From Sunday,s -ospel Sacred Heart A>er teaching his disciples about what was going to happen to him, that he would be handed over to other people who would put him to death, and a>er three days & St William a>er he has been put to death, he will rise again, $esus as ed them, ?What were 31 High Street you arguing about earlier?A No one answered his Cues,on, because they had Uppermill OL3 6HS been arguing about which one of them was the greatest. So $esus sat down, gathD Web:www,sacredheartparish.org.uk ered his twelve special friends around him and said to them, ? If any one wants to be Erst, they must put themselves last of all and become the servant of 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time all...anyone who welcome me, welcomes the one who sent me.A September 23rd 2018 (Mark’s Gospel) Times of Masses & Intenons .ope Francis writes: /0esus leads us to 1o out from ourselves Saturday Vigil 6.00pm Joan Bradbury & Jack Cockayne more and more2 to 1ive ourselves and to Sunday 8.30am Priest’s Inten,on serve others.3 1oday*s word is Service. 10.00am Hilary Lang Serving is part of everyday life, par,cularly family life. It is serving others that Refreshments aer Mass ma es people truly great, deeply loved and warmly remembered. 1he -onday ..30am Service of the Word & Holy Communion happiest people are those who serve others. Also, we show our faith in Fod by 1uesday ..30am Service of the Word & Holy Communion loving and serving other people in simple and small ways. Is there any Wednesday 12.00 noon Service of the Word & Holy Communion individual or organisa,on that could beneEt from our prayerful service this wee ? 1hursday ..30am Service of the Word & Holy Communion 3riday ..30am Ruth Wilson Ministers September 23rd Saturday 10.00am 3r 1homas Ryan 5-iddlesbrough6 Liturgy of the Word Liturgy of the Eucharist Saturday Vigil 6.00pm $ames Lewis 6.00pm P.Redshaw S.7yson/1.Spalding Sunday 8.30am People of the Parish 8.30am -.Crewdson S.Crewdson/-.Booth 10.00am Winifred and 7ere 8err 10.00am $.Sheard F.Leggat/C.Hall September 30th Confessions: Aer the 10.00am Mass on Saturday and on request 6.00pm -.$eHeris S.7yson/1.Spalding E posion: 40 minutes before Mass each weekday 8.30am E.7avies S.Crewdson/-.Booth When there is a Service of the Word & )oly Communion there is no e posion 10.00am 333 3amily C.Ward/8.-c8une 1elephone Contact 7etails: 6AST WEE7,S C866ECTI8NS First: :403.09 Second: :1169.10 Shop :253.82 Thank You Parish Priest: 3r Bernard Bic ers 1el: 01457 872603 Donaon: :20.00 Thank you Permanent 7eacon: Revd Peter Rudd 1el: 01457 87655. CheCues please to 7IOCESE O3 LEE7SJ SACRE7 HEAR1 Safeguarding O<cers: -rs 1essa Spalding 1el: 01457 873515 -rs -ichelle -oore 1el: 01457 82.8.5 A.F-Mill )ill Thank You & Appeal From the DI8CESE 8F 6EEDS 1his Wee end, 22nd/23rd September we welcome 3r 3ran 7owns -H- to our parish. 3r 3ran will be ma ing 6eeds Cathedral 6ectures 2018-2019 Wheeler )all C.00pm the 5Dyearly AP3D-ill 1han Lou and appeal for new memD 1he Erst lecture The Turin Shroud: New Facts and a New Historical bers. He will eMplain how we can all be involved in the -isD Theory by -r Ian Wilson will be given on Tuesday 2nd 8ctober sion of the Church in our homes and families. $esus as s 2018. Please see the No,ce Board for other Lectures. his followers to ? go and bring the Good News to all people”. By responding to 3r 3ran *s appeal this wee end, we can truly be a parish Rinvolved in the mission Caritas 6eeds Day of Reflecon 6th 8ctober 2018 . of the Universal Church.* It would be fantas,c if every home was involved in this Notre Dame 6th Form Colle1e2 St Mark,s Avenue2 6eeds 6S2 9E6F10.00am-3.00pm wor of the Church by suppor,ng missionaries throughout the world. Please note that there will be N8 cash collec,on, the than you and appeal is to inform An Invitation from Bishop Marcus us of the wor carried out by the AP3D-ill Hill and to as for con,nuing prayers Celebraon of Married Life: and Enancial support, which can be given through the Red Eo es . On Saturday 6th October 2018 at 6pm, there will be a special Celebra&on Mass for Married Life at Leeds Cathedral for couples Family Faith Formaon and their families celebra&ng their 25th (Silver , 40th (,uby , 50th 1he first meen1 of Family Faith Formaon which will inD (Golden , 60th (Diamond and .0th (Pla&num wedding anniver0 clude re1istraon for the coming year, 2018-19 will take saries this year, 2018. The Mass will ful2l the Sunday Obliga&on. place a>er the 10.00am -ass on Ne t Sunday September Any couple with the above anniversaries who wish to a4end are asked to 2ll out 30th. If you have a child who has reached the age of 3OUR the applica&on form which is available at the back of church and send it to Miss before September 1st 2014 and have not received a leKer Anne Cooke, 5ishop’s 6ouse, 13 North Grange ,oad, Leeds, LS6 25, or email it to from 3r Bernard or was bap,sed in a diHerent parish, please let him now and/or bishop8dioceseo9eeds.org.uk by Tuesday, 11th September 2018.: aKend the -ass and mee,ng on September 30th. The Wednesday Word is available at the back of the Church2 please collect your copy. 1han Lou DI8CESE 8F 6EEDS SAFE-UARDIN- C8MMISSI8N HACANCY : An independent chair person is needed for the 7iocese of Leeds Christmas An1els Safeguarding Commission. 1he applicant should have eMtensive Once again C1IS are as ing parishioners to nit ChristD and current professional safeguarding eMper,se and eMperience mas Angels for distribu,on just before Christmas. in wor ing with children and/or adults who may be at ris and will ideally have a proven trac record or wor ing eMtensively at Please collect a paKern from the bac of Church. 1he a senior level in related areas 5i.e. social care, police, proba,on or family law6. angels need to be ready by the end of November. 3or further informa,on about this voluntary role please call SuNanne -itchell, Safeguarding Coordinator on 0113 261 806.. Applica,on is by way of a wriKen Street .astors eMpression of interest, CV and details of 2 referees to be submiKed to If anyone would be prepared to be part of a 4 person 1rust suNanne.mitchellOdioceseoPeeds.org.u . Closing date is the 30 th October 2018 Body for Street Pastors would they please let 3r Bernard Interviews to be held at Hinsley Hall, Leeds in November 2018 now. 1han Lou. .
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