Bendrey Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice (2019) 9:5 Pastoralism: Research, Policy https://doi.org/10.1186/s13570-019-0141-0 and Practice BOOKREVIEW Open Access Review of The Archaeology of Andean Pastoralism edited by José M. Capriles and Nicholas Tripcevich Robin Bendrey Book details Capriles J M and Tripcevich N (eds.) The Archaeology of Andean Pastoralism Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press; 2016. 280 pages, 87 figures, 25 tables ISBN 978-0-8263-5702-1 Keywords: Andes, South America, Camelids, Archaeology, Ethnography The Andes are huge. Rising to a maximum height of between different areas, is evident, though the validity of over 4 km above sea level along their tropical and sub- some of the comparative ethnological case studies could tropical portions and extending north-south up the be further explored in terms of the destabilising roles of spine of South America, they structure regional geog- pastoral groups. Moore’s chapter considers the early do- raphy, climate and biodiversity (Garreaud 2009). This mestication of camelids in the Andes, the processes that landscape is the backdrop to the studies presented in underpin the later development of pastoralism. There this volume, which cover human-camelid relationships are four extant camelid species: two wild species, gua- in contexts from the Peruvian coast to the Andean high- naco (Lama guanicoe) and vicuña (Vicugna vicugna); lands and from northern Peru to southern Bolivia. and two domestic, llama (Lama glama) and alpaca The volume was born in a multi-session event at the (Lama pacos). There is still some uncertainty concerning Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Asso- the relationships between these taxa: while it is known ciation in 2012. It pulls together and summarises recent that llamas were domesticated from guanacos, there is research in Andean camelid pastoralism. There are 22 conflicting genetic evidence for the origins of the alpaca contributors to the volume, including many of the key with different studies suggesting the guanaco and the vi- scholars on the topic. Following an introduction by the cuña (Irving-Pease et al. 2018). The lack of clarity may editors, Tripcevich and Capriles, identifying the key be due to population bottlenecks in the recent wild themes and advances of the volume, there are 13 main camelids and may only be fully resolved through analysis chapters and one commentary piece by Browman which of archaeological populations (Irving-Pease et al. 2018). offers a thoughtful and critically robust reflection on the As Moore describes, anatomical and physiological simi- contributions of the chapters. larities suggest that the vicuña is the ancestor of the al- In a short chapter, Kuznar explores the effect of mo- paca—both have a more restricted high-altitude range, bile pastoral groups in the Andes on wider economic higher water requirements and inability to deal with and social stability in the context of global pastoralism aridity. Moore’s chapter provides a masterful exploration studies. The role of mobile pastoralists in economic inte- of the complex archaeological record of the gradual gration, through the transport of animals and goods emergence of camelid domestication through a detailed multi-proxy approach. She argues well for the import- Correspondence: [email protected] ance of camelid domestication as a globally important School of History, Classics and Archaeology, University of Edinburgh, William Robertson Wing, Old Medical School, Edinburgh, UK © The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Bendrey Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice (2019) 9:5 Page 2 of 3 case study which contrasts with Old World in the upper Ricrán Valley in the highlands of Junín dur- domestications. ing the Late Intermediate Period (c. 1000–1450 CE) and Capriles examines the faunal remains recovered from the Late Horizon (c. 1450–1533 CE). Through a detailed and around a Wankarani cultural complex Formative analysis of settlement patterns, corrals and tombs, he Period house (c. 200 BCE–100 CE) located in the Alti- identifies a transition from a focus on pastoral to agri- plano of Oruro, western Bolivia. Capriles’ detailed ana- cultural production following the Inka conquest of the lysis of the zooarchaeological evidence suggests seasonal upper Ricrán and explores the wider socio-political im- use of the site and that animals were being raised for plications of this change. In addition to the economic meat as well as the so-called secondary products (wool and ecological dimensions of Andean pastoralism, con- production and transportation). Another important ani- tributions to the book also explore the cultural role of mal secondary product is dung, often a vital fuel re- camelids in social and ritual space. Chapters by Kent et source for early pastoralists, especially in treeless al. and Goepfert and Prieto discuss camelid sacrifices as- environments (Matthews 2016). Bruno and Hastorf ana- sociated with human burials at sites in the coastal region lyse carbonised seed remains from burnt dung deposits of northern Peru. These studies explore the ritual ac- at sites on the Taraco Peninsula, Bolivia. These studies tions and community significance of these practices. offer a window on the different plants and landscape The final two chapters present studies of contempor- zones utilised to articulate the ecology of camelid herd- ary pastoralists. In a wonderfully rich ethnoarchaeo- ing. Dung is one of the many aspects also explored by logical study, Tripcevich details a journey with llama Vallières in terms of the roles of camelid pastoralism in caravan drivers in southern Peru transporting rock salt. urban provisioning of the ancient city of Tiwanaku in He is particularly interested in travel strategies, route se- the highlands of Bolivia. Dating to c. 500–1150 CE, the lection and the role of ritual. Such journeys are under- city was the centre of an important region. Vallières pro- taken for economic gain, but also to maintain kinship vides a substantial review of data strands, also supported ties. This study again underlines the archaeological im- by zooarchaeological work by the author at the Mollo portance of understanding mobile communities that oc- Kuntu area of Tiwanaku, although it would have been cupy shifting temporary settlement locations and the useful to have greater detail from this case study. routes they use through landscapes. Based on another Moving to southern Peru, Vining investigates settle- ethnoarchaeological study in the southern Bolivian Alti- ment pattern shifts in the Lake Suches region between plano, conducted between 1991 and 1995, Nielsen inves- the pastoral villages on the Middle-Late Formative tigates home emplacement in Cerrillos, a pastoralist Period (c. 800 BCE–500 CE) and the dispersed hamlets community of some 39 households comprising 180 of the subsequent Middle Horizon (c. 500–1000 CE). He people. Nielsen explores how they bond with places and presents the archaeological, ecological and palaeoenvir- make their homes, based on various factors including onmental evidence for the fissioning of these pastoral the distribution of resources necessary for human and communities, and based on some fascinating models animal subsistence, but also social interactions between reconstructing herd sizes, proposes improved stocking people and non-human persons such as the llamas, rates associated with settlement proximity to bofedales, mountains and animated artefacts. Nielsen does not highly productive high elevation wetlands, in the latter argue that the rituality of these practices is analogous to period. Vining proposes the shift may be associated with past ones, but that as they are non-arbitrary, then atten- demand for alpaca wool related to Tiwanaku economic tion to archaeological ritual and its materiality can offer influence. The chapter by deFrance, also focussing on valuable insights on past pastoral societies. southern Peru, examines the history of camelid pastoral- This volume represents a major pulling together and ism in the Osmore River system over a long and detailed updating of scholarship on the study of Andean pastor- archaeological record, from the Archaic Period to the alism and presents the theoretical and methodological Spanish occupation. Taking a political ecology approach, framework for the next research agenda for this topic. In Lane and Grant investigate pastoralist expansion in Late terms of the latter, it is clear that scientific approaches Intermediate Period Peru (c. 1000–1450 CE). They ex- will play a key role in the years ahead, from the insights plore the evidence for human alteration of the land- that ancient DNA can shine on domestication processes scape, to manage water and soil and to increase usable (Irving-Pease et al. 2018) to the reconstruction of animal pasture at lower altitudes. Lane and Grant make the diet, ecology and mobility via techniques such as stable valuable observation that the ecological ranges and isotope analysis (Dufour et al. 2014). Recurrent themes limits of animals and plants are not immutable and can that link the chapters are the relationships between be altered through deliberate decisions. people, animals, natural resources and landscapes. Adap- Staying in Peru, Perales Munguía discusses the tation and change is a notable feature of the archaeo- socio-political organisation of agropastoral communities logical record. Studying pastoralism as an adaptive Bendrey Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice (2019) 9:5 Page 3 of 3 strategy to manage the risk of spatially and seasonally varying resources is a key element for understanding the human past in the Andes mountains, as it may also be for contemporary and future challenges as the editors remind us. The social dimensions of Andean pastoralism also run deeply through these studies.
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