Voiniiie 2 , Number 1 1 & 1 2 December 1 9 7 9 /la n u a rj 1980 Gays Can’t Organize Fewer ConvÍGtíon8 Feared At State Facility Inmates of the California State its goals include helping Gays to find For Rapists Passed Medical Facility at Vacaville, which employment and housing on their Governor Brown has signed a bill, also divided feminist orgain^tions. houses a large portion of the state’s release form prison, and promoting SB13, sponsored by Sen. H.L. The National Organization for Gay male prisoners, have been denied better understanding between Gays RkhardstMi, that will double the sen­ Women joined prosecutors in sup­ the right to form a discussion- and straights in prison and outside. tences for rapists. porting the measure. Five other wo­ and-educatk>n organization for Gays Joe Silva, president pro tern, says The bULthreatened rrpqlitical cri­ men’s groups urged Brown to veto it and transsexuals. CMF houses sev­ public support is needed before sis early in September in the~ As­ on the grounds that the severity of eral advancement associations and officialization can occur; interested sembly, where the members forced . the penalities would deter juries rap groups including the Jaycees, people should write to J.J. Enomoto, the Criminal Justice Committee to from convicting rapists. EMPLEO for Unidad for Chicanos, Director of Cmiections, State Build­ send it to the floor for a vote. It and a Black Culturé Association. ing No. 8, 714 P Street, Sacra­ The penalties will mean that some The proposed new' group. Third mento, CA 9S814. —Advocate persons convicted of rápe will Generatkm Oiganizatkii, states , that serve longer prison terms than some Rights Group convicted of first-degree murder. Sacram ento The bUl changm the method by Seeks Director which terms are Calculated for vio­ lent and repeat offenses. — Gay Rights Advocates, a San Rights March Mom, Guess what Francisco-based, non-profit public interest law firm is seeking a new January J-2 Executive Director. ' QftA ReeeiitcU]i& Though only 2 years old, GRA A march on Sactraento, Califor­ has developed a national reputation nia for Gay rights is plaimed for the Under QnestíoiP— by winning precedent-setting cases weekend starting Jan. 12. Laiuiched * in their fight for the legal rights of by the California Human Rights The ERA, which would-outlaw Gay peqple. Advocates to fill a n e^ for a state- discrimination based on sex, must be Gay History The organization seeks someone level event like the march on ratified by 38 states by June 30, with an administrative background Washington, D.C., the Sacramento 1982, to become part of the U.S. Lecture who can supervise a full-time staff gathering will coincide with a CHRA Constitution. TTk original dead­ . of attoiheys and non-attmmeys; and lobbying week. Local ad hoc com­ line was March 22, 1979, but was Decem ber 7 who has a strcmg commitment to mittees are needed to design a pro­ extended by act of Congress. attaining equal rights for Lesbians gram of actifities; committees al­ The ERA has been approved by 35 Lesbimm M asquerade, a slide/lec- and Gay men in our society. ready exist in Los Angeles, San states, but five have since rescinded ture show about women who passed The starting salary is $12,000/ Diego, San Francisco anti Chico. approval. The validity of that move as men in the Bay Area, and old year plus benefits. Resumes should In December, Nrepresentative mem­ stiU is in question, and the Justice San Francisco, will be presented in be mailed to Seardi Cbmmittee, Gay bers will meet in Sacramento to dis­ Department has said it is up to , Sonoma County on Friday, Decem­ R i^ ts Advocates, 540 Castro Street, cuss overall strategies. Contact Congress to decide. S.F. Examiner ber 7, 1979, at 8 p.m. in the Sah Francisco, CA 94114. Resume Alan Robertson or Jan Rudolf at Faculty Lounge of the Santa Rosa deadline is February 1, 1980. California Human R i^ ts Advocates, Iraniang Must Junior College. GRA is an Equal Opportunity 1107 Ninth St., Suite 1019, Sacra­ Denounce Khomeini .The show has grown out of the Employer. mento, CA 95814; 916/448-6666. research of Allan Berube, a mem­ liLt Brothel ber of the San * Francisco Lesbian ‘ Poofter Terrorism* : RENO, NEVT— Iranian students and Gay History Project, into the ate no longer welcome at'brothel- social te to iy of Lesbians and Gay Pink Bricks Atttack ^ owner Joe Coofahe’s Mustang Ranch.' men in the Bay Area from the days Conforte put up a sign Wednes­ of the Gold Rush to tlw present.- - . - Anti-Gay Brit^hPubs day excluding Iranian studente from The presentation dazzled audiences his legal house of pleasure because' in San Francisco this past sununer,' MANCBESTER, ENGLAND — of ^"ipi& -bm k attkcks,. and the _ of the AmMkan hostage situation and haS vTecently returned from a Polkp arrfaivest^^g an outbreak threate^g calls made to pub own­ in Tehran. tour of several eastern states. of “poofter tem risin” aimed at pubs ers. Conforte sayes he is fed up with The show will be presented i>y that discriminate against Gays. An anonymouns caller told Bri­ the hypocrisy of Iranian students tain’s Gay N ew t that he was fol­ who jtK>port the Ayatollah Khomei­ members of the San Francisco His^ Rnk-painted h^ks wrapped in lowing the ekan^le cti the suffra-«' ni’s policies'yet patronize the bro­ tory Project as a Jwnefit for the protest leaffiets and carrying "Q uy gettes who also smashed shop win­ thel. Sonoma County Lesbian and Gay anger” messages have been fauried dows. ' “Ifickets aren’t enough,” From now on, he says, any Irani- NEWS. The event wUUbe hosted through the windows of two pubs. by the Gay Student Union of the said the callef. “The time has come ' an student wrho wants service afer tiie Santa Rosa Junior Ccdlege. Although die Gty Activist Alliance for Gay people to nuke stronger hostages are released at Mustang All are welcome. picketed the pubs when they insti­ moves. ' This is poofter terrorism. will not only have to denounce Kho­ There will be free child care and tuted a Sunday lunchtime ban on It is not pure vandalism. It is a meini, but also the Iranian govern­ the ev|^nt is wheelchair accessible. Gays, the GAA disassociated itself political act.” ment’s policy of shooting prostitutes. — fh e Body PoBdc- A $2 donation is asked. both from the “ineqxmsible| action” -UP! D m . ’794aa 'ttS/L A G N E W S/f^S D orothy A rmnmr dtntU Woman Violence Dropped - Court Refuses Pioneer Hollywood Director Dies From Warner^Record Company Sodomy Appeal ------N E W YO R K — Dorothy Arzner, Califbmia, had not started out with 82, Hollywood’s only women direc­ a Hollywood career in mind. In LOS ANGELES Warner Com­ in the recording industry,” she said. WASHINGTON, D.C — The U.S. tor in the 1930s and ’40s, died fact she had hoped to be a doc­ munications Inc. has agreed not to “The thought of my young son Supreme Court has refused to hear October 1 in La Quinta (River­ tor, and attended the University produce any record album covers going into the r^ rd store and the appeal of three men convicted side County), where she lived in of Southern California. But Worid depicting violence against women, learning how women are to be treat­ of sodomy on the basis of police retirement. War I intervened, and she signed an agreement h a il^ by women ed from these album covers is a evidence gathered through peep­ After nine years in Hollywood up with an ambulance corps, though activists as a “ major victory” in terrifying thought,” said Cathy Bar­ holes. The men were arrested at as a script girl, film editor and she never left the country. School­ the war against lurid LP artwork. ber of the Southern California Rape stops along Interstate 66 in Prince scriptwriter, Arzner made her de­ ing seemed tame afterward and, Warner President David Horow­ Alliance. William County, Virginia. but as a director in 1927, with the after a visit to a Hollywood studio, itz said Thursday the “record group WAVAW started in 1976 as an ad ' This issue marks the end of another year and the end of another decade. —Advocate ■silent Fashions for Women, star­ she decided that directing was her hoc coalition p r o te s ^ g ^ Sunset It has been a decade that has seen an increased awareness of the ongoing Letter ring Esther Ralston, and went on true calling. Strip billboard the Rolling Stones struggle for the civil rights of aU people. Church Allows to show that she was as skillful in She -got an interview with C ^ used to promote their album “Black It has been a decade when we as Lesbians.and Gay men have begun to We are disturb^ by the efforts talkies as she had been in silent B. De Mille, and offered to start __ and Blue ” It showed a women bat­ make connections with the ways w ^are treated in our society andjhe_ways- to undermine progress-aclueved tor Gay Ministèrê----------- at the bottom, which she did, typ­ tered and bruised — and smiling. tJtlf" Mtc» «ire cuuiievled nitlr~lfie stauggles of people everywhere to be ratification of SALT II. At its recent St Louis General She gave Rosalind Russell one of ing scripts. Paramount gave her “This policy expresses the WCI free from opression and tyranny. Holland Roberts Center Assembly, the Christian Church (Dis­ her outstanding roles, in the 1936 her first directorial chance in 1927.
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