JUN 6 19 4 New Jersey's 7 Garden State's 7 Most Charming Most Educated Young Men Smiling Girls 1. Ronald Cracas ], Ann Cuneo 2. Bob Nordham 2. Lucy Leon 3. Frank Markus l Mae Stark 4. James Morgan 4. Dot Hooke 5. Walter Jones 5. Mary Howe 6. Harry Gordon 6. Joan Hall 7. E. Saradarian 7. Aanes Dew WALD WICK, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JUNE , 1947. $2 YEARLY — 54 COPY VOL. 8 NO. 13 6 petitioners Call On Mayor & Council to Probe Boro Clerk Mrs. Wm. Rowe Becomes New Head of Governing Body Holds FUSIONISTS STEAL NOMINATION Executive Session To THROUGH FRAUDS IN BOROUGH Waldwick Parent - Teachers League Weigh Charges Friday The Waldwick Fusionists Amidst impressive ceremonies Mrs. William Rowe was A petition signed by Ken­ Waldwick Trade stole the nomination in the Re­ recently installed as president of the Waldwick Parent-Teach­ neth Howe, School Trustee ers Association as all members pledged whole-hearted coopera­ William C. Huffman, M. Mar­ Board’s Recess publican primary Tuesday. tion during her administration. Mrs. George Christman was the tin Turpanjian, editor of Jer­ They stole the slogan of the installing officer for the occasion. sey Parade, Mrs. Gladys Huff­ Ends on Sept. 3 Howe ticket in the first in­ Other officers inducted into __________________________ man and Mrs. Elsie Smith, stance, and their campaign office included:* D. Frank charging Borough Clerk director did not advertise the The Waldwick Chamber of Workman, first vice-pres.; Charles A. Bearce with fradu- registration notices in the lo­ Mayor Daniels Commerce held its luncheon Maibel King, second vice-pres.; lent position drawings, viola­ cal official newspaper in order meeting Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Walter Close, treas.; Mrs. tion of election law for not ad­ to disfranchise scores of vot­ Studies Report in Wilson’s Hotel, Prospect St., Carmine G. Corino, corr. sec.; vertising the registration days ers. Misleading notitces were Wadlwiek, and voted a recess and Mrs. Louise Korte, rec. and vacancies for various of­ inserted in a newspaper as if of John Lyons for the summer months of fices and for falsification of the election was to be held in sec. June, July and August and will Mrs. William C. Huffman, the certification of names in a club in district No. 2 when Mayor James E. Daniels, of resume its activities on the the election actually took place the retiring president, was Waldwick, is studying the con­ case of Mi's. Elsie Smith who first Wednesday of September. presented with her past presi­ in the school, last but not least fidential report of Borough received the first position on Secretary M. Martin Turpan- dent’s pin by Mrs. Herman the ballot whereas Mr. Bearce the campaign director conduct­ 'Auditor John Lyons, who has juuan read the organization’s ed phoney position drawings, George Honig. disclosed many startling rev­ had sent her name in as having six months report of activities received the second position, giving first position to tusion- elations concerning the acts and accomplishments. Mayor ists. THEY DO SAY - - and deeds of a municipal offi­ has been submitted to the James E. Daniels was the main Waldwick Mayor and Council The County Board of Elec­ cial, and tonight, Friday, June guest speaker who compliment­ tion may declare the primary Miss Ann Cuneo, daughter 6 definite decisions will be for consideration and action. ed the officers and members The original petition bear­ election null and void and call of Mrs. Julia Cuneo, is the made as to what course to for their splendid achieve­ for a special election in Wald­ sunshine of the Waldwick Post pursue at an executive meeting ing all the signatures together ments. with other documentary evi­ wick. Office. She is cute, attractive, of the Mayor and Council. President Herbert D. Albert Kenneth Howe was defeated charming and smiling and has Having made a great name dences has been submitted to declared that a program of Mayor James E. Daniels and by William Ward by a majority a heart of gold. She is the ideal to himself since he has taken new activities will be mapped of 46 votes. Edward Kuklinski “Miss Waldwick” and the pride office as the chief executive of duplicate copies of the petition out for the months of Septem­ have been mailed to council- was the low man on Howe’s of our community. this borough, Mayor Daniels ber, October, November and ticket. has demonstrated time and men Vernon Y. Bush, Barth December. Vender Els, Clarence J. Abra­ Arthur Allder and Mrs. Councilman Herbert DeWitt again that he stands for hon­ Mayor and Mrs. Daniels Louis Langevin of District No. Albert may become general esty and is bitterly opposed to ms, Frederick F. Faraci and were declared honorary mem­ Herbert D. Albert. The peti­ 1 and Councilman Barth Van­ manager for the proposed corruptions and is expected to bers and all memfbers were der Els and Mrs. Elsie Smith, $100,000 skating rink on Pros­ tioners call for consideration make a new history in the com­ given Ramsey Theatre passes of District No. 2 were elected pect St., 'but unless he gets and action by the governing munity life of Waldwick by his through courtesy of Jersey members of Republican County $400 a week he wall not con­ body for a sweeping investi­ definite action and decision Parade. Committee respectively. sider accepting the job.. Friday night. gation of the activities of Bor­ * -----------------------* ■ ---------------------- ough Clerk Gharles A. Bearce Mayor James E. Daniels and Councilman Frederick F. Class Reunion H eld at his running mates on the Dem­ Frederick F. Faraci and and his removal from office. Faraci, who is also vitally in­ H om e of Fred F . Faraci ocratic slate, Councilman Barth Vander Els are the terested in the welfare of our Frederick F. Faraci and Mel­ “gingers” of the meetings of Anthony D ’Onofrio, One community, suggested that a The residence of Councilman vin Chapman, candidates for the borough council. They of Ramsey Theatre Owners week’s time be given to the Frederick F. Faraci, 13 Frank­ couneilmen and Collector make things interesting and Marks Ilis 3 7 th Birthday couneilmen and the mayor to lin Turnpike Waldwick, was Frank W. English were nomin­ always work for the supreme arrive at a definite conclusion. the scene of the Manhattan ated without opposition. They welfare of our citizenry. College class reunion last Sat­ will be opposed by William urday night. A full course Frank Pfleger Colony locat­ Ward for mayor, Kenneth Doty Congr ess man Thomas dinner and refreshments were ed on Prospect Street and they and William Vitzthum for served for the occasion. couneilmen and Arthur Pugh all stand for honesty. .A nnounces Vacancy The event marked the hap­ for collector in the November piest occasion for Councilman election. There are more Vander Els In West Point In 1 9 4 8 Faraci that he could have a -------------------- ♦ - ------------------- names in Waldwick than number of the classmates who Bathing Beauty Contest Cohens and Murphys^ Congressman J. Parnell had graduated with him 22 For Waldwick Boys and Thomas announces today a va­ years ago from Manhattan Former Mayor J. J. Reilly cancy at the United States Mil­ Girls Satin-day, June 28 has returned from the conven­ College of New York City. itary Academy in 1948, for Among those who attended tion of the Brotherhood of Lo­ which the preliminary examin­ included the Rev Brother Ed­ Bathing beauty swimming comotive Engineers rather dis­ ation will be held in July. ward, F.S.C., who was the pre­ contest will be held at the appointed, he was not elected In view of the limited time sident of the college when Waldwick Swimming Pool on vice-president in a close con­ for the filing of these applica­ Councilman Faraci graduated; Saturday, June 28 from 10 a. test among 500 delegates. tions, it is necessary for all Circuit Court Judge Thomas m. to 6 p. m., it was announ­ young men who are interested Gray of New York City: Coun­ ced the other day by the offi­ Michael J. Leonard, the most in competing for the 1948 va­ sellor Thomas Owens, Judge cers and members of Waldwick Athletic Club. active worker the Waldwick cancy to contact Congressman George Connolly, of New York The beauty contest is for Democratic Party has ever had Thomas, Suite 318, House Of­ City; Bernard J. Farrell, en­ Anthony D.Onofrio boys and girls from six years resigned from the Democratic fice Building, Washington 25, gineer and general contractor; Club. D. C., note later than July 1st. Prof. John Costa, who is now of age and older and the win­ West Point Candidates are Anthony D’Onofrio, one of instructor in engineering at ners will be announced be­ the owners and operators of eligible for admission from the college; Francis X. Scan- tween 3 and 4 p. m. Carino and Goulding, Mc- the Ramsey Theatre, celebrat­ Grogan and Parliman colony the day they are 17 until the lan, engineer and general con­ Applications can be obtain­ ed his 37th birthday anniver­ ed from Postmaster James Mc- is located in Blockdale section day they become 22 years of tractor Jean P. Faraci, Boro sary Monday at his home sur- Quilken, Jr., Bud Wentle They stand far decency and age, on which latter day they Attorney John J. Carlin and honesty in our borough. aire not eligible. (continued on page eight) former Mayor John J. Reilly. | and Nick Maratene. JERSEY PARADE, WALDWICK, N. J. FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1947 Saving his grandmother, Jennifer Mar­ “ Kit, don’t fight it any longer.
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