Wildcats travel RELIGION to Eureka Saturday Faith community news ...................................Page 3 .............Page 6 Sept. 23, 2006 INSIDE Mendocino County’s Obituaries The Ukiah local newspaper ..........Page 2 Sunday: A full day of sunshine 7 58551 69301 0 Monday: Warm with plenty of sunshine 50 cents tax included DAILY JOURNAL ukiahdailyjournal.com 16 pages, Volume 148 Number 167 email: [email protected] IN COURT RED FLAG WARNING Murder trial has Project WET Fire danger change extreme due of lawyer to high winds By BEN BROWN The Daily Journal By LAURA MCCUTCHEON Service has issued a Red The murder trial of Trevor The Daily Journal Flag Warning for Northern Conley, 23, of Ukiah, has Current high winds and California and parts of been delayed until February low humidity levels have Southern California for following a reappointment of sparked the concern of fire extreme wind gusts up to 65 counsel by the Mendocino officials, who urge people to mph and low humidity lev- County Superior Court. use extreme caution as long els throughout the weekend. Conley has been charged as the weather pattern lasts. with murder in the death of See WINDS, Page 16 Kevin Henry, 39, of Albion. The National Weather Conley was previously represented by Public Defender Wes Hamilton, who What if the voters was removed from the case after declaring a conflict. The court asked Ukiah attorney Donald Lipmanson to act as vote for Vroman? Conley’s attorney. On Friday, Lipmanson Clerk-Recorder clarifies election process asked Judge Ron Brown to following the death of district attorney reschedule Conley’s trial for February so that Lipmanson By KATIE MINTZ can better prepare to defend The Daily Journal Conley. Assessor/County Clerk-Recorder Mar- “There’s more investiga- sha Wharff announced Friday that should tion that needs to be done,” the late District Attorney Norman Vroman Lipmanson said. receive a majority of votes in the November Conley’s jury trial has been general election, the Mendocino County rescheduled for Feb. 26 with a Board of Supervisors will have to appoint pretrial conference scheduled someone to fill the position. Vroman, 69, died Thursday afternoon of for Jan. 22. Conley was origi- complications due to a heart attack. The nally scheduled to go on trial two-term district attorney was engaged in a Vroman in October. run for re-election against Fort Bragg attor- Conley’s co-defendant, ney Meredith Lintott, and California elections law requires that Nathan McWilliams, 22, of at less than 68 days away from the election, his name remains Ukiah, pleaded guilty to on the ballot despite his death. charges of second-degree According to County Counsel Jeanine Nadel, whomever murder in July. As part of his might be appointed would serve a full four-year term. plea agreement, McWilliams “Pursuant to the government code, all county officials are to will make a full statement to be elected in the general election in which the governor is law enforcement and testify elected,” Nadel said. “If, in fact, Norm is elected, the board for the prosecution at Conley’s trial. See VROMAN, Page 2 See TRIAL, Page 2 Isaac Eckel/The Daily Journal Rebecca Kress, a Project WET teacher, gives a talk about water resources Librarians answer Roadside and watersheds to Theresa Sessoyeff’s class of fourth- and fifth-graders at Hopland Elementary School on Friday. questions with IM emergency By LEA BLEVINS to ensure they are accessible MediaNews Group to as many people as possi- Program teaches students LIVERMORE – Got a ble. bill signed question? Ask a librarian -- Leone said that while By GARY RICHARDS but you don’t have to bother instant messaging is a new San Jose Mercury News about area water resources going to the library itself or thing for her, she feels that it SACRAMENTO – Less even picking up a phone. will make more people feel than a year after he vetoed a By JAMES ARENS Livermore librarians are comfortable asking ques- bill that would have required The Daily Journal standing by -- via online tions. California drivers to move Young children, teen- instant messaging -- to “I think a lot of people over or slow down when agers and even teachers are answer your burning ques- don’t necessarily approach approaching a roadside emer- learning about one of our tions. librarians,” she said. gency along state highways, most important natural In an effort to reach out to A disadvantage of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger resources -- water -- more people in the commu- answering questions online reversed course and has through Project WET: nity, the library began its is not knowing who you’re signed the “Move Over, Slow Water Education for Teach- instant messaging program talking to, the librarians Down” legislation. ers. on Sept. 6. Three librarians said. They typically conduct The bill sponsored by state And there’s a hard work- take turns filling shifts from “reference interviews” with Sen. Joe Simitian, D-Palo ing woman who’s passion- 3 to 5 p.m. Monday through patrons because often the Alto, mirrors laws in 37 states ate about water and teach- Thursday. first question asked is not and goes into effect Jan. 1. ing people about its impor- The after-school hours exactly what people are try- “I am gratified by the gov- tance. tend to make the program ing to find out. ernor’s signature of this com- “There is no new water When instant messaging, Students inspect a storm drain while learning appropriate for students, but mon sense solution to a pre- on the planet,” said Rebec- anyone is welcome to par- it’s not always clear whether ca Kress, an outside con- about water pollution and where water goes. ventable problem,” Simitian ticipate, Librarian Lyn the question is coming from said in a news release. “This tractor for the Mendocino an 8-year-old or a college Water Agency teaching Leone said. bill is about promoting high- grade, how to think, not ing, math and role playing “It’s a different way to professor, Leone joked. way safety, plain and simple. I Project WET. “We are what to think, and that to relay important informa- Librarian Renee drinking the same water reach out to a younger pop- hope that it will put a stop to informed people are more tion about water to students ulation that’s already com- Romanoff said sometimes the senseless deaths of police dinosaurs were drinking likely to make a difference and to help enhance their questions can be answered when they were alive.” fortable working in this officers, tow truck drivers, through their actions. vocabulary, and written and medium,” she said. quickly, while others require Project WET is a pro- “This program was verbal skills. Kress goes to more research. When that paramedics and other emer- Many larger libraries gency personnel who are sim- gram that introduces teach- developed from a storm various schools in Mendo- happens, the librarians will ers and students to the sci- water program that was cino County and teaches across the country already either ask the person on the ply helping stranded subscribe to an instant mes- motorists.” ence of water and the issues implemented and federally about the water cycle, wet- other end of the message to surrounding the use and mandated by the govern- lands conservation, storm saging service, but wait or to receive an e-mail The law was the brainchild Livermore decided to keep of tow truck driver Daniel management of water in ment to keep storm water drain runoff and a little bit answer within 24 hours. Leon of Hayward. The gover- California. Some of the clean,” said Roland San- about the oceans. things more personal. Because the program is nor vetoed the bill last year, core goals of Project WET ford, the general manger of “I teach students little “We wanted to do some- still fairly new, the librarians saying that forcing drivers to are to emphasize that the Mendocino County things like washing your thing on a smaller scale,” haven’t been swamped with change lanes could pose addi- “water is for all water Water Agency. car in your yard rather than Leone said. questions yet. But they’ll be tional risks in a state where users,” teach students, The program tries to The librarians use AOL ready if that happens. traffic congestion is among kindergarten through 12th integrate art, reading, writ- See WATER, Page 2 Instant Messenger, Yahoo! Librarians have a script Instant Messenger, MSN See SIGNED, Page 16 Messenger and Google Talk See LIBRARIANS, Page 2 2 – SATURDAY, SEPT. 23, 2006 DAILY DIGEST Editor: Jody Martinez, 468-3517 The Ukiah Daily Journal [email protected] in closed session appointing an FUNERAL NOTICES Vroman interim district attorney to serve until the new term begins in January. [\ loved and so very Mendocino County Salinas, Marcus “Red” Continued from Page 1 missed by so many. Muriel Grace McCoy was Duman Jr. of San “We will be making the She is survived by son born to Dorothy & Francisco, Christine “Sis” would have to appoint some- appointment on Tuesday, and Jade, husband Mark, Mervin Britton of Covelo Duman-Salas and her hus- body to take that role, and that then we’ll see what the law mother Phyllis, father on August 28, 1940. band Ricky Salas, person would serve the full says,” Colfax said. Michael, sisters Sylvia, As in life, as in death Amanda, Rocky, Jessica four-year term until the next Should a majority of voters Samantha, Lizzy, Sarah Muriel was surrounded Duman, Hope and gubernatorial election, which is cast ballots for Vroman despite and Amanda. Step- by her family as she passed Christopher Polk, Jody in November 2010.” his death, Colfax said he mother Lori, step-father away on Sep- and Kyle McCoy all of Chairman of the Board believed the board would likely Bob, nephew Jasper, tember 19, 2006.
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