Member of BMW Clubs International Council 3Twww.bmw-clubs-international.com3T Shaft Drive Lines March 2012 What’s On Autumn rides of your own choosing or take a Breakfast ride on Sunday to Bungendore. If you want riding company contact the Ride Coordinator by email to [email protected] SHAFT DRIVE LINES ABOUT THE CLUB VOLUME 32, MARCH 2012 Meetings: 7.45 pm, fourth Wednesday of each month at 3TThe Canberra Club3T 2011-12 COMMITTEE 45 West Row Civic, ACT or by 3TGoogle Map3T. Membership: Membership forms are printed periodically in the magazine or President: Mark Edwards - R1200GS can be downloaded from the Club’s website 3Thttp://bmwmccact.org.au/3T. (02) 6125 5530 (w) Web Site: Check the Club’s website 3Thttp://www.bmwmccact.org.au 3T for 04282 58676 updates to rides and social events and keep in touch by joining one of our [email protected] Yahoo groups: Vice President: BMWMCCACT: 3Thttp://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/actbmwmcc/ 3T. Ian Warren - K1200GT H 02 6166 1466 ACTGravelsurfers: 3Thttp://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/ACTGravelsurfing/ 3T. C 04 1478 9632 Activities: The Club endeavours to have at least one organized run and social 3T 3T [email protected] event per month and listed on the 3TWhat’s On3T page and welcomes suggestions for rides or social events. Send your suggestions to the Ride Coordinator or Secretary: Social Secretary. Gary Melling – R1200GSA 0410 142 835 Whilst we make every effort to keep the 3TWhat’s On3T page accurate, changes to meeting times and places can occur between publication dates. The Club uses email to inform Members of late changes to rides and activities or general [email protected] information including ad-hoc events. If your email address has changed or your Treasurer: mailbox is full, we cannot contact you, so advise the Membership Secretary of Jack Foley – R1200GS & R75/7 changes to your contact details. The website contains the most up-to-date information. 0488 036 007 [email protected] Charity Support: Profits from the Club’s Kosciuszko Rally, held each October, are used to support a nominated charity. For 2011, this was the RFDS. Editor: Garry Smee — R1200ST / R100GSPD PRIVACY OF CLUB MEMBER INFORMATION (02) 6201 7915 (w) & F650GS 0400 264 372 (m) The Club’s Privacy & Spam policy is available on the webpage or on request. [email protected] SHAFT DRIVE LINES Ride Coordinator Whilst the Editor has absolute discretion, we welcome contributions to the Martin Robertson Club’s magazine ‘Shaft Drive Lines’. Email is preferred to the [email protected] 3T or by @mail to [email protected] [email protected] The Editor, Shaft Drive Lines BMWMCCACT Social Secretary: VACANT PO Box 4042 WESTON CREEK ACT 2611 [email protected] For emails, do not embed pictures & compress their size to 200 dpi. Public Officer: Steve Hay DISCLAIMER Participants in BMWMCCACT Incorporated (the Club) activities do [email protected] so at their own risk as is obeying the law. The Club, Committee and members are not responsible for personal injury or loss Webmaster: arising from or through any Club activity. Remember your riding Alan Walsh – R1200GS style impacts on the enjoyment and safety of other road users. The opinions, articles and pictures published in this magazine are those of the [email protected] individual writer and not the BMWMCCACT Inc, Editor or BMW Motorrad. Membership Secretary: Technical articles and other such information where provided is for use at the Ian Hahn - K1200LT / R90/6 / R26 discretion of the individual and are not intended to detract from genuine BMW (02) 6288 8126 Ah spares, service and warranty. [email protected] Clubs Australia Delegate: Gary Melling – R1200GSA 0410 142 835 [email protected] Cover Photo: 3Thttp://www.clubs.bmw.com.au/scripts/main.asp?PageID=12927 3T This bikes for sale, 3Thttp://www.bmw-clubs-international.com3T R1200GSA at Bungendore Wind Farm (Western Leg Road - Off Taylors Creek Road). Josh Edwards. Shaft Drive Lines, March 2012 - Page 2 FROM THE PRESIDENT WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS Hi, Thorbjorn Johansen BMW K1600GT Could it be that the flooding rains have finally James Kalma BMW S1000RR abated? Hopefully that’s the case. Of course, one Errol McCormack BMW F650GS of the positives of all the rain we have been having of late is that the countryside is looking fantastic. On Anthony Craig Owens BMW S1000RR the Canberra Day holiday, I did a ride with Jack, Barry Lynch BMW R1200GSA Roger and Martin Robertson. We met up at Roses café in Goulburn. Though what started out as a Welcome, see you on a ride beautiful sunny morning in Canberra turned into a cold and foggy one by the time we hit the Lake CLUB MEETINGS George area. At the café, we also met up with th Goulburn locals Pete and Fiona, plus Alan who had The Club meets 1945 the 4P P Wednesday of each driven up to drop off his K75C seat at MJM to have it month at The Canberra Club 45 West Row Civic. recovered. We eventually dragged ourselves away We may however be looking for a new venue if the from the warmth of the café to head up to Crookwell. Club closes, according to a recent Canberra Times By about halfway there we were back in sunshine. report http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act- From there, we took the road via Rugby to Boorowa. news/canberra-house-to-be-redeveloped-20120315- At Boorowa Martin had to leave us so he could go 1v5l7.html. If so, that is three meeting venues in the home to get the room ready for his new cat – which last year so stay tuned. we refrained from making too many comments to him on that. The rest of us took the back roads to CONTENTS Jugiong for lunch. Given all of the flooding, the roads were in surprisingly good condition, and yes, From the President ........................................................... 3 the countryside is looking great. So, make the most Welcome to Our New Members ........................................ 3 of the conditions and head out for a ride or two. Club Meetings ................................................................... 3 This will be my last report as President. With the AGM at Rolfe’s in March, a new committee will be Contents ............................................................................ 3 taking over. I’ve been on the committee for a while What’s On ......................................................................... 5 now, including several years as Ride Co-ordinator. I Phillip Island WSBK Trip 2012 .......................................... 6 have really enjoyed my time on the committee, and, as I’ve said, if you want to get more involved in club The Monthly Farkle ........................................................... 9 activities, being on the committee is a great way to The Annual Buchan Pilgrimage (Being a Tale with Two do that. Thanks to all the committee members who Endings) .......................................................................... 10 have made my job over the last two years a lot Travelling to Europe in 2012 and want to Watch Some easier. And finally, one of the things that make club Car Racing? .................................................................... 12 activities more enjoyable is the support we get from various people. Josh and his team at Rolfe’s have U Torque ......................................................................... 13 done a lot over the years to support our club, both in Australian Moto GP 26-28 October 2012, Phillip Island . 14 terms of providing prizes for various activities, and, more importantly, having a dedicated and committed The Editors Fill ................................................................ 15 local dealer is so important for the ongoing health of Club Going On’s .............................................................. 16 the local BMW motorcycling community. Also Mick Classifieds ....................................................................... 17 Owen and Hal at TJ’s for their ongoing support of the club. 2012 BMW G650GS Sertao Review............................... 19 See you out & about, Mark Shaft Drive Lines, March 2012 - Page 3 Shaft Drive Lines, March 2012 - Page 4 WHAT’S ON Club members meet for an informal breakfast each Sunday from 0845 at the Thymes Thirty Three Café 3/33 Ellendon Street Bungendore. Owners Karen & Alison offer BMW Club members a free small coffee when they purchase the big breakfast of 2 eggs, bacon, sausage tomato and mushrooms for $16.00. Everyone is welcome and often an ad-hoc short ride is arranged on the day for afterwards. This calendar lists Club activities and updated on the web page (www.bmwmccact.org.au) or by the Ride Coordinator by email to members. This does not stop you from arranging a ride, and if you want company, email the 3TRide Coordinator3T who will pass your planned trip on to the Club members. Do not forget an article and pictures of your ride for the magazine! Send those to the 3TEditor3T 2012 Date Detail Contact Wednesday 11 Committee Meeting, The Canberra Club Contact the President Wednesday 25 Anzac Day. No Meeting, moved to Thursday April Thursday 26 General Meeting, The Canberra Club Contact the President Wednesday 9 Committee Meeting, The Canberra Club Contact the President May Wednesday 23 General Meeting, The Canberra Club Contact the President Wednesday 13 Committee Meeting, The Canberra Club Contact the President Wednesday 27 General Meeting, The Canberra Club Contact the President June Want to go and need a registration form? See the http://www.bmwmccvic.org.au website. Shaft Drive Lines, March 2012 - Page 5 PHILLIP ISLAND WSBK TRIP 2012 Leaving Canberra it was great to riding in warm sunshine for a change. The wet weather gear was packed away (but handy, just in case). The ride to Lakes Entrance on a sunny Thursday afternoon was under a warm blue sky. The run down the Monaro Highway into Cann River was sublime. At Cann River the number of motorcycles increased dramatically on Princes Highway, so we weren’t lonely on the final run into our overnight stop at Lakes Entrance.
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