ikiU e'l^irt-ia r, f Am aAoa aAsus cacofjgaojt J. Straughan, presldsat of tha Louis A. Richmond has returned Mrs. LeVana Holmss of Mam oOW sBiUd sUta Ms rsosoM for Young Republican dub, has called after a visit in Lowall, Mass., and street and her daughter. Mis. John sssUag tha su ^ p ^ ^ tt# votara. special meeting of the executive Kingston Lake. ainklnson. of Soanidalo, N. T., have NEUDNIN FAVOR Mr. Nalaon callad >Mp The Herald committee tor this evening at - left for a tan daya’ vaeatlan at Bar today to axpraos hla approval o t the '. 4atd Mra. Arthur Benson and o'clock at the office of the Judge of Alexander Lang, managar of the Harbor,, Malao. ouggieation and to propooa that such Maodiar of tha »M U t btsr of Prospect street have Probate, in the Municipal building. drug department at tha J. W. Hale OF OPEN CAMPAIGN a meaUng be bald m Canter Park Bnrsoa o f OIraalatlaM. from a week’s eskcatlon at It is Important that every one be oompany'a otora, and Mro. lAng, . Buainaaa at tha Mancbaatar oflloe on Tuesday, August 25, the day iH m .R .1 .- present will spend their vacation in Burling­ o f the ROUway Expraae agency for after the last day for Sling nomin­ MANCHESTER ~ A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM ton, Vermont, and la a tour of the tho drat half of the praorat month ating patitlons. and ICrs. C. A . K. Johnson of Manager Charles Kimball of the Green Mountaina. woa throo packogea laaa than the VOL. LV., NO. 273 AdvarOMsg oa Faga ia> (TWELVE PAGES) number Proposes Park Meeting of *T think the Idea la an esceeilent MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 18,1938 Wlnff, Minn^ are vlslUne their Manchester Gas company, and Mra i t paokagaa ohlppad m tha one,*’ said Mr. Nelson. **It Is no more daughter, Mrs, K. B. EMcJtso KimbalL have as their guests at Mra. George Hatch o f Porter corretponiindlng panod of a vaar ago." street has returned after a visit in than fair to tha votara. I can see ffiu r^ street, wife of Rev. K. B. their home, 106 Russell street, Mr. In moneyly VMUea and mtaka Um no reason wpy any candidate' who TAXI BIDE TO TEXAS ' KteksoB of the Hlmanuel Isitheran Kimball's brother, Lawrence, his Richmond, Va., with her slater, Mra. amount waa Just about tha aama. Prnnary Candidates On Edward R. Edwarda, the former thmifs.he ia antlUed to election to OOSTi'VBTS JUST 8260 : Ittiurch. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel wife and their small son, Charles a public offlea shouldn’t be wtUlng REFORM PARTY Warship’s Guns Wreck Algeciras i-^nnqoist o f LaOrange, □!., and their Warren, of Manchester, N. H. Mlsa Eva Blrge o f thia town, Mra. Prosecuting Attorney William J. Hatch and her aister, Mrs. George Day After Filings Gose. to get up on the bandstand and M l m u a s Y l Washington, Aug. 18.—(AP) JCMldren, Paul and Lola, are also Shea and family are this weak tak­ the iieople why he thinks lo. I cer­ -eTaxi Driver Ray Rose was MWtIng Rev. and Mrs. Erickson for Moore of Oreenfleld, Maas., were ing a Vacation. WhUa r. Sbaa Is i Miss Florence Donohue of Pearl tainly am willing to.” back home today from a 1260 REBEL GUNS SILENCE called there by the lUneaa of their g^ ew days. away ebongea are b «n g made m hia m O R lO U S IN street will sell this evening on the brother-in-law, Mr. Edwards, who Samuel Nelson, Jr., who has filed Tha nrlmarlas are to be held on run which took him and hia cab S. S. Chattanooga from New York office m the Keith bdiltUng, Mr. September 8. died soon after they reached his Shea has taken another room and for the Republican nomination for to Sui Antonio, Texas. Bp- Town Clerk Samuel J. Turkington to Savannah, Ga. At Atlanta she farm near Richmond, and they re­ "They sure didn't get much changes m the suit are now bemg tax collector, today declared his wU- llatt Saturday for Kingston, Ontario, will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. mained until after the funeral. Be­ QUEBEgOTING good out of the scenery,” said bring back Mrs. Turkington who Stephen C. Hale, formerly of Man­ made by John T. Hayes, local con­ sides Mrs. EMwarda be leaves two tractor. Ungnesa to follow the suggestion Roae of hia two "fares,” Ser- underwent an operation for appen­ chester. made In an editorial In thla news­ GOVERNMENT’S FORT daughters, Mlsa Doris and Mias geemts Dennis O’Brien and Wil­ dicitis in a Kingston hospital sev­ Cynthia Edwards. paper on Saturday that candidates Given All Day Tuesday eral weeks ago-while they were va­ The Daughters of Pocohontas wlU liam Harney, who with their The store now occupied by the for elective offices Join m an open Liberals* Role of 39 Years pockets full bonus money cationing. During the ahsence of meet at Tinker Hall tonight at 8 meeting of the townspeople at Great Atlantic and Paciflo Tea com­ A buffet chicken supper, for the o'clock. ' Don’t Forget Your hailed him near the Soldiers’ iM town clerk. Miss Hattie Strick- pany In the Cheney building, now beneflt of the Coventry Fragment which each candidate for any local Main Defense of San Sebat* S^d will he In charge of the office, In All Departments Of Broken When Union Na- Home on August 5 and said "to owned by George W. 9m|th, is to be society, wilt be served Wednesday Texas.” Three Planes Ready n h e office will ho closed from 12 vacated. The company baa leased a from 6:30 to 7:30 p. m. at the home Rose said hla “fares” , whom tian and Inm Rendered ° JK>on until 1:30 p. m. during his store further to the south which was of Walter Havens, Coventry. Reser­ HEATING tionale Wins Election; be left in San Antonio, paid all ' rdhbence. formerly occupied by the Enterprise vations may be made with Mrs. Both These Stores market and will, after changes have Havens, telephone 8039, or Mrs. Picture Framing* his reatsurant and hotel biUa For Loyalists ’ Flight Almost Powerless ky Members of the Luther League been made, move t~ that location. Irving Loomis, telephone 8863. ALL W ATS Premier Is Defeated. “and whenever we changed o f the Emanuel Lutheran church Modern PLANT Buy On Tuesday and Build Up Your Stamp clothes we threw the old ones who plan to attend the scavenger away and bought new ones.” Shirley Cervlnl of 216 Oak street Mrs. Myra Oallnat of Keeney And Always Madrid, (Via Gibraltar, Uncen-.^ The crucial moment. It is believed. Shefls from Warship —• -hunt tomorrow night are asked to has returned home after spending street is spending the week with " Styles Is It In Perfect (Condition Quebec. Aug. 18.— (API—The Lib- -meet at the church at 7 o’clock. No matter how 3rou look at it Book. sored)—Leaders ot the Spanish So­ wlU come within the next 10 daya. three weeks at St. Mary's camp in the family of her son, Lester, m cialist government, fearing fall of The bunt will be made by automo­ Waterbury, you’U always be satlsfled with our To Fw The Winter? ' Party’s 39-year domination of The government leadera were Battles Rage On Wide Putnam. shoe repairing m price and qual­ the oapltal, were reliably reported bile. The destination wll be uebec’s Legislature was ended to­ atated on reliable authority to be nearby lake where refreshments will ity. Preserve today to be holding three alrUnera Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leary of 66 East Central Pomona Orange will day with victory for the Union Na- SOIL EXPERTS in r^lnesa to speed their flight at holding the airliners at Baraja Air­ Fronts With Confficting be served. Miss Grace Johnson Florence street left today for a ten- hold an all-day picnic at TollanJ Old tlonale Party—a coalition of dissat- moment's notice. drome; Rebel air raiders tried un- and the' decorating committee are day stay at Block Island. Grange hall and grounds, Wednes­ Buc(wasfully to destroy the machines in charge of the affair. Memories Dial 5092 Tite JW.IUU CORP. tsfled Liberals and Conservatives. Insurgenta In the Ouadarrama day. A basket lunch will be taken Clanns of Victory. Sam Yulyes anchistir ohh Campaigning on a platform of SCAN EFFECTS mountains north of Madrid are firm­ but succeeded in blowing up four Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donahue and by Grangers attending. There will , M C - ly eatabUshed and have only to truckloads of ammunition. David Wyman Kelsey of Moun­ SHOE REFAIRINO SERVICB For Free Inspection! *Taform” and a demand for mvestl' their daughters, Margaret, Ann and be a program of sports in the after­ Johnson Paint Co. await relnforcementa coming from The practlcs of turning off the tain View Dairy farm. Glastonbury, noon. A feature will be a competi­ n tio n o f alleged IrregulariUea be­ Jean, have returned to their home 701 Main S t Johnson Block 099 Mam S t Phone 8854 other aides of the capital before city's electric lights at night as B U lX B T m t Jiut over the Manchester line, was tive floral exhibit It is expected a fore the legislative ptihllc accounts OF SPELL on Adams street after two weeks In opening a forceful attack. precaution against air raids has been the Rebel Pbroaa at alacted president of the David P.
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