- Coracle a5 | vo Friday 1April— : oecok _ London Road, R letter workers arev Lt . the enterpri e. D andPB oo Thoy’sAMastetcla 3.PBis aeSeal for : don’t expectto see much ofSou’We: srogramme _ this T wease 0 aeoePa No a ames (Sou Set one other interestedparties get this for information. Wants1I totypestuf ‘up. Aprintercable, o course. We’Tssee.. 24 March 1994 : Thisis a rather hasty acknowledgement of eees forms which ee reached me(Dave Langford)i wesome capacity as the convention’s daily news- letter boss. Overleafis a dummyissuewhich wassent out earlier, beforethe forms and other notificationsarrived. MainlyI’dliketo say thanks forMies to: John Bark, Simonae ds. P Ent,Duncan Hedderley, Paul Paolini, Suzannaes andCarol Willis— naddition to thoselisted overleaf. Jey‘ticke Gesell BeSeifyaPecks stil ances nennews! tteree newsve better still, appalling scandal andoutrageous remarks) should happenwithin your earshot. The actualworkconsists of(a) wrestling with a seaoflittlebits of paperbearingie written news items, announcements, programme changes, pros’ attemptsat self- promotion, fans’ attempts at humour, and more, andworse;(b) getting all this(or rather, anything notof cially spiked vy edit rial order) Cointooneoo the newsroom computers (d fect: . : Secoaual‘CGosh,:asSonamanagercee aaepore1a! as shallI certainlyUeaethatwehave one> of these excellent sngthreesiete.ee, groups comeup with oeeGGeAndPaul oo = S own version of Mie recent oeaee a nein a4hours"‘competition iSaae aevenaeanissuerewinners on runners-“UD... The newsroom is to be room 269 of the Adelphi Hotel—please call in as” a.as possible(even if only toinformusthat you've beenco-opted for somethingelse). See youthere! The Adelphi Coracle Thog’s Masterclass Special Monday 4 April Later The Chris Gilmore of Lit Crit quotes the masters. ® ‘A few hours had passed since they had been pulled away from the moon. A few hours and millions of miles. The e “You have a slight fever, suggesting your bodyis fighting moon was no longer visible, not even as a star. The whole some infection,” Nicole told General Borzov. “All the internal thing was so crazy, weird and far-out. It was as though they data confirms that you are feeling sévere pain.”—Arthur were floating in a giant vacuum.’—Sara Caverienigih A C.Clarke & Gentry Lee, Rama II Woman in Space @ Just to the south of them, the new Socket was like tit- @ ‘Now Danelle’s big blue eyes looked thoughtfully anic concrete bunker, the new elevator cable rising out ofit inward.’—Robert Jordan, The Fires of Heaven like an elevator cable ...’——Kim Stanley Robinson, Green Mars ® ‘Egwene’s stomach sank into her feet.—Robert Jordan, ® ‘Its voice was soft, gentle—but repugnant. Like the breath ibid of a diseased infant. It was a sound with halitosis.—John ® ‘Elayne wished the woman would just revert to herself Shirley, In Darkness Waiting instead of bludgeoning her with a lady’s maid from the @ “Produced in a durable cloth binding and gorgeously Blight.’-—Robert Jordan, ibid _ strikingdustjacket, Clute and Nicholls have far outstripped. @ ‘Birgitte’s dry tone sounded odd with her wet cheeks.’— any other work of this kind in any field.—Daryl F. Mallett, Robert Jordan, ibid SFRA Review #205 @ ‘Nynaeve formed the image of her as a grown woman, ® ‘He absorbed Latin in two hours yesterday! It took me a concentrated.’—Robert Jordan, ibid , whole year just to learn the Latin alphabet.’—Brett Leonard @ ‘.., and he tossed his head as if he was about to erupt.— & Gimel Everett, screenplay for The Lawnmower Man Robert Jordan, The Dragon Reborn ® ‘Susan awoke to an absolute silence: the traffic outside the ® ‘We must be patient—the human heart is more complex hotel had been utterly stilled. John was in the bathroom— than any other part of the body.’—John Balderston/William she could hear the shower running.’—Robert Charles Wilson, Hurbut, screenplay for The Bride of Frankenstein (1935) The Divide ® ‘It took courage to write this book, and it will take ® ‘He shuddered, awash in adrenaline, his sphincter pulling courage to read it,’—E. von Daniken, Chariots of the Gods? unpleasantly tight as he recognized his own youthful scrawl ® ‘Gosseyn’s intestinal fortitude strove to climb into hi on the outside tab. ... and he felt an ache, a curse of time throat, and settled into position again only reluctantly ... racing across the nae of his knuckles.’—Derek Van Arman, A.E.van Vogt, The World of Null-A ae Killing Time @ ‘He put the stomach back and began to feel around for the ... Caymann released a horrible scream into the night air, small intestine ... That’s when something bit him.’—Simon aapeetl deafening and terrifying roar that sounded like a lan Childer, Worm lion whose heart was impaled.’—Derek Van Arman, ibid e ‘I had to fight with myself every time circumstancesforced ' @ ‘Silver-blue in the moonlight, the river meanderedlike a me to put it down.’—P. Straub of R. Campbell’s Incarnate garden path ...—Cecelia-HelWilliam James, Before the Sun ® ‘Speak! You've got a civil tongue in your head! I know you Falls have, because I sewed it there myself.’—-Kenneth Langtry, ® ‘She knew how to embroider and milk a cow.’—Connie screenplay for J Was a Teenage Frankenstein (1957) Willis, Doomsday Book ® ‘... a small piece of an asteroid that had been floating @ ‘A small flying craft, like a bat or a hummingbird, zoomed around in the Big Empty for a length of time that had more past the viewport ...’—Arthur C. Clarke/Gentry Lee, RamaII zeroes in it than even Carl Sagan could imagine.’-—Simon @ ‘He knowsin that moment more than he has ever known * Hawke, The Reluctant Sorcerer in his life and more than he will know in five minutes’— ® ‘The sea was lit by a diffused golden haze that lent it a Marge Piercy, Body of Glass queer other-worldly aspect but which was very pleasant to ® ‘The agony went on and on as she threshed about the the blackened, sun-seared eyes of those who had been so room, oblivious to nothing but the pain.—-Stephen Marley, close to the fires of the Solar star.’—Karl Mannheim, When Shadow Sisters the Earth Died @ ‘She's got an IQ like a phone number.’—[screenwriter], ® ‘The green fur madeit look like a Terran gorilla more than Swamp Thing (1981 movie) anything.’—-Michael Kring, The Space Mavericks @ Jameson was smiling like the canary who had eaten the @ ‘Most of the buildings around us were like towering boxes, cat.’—Sara Cavanaugh, A Woman in Space almost phallic in their heights’—Michael Kring, ibid ® ‘The flight of F-104’s moved up to the apron. Nasiysilver birds with wings like sawn-off shotguns.’—-Peter Heath, The Special Tuue-Komanaée Supplement Mind Brothers ® ‘They shook hands, and Jason set about retrieving his ® ‘When she looked at him, something inside her lurched, balis.’—~Peter Heath, ibid and she swallowed her errant innards down, holding them ® ‘Whenhefinished, Starr's hands were going numb andhis still by not breathing for a time.’—Sheri S. Tepper, Sideshow arms weredrifting slowly away from their sockets.’—Peter ® ‘Her very existence made his forebrain swell until it Heath, Men Who Die Twice threatened to leak out his sinuses’—Nancy A. Collins, @ ‘The sun came up like a piece of fiery yellow butter.’— Sunglasses After Dark Peter Heath, ibid @ ‘More interesting to Whaleman were the fantastic @ ‘His eyes could have cut through rock mountains.—Sam breastworks, huge swollen globes of shiny flesh upon her Merwin Jr, The Time Shifters chest, crowned with soft pink suckler tips—no doubt, the e ‘Wearing an aura of rugged-intellectual charm like a Gunnersurmised—the mammary evidence of a runaway GPC plastic raincoat ...’—Sarm Merwin Jr, ibid maternal code. He realized that he was inspecting her with © ‘Dr Kelter’s forehead sprouteditalics ...’—Emil Petaja, The excessive interest but could not help himself. The mammala Nets of Space were exquisitely formed, curiously hard-soft in appearance, ® ‘His mouth muscles forced his sluggish blood agonizingly and jutting out from the chest in a manner that aroused through his veins ...’——Emil Petaja, ibid Whaleman’s engineering curiosity.—-Don Pendleton, The ® ‘Don’s smile was a lemon twist.’—Emil Petaja, ibid Guns of Terra 10 ® ‘Don’s eyelids fell shut with a silent thud.’—Emil Petaja, ® ‘Then they wrestied like enemies, rolling in the black mud, with the flowers crushed between them.... All the wood ® ‘The brassy September biue overhead had been obscured seemed moving with them, as if they had disturbed it into by invisible storm clouds.’—Emil Petaja, ibid utmost life. Bubbles of air burst and leaves were shaken @ ‘Though she was many years the younger, she seemed by loose on them. ... Under her elbow was the skeleton of a her mannerto be the older of the pair—thatis, if age could stoat, threshed out of its grave by their fury.’—Tanith Lee, be measured by suspicion.’—-Duncan McGeary, Snowcastles Heartbeast ® ‘Palmer's screams became fainter as the slugs ate their way ® ‘Is this your wife? What a lovely throat!’—Speech frame into him, a number burrowing up through his torn genitals, for English-language version of Nosferatu (1922) using his anus as a means of accessin their search for the ® ‘Rand stared at her in amazement that oozed across the softer, more succulent parts of his body.’—Shaun Hutson, emptiness surrounding him like a Jordan, The Slugs Fires of Heaven ® Tt was an Everest of understatement.’—Robert Charles @ ‘He wasn’t going to leave Pat Benson on her own,crabs or Wilson, The Harvest no crabs.’—Guy N. Smith, Night of the Crabs ® ‘Not Mariians ... not Venusians; they were from consid- @ ‘Her hands found the massive muscles on his back and erably more distant regions.
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