COUNCIL INFORMATION PACKAGE March 21, 2018 Page Regional Council Calendar 4 COUNCIL CALENDAR March 26, 2018 - April 01, 2018 Invitations to Mayor and Council 5 - 6 INVITATION TO ATTEND BCTECH SUMMIT May 14, 2018 Miscellaneous Correspondence 7 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE, OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Re: Employer Health Tax 8 - 9 FORT NELSON & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Re: Greyhound support reconsideration March 16, 2018 Training, Conferences and Seminars 10 CANADA GAS & LNG EXHIBITION AND CONFERENCE Vancouver, May 14-16, 2018 Document available upon request News Articles 11 - 13 ENERGETIC CITY.CA BIV reporter says LNG Canada preparing FID documents ahead of construction this year Article by Chris Newton, March 14, 2018 Page 1 of 29 Page 14 - 16 ENERGETIC CITY.CA MLA Davies introducing Private Member's Bill to change Peace River North riding name Article by Chris Newton, March 15, 2018 17 - 20 ENERGETIC CITY.CA B.C. government announces panel members for scientific review of fracking Article by Chris Newton, March 15, 2018 21 - 22 ALASKA HIGHWAY NEWS Northern Rockies granted $2.98 million for economic planning, wastewater upgrades March 15, 2018 23 ALASKA HIGHWAY NEWS White Bear Industries awarded Alaska Highway maintenance contract March 19, 2018 24 - 25 ENERGETIC CITY .CA Fort Nelson First Nation discussing purchase of PolarBoard OSB mill with potential buyers Article by Chris Newton, March 21, 2018 26 - 28 NATIONAL POST Alberta NDP suspends caribou conservation plan, calls on federal government for cash infusion Article by Clare Clancy, March 19, 2018 Flowers and Condolences 29 A DONATION WAS MADE IN MEMORY OF PAT HUMM Documents Available Upon Request CANADA GAS & LNG EXHIBITION AND CONFERENCE Conference Brochure Page 2 of 29 Page May 14-16 2018 MINERAL EXPLORATION Spring 2018 Page 3 of 29 Regional Council Calendar March 2018 April 2018 March 26, 2018 - SuMo TuWe Th Fr Sa SuMo TuWe Th Fr Sa 123 1234567 45678910 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 April 01, 2018 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 Monday, March 26 Tuesday, March 27 12:00am Councillor Gerwing Away 10:00am - 12:00pm NDIT North East Regional Advisory Committee 6:30pm - 9:30pm Regional Council Meeting (Bear Pit) (NERAC) Meeting-in person (COUNCILLOR DOLAN-via teleconference) (Fort St John City Hall Meeting Room) Wednesday, March 28 Thursday, March 29 Friday, March 30 Saturday, March 31 Sunday, April 01 Cheryl Cantelon 1 3/21/2018 8:46 AM Page 4 of 29 Dear Bill Streeper, On behalf of the BC Innovation Council and Government of British Columbia, I am thrilled to invite you the 2018 #BCTECH Summit. Now in its third year, this event is expected to draw 6,000 attendees, making it Western Canada’s largest technology conference. Once again, it will take place at the world-class Vancouver Convention Centre. Technology has the power to revolutionize business, industry and everyday life, no matter who you are or where you're from. From forestry to mining to agriculture, businesses in local economies like yours are growing and thriving thanks to tech and industrial innovation. I invite you to join us in learning how tech adoption continues to increase competitiveness and productivity in B.C. I am also excited to hear from this year’s keynotes, including Jared Cohen (founder of Google Ideas and now CEO of Jigsaw) and Brent Bushnell (CEO and co-founder of Two Bit Circus). As a leader in your community, you can look forward to an incredible speaker lineup and program: Learn about tailored tech solutions that can support your government, local businesses and regional economy; Connect with the pioneers and innovators of B.C.’s flourishing tech sector through business- to-business meetings; and Get a glimpse of the largest showcase of innovation in B.C. through the Marketplace, Technology Showcase, Startup Village and Ignite Research Pavilion. I would like to offer you and your network a special conference rate in hopes of enticing you to join us this spring. Use discount code MUNI to save $100 off the current conference price. B.C. is home to a growing roster of dynamic tech companies that are solving real industry and Page 5 of 29 public-sector challenges with innovative solutions. We want everyone in every region across B.C. to know about the innovation and the opportunities that exist here—and we especially want you here to see for yourself. Sincerely, Shirley Vickers President & CEO BC Innovation Council The #BCTECH Summit is an initiative of the Government of British Columbia in partnership with the BC Innovation Council. Copyright © 2018 BC Innovation Council, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to our mailing list. Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser Our mailing address is: BC Innovation Council 1188 West Georgia Street 9th Floor Vancouver, BC V6E 4A2 Canada Add us to your address book Page 6 of 29 Page 7 of 29 3 8 .8 31 mag 2:: _om_:m :32 8mg: oo<m_13m :mc.:m_ 85 S?mmmm .8 <<=_ Sam m3o_o3 _<_::_o:om_Ewm. Soammmm oom? 2mm m&cm.H3m3m Ex oom? 32¢ :03 ._.mx oom? o_o:o:m <<:m.m 2:2 9" um<8__ 9o<Em1m. 2 _._mm_§ 2s;<.§£u_Q.Emmhm 32¢“ __._n_:moH Em . Swcazm wmm:=._omZ Um m?somm m m<m: O>Z>U> Qo:_o__:m mm2_om m .3 mQ3_3m.:m:<m_< m_mo m3u_o<Q $6 wmgcozosm. cm :m<m _m mm2_omm mxm3E_o:w <<___ <~X 3m c:o:m:mma. 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