Cinematic SOcieties "CaVER·s:THE cAMPus un: THE MAGNaUAs." THuRsDAY, NOVEMBER 16,1995 Rat invaSion worries students, officials say it's not unusual '·' ' ·BY DANIEL JoHNsoN proceeded to lunge at Geppert. the east entrance to Reynolda Hall, outside of them before they capture us," Charlton said. length of eight inches, excluding the tail, and Cormueumm RFroRmR "l was coming home when a rat jumped at the Benson University Center and in the bu~hes He said he is particularly concerned about the weigh approximately one pound. me. So I just ran," Geppert said. He said he that surround Kitchin and Davis houses. large number of rats that he has seen between ''The students may be noticing a population Freshman Andy Oeppeit returned to his particularly feared that the rat would bite one 'Junior P.J. Charlton said-he has noticed an Davis and Benson. _ · bulge but it is not an abnormal occurrence," room in Kitchin House after a long njght of of his Birkenstock-exposed toes. increase in the amount of rats on campus The presence of rats on campus is not a new Weigl said. studying. Along his route from_ the library Geppert's experience is not unique." Over since h~ came t_o the university two years ago. problem. "There have always been rats on A surge in reproductio~ rates, more access back to Kitchin, Geppert encountered on~ of the past month, many students have noticed Charltonsaidhefeelsthatiftheratpopulation campus," said Peter Weigl, a professor of to food and shelter or movement to the cam­ the university rulers of the night: a-rat. an increase in the amount of rats that inhabit . continues to grow that it will become a seri- biology. Weigl said he has noticed the pres­ p-us from other areas may all be factors that As Geppert made pis way toward the back campus. ous problem. ence of Norway, or brown rats, on campus explain why the rat population has grown. stairs of Kitchin,.a sizeable brown rat came These rats are present throughout the cam- "I've seen the rats, these rats are the size of every year that he has worked at the univer­ The number of rats on campus may have scurrying out from behind a trash can, and pus but h~ve been most noticeable outside of small dogs. It's now a matter of capturing sity. These rats typically grow to an average See Rats, .Page A3 Ford talks on preside.ntial disability Paper deems Bv MATIHEW CoLEMAN paired. However, 'its language is Worrell idea CoNTRmu:n~<a REPORTI!R vague and it gives no hard and fast rules in the event of presidential The men with dark sunglasses disability. pa~olling the <;am pus last weekend The symposium last weekend fea­ weren'ttryingf)utfoithenextJames . tured lawyer~, doctors, journalists, Bond mgv1e; lhey were Secret Ser- historians and politicians meeting BY LILLIAN NASH vice_ !lgnri~sp~paring for the arrival together to examine just how effec­ HEM:I H BI:.A'I Rl~l'OR'll·~ of former ~Pr~sident Gerald Ford. tively it works. He spoke ~n tlie effectiveness, of the The Working Group on Presiden- The Worrell Professional Center for Law and Manage­ 25thAmendllJentconceming presi- · tial Disability, which was originally ment is a failure. accordinito an article in the Nov. 8 issue dential disablity in a symposium formed last January at the Carter of The Wall Street Journal. .held Friday and Saturday. Centc;:r in Atlanta, reconvened on But officials here on the Reynolda Campus are not too The Cons'titution calls for a . Friday and Saturday to present re­ surpriSf?O with the article. change of power when a president ports reviewing several aspects of "His facts were correct, but we just draw a different dies, but whkt about when he is this complicateq issue. Topics in-­ conclusion," said James Taylor Jr., the associate dean of disabled? 'Wq~n Woodrow Wilson eluded disclosure of information external affairs at. the law school. became disal1led while in office, his concerning the president's health, Both Taylor and Patricia Divine, thedirectorofextemal wife effecti'{ely but unofficially the role of the president's physician relations and publications at the Babcock Graduate School became the aC,tingpresident. Ronald and thecriteriafordeterminingpresi· of Management, agreed the budding relationship between Reagan retained his powers. after dential disability .. the law and management schools is young and is expected being shot and seriously wounded The working group was formed ·to take years to develop. by JohnHinckleyJr.in 1981. Should by Dr. James Toole of Bowman F. Ken Gepfert, the author of the article in The Wall Street FranklinD.Roosevelt,havingfallen Gray Medical Center and ArthurS. Journal, said business and law are not mixing at the ill, have given power to Harry Link~amedicalhistorianandabiog~ university and neither are the-faculty or students. He cited Truman? · rapher of Woodrqw Wilson. They low numbers of students that have taken classes outside The 25thAmeridment is meantto felt a need to clear up confusion · their own school shtce 1993 and an empty joint-faculty address these situations· by provid- about presidential impairment and lounge. · . - ingforasmoothtransitionofpower · the transfer of power. Former president Ge~d Ford addresses the audience in the keynote speech Friday in What Gepfert fails to realize is that the Worrell Center when the president becomes im- · See Ford, Page A3 Brendle Recital HaD. !he symposium on presidential disability lasted all weekend. is two schools and'some students come to this campus to receive just one of those educations, {)fficials for both schools·said:·· · -, · · According to school officials, the professional center is SG passes 'HOnor Coutldfljill~''SBAC bUdget an experiment only three years old: "There is more coop­ eration and collaboration (between the two schools) than what the article says, but it is a slow and evolutionary BY KATE COSGROVE Wake Forest" that "the difficulties in group store faculty faith in the system~ · organizations made appeals. process, not a revolutionary one, " Taylor said_. SG BEAT RliroRTER process/deliberations are aggravated by . In addition; the legislature passed the In other business, legislators argued Students, particularly members of the Babcock school, the lack of faculty adviser input." SBAC Recommendation Bill. about a bill proposed by the Appropria­ are encouraged to take courses at the other school in their Student Government passed several sig­ The new bill will allow 'two faculty SBAC made the recommendation that tions and Budget Committee that would second year when they have time for electives, according nificant bills at its legislature meeting Tues­ members to be present at Honor Council $333,801.50 be allocated to the 37 char­ appropriate $2,000 in funds to the Mortar to Divine. day night, including' a measure that will hearings. The advisers will not be permit­ . tered organizations that requested fund­ Board organiz"tion. Gepfert pointed to the low number of JDA candidates, allow two faculty members to sit in on ted to vote, however. Representatives from ing. The SBAC was able to trim the re­ Mortar Board came before the Appro­ those seeking a combined law and management degree, as Honor Council :deliberations and the Stu­ the Honor Council said that the bill will go quests of organizations by nearly $40,000. priations and Budget Committee this year an indicator oflow interaction, but the schools are indeed dent Budget Advisory Committee budget into effect immediately, but there will be Senior Graham Goodrich, the chairman to request financial assistance so that it separate entities offering distinctly different educations for next year. _ an honor code orientation to acquaint fac­ of SBAC, said that his committee had could pay to ship approximately 600 and degrees. The legislature passed the Honor Coun­ ulty with the system. completed a very thorough and efficient pounds in used books to a needy univer­ "The two institutions have their own constituencies that cil Deliberations Bill, which was proposed Members from the Honor Council also deliberation of the recommended funds. sity in Pakistan. Due to a lack of con­ aren't based on cooperation. We don't want to be known by the Judiciary Committee. This bill re­ said that the new policy should help to He also said that tlie general reaction of sensus, the legislature was forced to table as the business-law school. We are the law school,'" sponded to the cqmplaint in the discussion alleviate some of the tension between the the chartered organizations to the recom­ the bill, or delay the passage or veto of the Taylor said. paper, "The State o_fthe Honor System at faculty and the Honor Council and to re- mendations has been positive, as-only 10 · See SG, Page AS See Wall Street, Page AS SBAC final budget appropriations released Bv DANIEJ.LE DEAVER WAKE TV did not receive any more should. Eventually, I think WAKE money into the allocations of four Elm ORIAUi EvnoR money. TV's financial needs will not be able other organizations including Am­ "Their presentation didn't con­ to be met by the limited funds that nesty International, the Old Gold and The Student Budget Advisory vince us that the money they needed SBAC has available to give us." Black, Student Government and Committee gave away an additional was essential," Goodrich said. SBAC awarded six decision pack­ WAKE Radio, which received a de­ $6,404.50Friday, awarding at least Karen Hillenbrand, the station ages to organizations, totalling cision package as well. The additions part of the funds requested to nine of managerofWAKETV,said, "I was $6,840. No decision packages had to the three organizations totalled the ten organizations that appealed disappointed that we didn't get any been awarded during the prelimi­ $1,612.
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