Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00715-4 - Crustal Evolution and Metallogeny in India Sanjib Chandra Sarkar and Anupendu Gupta Index More information Index Abhujmar Group, 167, 170, 175 Archeantonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) crust, Acasta Gneisses, Canada, 719 366, 419 Advanced argillicalteration , 281 Arkasani Granite-Granophyre, 380 Algoma type Fe-formation, 12, 103, 497, 735–736 ‘A’ veins, 282 Albitite, 406, 569–570, 652–653, 666–667 Athabasca and Thelou basin, Canada, 135, 666 Albitite-associated U-mineralisation, 454 Askotmultimetal deposit, Himalaya, 698 Alligator River ore deposits, Australia, 722 Aluminium Saturation Index (ASI), 265 Bababudanite(magnesio-riebeckite), 10 Amgaon Gneiss-Supracrustals, 159 Balda Granite, 575–576, 578 Ampani basin, 215, 225–227 Banded Gneissic Complex (BGC) Ancient Pb-Zn ore smelting, Zawar, 553–556 Gneissic rocks, 551 Andaman Nicobar Island arc, 526–527 Ahar River Granite, 558 Andean porphyry belt, 283 Gingla Granite, 558 Anorogenic (A-type) granite, 418 Untala Granite, 558 Anorthosite (-gabbro) massifs in India Berach Granite, 542 Bankura, West Bengal NandwaraGranitoid, 548 Bolangir, Chilka, Mayurbhanj, Orissa, 324–326 Anjana Granite, 550 Chimalpahad, Andhra Pradesh, 39 Deformation and metamorphism, 550 Kadavur, Tamil Nadu, 51 Banded iron formation (BIF) Oddanchetram, Tamil Nadu, 51 Sittampundi, Tamil Nadu, 52 Microfossils in BIF, 362 Antimony mineralisation, Barasigri, Himalaya, 708 Blue dust Appalachian orogeny, North America, 722 Genesis of BIF, 12 Aravalli belt/ Supergroup Banded hematite ores in India Age of the Aravalli rocks, 558 Ore characteristics, 702 Deformation and metamorphism, 556–558 Rock types and stratigraphic sequence, Disposition of ore bodies, ore characters, 551–556 485–488 Archeancratonic nucleus, Singhbhum-Orissa, 352 Ore genesis, 140, 295, 653 Archeangeotherm, 720 Central Indian deposits, 487 Archean–Paleoproterozoic atmosphere, 12 Eastern Indian deposits, 487 South Indian deposits, 487 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00715-4 - Crustal Evolution and Metallogeny in India Sanjib Chandra Sarkar and Anupendu Gupta Index More information 832 Index Banded magnetite ores, Kudremukh, 103 Bhima basin/ Group, 59–62 Bailadila Group Bijawar Group, 184–186 Bailadila belt, 162–167 Bijli Rhyolite, 171 Chhotadongar-Mademnar-Rowghat belt, 167 Bilaspur-Raigarh belt, 207–210 Hahaladi-Sonadehi-Dulki-Kanchar-Dalli- Bimodal volcanic arkose-conglomerate (BVAC), 720 Rajhara belt, 167 Bisrampur conglomerate, Singhbhum, 371 Bangur Gabbro, Baula-Nuasahi area, Orissa, 499 Boliden and Skellefte deposits, Sweden, 721 Barberton craton, South Africa, 733 Bonanza metallogeny, 730 Barite mineralisation in India Broken Hill deposit, Australia, 713, 721 Ghattihosahalli, Sargur Group, 7–9, 48 Burnham model, 387 Mangampeta, Cuddapah basin, 130 Bushveld Complex, South Africa, 505, 721 Barr Conglomerate, South Delhi fold belt (SDFB), Bundelkhand Crustal Province/ Bundelkhandcraton, 570 153 Bastarcraton, 312–313 Bundelkhand Granite Gneiss / massif Bauxite Enclave suite, 182 Granitoids, 183 Distribution of bauxite in space and time, 145 Tectono-magmatic evolution, 184 Favourable conditions for bauxite formation, 147–148 Carlin type Au-mineralisation, 722 Carbonatites in India High- and low-level bauxites, 148 Ambadongar, Gujarat, 125 Bauxite deposits in India Eastern Ghats, Orissa and Andhra Pradesh, 313, Chhattisgarh: Keshkal and Sulaipat-Mainpat 334 deposits, 316 Newania, Rajasthan, 550 East Coast bauxite deposits: Orissa & Andhra Northern Shear Zone, Purulia, West Bengal, Pradesh, 334-340 464, 476 Gujarat: Bhavnagar, Amreli, Junagarh, Jamna- Pakkanadu-Mulakkadu, 126 gar and Kutch dists., 677-678 Samalpatti, 118, 125 Jharkhand: Bagru, Sendag and Netarhat depos- Sung valley, Meghalaya, 533–534 its, 521–525 Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ), 153, 155, 187 Karnataka: Boknur-Navge, and Paduvari de- Charnockite Line –Fermor, 48 posits, Belgaum, 150 Chilpi Group, 168–169 Kerala: Alleppy, Cannanore, Quilon and Trivan- Chitradurga Group (Chitradurga belt), 16–17 drum dists., 151 Chitradurga Group (Shimoga belt), 16–17 Madhya Pradesh: Amarkantak, Katni, Phut- Chhattisgarh basin/Supergroup, 218–225 kapahar, Semaria, Supkhar-Kothapahar and Chhotanagpur Gneissic Complex (CGC), 343, 370, Rewa-Satna deposits, 313–316 419, 421, 519, 526 Maharashtra: Dhangarwadi-Penhela and Udai- CIA (Chemical Index of Alteration), 16 giri deposits, 316–318 Climax type Mo deposit, 285 Tamil Nadu: Kollaimalai, Nilgiri, Palni and Collisional orogeny/ tectonics, 691, 694 Shevaroy hills deposits, 152 Beach placer (monazite, zircon, ilmeniteetc) deposits Chromite mineralisation in India Chavara-Manavalakurchi, Kerala-Tamil Nadu, Magmatic crystallisation, 504–506 126–127 Podiform (ophiolitic) chromite ores, 502–503 Chhatrapur, Orissa, 332, 342 Stratiform (Bushveld type) chromite ores, 502 Bengal basin, 526 Chromite deposits in India Bengpal Group, 160–161 Baula-Nuasahi deposits, Orissa, 499–500 BetulSupracrustal belt, 192–193 Jojohatu-Roro deposits, Jharkhand, 497–498 Bhilwara Province/ BhilwaraSupergroup Nuggihalli-Byrapur deposits, Karnataka, 70 Status of BhilwaraSupergroup, 558–559 Nagaland-Manipur deposits, 526, 528 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00715-4 - Crustal Evolution and Metallogeny in India Sanjib Chandra Sarkar and Anupendu Gupta Index More information Index 833 Sukinda deposit, Orissa, 498–499 Depleted mantle, 35, 47–48, 50, 185, 346, 417, 506, Chronostratigraphy of rocks in Eastern Indian craton, 731 416–417 Deonadi (river) section, 356, 362 Collisional orogen, 679 Dharwar Province Copper mineralisations in India and Bhutan Eastern Dharwar Block (EDB), 45–48 Adash, Orissa, 341 Western Dharwar Block (WDB), 45–48 Aladahalli, Karnataka, 71 Similarity, contrast and relationship of Eastern Bajta deposit, Sawar belt, Rajasthan, 609–610 and Western Dharwar Blocks, 45–48 Bhagoni-KhoDariba, Alwar belt, Rajasthan, Dharwar Gneisses and Granites of EDB 651 Closepet Granite (batholith), 18, 20 Baraganda, Jharkhand, 515–516 Champion Gneiss, 34–36 Gongkhola copper prospect, Bhutan Himalaya, Peninsular Gneiss (PGC – 2 /Dharwar batholith), 712–713 4–7 Gani-Kalva, Cuddapah basin, 132 Dharwar Gneisses and Granites of WDB Ingaldhal, Chitradurga schist belt, Karnataka, Peninsular Gneiss (PGC -1 & 2), 4–7 78, 735 DharwarSupergroup Kalyadi, Karnataka, 71, 735 Bababudan Group, 9 Khetricopper belt, Rajasthan, 637–640 Chitradurga Group, 16 Kho-Dariba copper deposit, 651 Dharwar schist belts (Eastern Dharwar) Malanjkhand Cu (-Mo-Au) deposit, Madhya Pradesh, Deodurg schist belt, 29–30 270–277 Gadwal schist belt, 37 Pachekhani-Pedong-Peshok Cu mineralization, Hutti-Maski schist belt, 30–32 Sikkim, 704 Jonnagiri schist belt, 37 Rangpo-Dikchu Cu deposits, Sikkim, 702 Kadiri schist belt, 38 Ran Mangli, Sakoli belt, Maharashtra, 294 Khammam schist belt, 39 Singhbhum Cu-U belt, Jharkhand, 424–427 Kolar schist belt, 34–36 Tamakhun,Northern shear zone, Jharkhand, 463 Kunigal schist belt, 38 Thutanbori, Sakoli belt, Maharashtra, 294 Kushtagi schist belt, 28–29 Coulomb’s Wedge model, 407–408 Manglur schist belt, 29 Nagamangala schist belt, 6, 116 Crustal province, 153–155, 159, 178, 181–187, Nellore schist belt, 38–39 214–215, 258, 326, 329, 560 Ramagiri-Penkacherla schist belt, 32–33 Cuddapah basin Veligallu schist belt, 37 Chitravati Group, 56, 58 Sandur schist belt, 24–28 Kurnool Group, 56, 58 Dharwar schist belts (Western Dharwar) Nallamali Group, 56, 58 Sargur Group, 7–8 Origin and evolution, 55–56 Bababudan belt/Group, 9 Papaghni Group, 56, 58 Chitradurga schist belt/Group, 16 Gadag schist belt, 92–95 Darjing Group, 365–366 Diamonds Deccan Traps, 61–62, 147, 155, 18, 193, 204, 207, General Comments, 141–142 216, 228–232, 315–317, 678, 740 Diamonds in Bastar pipes, 312–313 Delhi fold belt (DFB) Diamonds in Panna belt: Majhgaon-Hinota North Delhi fold belt (NDFB), 561–571 pipes and Vindhyan sediments, 309–312 South Delhi fold belt (SDFB), 571–577 Diamond in Wajrakarur-Lattavaram pipes.40, 42 Tenability of N-S divide, Delhi fold belt, Diamonds in Krishna basin sediments, 143–144 578–581 Famous Indian diamonds, 143–144 Tectonic models, 582–585 Origin of diamonds, 142–143 Delhi-Hardwar ridge, 695 Dome and basins structures in supracrustal rocks, 17 Degana Granite, 577 Dongargarh Granite Dehydration reactions, 53n Malanjkhand Granite, 175 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00715-4 - Crustal Evolution and Metallogeny in India Sanjib Chandra Sarkar and Anupendu Gupta Index More information 834 Index MadanberaGranite, 173–174 Great boundary fault, 590–591 Sitagaon Granite, 174 Grenvillian orogeny in India, 326, 331 Kanker-Mainpurgranitoid batholith (Bundeli, Geophysical attributes of EGMB, 326, 328 Chura, Kanker, Keshkalgranitoids), 174 Godavari rift, 155, 161, 321, 325–326, 328 Dongargarh Supergroup (including Kotri and Chilpi Gold mineralisation – the state of the art, 97–99 formations) 168, 176 Gold mineralisation in high grade rocks, 129 Dongri Buzurg Mn-deposit, 301, 305–306 Gold in porphyry Cu-deposits, 280–288 Ductile shear zones, 129 Gold mineralisation in Dharwarcraton, South India Ductile-brittle shear zones. 129 Dumortierite-bearing rocks, Singhbhum shear zone Sargur belts:Golarahalli, Kempinkote, Honnebetta, (SSZ), 371 Bellibetta, Ambale-Volagere, 73 Earliest evidence of life , 719 Bisanattam mines, 74–79 East Gondwana, 329–332
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