Painting on the trash is “ my gift to everyone Francisco de Pajaro on turning trash into art “ >> M9 Shortlisted for Guardian Student Publication of the Year 2014 Autumn Term Week Nine Tuesday 25 November 2014 www.nouse.co.uk Est. 1964 NOUSE Sponsored by Students to pay for college membership Amy Wong for their money, they should com- NEWS EDITOR municate this through their Junior Common Room Committee/Stu- THE UNIVERSITY has announced dent Associations, and YUSU. that students starting courses in “Some of the money generated September 2015 will have to pay a should also go to the student com- college membership fee to help fi- mittees who are underfunded, and I nance changes to the structure of want to work with the University to colleges that are being implemented ensure that this happens.” next year. Michael Duncan, Chair of Van- Students doing degrees which brugh College, said: “Compared to last three years or longer will pay a most collegiate universities, our col- one-off fee of £30, while those en- leges are woefully underfunded. rolled on two-year courses will pay “While the University’s will- £20. ingness to moderately increase the Visiting students and those amount of money it spends on col- enrolling in a one-year programme leges is a step in the right direction, will face a £10 membership fee. it is simply not enough. Distance learners, people “More importantly, the Uni- signed up to Continual Professional versity should pull itself together Development (CPD) courses and and find the money from elsewhere, those studying at the Centre for rather than coming up with new Lifelong Learning will be exempt ways, such as this affiliation fee, to from paying a membership fee, squeeze money out of its already which the University has stated will overcharged students.” be “lower than equivalent charges at The changes to the way in other collegiate universities”. which colleges are structured were Sam Maguire, YUSU President, approved by the University’s Senior told Nouse: “The college member- Management Group this month, Plans for Heslington East building approved ship fee is vital to ensuring that eve- following the trial of a pilot scheme Lewis Hill ryone gets something positive out of in James, Langwith and Vanbrugh south of Langwith College. on Heslington East are currently their college experience. during the last academic year. DEPUTY EDITOR The £25m building project will self-catered. “10 pounds a year is not a lot The pilot scheme saw the roles provide catered accommodation on The Piazza will also add study considering that at other institu- of College Provost and Dean re- CITY OF York Council has ap- Heslington East for the first time, as space to Heslington East with semi- tions you pay up to 50 pounds a placed by College Principal and Of- proved planning permission for the catering facilities will be included in nar rooms, a lecture theatre and year. ficer. Constantine adopted the same University to construct a brand new the new building. conference facilities. “However, the fee has to be jus- staffing structure when it opened building on Heslington East. It will see roughly 100 rooms The addition of The Piazza is tifiable, and if students next year do The building will be known as within each college on Heslington not feel like they are getting value Continued on page 3 The Piazza, and will be located just East become catered rent. All rooms Continued on page 2 w NEWS COMMENT SCIENCE FEATURES MUSIC York Sport Calendar. The Minster. Nappuccino. Carol Rossetti. Becky Hill. Sports teams pose naked Should we move gradu- The new way to nap: drink The illustrator The Voice star on to raise money for RAG. ation from campus? a coffee and fall asleep. on her unique becoming a solo form of activism. artist. >> Page 6 >> Page 14 >> Page 24 >> M22 >> M14 NOUSE: THE UNIVERSITY OF YORK STUDENT NEWSPAPER www.nouse.co.uk Tuesday 25 November 2014 2 www.ey.com/uk/careers News >> Continued from front Heslington-East.” Meanwhile, Alex Byron, a sec- ton East. He added: “It will also in- ond-year Langwith student, told “Having more students on this News the latest development in the long clude the introduction of an ethi- Nouse: “I think it’s great to see the side of the University because of the line of construction on Heslington cally sound foundation programme university continuing to invest in greater number of accommodation in brief East which in recent years has seen which will be very interesting. I the new campus, giving us the addi- blocks has helped Heslington East the addition of Constantine Col- have also asked the University that tional services, like study space that become more lively. University set up fund lege and the York Sport Village. we consider in the building plans we need. “Hopefully, the building of more Speaking of the approval of to consider whether we can provide “It will also be good to see more facilities like The Piazza will con- for Festival of Ideas the plan for The Piazza, David flat floor provision in the building as students coming over and using vince more students to come to Hes- Duncan, University Registrar and that is what our clubs and societies the campuses’ services, showing lington East. The University of York has recent- Secretary told Nouse: “We are de- have asked for.” that we’re more than just a few nice “When I’ve been speaking to ly agreed to offer grants of up to lighted that the Council has given Tara Annison, Chair of buildings, but rather an amazing, other students around the Universi- £2,000 to organisations or individ- its approval for the construction Goodricke College, commenting on growing community.” Byron add- ty, it seems like Heslington East has uals who wish to submit an applica- of The Piazza building (subject to her role with the plans of The Piazza ed: “This, along with the proposed a reputation for being really quiet tion to perform at next year’s York some further work in funding and said: “It’s fantastic to see the Uni- health-centre and shop, shows that and dull. Festival of Ideas. Applications will contractual arrangements). versity further their plans towards Heslington East is the place to be!” “I think the ongoing develop- be assessed against criteria including “The building already has The Piazza building. Other future construction pro- ment will really help to change peo- creativity, effectiveness in engaging planning approval, and we hope to “Planning permission has al- jects on Heslington East include ple’s minds about Heslington East.” young people, quality of project and complete it for use from late 2016. ready been approved and there have the new basketball courts as well as As well as the continuous devel- engagement with the festival theme, Encompassing teaching, study, ca- been several discussions regarding plans for the construction of a pur- opment of Heslington East, there which will be “Secrets and Discover- tering and social facilities, it will The Piazza building and the best pose-built Junior Common Room are also plans in place to develop ies”. The York Festival of Ideas was represent a major enhancement of possible use of the space, which I’ve for Langwith College. parts of the Heslington West cam- created in 2011 by the University of provision for students living and been involved in.” Speaking on the overall develop- pus. York and has since become the larg- studying on Heslington East.” She went on to say: “The Uni- ment of Heslington East, a second In addition to the proposed con- est free festival in the UK. Sam Maguire, YUSU Presi- versity now understand the need for -year English Literature student struction of an on-campus night- dent, told Nouse that he is “excited” study space, catering provision and told Nouse: “I think the introduc- club, Maguire has revealed that by the introduction of The Piazza recreational space on Heslington tion of Constantine College this year parts of Derwent, James and Van- York musician highly as it will “deliver much needed ca- East, all of which will hopefully be has really made a big difference to brugh will be demolished and re- praised for New York tering, social and study space on solved with these new plans.” the general atmosphere on Hesling- built over the next 10 years. performances An Anniversary Reader in the Uni- versity of York’s Music Department The Shoot: Winter Wonderland has received a number of positive M28 In this reviews after directing ‘breathtak- ing’ performances in New York. edition Robert Hollingworth collaborated with I Fagiolini, a top classical vo- cal group from the UK, and Circa, an Australian circus company, to produce the show. The performance News 1-11 featured a combination of acrobat- ics. It was called “wondrous” by the Comment 12-17 New York Times and “astonishing” by the Wall Street Journal. Politics 18-21 Business 22-23 New academy set up for Physics graduates Science 24-25 A new academy has been launched Sport 26-32 with the aim of encouraging more Physics graduates to pursue tech- nical careers. The Higher Educa- tion Funding Council for England (HEFCE) has awarded the White Muse Rose Industrial Physics Academy, which seeks to help Physics gradu- ates develop their industry-relevant Glass Caves skills, £2m. Dr David Sweeney, M16 HEFCE Director for Research, Edu- cation and Knowledge Exchange, said: “We look forward to working Inspirational with York and its partners as the illustration project develops.” M22-23 Reporting by Tess Pullen and Amy Wong EDITOR DEPUTY DEPUTY SUB Niall Whitehead Rob Middleton Filip Preoteasa FILM AND TV NOUSE Grace Marsh ONLINE Sam Hickford DEPUTY COMMENT POLITICS EDITOR ARTS EDITOR EDITOR Est.
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