock for my­ Expected Next Season, the Base Ball Field, Etc. Toledo, but they all agree that this city is a self, and I wouldn't sell at any price. I own the better point than Grand Rapids. Ellis is natur­ stock, and what I say goes ai regards the club's ally kindly disposed toward bis home town, but policy. It makes no difference to me how many Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 26. Editor "Sport- LEAGUE BULLETIN. with Detroit and Columbus in the circuit he stories are started, I shall still continue as own­ ing Lite:" President Byrne's trip to Bos­ admits that Toledo would be a better point. er for many years to come. Those who claim ton has been eminently satisfactory, and If the Deacon concludes to come to this city that I am representing somebody else are not in Latest Official News From League he will probably retain the best of his own the swim, and don't know what they are talk­ Tom McCarthy, the brilliant left fielder, H ead q u a rters. players ra'ther than take Denny Long's players. ing about." will be a member of the Brooklyn team, One thing is certain, Ellis will not engage next season. President C. H. Byrne arriv­ Special to "Sporting Life:" A prominent base ball man told base ball Carney to captain the team. Of bis own players editor Joe Vila that certain stock­ ed in Boston Saturday morning to have an Washington, D. C., Nov. 29. Headquar­ he would retain Bumpus Jones, Bob Wheelock, holders in the club had a meeting here interview with McCarthy, for whose ser­ ters National League and American Asso­ Jimmy Callopy, Campbell and Shields. ' not long ago with the idea of ousting vices, It will be remembered, an option ciation of Professional Base Ball Clubs: Freedman. They were laboring under the was secured by the payment of a good siz­ CONTRACTS FOB 1896. HANLQNIUSTLING. belief that Freedman was not the real ed bonus to the Boston Club. McCarthy is in With Cleveland Elton Chamberlain. owner of the club. But after they had in­ an independent condition, the cafe and bil­ With Philadelphia, Pennsylvania League Geo. vestigated the matter they attended the liard parlor which he started some months Benry, G. W. Means, P. Sornere. Lebanon Likely to Again Enter the stockholders' meeting of the .club as meek ago having proved to be a good investment. PLAYERS SELECTED. President Byrne offered him so many induce- Pennsylvania League. as lambs. They expressed satisfaction mer ts, however, that the player finally decided By Chicago George A. Flynn, Peorla Club. Special to "Sporting Life." with Freedman's business policy, especially to become a member of the Brooklyn team. By Louisville J. B. Donnelly and F. Shannon, when they learned that a 6 per cent, divi­ of Springtield Club. Lebanon, Pa., Nov. 28. Lebanon will be PLEASED WITH THE! DEAL. By Brooklyn Frank Bonner, of Wilkesbarre, represented in the State League of Base dend would be declared. They re-elected and Fielden Jones. Ball Clubs next season. William C. Free­ Freedman president because he held so President Byrne expressed keen satisfaction, By Kansas City James J. Callahan, Springfield man, of Cornwall, and a number of prom­ much stock there was no alternative. V. at his success in securing so strong a player as Club. inent business men of this city are interested P. Snyde-r, treasurer of the New York Club, McCarthy. To your correspondent he said: "I in the movement to organize a team to play in am sure tiat our patrons in Brooklyn will be SPECIAL NOTICE. said recently: pleased with the addition of McCarthy. He is The following clubs have accepted the terms the league and the success of the project is "Mr. Freedman Is the real owner of the club assured. The games will be played at Penryn one of the most intelligent players in the Na­ of these players: By Portland John McCoy, and he will remain so." tional League ranks, and will strengthen the James Duncan and George C. Page. Park. Presidents John J. Hanlon, of the State The story about-Bailey's ownership was Louisville withdraws the acceptance of D. League was in town yesterday fixing up matters. team considerably. It took me a long time to J. Minnehau, and Brooklyn Oscar Hill. started because Harvey L. Watkias, the bring him around, but I have succeeded to our Louisville has purchased the release of O. L. \ business manager of the club, was formerly mutual satisfaction. Of course, McCarthy had in the employ of Barnum & Bailey. Wat- no recourse but to play in Brooklyn or Boston Jones, Peter F. Cassidy. James Callopy and W. AND under the League agreement, but the policy H. Wheelock, of the Grand Rapids Club. Pitta- kins said yesterday: of the Brooklyn Club has been never to coerce burg has purchased the release of Jerry Nops, of Going "I was engaged by Mr. Freedman after I had James Connor. J. L. Outcalt and M. S. RoaeU, Pittsburg Now Thinking left Mr. Bailey's employ. I have never taken a player, but to show him that the benefit of of tlie Toledo Club. Into the Kindergarten Business. orders from anybody but Mr. Freedman, and joining the team is mutual benefit, and that) The deal whereby St. Louis gets Lattmm, iris treatment will be cordial and satisfactory. Special to "Sporting Life." can say positively that he owns the club. This policy has been maintained under every cir­ Parrott. Murphy and McFarland for giving Cin­ To fair-minded persons it seems about cinnati Peitz and Ehret is on record. Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 29. President Kerr cumstance, a statement that every player who N. E. YOUNG, Secretary. confirms the report that the Pittsburg time that Mr. Freedman's ownership should has played with tlie club will substantiate. Club has laid claim to five players be recognized.________ They have come to us willingly and gone away of the defunct . Toledo Club. The men reluctantly. McCarthy will probably play left) WOHTBREJl'lI. are: Michael Roach, catcher: James Con­ MANAGER C. W. BOYEB. field, a position which he is thoroughly accus­ nor, second basemif ; James Hughey and Jerry tomed to and knows to the letter." Brady and Corbett Waive Their Base Nops, pitchers, the latter being a left-banded The Roanoke Club Secures a Hagers- THE TEAM STRENGTHENED-. twirler, and .1. L. Outcalt, outfielder. It is prob­ town Manager For 1896. McCarthy says that he was handicapped all Ball Ambition. able that the Pittsburg mana^ament may estab­ lish a reserve team so that it will be prepared Roauoke Va., Nov. 28. C. W. Boyer, of of last year by a bad leg and this, together Special to "Sporting Life." for emergei cies, and put it in some miror league. Hagerstown, Md., has entered into contract with with the discord that existed in the Boston Boston, Nov. 28. Jim Corbett, whose ti­ the Roaiioke Base Ball Club to manage the af­ team, made it impossible for him to put forth tle now is "resigned champion," is playing fairs of the club during the season Of 1896, which his best endeavors. Some days ago the partner­ on the New England circuit and rehearsing WON'f GJYEjFoiAHA, opens on April 1 next. Mr. Boyer's reputation ship which existed between McCarthy and his ne_w play in Bos-ton. Speaking about as a successful manager preceded him and he Hu<*h Duffy, the centre fielder of the Bostons, was chosen by the club out of about a dozen was dissolved, the latter retiring.
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