FARNHILL PARISH COUNCIL Telephone 01535 634942 Email: [email protected] Susan Harding Hill Clerk 1 North Place Sutton in Craven Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 7PH MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF FARNHILL PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON THE 22ND FEBRUARY 2018 IN KILDWICK/FARNHILL INSTITUTE. PRESENT Councs. G Harling (Chairman), D Atkinson, M Scarffe, J Waring, D Akrigg, CDC Representative Counc. A Brown, 2 members of the public & Clerk S Harding-Hill, 23/18 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Two members of the public attended to comment on the planning application for the Methodist Church. The Chairman suggested and the Parish Council agreed that this agenda item be taken first. Members of the public had no objections to the application but were a little concerned with regard to issues regarding removal of the railings and access to the side of the property. 24/18 PLANNING Application No: 2018/19003/FUL Proposal Proposed change of use from Methodist Chapel to form two apartments with off street parking Location: Methodist Church, Main Street, Farnhill, Keighley. The Parish Council made the following observations:- The parking spaces are not adequate for the size of the property, which may result in roadside parking when parking is already a problem on Main Street. The large stone piers and heritage railings which are to be removed along the front of the building contribute to the character and appearance of the building. Concerns were also expressed about the access to the right of the building. Is the access adequate for the upper floor and for maintenance of the grass at the side of the property towards the canal. ENF/02707/2017 Airedale House CDC replied to the Parish Council’s request for an update regarding the breach of planning at Airedale House, by saying they had no update at the moment but were trying to find out where the owner of the property was currently living. Clerk to report to CDC that the trees to the left of the property have been reduced in height, therefore reducing the screening which was in the design statement and ask them to give the matter their immediate attention. 25/18 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE NYCC & CDC District Representative Councs. P Mulligan, 26/18 COUNCILLOR’S APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. None 27/18 DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS None 28/18 APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON THE ON THE 25TH JANUARY 2018 The minutes of the meeting held on the 25th January 2018 were approved by the Council and signed as a correct record by the Chairman. 29/18 UPDATE FROM NYCC & CDC REPRESENTATIVES CDC Representative Counc A Brown reminded the Parish Council that he still had funding of £200.00 left. If Farnhill wished to apply for anything the closing date is the 31st March. He stated that Craven District Council have currently been working on setting the budget and have agreed on an increase of 2.9% for their part of the Council Tax. They have had decreases in funding from the government for the last 8 years which meant an increase was unavoidable. NYCC and the police will also be putting up their shares. Page 264 With regard to planning he stated that a large amount of planning applications have been submitted for Skipton with new estates at virtually every road out of Skipton. There were concerns that a lot of building would be taking place at the front end of the plan, and what could be done to improve and even the flow over the full term of the plan. He reported that the bereavement counselling working group are currently working on how things will need to change over the next 20years.They will need to consider space at graveyards, woodland burials and difficulties at the Crematorium when all the new houses are built next to it. 30/18 HIGHWAYS No matters to report. 31/18 DATA PROTECTION The Parish Council agreed in principle to appoint a data protection officer from CDC after further consultation. 32/18 LEAKING TROUGH AT BUCKLAR HILL No further updates clerk to contact Yorkshire Water again to see how they are progressing. 33/18 FENCE AT LEEDS & LIVERPOOL CANAL The Canal and River Trust have responded to our request for a date that the fence replacement works will take place and they have confirmed that works are currently planned to be completed in July 2018. They state that this is a preliminary date and may be subject to change if other works become a higher priority. In the meantime they will continue to monitor the site and remedy any issues with the interim fencing which is currently in situ. 34/18 STREET LIGHTING No faults to report. 35/18 FINANCE & ACCOUNTS To Consider Donation to the Church Two members of the Council attended the Community Forum regarding future plans for Kildwick Church. The cost to repair the roof of the building has been estimated at £450,000, but the total project is estimated at 1.5 million. They are considering applying for funding through the Lottery Heritage & People Fund, but need to look for ideas to satisfy the people element. They need a group of people willing to help with organizing events. The Parish Council resolved to wait till the Annual Parish Meeting before considering a donation, to see what members of the Parish thought. If the money cannot be raised then the Church may have to close. 36/18 INFORMATION BOARD IN CAR PARK Counc M Scarffe provided a rough draft of some artwork showing a map & pictures of the village for use in the information board. The Parish Council agreed that he finalize the detail prior to getting some quotes. 37/18 PARISH COUNCIL WEBSITE The website has been updated with agenda’s & minutes. 38/18 ONGOING DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARBOUR Counc M Scarffe provided a draft plan for the path and steps at the top end of Lower Arbour which the Parish Council approved of, but he will put in more detail prior to getting quotes for the work. 39/18 HEALTH & SAFETY POLICY Counc G Harling provided a draft copy of the Health & Safety Policy which was Counc M Scarffe’s draft in a different format. She will make a couple of amendments before presenting it for approval at the next meeting. The Parish Council will then work on procedure documents. 40/18 PLAY AREA Clerk is awaiting a response from Sutcliffe Play regarding prices for spare parts for some of the equipment. Counc D Atkinson reported that the wall at the back of the play area had some gaps in the rendering which appeared to be getting bigger. Counc M Scarffe will take a look. 41/18 CLERKS REPORT No response has been received from CDC regarding reinstating the waste collection service that was agreed and no action has been taken to carry out our request. Clerk to write to them again and copy to NYCC & CDC District Representatives. The Clerk reported that the defibrillator has been taken out to incidents twice recently but not actually been used. It has been returned safely and checked to make sure it is ready for use. 42/18 MINOR ITEMS OF BUSINESS & ITEMS TO GO ON THE AGENDA NEXT MONTH. Counc M Scarffe & Counc D Akrigg will plant the trees which were left over from previous plantings when the weather is suitable. Clerk to ask CDC to reinstate the dog bin at the Car park as people are not using the litter bin and as a consequence there has been more dog fouling. Page 265 Clerk to thank Richard Bramley & Ken Ideson for the excellent work they have done with the path at Parson’s Walk. 43/18 CORRESPONDENCE Thank you e-mail from Kildwick/Farnhill Insitute C.DC Parishes Liaison Meeting Wed 21st March 2018 Canal & River Trust- What your local waterway can do for your community The Craven Trust – Annual Report 2016-2017 Settle Stories – Settle Stories Festival 2018 6-8th April 2018 NYCC – Craven Area Committee – 8th February 2018 at 10.00am Ingleborough Community Centre Update from Julian Smith MP- Upcoming Surgeries YLCA – Defra Consultation on Proposals to tackle crime and poor performance in the waste sector RESPONSES BY Friday 9th March Renewal of Local Bus Service Contracts HAGS Inclusive Playground Solutions. DATE OF NEXT MEETING THURSDAY 26TH APRIL 2018 IN KILDWICK/FARNHILL INSTITUTE AT 7.30PM All members of the village are welcome to attend Page 266 .
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