developmentrockdale control plan 2011 Amendment Schedule Prepared and published by Rockdale City Council’s Urban Strategy Team Adopted: 4 May 2011 Effective: 5 December 2011 Amended as per table below Amendment Date of Date of Effect Description Number Adoption 2 5/6/2013 20/6/2013 Part 7.4 Ramsgate Beach Commercial Area - Controls pertaining to Ramsgate Beach commercial area 1 6/2/2013 13/12/2013 Part 4.3 Landscape Planning and Design Part 5.1 Low and Medium Density Residential Controls for Attached Dwellings and Semi-detached Dwellings 3 15/10/2014 05/06/2015 Part 7.5 Rockdale Town Centre Rockdale DCP 2011 Rockdale DCP ii Contents 1 PRELIMINARY 1│1 2 URBAN STRATEGY 2│1 3 SITE ANALYSIS 3│1 4 GENERAL PRINCIPLES FOR DEVELOPMENT 4│1 4.1 SITE PLANNING 4│3 4.1.1 Views and Vistas 4│4 4.1.2 Heritage ConserVation 4│7 Requirement for Heritage Reports Development of Heritage Items Development in the Vicinity of Heritage Items 4.1.3 water ManageMent 4│11 Stormwater Management Flood Risk Management Water Conservation Water Quality Groundwater Protection 4.1.4 soil ManageMent 4│14 4.1.5 ContaMinated land 4│15 4.1.6 deVelopMent on sloping sites 4│16 4.1.7 tree preserVation 4│17 4.1.8 BiodiVersity 4│19 4.1.9 lot size and site Consolidation 4│20 Lot Size and Minimum Site Frontage Avoidance of Isolated Sites 4.2 STREETSCAPE AND SITE CONTEXT 4│23 Site Context Streetscape Character Pedestrian Environment Fencing Sandstone Walling, Rock Outcrops and Kerbing Rockdale DCP 2011 Rockdale DCP iii Contents 4.3 LANDSCAPE PLANNING AND DESIGN 4│29 4.3.1 open spaCe and landsCape design 4│30 4.3.2 priVate open spaCe 4│33 4.3.3 CoMMunal open spaCe 4│35 4.4 SUSTAINABLE BUILDING DESIGN 4│37 4.4.1 energy effiCienCy 4│38 4.4.2 solar aCCess 4│40 4.4.3 natural ligHting and Ventilation 4│42 4.4.4 glazing 4│44 4.4.5 Visual and aCoustiC priVaCy 4│45 Visual Privacy Acoustic Privacy Building Separation 4.4.6 noise iMpaCt 4│48 4.4.7 wind iMpaCt 4│50 4.5 SOCIAL EQUITY 4│51 4.5.1 Housing diVersity and CHoiCe 4│52 4.5.2 equitaBle aCCess 4│54 4.6 CAR PARKING, ACCESS AND MOVEMENT 4│55 Parking Rates Car Park Location and Design Car Wash Facilities Pedestrian Access and Sustainable Transport 4.7 SITE FACILITIES 4│63 Air Conditioning and Communication Structures Waste Storage and Recycling Facilities Service Lines/Cables Laundry Facilities and Drying Areas Letterboxes Storage Areas Hot Water Systems Rockdale DCP 2011 Rockdale DCP iv Contents 5 BUILDING TYPES 5│1 5.1 LOW AND MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 5│3 Storey Height and Setbacks Building Design Additions to Semi-detached Buildings Attics Residential Subdivision 5.2 RESIDENTIAL FLAT BUILDINGS 5│11 Site Coverage Development Setbacks Apartment Size Building Design Building Entry Lift Size and Access 5.3 MIXED USE 5│19 Development Setbacks Building Uses Building Design Public Domain Interface Arcades, Laneways and Through Site Links Parking 5.4 HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL 5│29 Development Setbacks Building Siting and Layout Building Design Public Domain Interface 5.5 INDUSTRIAL 5│33 Building Heights Development Setbacks Building Siting and Layout Building Design Public Domain Interface Main Road Street Frontages Rockdale DCP 2011 Rockdale DCP v Contents 6 OTHER DEVELOPMENT 6│1 6.1 CHILD CARE CENTRES 6│3 6.2 RESTRICTED PREMISES AND SEX SERVICES PREMISES 6│13 6.3 TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITIES 6│19 6.4 ADVERTISING AND SIGNAGE 6│23 7 SPECIAL PRECINCTS 7│1 7.1 WOLLI CREEK 7│3 7.1.1 BaCkground and Context 7│4 7.1.2 Vision 7│7 7.1.3 struCture plan 7│8 7.1.4 land use strategy 7│9 7.1.5 road network and VeHiCular aCCess 7│11 7.1.6 open spaCe and MoVeMent 7│13 7.1.7 Built forM: Building HeigHts and density 7│15 7.1.8 street CHaraCter and setBaCks 7│16 Retail Street Frontage Mixed Use Street Frontage Highway Interface Residential Street Frontage Parkland Interface Lane Frontage 7.1.9 enVironMental ManageMent 7│23 7.2 BONAR STREET PRECINCT 7│25 7.3 BEXLEY TOWN CENTRE 7│31 Pedestrian Connection Public Domain Retail Activity Access 7.4 RAMSGATE BEACH COMMERCIAL AREA 7│35 7.5 ROCKDALE TOWN CENTRE 7│39 8 NOTIFICATIONS 8│1 DEFINITIONS I Rockdale DCP 2011 Rockdale DCP vi part preliminary1 Part 1 Preliminary 1.1 Background Rockdale Council has prepared this development control plan to ensure compliance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Infrastructure and Other Planning Reform) Act 2005. The Reform Act allows only one development control plan (DCP) for each planning authority to apply to a site. Accordingly, this DCP is the only one that has been prepared for, and applies to, the entire Rockdale Local Government Area. 1.2 Name of this DCP This plan is called Rockdale Development Control Plan (DCP) 2011. 1.3 Purpose of this DCP The purpose of this DCP is to: • Communicate the planning, design and environmental objectives and controls against which Council will assess future Development Applications (DAs); • Promote high quality urban design outcomes within the context of environmental, social and economic sustainability; • Encourage innovative design with particular emphasis on the integration of buildings and landscaped areas that contribute to the character of neighbourhoods. 1.4 Application This plan applies to all the land covered by Rockdale Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2011. 1.5 Commencement This Plan was adopted by Council on 4 May 2011 and came into effect on 5 December 2011, the date of gazettal of Rockdale Local Environmental Plan 2011. 1.6 Relationship to other Plans and Policies Rockdale Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2011 applies to the land to which this DCP applies. Rockdale LEP 2011 is a statutory instrument that sets out the land use zones and broad development controls for development within the Local Government Area, including controls for height, floor space ratio and heritage items. This DCP contains detailed provisions and controls that supplement the provisions of the LEP. If there is any inconsistency between this DCP and the LEP, the LEP will prevail. This DCP should also be read in conjunction with the following State and Rockdale City Council (RCC) policies and/or guidelines: • Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) (as amended); Rockdale DCP 2011 Rockdale DCP 1│2 Part 1 Preliminary • Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 (NSW) (as amended); • Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) (as amended); • Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (NSW) (as amended); • Relevant State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs) and deemed SEPPs. Certain types of development such as boarding houses, senior housing and affordable housing are covered by SEPPs. These types of development will be assessed against the relevant SEPP and Part 3, 4 and 5 of this DCP. 1.7 How to Use this Plan This Plan identifies objectives and design requirements for all aspects of development permissible under Council’s LEP and comprises the following: Part 1 – Preliminary This section explains the purpose of the DCP, its relationship to other plans and policies and where it applies. Part 2 – City Vision This section explains the strategic framework of the LEP and DCP and Council’s objectives for the City of Rockdale. 1 Basic information Part 3 – Site Analysis 2 Part and controls essential 3 for all types of Site analysis assists applicants to determine the opportunities and 4 developments constraints of a site prior to commencing design of a proposal. It also provides the means for Council to determine that the proposal will achieve desired outcomes for development. In order to gain Council approval, applicants need to demonstrate that they have fulfilled the relevant site analysis objectives. A subsection or a combination of several subsec- Part 4 – General Principles for Development 5 tions are required Part 6 from these parts General principles apply to all sites regardless of the building type. 7 depending on the Developments are required to fulfil the relevant requirements of all type and location of the proposed general principles. development. Part 5 –Building Types Each section in Part 5 represents a specific building typology, of You may wish to which there are five types in this DCP obtain information Part 8 on Council notifica- • Low and medium density residential which includes detached tion procedures for dwellings, dual occupancies, ancillary dwellings and villas and developments and plans. townhouses. These buildings are low scale and typically are located in a residential setting. • Residential flat buildings which are a form of higher density How to use this plan development upwards of three storeys in height, that are typically located in close proximity to facilities and services. Rockdale DCP 2011 Rockdale DCP 1│3 Part 1 Preliminary • Mixed use buildings which are designed for a range of uses and are typically located in shopping centres. • Industrial development • Highway commercial which is commercial development located outside of the main centres along the Princes Highway. Part 5 contains controls for building size and location, building articulation and specific requirements that are relevant to a particular building type. Generally, applicants need only to refer to the type of development that is relevant to their proposal. However, for a development that includes different building types, applicants may need to refer to more than one development type. For example, a building that has retail on the ground floor and residential apartments on the upper levels would require compliance with the controls in the mixed use and residential flat building sections of Part 5.
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