335 2. ECOLOGICAL CRIME OVER TRSTENO AND THE AREA ROUND DUB ROVNIK Dragutin KIS, park arrangement architect1 There has been a crime over a park - the top-level burden in charging those that commited this crime is monument of the renaissance park arranging art. The added by the fact that, historically looking, we are here news, coming from the nowly opend battlefield of dealing with the first works and objects of the park Dubrovnik at that ime, was disastrous, not only regarding arranging art in Croatia, as well as on the Balkans. Thus, civil and historical objects of Dubrovnik but also the the destruction and burning of the age-old park, the killing vegetation in its neighbourhood. This rich vegetation, of centuries-old trees, the transformation of the humanistic especially picturesque cypress-three lines, created that harmony in the monstruous site of fire means also the magnificent unique athmosphere of southern Adriatic, destruction of the most valuable substance of Croatian Mediterranean landscape. historical space. "Enemy firing caused numerous forest fires that General features of the park are: introducing the literally devastate the whole of Dubrovnik area. THE architectural order into nature (geometrically organized SITUATION IS THE MOST DRAMATIC IN TRSTENO ground), as well as the symphony of water and the trimmed WHERE THE FIRE CAUGHT THE PROTECTED figure. In the case of our renaissance garden, water was NATURAL PARK. In Zupa Dubrova~ka the fire is used more as a fountain or a fish-pond connected to spreading in the way that the whole area from Brgat the sea. Fruit trees and vine (pergola· and espalier) across Kupari and Plat is, in fact, burning. Fire is complete the useful part of the garden. However, besides devastating the land round Cavtat, Konavle, above Rijeka the features of the renaissance park (spreading over 25,5 Dubrova~ka and elsewhere. Dubrovnik itself is wrapped hectares) Trsteno is gradually becoming the arboretum, by thick smoke and ashes, brought by the wind from i.e. the collection of the live trees and bushes from the fire stricken area of the narrower city core. The strong all over the world, because, from the very beginning, wind favours the spreading offire, and the extinguishing the trees and bushes from the whole world arrived to is almost made impossible by the constant enemy firing." Trsteno (probably brought by our sailors). We can thus ("Vjesnik", October 4th, 1991, reported from Dubrovnik mention the example of Opuntias or Indian fig - Opuntia by Saud Ahmetovic under the title "The Forests round ficus indica brought to Europe from South or Central Dubrovnik on Fire"). America, whose specimen was planted in Trsteno only Among the destroyed natural features, THE FAMOUS a few years later. • ARBORETUM IN TRSTENO SUFFERED THE Trsteno was founded at the and of the 15th and the GREATEST DAMAGE. beginning of the 16th century and it is connected to the Such crimes of intentional burning and destruction aristocratic family Gu~etic. This family gave to Dubrovnik of the top-level works of nature and human skill have and, consequently, to Croatian state administration, to not been registered in the history of warfare so far. Special science, art and public life of Dubrovnik, the whole series -,___ ---- Z.Hegedusic: Arboretum Trsteno - a view from the sea (reprint from the book of A.Ugrenovic: Trsteno. -IAZU, Zagreb, 1953.). Z.Hegedusic: Arboretum Trsteno - pogled s mora (preslikano iz knjige A. Ugrenovic: Trsteno. -JAZU, Zagreb, 1953.). 1 Medvescak 89, Zagreb,Croatia 336 Geolofld vjesnik 44 3. Neptune-fountain in the Arboretum Trsteno. Neptunova cesma u zelenilu Arboretuma Trsteno. 4. 5 Over 400 years old plane-tree (Platanus orientalis) Cypress-trees, St.Jacob in Dubrovnik. in the center of Trsteno. Cempresada iznad Svetog Jakova u Dubrovniku. Preko 400 godina stara azijska platana (mokljen, platanj u lokalnom zargonu) u Trstenom. (Photo- Stike: I.Velie, D.Ki~) Kif: Ecological crime over Trsteno ... 337 of distinguished persons from the prince Klement Gucetic the following should be pointed out: among the dominant (year 1385) to I van Stjepan Gufotic. The latter is supposed species that marked the wider landscape ofTrsteno there to have founded Trsteno, but it could also have been are old cypress-trees. Hundreds of years will be needed the poet Ivan Gucetic, who lived in the period 1451- to restore such a magnificent scene of the landscape. 1502. Namely, the latin inscription on the stone tablet There is also laurel (laurus nobilis), camphor-tree bears the year 1502 and the signature of Ivan Gucetic. (Cinnamomum camphora), date plums (Diospyros kaki The translation on the inscription is the following: "I and D. lotus), all of them originally from China and Japan, am pround of my neighbours, but I am even more proud then tulip tree (liriodendron tulipifera) from North of the water, the healthy climate and the work of the America, magnificent magnolia with big flowers diligent master. Traveller, here you can see evident signs (Magnolia grandiflora) from southern parts of North of the human labour where the worthy skill perfects America. There are also sorts of acacia (Acacia cealbata) the wild nature". Could the noble lord Gucetic imagine and others from Australia by origin, Christmas-berry that almost 500 years later, suGh a "neighbour and (Photinia sservulata) from China, casuarina (Casuarina traveller" would come, who would, instead of recognized equisetifolia) from the tropics,ginko tree (Gingko biloba), the skill of the worthy master, strike without any cause cork-oak (Quercus suber) and others, as well as different and in the most barbarous way, and kill the noble, sorts of eucalyptus (such as Eucalyptus globulus, E. historical park as well as the nature that surrounds it. rostrata and£. viminalis) from Australia. Among old The Arborentum in Trsteno was created specimens of palms some sholud be mentioned:Canarian gradually ,completing the collection of exotic trees by (Phoenix canariensis), date-palm (Phoenix dactylifera), building objects such as the baroque fountain with Fortune's palm (Trachycarpus excelsa) and ~wars fan Neptune ( 1736). Among the trees and bushes of Trsteno, palm (Chamerops humilis), Washington palm two plane-trees (Platanus orientalis), more than 400 years (Washingtoniafilifera and W. robusta), cycad (Cycas old, should be pointed out. Their volume of the trunk revoluta) as well as Latiniea (latania lontaroides). is 46 m. Fortunatelly, these two plane-trees have been Among coniferous trees the most important are: Greek preserved so far. Among other trees, which have mostly fir (Abies cephalonica), Andalusian fir (A. pinsapo), disappeared in the destructive, intentionally caused fire, Colorado fir (A. concolor), then cedar-trees (Cedrus 2. Hegedufo~: Arboretum Trsteno - a view from the East (reprint from the book of A.Ugrenovic: Trsteno. - JAZU, Zagreb 1953.). '2:. Hegedu~ic: Trsteno - pogled na park i otoke (preslikano iz knjige A.Ugrenovic: Trsteno. - JAZU, Zagreb, 1953.). 338 Geololki vjesnik 44 atlantica and C. libani), Arizona cypress (Cypressus In order to establish real values of the Arboretum arizonica) etc. There are also numerous citrus fruits Trsteno, it should be compared to other arboretums in (Citrus of different sorts). Among the numerous sorts Europe and throughout the world: the oldest French of bushes we should stress· the following: the collection arboretum Tonvoye, founded by the bishop Renne du of oleanders (Nerium oleander), caesalpinia (Caesalpinia · Bollay, originates from the 16th century (which is gilliessii), Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica), bananas, somewhat later than our Trsteno). The most famous bougainvillea, TrumNt creeper, Cross-wine (Tasco) and French arboretum was founded in 1845 and it is others. The forests of Aleppo-pine, olive-groves and Arboretum national de Barres. The biggest English especially groups of native pubescent oak (some of worldwide known arboretum Kew Gardens near London them, like the one behind the castle, reached the age was founded in 1840 by Hooker. The Arnold Arboretum of 500 years), were especially famous for their beauty. within The University of Harward in United States This does not exhaust the survey of the numerous species covering the area of 51 hectares has been founded recently. of trees and shrubs that formed the arboretum, which A few such comparative data are enough to confirm was renowned as one of the most valuable research - the conclusion: ARBORETUM TRSTENO IS AMONG scientific objects of the Mediterranean, shaped in the THE FIRST OF ITS KIND IN EUROPE AND IN THE course of 500 years. WORLD, IF NOT THE FIRST. ZA PAMCENJE... I. Velie Svjedoci smo da rat u Hrvatskoj postaje sve pogubniji UNESCO-a progla~ena prirodnim spomenikom svjetske ne samo za ljude i njihova dobra, vec i prirodu. lzravno ba~tine. ' SU iii posredno ugrozena Citava podrucja kontinentalne Geolo~ka dragocjenost Plitvickihjezera temelji se i mediteranske Hrvatske, a posebice oni njezini dijelovi, na tisucugodi~njem i rccentnom meduodnosu karbonatnih koji su zbog specificnosti i osjetljivosti ekosustava pod stijena i voda tekucica. Rezultat fenomena "voda u kr~u" posebnim rezimom i zaStitom. To SU ponajprije nacionalni danas su 16 protocnih jezera i jo~ niz manjih jezeraca parkovi i drugi prirodni rezervati, te hidrografija i ~umski medusobno odijeljenih sedrenim barijerarna (Cratoneuron pokrivac gotovo cijelog prostora zahvacenog ratnim sedra). Podjednako ih nalazimo u dogerskim i malmskim pustofonjima. vapnencima korita Crne i Bijele rijeke, u gomotrijaskim U najjufoijem dijelu Hrvatske, okolici Dubrovnika dolomitima Gornjih jezera iii u gornjokrednim bija~e namjerno zapaljen i gotovo posve izgorio biljni (senonskim) rudistnim vapnencima Donjih jezera. pokrov. Bombardiranjem industrijskih cetvrti grada Siska Arboretum Trsteno graden je i saden u XV stoljecu, u rijeku Savu su dospjele ne samo nafta i derivati iz a zavrfao parkovno oblikovan 1502. god, jedan je od unii~tenih rezervoara, vec i kancerogene kemikalije. U najstarijih iii cak najstariji europski arboretum. U listopadu gradu Slunju, nadomak Plitvickih jezera topovskim 1991.
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