Scientific Report to the NERC Geophysical Equipment Facility for GEF loan 913 Rifting in the Horn of Africa: The Eritrea Seismic Project (June 2011 – October 2012) 1 2 2 James Hammond , Berhe Goitom , Mike Kendall , 1Department of Earth Science and EnGineering, Imperial College London, London, SW7 2AZ; 2School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol Abstract SEIS-UK provided a loan of 6 broadband seismic systems (5 x CMGESP, 1 x CMG3T, 1 x CMG40T) for a period of 16 months, for deployment in a network that extended ~500 km across Eritrea from Asmara in the hiGhlands to Assab on the edGe of the Danakil in southern Eritrea. The SEIS-UK deployment was coeval with a BHP-Billiton funded array of 13 seismometers in the Danakil depression, Ethiopia (GEF loan 885) and the YOCMAL array of 50 seismometers in Yemen (GEF loan 873). The Eritrean systems recorded continuously at 100/50Hz with relatively minor data losses due to equipment problems. All data are archived on the SEISUK system and will be sent to IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for SeismoloGy) and made publicly available in October 2015. The use of the Eritrean seismic data, toGether with Ethiopian and Yemen data has allowed us to produce hiGh-resolution imaGes of the crust, upper and mid-mantle (to depths of 900 km) beneath the Horn of Africa. Body-wave and surface wave tomoGraphy show focussed, melt related, anomalies in the top 100km of the lithosphere with multiple upwellings transcendinG the transition zone with their oriGin likely in the lower mantle. Receiver function estimates of transition zone structure show evidence for a stable melt layer atop the 410 km mantle discontinuity, suGGestinG the upwellinGs in the transition zone have a siGnificant hydrous component. Receiver functions have also provided the first estimates of crustal structure in Eritrea, providing further understanding on the breakup history of Afar. Fortuitously, the seismometers were deployed just days after the eruption of Nabro Volcano in Eritrea, thus they (toGether with stations in Ethiopia) have provided important data to characterise the nature of this, the first ever recorded eruption of the volcano. Data from these stations (toGether with data from other reGional networks) continues to be used to measure seismic anisotropy from splittinG of SKS-waves and local earthquake S- wave data, estimate locations of local seismicity and to produce Pn tomoGraphic imaGes of the uppermost mantle. All these results have been presented at international conferences and have been and are currently being written up for leading international journals. Background Over the last 2 decades much seismic research has been conducted in Ethiopia to understand the late staGes of continental riftinG (Nyblade and LanGston, 2002, MaGuire et al., 2003, EbinGer et al., 2010, Belachew et al., 2010, Hammond et al., 2011) (FiGure 1). These studies have produced unprecedented imaGes of crust and mantle structure beneath the rift (Mackenzie et al., 2005, Benoit et al., 2006, Bastow et al., 2008, Hammond et al., 2011, Guidarelli et al., 2011, Stork et al., 2013, Hammond et al., 2013) furtherinG our understandinG of riftinG processes. Additionally, UK and French projects have been conducted in Djibouti and Yemen with the aim of further understanding the rifting process in the Horn of Africa. However, despite Eritrea hosting the northernmost extent of on-land Red Sea rift, and containinG the majority of the Danakil microplate (a suspected isolated microcontinent between the Nubian and Arabian plates), little work has been conducted in the country. With this in mind a small project was desiGned to deploy 6 seismometers across Eritrea. The main aim of this array was to perform seismic tomography on all available data to produce high-resolution imaGes in to the lower mantle (Hammond et al., 2013). The array also offers the chance to estimate crustal structure beneath this part of the Horn of Africa, elucidatinG the nature of the Red Sea rift and Danakil microplates, understand flow and melt storaGe from anisotropy and better locate seismicity in the reGion. 1 NERC Geophysical Equipment Facility - View more reports on our website at http://gef.nerc.ac.uk/reports.php Figure 1. a) Distribution of stations throughout the Horn of Africa. Dark blue circles show stations deployed for the Eritrea Seismic Project. b) Deployment set up for the ESP at FAME. c) Deployment set up for the 3T station at EITE. Survey Procedure 5 ESP and 1 3T seismometers were deployed in a linear profile with two stations in the hiGhlands (EITE – Asmara, CAYE – Adi Keyih) 2 stations in the northern Red Sea reGion (DOLE – Berdole, TIOE – Tio) and 2 in the Southern Red Sea reGion (FAME – Afambo, ASSE – Assab) (FiGure 1, Table 1). One CMG40T that was sent to Eritrea to replace a damaGed sensor on the Nabro array (GEF loan 953) was deployed as part of the reGional array. This was due to customs delays and loGistical issues meaninG it was not possible to visit Nabro to replace the sensor during the experiment window. To make use of the station it was deployed on Alid Volcano (station LIDE) in the northern Red Sea reGion (Figure 1). Help and collaboration from the Eritrea Institute of TechnoloGy (EIT) (Prof. Ghebrebrhan OGubazGhi and Berhe Goitom), the Department of Mines and EnerGy (Alem Kibreab) and the Southern Red Sea reGional administration was essential for the success of the project. Prof. OGubazGhi and Berhe Goitom performed a reconnaissance trip identifying suitable locations for our seismic sites. Our oriGinal plan was to deploy close to telecommunication towers as these offered Good security and had been used previously by our EIT colleaGues. However, local security concerns meant that these were not suitable and nearby sites in government offices and military camps were chosen. All stations were located in fenced compounds, or close to permanently occupied Guard houses for security. The stations were deployed in June by Berhe Goitom (BG) and Ghebrebrhan OGubazGhi (GO), serviced in October 2011 by BG and James Hammond (JH) and May 2012 by BG and decommissioned in October 2012 by JH. Other members involved were Mebratu Fisseha, Michael Eyob (EIT) Goitom Kibrom, Ermias Yohannes (Ministry of Mines and Energy), and Clive Oppenheimer (CambridGe University). See Table 1 for station details. All stations recorded with a sampling rate of 50 Hz except LIDE, which recorded at 100Hz (Table 1). A hole ~1m deep, ~0.7m in diameter, was dug at the site to house the seismometer. Where bedrock was encountered (Adi Caye) a small concrete slab was cemented to the bedrock, in other locations a sand layer was placed at the base of the hole with a level slab on top of the sand. The seismometer was then placed in a plastic baG on top of the slab, levelled and aliGned with maGnetic north, and the firewire and sensor cable attached. The hole was then back filled to bury the sensor. All stations were protected from the heat usinG reflective sheets. 2 NERC Geophysical Equipment Facility - View more reports on our website at http://gef.nerc.ac.uk/reports.php A second hole close to the seismometer hole was dug, and a plastic bin placed inside. This was of a depth so that the bin was ~20cm above the surface. The battery (40 Ahr), break out box, and in the case of the CMG3T, the EAM data logGer were placed in this box with all cables attached. Cables for the sensor and firewire led from this box to the seismometer hole. Cables for the GPS and solar panels led out of the box and connected with the solar panels and GPS antenna located nearby. All cables out of the box were fed throuGh flexible plastic conduit and secured to posts or buried. The battery/cable box was then covered with insulation and plastic, and secured with tape. Due to the larGer power requirements for the CMG3T and EAM data logGer, 3 solar panels were deployed at this station (EITE) compared with 1 solar panel at the ESP seismic stations (Figure 2). In General the stations worked well. A reGulator problem at Berdolli (DOLE) meant that power was lost 11 days after deployment. This was replaced resultinG in 87 days of lost data. Disk storage issues at EITE resulted in 41 lost days. An unknown power issue occurred at Assab (ASSE) resultinG in 110 days lost data. In total data recovery was ~92%. Station' Latitude' Longitude' Elevation' Sample' Location Sensor Sensor'ID Start'Date End'Date Code (°) (°) (m) rate'(Hz) ASSE Assab ESP 'T34564 13.0628 42.6545 19 22/06/2011 11/10/2012 50 CAYE Adi'Caieh ESP T34670 14.862 39.3051 2435 15/06/2011 14/10/2012 50 DOLE Berdolli ESP T34569 15.0968 39.9806 88 20/06/2011 12/10/2012 50 Eritrea' Institute'of' EITE 3T T3A13 15.2359 38.7779 2171 17/06/2011 15/10/2012 50 Technology' (Mai'Nefhi) FAME 'Afambo ESP T34660 13.5684 41.5196 622 22/06/2011 06/10/2012 50 Alid' LIDE 40T T4A96 14.8685 39.8864 317 10/07/2012 13/10/2012 100 Volcano TIOE Tio ESP T35468 14.6651 40.8666 43 21/06/2011 12/10/2012 50 Table 1: ESP seismic network: Station details. Data Quality Data quality is excellent, larGely due to the lack of cultural noise at most stations (FiGure 3). Even the stations close to infrastructure (e.G., EITE, which is deployed at the Eritrea Institute of TechnoloGy) have noise levels at the low end of the lower end of the noise models of Peterson, 1993. Processing Data were processed and archived usinG the standard SEISUK procedures.
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