Pope resigns, The cites failing health Page 2 Collegian February 15, 2013 The Grove City College Student Newspaper Grove City grads have 96% employment rate Bethany Dzielski placement services based on Contributing Writer satisfaction of students who graduated from the College. According to a survey of These ratings refl ect the fact recent graduates, 96 percent of that the Career Services Offi ce Grove City College’s new alum- has a good reputation on cam- ni were working in a job within pus and that a high number of their fi eld of study or were ac- students take advantage of their cepted into graduate school six services, Thrasher noted. months after graduation. High participation in career This year’s response rate to the services is rare among college survey was 95 percent, so the re- students. According to Forbes. sults can be considered accurate, com, a recent study found that Dr. James Thrasher, the director only 29 percent of students use of Career Services, indicated. their career services offi ce. “We’re really excited. These Many Grove City alumni numbers are extremely high,” found the services off ered by the Thrasher said. He attributed this Career Services Offi ce vital to success to two factors. their job search. “First, students are excited “The things I found most about their calling. They under- helpful from career services were stand that God designed them getting feedback on my résumé uniquely. Second, I work with and doing a mock interview,” exceptional people who have Brittany Cobb ’11 said. Cobb devoted their lives to helping is working as a residence hall Photo courtesy of Grove City College Athletics students,” Thrasher said. director at Fordham University. Men’s basketball coach Steve Lamie led his team to a last-minute overtime victory last Saturday. In addition to the high job “I highly recommend [Career placement rate, Career Services Services] to all students,” Cobb was rated highly by alumni. said. Lamie earns 200th win Last fall, the Princeton Review The survey ranked Grove City College results indicate EMPLOYMENT 3 Ian Mikrut every single one of those Christian Durban, as well as among the top 20 in career that the CSO Staff Writer wins,” Battaglia said. Giesler helped close out the The Wolverines matched game. As the other high- Last Saturday, just hours Geneva point-for-point point player for the Wol- Tony Campolo after the 2013 Grove City most of the game in front of verines, Marmelstein tallied College Athletics Hall of packed stands. Trailing 69-66 17 points along with four draws crowd Fame inductions, the men’s with only 10 seconds remain- rebounds. Sophomore guard basketball head coach Steve ing in the game, sophomore J.T. Schwartz also contributed, Last Tuesday, renowned Lamie earned his 200th win forward Brian Giesler nailed adding 14 points, seven assists Christian author and sociolo- in an 80-75 overtime win a three-pointer to tie the and three steals. gist Tony Campolo spoke to against Geneva College. game and send it into over- Grove City is hitting its a packed Harbison Chapel time. Giesler fi nished the stride at just the right time, “It was great to get a win audience as part of the 2013 for all the former basketball game with 17 points and fi ve with the Presidents’ Athletic players entering the Hall of rebounds. Conference tournament ap- Christian Life Conference. Fame and for coach,” senior “The win Saturday was a proaching. See page 2 forward Steven Battaglia said. crucial win for us, not only “We have lots of mo- He and fellow senior Nate in that it was an important mentum going into the Rambacher were also hon- day for us seniors but also a fi nal stretch of the season. Alumnus pursues theater life ored as part of Senior Day special day for coach and be- We are really excited about before the start of the game. ing able to play in front of the that,” Battaglia said. “We are Elise Homan “Coach has worked extremely large hall of fame day crowd,” confi dent that we can make Managing Editor hhard for Rambacher said. Rambacher a strong push in the PAC had been sidelined with an tournament. We are playing After being involved in many aankle injury, and the Wolver- great basketball, but we know productions during his time at ines felt his absence as they we haven’t reached our full Grove City College, Tyler Crum- wwere out-rebounded by potential yet.” rine ’12 is pursuing his passion Geneva 45-28. “It was great to get a win for theater in Pittsburgh. In overtime, fast scor- for the crowd that continu- During his senior year at the ing and clutch free ally supports us day in and College, Crumrine wrote a paper tthrow shooting were day out,” Battaglia said. “The and sent it into the Kennedy ccrucial for Grove City atmosphere was exciting and Kevin Hanse aas sophomore guards thrilling.” Center’s Undergraduate Theatre Writing Competition. It won Crumrine (right) starred in MMitch Marmelstein, For a young several Grove City College JJosh Patterson and team that LAMIE 12 second place nationally, so CRUMRINE 3 theater productions. The Collegian Vol. XXI No. VIII Life E! Perspectives Sports News..................................2 Date with a Doctor? Find “Face Off ” hits the What does Austrian Men’s club lacrosse is fi nally Life.....................................4 out how students pick mainstream a er four economics have to do with under way. Gary Horvath Entertainment....................8 their professors’ brains in seasons of obscurity. Read Chris anity? Find out what tells us what to expect on Perspec ves.......................10 an unconven onal se ng more on page 8. Peter Melnik thinks on page 12. Sports.................................11 on page 4. page 10. 2 News February 15, 2013 Outside the Bubble Pope resignsresigns due to decliningdeclining healthealthh BenedictBenedict XVI fi rst to resiresigngn since MiMiddleddle AgesAges Anthony RosselliRosselli Catholic BishopsBishops are requiredrequired Contributing WriterWriter to submit paperspapers of resignationresignation whenwhen theythey reach the ageage of 75,75, On account ofof hishis failingfailing andand RatzingerRatzinger was expectedexpected to health, PopePope Benedict XVI retireretire quietlyquietly afterafter a career as a has decided to resignresign from his prolifiprolifi c theolotheologiangian and aca-aca- ministry.ministry. On Feb. 11, 2013 the demic. His unexpectedunexpected eight-eight- 85-year-old85-year-old pontiffpontiff announced yearyear pontifipontifi cate was marked byby thatthat “after“after havinghaving repeatedlyrepeatedly serviceservice toward Christian unityunity examinedexamined [his][his] conscience andand commitment to thethe fi ghtght before God, [he has] come againstagainst what his predecessorpredecessor to the certaintycertainty that [his] PopePope JohnJohn Paul II called “the strengths,strengths, due to an advanced cultureculture ofof death”—adeath”—a modernmodern age,age, are no longerlonger suited to societysociety marked byby abortion an adequateadequate exercise ofof thethe andand euthanasia.euthanasia. PopePope BenedictBenedict Petrine ministry.”ministry.” referredreferred to today’stoday’s cultural PopePope Benedict’s resignationresignation mindsetmindset as a “dictatorship“dictatorship ofof marks the fi rst time a popepope relativismrelativism that does not recog-recog- nizenize anythinganything as defi nitive and wwhosehose ultimate ggoaloal consists solelysolely of one’s own egoego and Elected pope in 2005, desires.”desires.” then-Cardinal Joseph In responseresponse to thethe Roman CatholicCatholic Church’sChurch’s horrifi c Ratzinger was already ssexualexual aabusebuse scanscandals,dals, RatzRatz-- 78 years of age. inger,inger, as cardinal, insisted that the handlinghandling of such cases be managedmanaged by hishis own curialcurial department,department, the CongregationCongregation hashas renouncedrenounced thethe ChairChair ofof fforor tthehe Doctrine ooff tthehe FaitFaith,h, Peter since thethe MiddleMiddle AAges.ges. inin order to respondrespond to what he The witness of his predecessor,predecessor, called “the fi lth of the Church.”Church.” PopePope JohnJohn PaulPaul II, whowho strug-strug- AsAs pprefectrefect ofof thisthis congrega-congrega- gledgled with Parkinson’s disease tion, his unwaveringunwavering commit- butbut retainedretained thethe papalpapal seat mentment to truthtruth andand orthodoxyorthodoxy untiluntil hishis deathdeath in 2005, was a earnedearned him thethe nicknamenickname testament and messagemessage to the “God’s“God’s Rottweiler.” His modernmodern worldworld aboutabout Christ’sChrist’s personal piety and theology sacrifi ce and passion.passion. While wwasas marmarkedked bbyy reverence fforor JohnJohn PaulPaul II’s illnessillness was pre-pre- tthehe compaticompatibilitybility ooff ffaithaith anandd ciselycisely thethe action whichwhich fulfifulfi lledlled rreasoneason as wewellll as a reareall spirituaspirituall Wiki CommonsCommons his vocation as pope,pope, PopePope eencounterncounter with the person ooff Pope Benedict XVI was revered for his teachings on the person of Jesus Christ and his commitment BenedictBenedict hashas reachedreached prayerfulprayerful JJesusesus Christ. As he explained in to combatting relativism and secularism in modern society.society. certaintycertainty that his weakness and hhisis fi rst papapapall encycencyclical,lical, “Deus frailtyfrailty will preventprevent him from Caritas Est” ((“God“God is Love”Love”),), decdecisiveisive ddirection.”irection.” did,” Cardinal TimothTimothyy DolanDolan,, ggratefulrateful for his eieightght
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