Geology of the Highrock Lake Area, Wollaston Domain (NTS 74H-3 and -4) G.M Yeo and D.A. Savage I Yeo, G.M. and Savage, D.A. ( 1999): Geology of the Highrock Lake area, Wollaston Domain (NTS 74H-3 and -4); in Summary of Investigations 1999, Volume 2, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Sask. Energy Mines, Misc. Rep. 99-4.2. This report presents the results of I :20 000 scale Along with mapping the Wollaston-Mudjatik transition mappin~, during the summer of 1999, of about zone reported elsewhere (Tran et al., this volume), this 400 km around Highrock Lake in central Wollaston report summarizes results from the final field season of Domain (Figure I). Highrock Lake lies 2 15 km north a three-year project to examine the lithostratigraphy of La Ronge and 10 km southeast of the Key Lake and structural geology of the Wollaston Domain south uranium mine. of the Athabasca Basin. The geology of the area was previously mapped by Ray ( 1977) at I: l 00 000 scale and is also included in 1. General Geology the I :250 000 scale Geikie River compilation bedrock geology map (Ray, 1983). Highrock Lake lies in the west-central part of the Wollaston Domain, a north-northeast-trending belt of Paleoproterozoic sedimentary and Archean granitoid rocks which extends beneath the eastern part of • • • • • • 100· • • • • • • • • • • • 104" • Athabasca Basin (Figure I). Five main lithological subdivisions are distinguished in the Highrock Lake • . • • .. • 0 50 • _"'4id;.lllf•.t. • •• area (Figure 2): • • •• • • - - - • • • •McCteanL. IOometres 58" • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·" Cl\)ar l. • • I) an Archean basement complex, which includes .... .. granite, granite-granodiorite, and amphibolite; ATHABASCA BASIN 2) a Paleoproterozoic lower sedimentary sequence, comprising basal garnet-bearing petite and psammopelite, overlain by cordierite- and sillimanite-bearing psammopelite, magnetite-rich and magnetite-poor psammopelite and psammite, transitional to interbedded psammopelite and arkose; 3) a Paleoproterozoic upper sedimentary sequence of typically calc-silicate-bearing siliciclastic rocks; 4) late syn-tectonic to post-tectonic gran ites and pegmatites; and 5) Mesoproterozoic Athabasca Group sandstone. Five phases of deformation affected the Highrock Lake area. DI resulted in development of the dominant LITHOLOGY regional foliation (SI) and isoclinal folding (FI). 02 P.ieozoic refolded Fl folds to produce type 3 interference Athaba,ca Group patterns (Ramsay, 1967) locally. Although well­ developed regionally, especially to the west (e.g. Tran Huctsonian fluusives et al. , this volume), F2 and Fl folds generally could Pekioproterozok: sedim•nl5 & volcanics not be distinguished. 03 produced the northeast­ Atchean basement trending, dominant regional F3 folds and a steeply • Uranium mine dipping S3 axial planar foliation. D4 deformation resulted in very open, northwest-trending F4 folds. 05 Figure 1 - Regional geological sketch map ofsou th em produced late, steeply dipping, faults. Cree Lake Zone showing the location ofareas mapped as part of the Wollaston Project: A) Highrock Lake; The rocks have undergone high-temperature, low­ B) Haultain River; C) Cup-Keller lakes; D) Daly-Middle pressure metamorphism, to upper amphibolite­ Foster lakes,· and E) Burbidge- Upper Foster lakes. granulite facies. There have been at least two phases of I Department of Geological Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E2. 38 Summary of In vestigations 1999, Volume 2 metamorphic mineral growth, broadly coeval with the and ranges from 0.19 to 11.3 x 10·3 SJ units. DIID2 and D3 deformation events. Amphibolite xenoliths are Jess common than in Unit 2. Up to 25 percent pegmatite is found in this unit. At Key Lake, as at most other Athabasca Basin uranium occurrences, uranium is localized in fault zones at or near the unconformity between Unit 2: Granodiorite-Tonalite-Quartz Diorite Mesoproterozoic Athabasca Group sandstones and Paleoproterozoic lower Wollaston Group graphitic Granodioritic to tonalitic rocks are light grey to pinkish sediments (Sibbald, 1985; Ruhnnann, 1987; Ruzicka, grey on fresh surfaces, pale pink to white weathered, 1996, and others). The Highrock Lake area is of fine to medium grained, and generally well foliated. particular geological interest as the closest area of Maj or mineral components are quartz ( 15 to 25 extensive exposure of Wollaston Domain rocks to the percent), plagioclase (3 5 to 65 percent), K-feldspar (10 Key Lake mine. Parts of the Highrock Lake area were to 30 percent), biotite (2 to 5 percent), and magnetite intensely explored during the uranium exploration (trace to 5 percent). Magnetic susceptibility averages 5.7 x 10·3 SI units, but is highly variable, from 0.1 7 to boom of the late 1970s and early 1980s. Work included 3 airborne and ground geophysics, lake sediment and soil 22.7 x 10· SI units. Sheets and xenoliths of geochemical sampling, grid mapping, and both amphibolite, typically boudinaged, are common. Up to overburden and diamond drilling. Only a few 40 percent pegmatite melt may be present, especially showings, all associated with late pegmatite and towards the contact with cover rocks. granite, were di scovered. Exploration EM surveys, along with GSC aeromagnetic data (Figure 3) have Unit 3: Amphibolite been used in interpreting the geology of the Highrock Lake area. Amphibolite is dark greenish grey on fresh surfaces, grey weathered, medium grained, and typically moderately well foliated (Figure 4). Major mineral 2. Rock Descriptions components are quartz (<20 percent), plagioclase (60 to 75 percent), hornblende (25 to 40 percent), and The main lithological units distinguished in the field biotite (0 to 5 percent). Magnetic susceptibility are listed in Table I. Names for igneous rocks fo llow averages 5. 7 x 10·3 SI units, but ranges from 0.25 to the JUG S classification, and elastic metasedimentary 18.9 x 10·3 SI units. Up to JO percent pegmatite occurs rocks are named according to the nomenclature in it. This unit is generally not mappable. suggested by Maxeiner et al. ( 1999), except that "arkose" is used in lieu of"feldspathic psammite". All the rocks in the area, except the Athabasca sandstones, b) Wollaston Group Lower Sedimentary have been metamorphosed. Hence, for simplicity, the Sequence prefix 'meta-' has been omitted from rock names in The lower sedimentary sequence rests unconfonnably this report. Magnetic susceptibility was measured at on the Archean granitoid rocks. Five main most outcrops using an Exploranium KT-9 lithostratigraphic units were recognized in this Kappameter. sequence: garnet psammopelite/pelite, cordierite­ sillimanite psammopelite/pelite, psammopelite/ a) Archean Basement psammite, interbedded psammopelite and arkose, and arkose and calcareous arkose. Two of these units can Granitoid rocks are exposed in three north-northeast­ be further subdivided locally. trending basement inliers in the western Highrock Lake area. From east to west these are the Highrock Lake Granite, the McMillan Lakes Granite, and the Zimmer Unit 4: Garnet Psammopelite and Pelite Lake Granite (Ray, 1983). Krogh and Clark (1987) reported U-Pb zircon ages of 2600 ± 18 Ma and 2652 Garnet-bearing psammopelite/pelite is dark grey on ±20 Ma from the Zimmer Lake Granite. Three fr esh surfaces, pale grey weathering, fi ne grained, and lithologic units were distinguished in the basement well foliated. Most exposures are psammopelite, rather in lie rs: monzogran ite-granodiori te, granodiorite­ than pelite. Maj or mineral components are quartz (50 tonalite-quartz diorite, and amphibolite. percent), feldspar (25 to 40 percent), biotite ( 12 to 25 percent), and garnet (trace to 2 percent). The garnets are typically small, l to 3 mm. Although this unit is Unit l: Monzogranite-Granodiorite graphitic along the margin of the Zimmer Lake Granite, graphite was not observed in the Highrock Granitic rocks are pale pink to pinkish grey on fresh Lake area. Magnetic susceptibility averages 0.22 x 10·3 surfaces, pale pink weathered, medium to coarse SI units, and ranges from 0.14 to 0.3 1 x 10·3 SI units. grained, and typically weakly to moderately fo liated. Pegmatite ranges fro m 4 to 50 percent of the rock. These rocks are composed of quartz ( I 5 to 25 percent), K- fe ldspar (35 to 45 percent), plagioclase (25 to 40 Ex posures of this unit were only observed in five areas. percent), hornblende (3 to 5 percent), biotite (trace to 5 West of Nelson Bay, garnet psammopelite is separated percent), and magnetite (trace to 5 percent). K-feldspar from Unit I biotite granodiorite gneiss on the eastern may occur as variably fl attened porphyroblasts (Figure 1 fl ank of the McMillan Lakes inlier by a covered 4). Magnetic susceptibility averages 6.5 x 10· SI units, interval of about 60 m. On a small island north of Scott Saskatchewan Geological Survey 39 sr,o- Uppet Wooaston Sequence Figure 2- Geological sketch mop ofthe Highrock Lake area. Airborne EM conductors Ground EM conductors Figure 3- Geophysical summary mop ofthe Highrock Lake area showing the total field magnetic pattern (Geological Survey ofCanada, 1963a, 1963b) with airhome (INPUT and EM-30) and ground (Max-Min, VLEM, HLEM, and VLF) conductors from assessment reports. 40 Summary ofInvesti gations 1999. Volume 2 Table I - Correlation between map units distinguished in the Highrock Lake area, the Burbidge Lake-Upper Foster Lake area (Tra11 a11d Yeo, 1997) to the southeast, and the Haultain River area (Tran et al., this volume) to the southwest. Mineral abbreviations: Bi, biotite; Co, cordierite; Gr, graphite; Gt, garnet; Hb, hornblende; Mag, magnetite; and Si, sillimanite. Haultain River area Highrock Lake area Burbidge Lake - Upper Foster (NTS 74B-7 & -8) (NTS 74H-3 & -4) Lake area (NTS 74A-14) ---------- Upper Sequence ---------- I 0. Plagioclasite 17. Dolomitic marble 16. Cale-silicate rocks IO . Cale-silicate-bearing arkose 9. Cale-silicate-bearing arkose 15. Cale-silicate-bearing arkose and conglomerate 14. Muscovite schist 12. Conglomerate and arkose ------ Lower Sequence ---- 9. Arkose 8. Arkose and cale-silicate- 13. Arkose bearing arkose 8.
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