MIZRACHI MATTERS SHABBAT LECH LECHA Friday, 30 October (12 Cheshvan) This week’s newsletter is sponsored by Marion & David Slonim and family in loving memory of .in honour of her Yartzeit tonight ע''ה Mila Slonim Shabbat Candle Lighting: 7:35pm Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 30 October 31 October 1 November 2 November 3 November 4 November 5 November 6 November 12 Cheshvan 13 Cheshvan 14 Cheshvan 15 Cheshvan 16 Cheshvan 17 Cheshvan 18 Cheshvan 19 Cheshvan 1. Beit Yehuda 2. Kehillat Ohr David 3. Beit Midrash (Beit Haroeh Shabbat Morning) 4 . Bnei Akiva 5 . Elsternwick 6 . Midrashah 7 . Goldberger Hall Dawn 5:04am 5:02am 5:01am 5:00am 4:59am 4:58am 4:57am 4:56am Tallit & Tefillin 5:20am 5:18am 5:17am 5:16am 5:15am 5:13am 5:12am 5:11am Sunrise 6:16am 6:14am 6:13am 6:12am 6:11am 6:10am 6:09am 6:08am 9:39am 9:39am 9:38am 9:37am 9:37am 9:36am 9:36am 9:35am ( ג ר ״ א) Sh'ma Earliest Mincha 1:39pm 1:39pm 1:39pm 1:39pm 1:39pm 1:39pm 1:39pm 1:39pm Plag HaMincha 6:27pm 6:28pm 6:29pm 6:30pm 6:31pm 6:32pm 6:32pm 6:33pm (גר״א) Sunset 7:53pm 7:54pm 7:55pm 7:56pm 7:57pm 7:58pm 7:59pm 8:00pm Night/Shabbat Ends 8:35pm 8:37pm 8:38pm 8:39pm 8:40pm 8:41pm 8:43pm 8:44pm DAF YOMI Eruvin 82 Eruvin 83 Eruvin 84 Eruvin 85 Eruvin 86 Eruvin 87 Eruvin 88 Eruvin 89 Via Zoom 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am 8:30am Kew Shiur Rabbeinu Lunch and “Following in the Parsha Shiur Sefer Shmuel Bachye Learn Footsteps of our R’ Danny Mirvis 6:00pm for women R’ Danny Mirvis Fathers” 8:00pm “(Trying to) R’ Danny Mirvis 1:00pm 11:00am Parasha Shiur Truly 9:30am Gemara B’Iyun Speaker: Rabbi (Ivrit Kala) Understand Tzurba Shiur Zvi Telsner R’ Yehoshua Rashi” shiur for Communal R’ Yehoshua Gary’s Gemara Asulin SHIURIM students & Shiur Asulin Shiur 8:45pm Via Zoom young adults Topic: “Kashurt 7:45pm 8:30pm R’ James of Honey, Shiur for Kennard Gelatine & students with R’ 8:30pm More….” Yehoshua R’ Yehoshua Asulin Asulin 8:30pm 8:30pm Parsha Ladies Tanach HaShavua Shiur Shiur with Dr. Michal R’ Leor Broh Kaufman 8:30pm 9:00pm MISHNAH Keilim Keilim Keilim Keilim Keilim Keilim Keilim Keilim YOMIT 20:2-3 20:4-5 20:6-7 21:1-2 21:3-22:1 22:2-3 22:4-5 22:6-7 EVENTS David Slonim Adina Parkes Paul & Gary Geoff Seidner Anne & Les Ben Slonim Atida Lipshutz (Mother) (Father) Korbl (Father) Weinberg (Mother) & Karen Franks Jeff Morrison John Kraus (Mother) Judy Slonim (Son) (Mother) (Father) (Father) Robert Epstein (Husband) Phillip Les Feiglin YAHRZEITS Mark Leibler (Father) Issi Slonim & Rubinstein (Wife) (Mother) Shloi Pushett Haya Davis (Mother) Lauren Wiener (Father) (Father) (Brother) Sue Korbl (Mother) Mizrachi Matters can now be found on the Mizrachi website at http://mizrachi.com.au/mizrachi-matters/ or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/MizrachiMelb We wish a hearty Mazal Tov to: Michal & Jeremy Herz on the birth of their daughter Mazal tov to her grandparents: Naomi & Geoff Bloch and Debbie & Jeff Herz Mazal tov to her great grandparents: Elaine Bloch-Jaffe and Vera & Reuben Medding To the incoming Bnei Akiva Melbourne leadership team for 2021: Merakezet: Ellie Moskow Sgan Merakezet: Ashlee Glasser Gizbarit: Amit Slonim Rosh Chinuch: Mikey Lazar BAR & BAT MITZVAH ANNIVERSARIES: Brendan Rothschild, David Hyman, Jeremy Leibler, Selwyn Hyman, Adam Shnider, Ashley Tugendhaft, Ze’ev Meltzer HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Saturday: Adrienne Kraus, Alana Hersh, Gilad Cohen, Daniel Goodhardt (HBD) Sunday: Brigetta Paneth Monday: Jackie Bierenkrant, Naomi Mainzer, Jeremie Pyke (HBD) Tuesday: Mark Joel, Rebecca Wein Wednesday: Nicole Kohn, Rachel Waysman Friday: Les Weinberg WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES: Sunday: Dinah & Andrew Strum Child Safety at Mizrachi Mizrachi takes the safety and wellbeing of all its members with the greatest of importance. Included in this are our efforts to ensure that we create and maintain an environment in which we can rest assured that our children are safe and looked after and one in which the children themselves know this to be the case. To ensure these goals are met Mizrachi has developed, and continuously works to implement, a set of Child Protection Policies designed and tailored to the specific nature of our community and its activities. For full details please CLICK HERE. Please note that these documents are “live” and subject to regular review and updating. If you have any concerns about issues related to the safety and wellbeing of children in and around our community or have any questions about these policies, please contact the Child Safety Officer on 8317 2520. If you have an occasion or milestone event that you would like to be mentioned in Mizrachi Matters, please email it to [email protected] by 12:00pm on Thursdays MARCHESHVAN GUIDE 6 Marcheshvan Friday night 23 October – Noach Shabbat 24 October Commences: 7:27pm Concludes: 8:28pm Kriyat Shema in morning: Before: 9:43am 13 Marcheshvan Friday night 30 October Lech Lecha – Shabbat 31 October Commences: 7:35pm Concludes: 8:37pm Kriyat Shema in morning: Before 9:39am 20 Marcheshvan Friday night 6 November Vayera – Shabbat 7 November Commences: 7:42pm Concludes: 8:45pm Kriyat Shema in morning: Before 9:35am 27 Marcheshvan Friday night 13 Chayei Sarah November – Shabbat 14 Commences: 7:50pm November Concludes: 8:54pm Kriyat Shema in morning: Before 9:32am Bless the month of Kislev. No Av HaRachamim. MOLAD FOR Sunday 15 November, 4:07pm and 1 Chelek KISLEV 29 Marcheshvan Sunday night 15 Erev Rosh Chodesh November – Monday 16 No Tachanun at Mincha November בס"ד USER-FRIENDLY SHIUR GUIDE SIMPLY CLICK ON THE SHIUR AND BE TAKEN STRAIGHT THERE DAILY PROGRAMS Daf Yomi | 9.00am (SUN) / Mishna Yomit 8.30am (Mon - FRI) / R' Doodie Bankier R' Yirmi Goldschmiedt SUNDAY Kew shiur - SEFER (Trying to) Truly SHmuel | 6.00Pm Understand Rashi | 8.30pm R' James Kennard MONDAY Rabbeinu bachye 9.30am R' Danny Mirvis Tzurba Communal Shiur Ladies Tanach 8.30pm Shiur 9.00Pm R' Yehoshua Asulin TUESDAY Dr. Michal Kaufman Lunch and Learn | 1.00Pm Gemara B'Iyun | 7.30pm R' Danny Mirvis R' Yehoshua Asulin parsha shiur | 8.30pm student shiur | 8.30pm R' Leor Broh R' Yehoshua Asulin Password: 613 WEDNESDAY Following in the Footsteps of Gary's gemara Shiur our Forefathers | 11.00Am 8.30pm THURSDAY Chaburah | 7.30Pm parsha shiur Ivrit kala | 8.45pm 8.00pm followed Dr. Michal Kaufman by R' Yehoshua Asulin R' Danny Mirvis For further information about any of these shiurim or assistance with Zoom please contact the Mizrachi Office (8317 2504 / [email protected]) https://us02web. MEET THE EXPERTSzoom.us/j/88958 Live from Rambam to you: Join us on Zoom and Facebook Live DIABETES AND COVID-1910:00 Israel 19:00 Australia Hear directly from worldclass experts about new treatment methods and cutting edge research and innovation in the eld of diabetes. A Q&A SESSION WILL BE HELD AT THE END Professor Paul Zimmet AO Professor Naim Shehadeh Professor of Diabetes, Monash Director of the Institute of University and Co-Director, Sagol Diabetes, Endocrinology Center for Metabolism and and Metabolism, Diabetes, Tel Aviv Medical Center. Rambam Health Care Campus. Honorary President, International President, Israel Diabetes Diabetes Federation Association MODERATOR: Dr. Danny Ben Eli Emergency Physician, Trauma Consultant Monash Health & Alfred Health 22/10/2020 Topic Diabetes and COVID-19: Two pandemics in collision 29/10/2020 Topic Diabesity (diabetes & obesity): Its double trouble For more info, please contact: Register in advance [email protected] for this webinar: בס"ד DO YOU WANT TO PRACTICE YOUR HEBREW OR YIDDISH? Starting the week of 27 October Mizrachi Chats offers you Mizr chi the opportunity to practice your Hebrew or Yiddish together with friends from within the community. Groups will be run at the following times: Ch ts Yiddish Oy 8.15pm Wednesday evenings with Rachel Heinreich Hebrew Gevalt! a 8.15pm Monday evenings with Moshe Tawil 8.15pm Tuesday evenings with Yisca & Motty Goodman וואס 8.15pm Wednesday evenings with Brian Wiener 11.00am Thursday mornings with Florence Pyke מאכסטו? To register your interest please go to: https://forms.gle/mXFKGh4SPUeoZpJk9 by 5.00pm Sunday 25 October מה As these are not language lessons a good level of ˘לומך? Hebrew/Yiddish is required. For further details and/or help registering please contact R' Mark Steiner (0422 718 026 / [email protected]) Join the WhatsApp group where Motti and Yisca share a Jewish/ Israeli song and some inspo each week!! IJttps://cllat.wllatsapp.co111/Cn2S111y78fXsowCXgp2WVz בס״ד Beit Midrash Boker Learning Torat Eretz Yisrael, from Israel, in English Every Thursday Morning (Israel time) (09:00-10:15 and 10:30-11:45) Two shiurim given by Talmidei Chachamim, former shlichim. Classes are open to men and women, free of charge. Lecturers Rabbi Shai Finkelstein - Alternating subjects Former Rosh Kollel in Memphis (2002-05) Currently Rabbi of Nitzanim Shul Rabbi Yehuda Susman - Parasha"t HaShavua Former Rosh Kollel in Chicago (2000-02) Currently Rosh Yeshivat Eretz HaTzvi Rabbi Avraham Kannai - Alternating subjects Former Rosh Kollel in Memphis (2005-08) Rav of “Mitzpe Ramot” congregation in Jerusalem, clinical psychologist Rabbi Nechemya Taylor - Giants of the Spirit - Sefer Shmuel Torani Advisor to Torah MiTzion Guest Speakers Rabbi David Stav Chief Rabbi of Shoham and Chairman of the Tzohar organization Rabbi Yuval Cherlow Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Hesder Amit Orot Shaul in Tel Aviv Rabbi Menachem Leibtag - The 'Later Prophets' as Commenters on the Chumash Ram in Yeshivat Har Etzion In partnership with: For more details and registration: [email protected], +972-52-8119619 Beit Haroeh Succot 5781 Tzedakah Project Quick Update.
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