Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-81920-6 - Wilhelm II: The Kaiser’s Personal Monarchy, 1888–1900 John C. G. Röhl Index More information Index Abdul Hamid II, Sultan 125, 222, 768, 938, 939, 68, 70, 103, 124, 130, 331, 338, 361, 363, 944, 946, 947, 948, 950, 951, 952, 953, 483, 484, 485, 536, 551, 636, 646, 988 987 advises Empress Frederick in her relations with Achenbach, Heinrich von (Oberprasident¨ of Wilhelm II 57–8 Province of Brandenburg) 526 Jewish friendships 135 Adolf, Grand Duke of Luxemburg 536, 639, 640, discourtesy towards Wilhelm II 771–2 642 furious reaction to Kruger¨ telegram 791–2 Adolf, Prince of Schaumburg-Lippe (husband of on German antagonism towards Britain 937 Viktoria (Moretta)) 197, 401, 630, 633, relations with Wilhelm II 967 636, 640–2, 643, 648, 801 Vienna incident 77–101 Affie, see Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh effects on Anglo-German relations 487, 488, Africa 489, 490; speech at Frankfurt an der Oder German colonial policy 149–52 73–7 following Bismarck’s dismissal 352–5 ameliorates anti-German attitudes 972 as affected by German-African Company’s accused of discourtesy to Senden-Bibran 973 ownership of the colonies 777–8 involvement in succession question to duchies of South Africa, British colonial policy and its Coburg and Gotha 990 effects on Anglo-German relations 780–98 Albert Victor (Eddy), Duke of Clarence (elder son Ahlwardt, Hermann (anti-Semitic agitator) 465 of Prince of Wales) 103, 124, 126–7, 361, Albedyll, Emil von (Chief of Military Cabinet 482, 483, 653–4 under Kaiser Wilhelm I) 110, 154, 162, Albrecht, Archduke of Austria 86 170, 724, 873 Albrecht, Prince of Prussia, Regent of Brunswick Albert, Prince Consort (husband of Queen Victoria; 128, 387, 548, 594, 597, 664, 1049 father of Empress Frederick) 61, 363 Albrecht Achilles, Margrave of Brandenburg 350 Albert, Prince of Saxe-Altenburg 474, 475, 651, Alexander II, Tsar 34 752 Alexander III, Tsar 19, 29, 76, 127, 297, 343, 345, Albert, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein 630 346, 469, 479, 487, 498, 499, 544, 554, 586, Albert I, King of Saxony 4, 9, 124, 128, 212–13, 645, 649, 656, 743, 748, 749, 837, 932 248, 249, 305, 416, 417, 498, 513, 514, 548, Wilhelm II’s first state visit 30, 32–6, 37, 42 571, 591, 610, 612, 616, 801, 802, 829, 830, Wilhelm II views as dominated by Tsarina 967, 1061 139–40 Albert Edward (Bertie), Prince of Wales (later visit to Germany (1889) 218–25 King Edward VII of Great Britain) 55, 67, and concerns about Wilhelm II’s health 334 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-81920-6 - Wilhelm II: The Kaiser’s Personal Monarchy, 1888–1900 John C. G. Röhl Index More information derogatory views about Wilhelm II 298, 299 as affected by Wilhelm II’s visit to England reactions to Bismarck’s dismissal 307 (July 1891) 360–4 and Reinsurance Treaty 335–6, 337, 339–40, in 1891–3 481–93 341–2, 347 during chancellorship of Hohenlohe 766–98 presence at Kronstadt during visit by French reactions to Wilhelm II’s Weltpolitik 930–1 fleet 364, 365 effect on Weltpolitik as envisaged by G. A. requests posting of Werder to St Petersburg 430, Muller¨ 934–7 587 in connection with eastern Mediterranean relations with Wilhelm II (1891–3) 473–8, 485 (1896–7) 939–44 death 500 Prince Heinrich’s attitudes to Britain 964–5 Alexandra, Princess of Wales (wife of Albert Wilhelm II’s attitudes towards Britain 966–98 Edward, Prince of Wales) 34, 57, 67, 68, 74, as affected by Wilhelm II’s naval obsessions 999, 75, 103, 124, 219, 349, 941 1009, 1010, 1012, 1023, 1030, 1031–3, Alexandra, Tsarina (wife of Tsar Nicholas II) 498, 1036, 1037 500, 624, 628, 650, 749, 750, 752, 837, 931, as affected by British power, Szogy´ eny’s´ 932, 934, 1048 assessment 1041–2 Alexei, Grand Duke (tsarevich; son of Tsar as affected by Wilhelm II’s health 1064 Nicholas II) 1066 Anglo-Russian relations (1899) 992 Alexis Alexandrovich, Grand Duke of Russia 753, Annekoff (Russian general) 480 754 anti-Semitism Alfonso XIII, King of Spain 1, 160 Wilhelm II’s views 134–7, 315 Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh; Duke of Saxe-Coburg involvement denied in Douglas’s speech 230 and Gotha (brother of Victoria, Empress influence on his relations with Bismarck Frederick) 91, 127–8, 641, 989–91 303 Alfred, Prince (son of Alfred, Duke of accusations of Jewish activities in opposition Saxe-Coburg and Gotha) 989 to Canal Bill 884 Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse-Darmstadt (wife of promotion of Zionism 944–54 Grand Duke Ludwig IV; sister of Empress Stoecker’s views as cause of conflict between Frederick) 127, 752 Wilhelm II and Bismarcks 204, 210 Alix (Alicky), Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt, see Jewish financial involvement in Russo-German Alexandra, Tsarina relations seen as cause of conflict between Alsace-Lorraine 73–7, 81, 82 Wilhelm II and Bismarcks 210–16 Alvensleben, Friedrich Johann Count 326, 327, press attacks on Bismarck 232 328, 587 Bismarck seen as under Jewish domination Anastasia, Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg 635 295–6, 299 Anglo-French relations, Wilhelm II contemplates radical anti-Semitic movement 465–7 war between Britain and France 984–9 and Conservative Party, Empress Frederick’s Anglo-German relations 30, 31, 34, 276 views 511 as result of first state visits 48 Waldersee’s views 518–19 after death of Friedrich III 67–72 convinced of Jewish opposition to Wilhelm as reflected in relations between Prince of II’s ideas 279–80 Wales and Wilhelm II 73–101 on Jewish involvement in Stoecker’s fall Vienna incident 77–101 402–3 improvement through appointment of Wilhelm dislike of Paul Kayser 408 II as Admiral 103–8 as expressed by Charlotte of Saxe-Meiningen Wilhelm II’s views 144–5, 148–53, 156–8 637 as affected by Russo-German relations 218–19 as expressed by Nicholas II 758 reactions to Bismarck’s dismissal 317–20 Aoki (Japanese ambassador) 735 following Bismarck’s dismissal, regarding Africa architecture, as expressions of Wilhelm II’s 351–5 ideology of Personal Monarchy 894–908 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-81920-6 - Wilhelm II: The Kaiser’s Personal Monarchy, 1888–1900 John C. G. Röhl Index More information Arenberg, Franz Prince (Centre Party member of 161, 201, 204, 227, 261, 285, 324, 372, 374, Reichstag) 717–18 401, 402, 407, 446, 529, 592, 594, 597, 618, Arendt (editor, Deutsches Wochenblatt) 560 620, 621, 630, 633, 637, 643, 644, 654, 656, Aribert, Prince of Anhalt 481, 482, 651, 652, 658, 661, 662, 664, 679, 698, 701, 706, 756, 663–4, 665, 667, 669, 674, 972, 973 820, 864, 884, 892, 895, 900, 902, 907, 908, Armenian massacre (1896), Wilhelm II’s reactions 945, 1059 938 prefers Wilhelm II’s private company to Armstrong, Sir William (British industrialist) 357 presence of court retinue 165 army relations with Liebenau 167, 250, 252 Wilhelm II’s relations with 1–2, 3, 8, 350 doubts accuracy of Douglas’s speech 231 Wilhelm II’s autocratic attitude towards control regard forCaprivi 321–2 387–90 visit to England (July 1891) 360–1, 362 disaffection from Kaiser 547, 565–72 views of Franco-Russian relations 365 Wilhelm II’s disputes with Bronsart over army supports Caprivi in his relations with Wilhelm reforms 721–8, 807–39 II 453, 454 opposition to Wilhelm II’s naval plans relationship with Wilhelm II 622–8 1007–9 religious interests 624–5 Army Bill 291, 292, 293, 294, 471, 512 arrogance and love of luxury 625 effects on Wilhelm II’s relationship with relationship with Charlotte of Saxe-Meiningen Bismarck 304 635, 638, 639 as cause of disagreement between Wilhelm II on Viktoria’s (Moretta) marriage 640–1 and Caprivi 373–4, 456–65 supports Kotze 669, 672 army manoeuvres lectured by Wilhelm II on due respect for the Wilhelm II’s ineptitude 413, 416–17, 419 dead Bismarck 871 Waldersee’s views 520 on Wilhelm II’s health 1057 Wilhelm II’s ineptitude and wish always to win Austria-Hungary 569–71 relations with 28–30, 760–5 Caprivi’s intervention in Wurttemberg¨ Wilhelm II’s views 145, 146–8 manoeuvres 582–4 following Alexander III’s visit (1889) 222–4 Arnim, Hans von (Flugeladjutant)¨ 166, 493, 716, reactions to Bismarck’s dismissal 308–17 794 in event of Russian invasion 336 Arnulf, Prince of Bavaria 461 Auwi, see August Wilhelm Arthur, Duke of Connaught (brother of Empress Avenarius, Ferdinand (art critic) 910, 919 Frederick) 79, 84, 102, 361, 481, 493, 660, 772, 773, 774, 967, 984, 989, 991 Baare (councillor, Chamber of Commerce) 311 Arthur, Prince of Connaught (son of Arthur, Duke Bachem, Julius (editor, Kolnische¨ Volkszeitung) of Connaught) 989, 990, 991 851 arts, as expressions of Wilhelm II’s ideology of Baird (admiral) 106 Personal Monarchy 888–923 Balfour, Arthur James (British statesman) 974, Asseburg, Countess 541 979, 982 Athens 124–5, 126 Balkans, effects on German relations with August Wilhelm (Auwi), Prince of Prussia (son of Austria-Hungary 760–5 Kaiser Wilhelm II) 51, 627 Ballestrem, Franz Count (president of Reichstag) Augusta, Kaiserin (widow of Kaiser Wilhelm I) 9, 846, 884 17, 29, 61, 64, 83, 161, 245, 246, 366, 620 Ballin, Albert (owner of Hamburg Packet Line) Augusta Caroline, Grand Duchess of 695–6 Mecklenburg-Strelitz 158, 1056 Balzac, Honorede554´ Auguste Viktoria (Dona), German Kaiserin, Queen Barnay, Ludwig (actor and theatre director) 893 of Prussia (wife of Kaiser Wilhelm II) 4, 5, Battenberg, Prince Alexander of 66, 639 6, 10, 22, 42, 43, 51, 67, 95, 110, 125, 129, Battenberg, Prince Franz Joseph of 665 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-81920-6 - Wilhelm II: The Kaiser’s Personal Monarchy, 1888–1900 John C.
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