ms FRIZES AWARDED DOGS. SUFFERi*fa PROM POISON. Bench Show of National Capital Mrs. Hazel Hall a Patient at Cas¬ Kennel Club Closes. ualty Hospital. The bench show of the National Capi¬ Mrs. Hazel Hall, nineteen yrars old. tal old wife of Never Forget the Bargain Basement Kennel Club, hold yesterday at Daniel Hall, a musician on the Builders' Exchange Hall. 13ir» H street President's yacht Mayflow r. was taken The Now Famous Balomv northwest, closed last night at lo o'clock. to Casualty Hospital last night and treat¬ Prom To o'clock in the morning until ed for poison which the police were told late in the evening, the judges were busy she had taken with suicidal intent. She The Harvester, by Gene Straiten Porter.if not picking the winners and presenting the was hysterical and hardiy able to ta.k proper ribbons to their owners. when she reached the hospital vet read.is a treat in store. Probably the smallest dog in the show Surgeons appl.ed the stomach pump ar.-l |i was owned Mrs. S. S. Win- relieve her of the poison. Mr. Hall sa:d POflTMl Gypsy, by his w.f.- The (/irl of the Limberlost.the sequel to field. Gypsy is a Mexican dog and had !>«.« n in ill health re«entiy weighs two pounds. The largest dog and he suggested that as a reason for her "Freckles".is also a charming book. These and a shown was T. <). Crown's St. Bernard, having taken the poison. Vallais Imperator. weighiug pounds. hundred other are here.in this lir^t titles Balcony Book This beautiful dog took two prizes at for choice. and a special ribbon tor the best of its Topics Biological Society M^t. Shop.at 50c breed. Reactions of corals to food and to The youngest dog exhibited was but non-nutrient seven weeks laid claim to particles and the nature Movine Picture Boys Series Tom Swift Series. old: the oldest of the food of By Victor Appleton. By Victor Appleton. ten years and four months. corals was discussed Young Engineer Series, The Outdoor Girls' Series The show was pronounced a complete last night at the 520th regular meeting By H. Irving Hancock. By Laura Lee Hope. success by all who attended. of the Biological Society, held at the School Vacation Series. A. LISNER. Hours: A.M. to P.M. G St. < High Roys' The Automobile Girl Series. 9:00 5:45 osmos < lul». Titus I Ike gave s«>m*» By H. Irving Hancock. By ]*aura Dent Crane. notes on Uermuda birds, while A V. STATE'S DEBT DECREASES. I >oolittie talked on ' The Plankton Re¬ sources of Some Massachusetts Ponds." Boi>de*i Indebtedness of Virginia Reduced to What It Was. $22,095,000. From Pearsons There has been a steady decrease in the Weekly. .Mr. Roberts. Late of the Chief.. bonded indebtedness of the state of Vir¬ Many unkind things have »»een said Include the Best Values Here Tomorrow Wanamaker's, Department {J the They ginia during the from 1870 to 1013. about difficulty of head ^r Writes as Follows: years tail makyig 8 according to figures just made public by of the futurist paintings, but th»» "Silks will be the and summer. the census bureau. Prom $"»1,24~>,«><*> in latest story is positively cruel It was Si.oo Ratine. -Bead Chains. very popular during spring told 7>c <^0c All the fashion indications from New York and Paris 180O the indebtedness fell to $22.<*0.~>.*H)n the other ? veiling across the dinner Fine Cotton Ratine; -IS inches Opera-length Chains of Coral. Am- gathered JJ in 1012. to table of a well known caricaturist Quality to show that this is to be a record season. New Silks are ?? The special debt obligations wide; livht. medium and dark blues, ber. Jade. Turquoise. Lapis and Pearl; go public trust uid.-- increased from The caricaturist sa d that he had that pink, old rose. etc. In Dress Goods white and black, white and green, into our Silk Section the Palais day paid a visit .v it* a number of friends white and amethyst; some 72 inches piling every day.and Royal JJ in is:*) to $2,4ti»ynM» ir: 1802. according to th«> Department. Second Floor. studio of n futurist painter in ot - Floor. earns the title of with the best collection of to the report. The debt amount- uer long. First "Headquarters" JJ floating to examine the painting he had pre¬ newest ?? ed to $s..*K>7.oiif> in ls:»o, increasing to pared for a novelty silks. in 1801. and in 1«UI it fell to *2,- forthcoming exhibition. jtS7,000 What a str-king piece of work!" ex¬ $2.00 722,<>00 and continued to decrease until claimed one Silk Stripe Crepes: -7 inches wide; Hairpins. $1.00 when of the visitors. A storm at "Joan Saw- 1012. only $02,<**> was outstanding. sea. of course.** pink. blue, yellow, wistaria, old blue The Newly Fashionable At -<he present time about 2.2 per cent Nonsense!"* and lavender. Dress Goods Depart¬ yr" Hairpin, in demi-amber; to be of the total population of the United replied another. "One an ment. Second Floor. worn fit her side of the hair. First 42-inch French Suitings and 40 and 44 Inch Figured French see that it's a landscape with the sett in in of States is to be found in the stale of Vir- sun." Floor. Center. Jacketings, many the latest Crepes, of different weaves, com¬ ginia. says the census and (»."» creations. Russette, 50 different colorings and Vjilletin. "Rubbish!" snapped a third. saw Bengaline prising per cent of the total debt is attributed to at Faconne, Popline Moire Faconne dispositions. Values, $3.50 that state. once that it's a Japanese volcano in and Crepe Chinois Fa¬ and $4.00 yard eruption." Voile: tine conne. "It should be noted, however." says the Imported Kmbroidered Ranging in value Moires in black and colors are "It reminds me." murmured a frivol¬ sheer 4<> inches wide; "TuTdTTHrJlvsofSoD Silk, with four report further, "that in the settlement ot ous and quality; from $4.50 to $7.50 yard. much for and are very critic. of a plat, of tomatoes or a blue, pink, lavender and Dresden pat¬ rows of shirring: black, white, tango, very sought the Virginia debt one-third was set lobster struck lavender. etc. First Double-width All-silk Pllsse scarce; we have them in 24 to 40 apart as the share belonging to West by lighting. I'm not quite terns. Dress Goods Department Sec¬ reseda, green, for dresses or sure which." ond Floor. Center. Crepe, waists; in 16 inches. Per yard. $1.00. Virginia, but the latter refused to as¬ F|oor. colorings, also black and $3.00 "Don't be ridiculous!" exclaimed an¬ ^(H) $L25. $1.65, J,.75. sume the same. In March, lull, the Su¬ other. white. Value, $1.50 yard. ^ $3.25 preme Court of the I'nited States held "Anybody can see plain! v that 40-inch it's a naval battle." Black Taffeta-finish 36-inch Black Chiffon Taffeta, the state liable for the principal debt of The Embroidery. Crepe, for dresses; a new and soft- another fabric in great demand. $7.182,.~»07 and left the question of inter¬ unfortunate artist broke out fu¬ Japanese Cr^pp All-over Embroidery: Moire Silk Bags; moire lined: nickel finish pure dye. Value, ffitl Per yard at $1.00, $1.50, est for adjustment between the parties. riously: L'U inches wide; splendid array of frame: strap handle: fitted with coin $2.25. Yard $1.75 and ^ ° g<Q) This has not been accomplished.*' "It's nothing of the kind!" he bellow¬ beautiful patterns. See special table. purse and mirror; black and colors. ed. "The picture merely represents a Lace Department. First Floor. First Floor. simple country wedding." WILD CATTLE ABOUND. A Polar Tragedy. Moire Silk Bags; trimmed with Estimated That There Are 80.000 Fr..rn Prarson's Weekly. three rows of moire ribbon: moire The Duke of the Abruzz». who lining and ribbon handle; fitted; white .New Arrivals Assure New Styles and All Colors. Head in Eastern Bolivia. ha? been Center. trying to popularize the tango at the Ital¬ and black. First Floor, 54-inch Golf Cords and Gabardine 50 and 54 Inch Shepherd Checks Wild cattle are to be found by thou¬ ian in self sands in court, is fond of telling this story, Checks, colors, for and Scotch Plaids, for suits or the eastern part of Bolivia, which he heard suits or skirts. Value, Qg skirts: some are silk and and the during one of his expedi¬ -Scarfs, they greatly outnumber domes¬ tions in the arctic 7>c 5<9>£ $2.50. Yard wool. Values up to $2.00. tic cattle, according to information col¬ regions. Black Moire Ribbons Japanese Drawnwork Scarfs. 18x54 A young Eskimo loved a beautiful maid rich, heavy lected by the Pan-American Union. The en who juality: 7U inches w ide; for millinery inches, and Shams. 30x30 Inches, to 50-inch All-wool Serges, in two 58-inch Silk-and-wool Figured lived in a hut near his own. but und girdles First Floor. match. Also Dainty, Figured Swiss shades of navy, Copenhagen blue, Crepons. for light spring number of wild cattle is estimated at her parents would not hear of the match, Scarfs. Russian green and black. suits: navy or black. Val- Sfl S/fTi 80,000 head, where there are only 110,000 and sternly ordered the young maiden to Value.
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