1-104 Rock Springs. Article 1-1 Order of the Board of County Commissioners of Sweetwater County, ORGANIZATION AND Wyoming INCORPORATION An application being made to the board by petition, asking that an order be issued Sections: declaring that the territory included in the boundary lines set forth in the survey and 1-101 Notice of Petition to map presented with the petition shall be an Incorporate. incorporated Town, the board, after hearing 1-102 Organization of the Town all persons who came before them of Rock Springs. respecting such application, being fully 1-103 First Election. satisfied that all the requirements in Chapter 1-104 Resolution to Be a City of No. 12 of the Revised Statutes of Wyoming the First Class. Territory, relating to the General 1-105 Proclamation. Incorporations of Towns, had been complied 1-106 Organization of the City with, on motion. of Rock Springs as a City ORDERED, That the territory described of the First Class. on map presented with petition shall be an incorporated town, known as Rock Springs, 1-101 Notice of Petition to and do appoint Messrs. H. F. Menough, Incorporate. Wm. H. O'Donnell and Thomas Sutton to To Whom It may Concern:-- act as inspectors of election, to hold the first ©Notice is hereby given that on election on the 13th day of November, A.D. Monday, October 1, 1888, the undersigned 1888, for the purpose of electing town will make application to the Board of officers. County Commissioners of Sweetwater Dated October 6th, 1888. County, Wyoming Territory, for the W. H. MELLOR, Chairman. incorporation as a town to be named Rock FRANK GUNNELL, Clerk. Springs of the following described territory: (All that portion of land included in the 1-103 First Election. north half (N1/2) and southwest quarter Proceeding upon the order of the Board (SW1/4) of section twenty-five, south half of County Commissioners, the first election (S1/2) of section twenty-six, north half of the incorporated town of Rock Springs (N1/2) section thirty-five (35), containing an was held on November 13, 1888, and area of two square miles and situated in resulted in the election of the following township nineteen (19) north, range one officers: hundred five (105) west, in the County of Mayor, W. H. O'Donnell; Councilmen, Sweetwater and Territory of Wyoming.) The H. H. Edgar, Edward Thorpe, Augustine survey and map of said territory and the Kendall, N. C. Peterson. census of the resident population thereof, The Mayor and Councilmen so elected made and taken as required by law, may be held their first meeting on November 19, examined at the post office at Rock Springs. 1888, and proceeded to appoint officers, (Signed) NORMAN B. DRESSER. adopt ordinances, and transact generally the RALPH SWICKEY. business of the town. Wm. HARCOMBE. Rock Springs, Aug. 30, 1-104 Resolution to Be a City of the 1888. First Class. Resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Rock Springs, Wyoming, 1-102 Organization of the Town of authorizing the Mayor to ascertain and (1-1) 1 (Rev. 07-2010) 1-104 certify to the Governor, of the State of population of the Town of Rock Springs; Wyoming, the population of the Town and of Rock Springs for the purpose of WHEREAS, the population of said having the Governor declare by public Town has been ascertained and found to be proclamation said Town of Rock more than four thousand (4000) inhabitants; Springs to be a city of the first class NOW, THEREFORE, I, E. S. Lauzer, under the general laws of the State of the duly elected, qualified and acting Mayor Wyoming: of the Town of Rock Springs, a municipal corporation, in said County and State, do Section 1. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE hereby certify that, as such Mayor, I have TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ascertained the population of the Town of ROCK SPRINGS: That the Mayor of the Rock Springs, and find that said Town has said Town be, and he is hereby authorized attained the population of more than four and empowered to ascertain and certify to thousand (4000) inhabitants, and the said the Governor of the State of Wyoming, Town has in fact at this time a population of under and by virtue of his official certificate, more than six thousand (6000); that the attested by the seal of said Town, the population of the Town of Rock Springs was population of the Town of Rock Springs, for ascertained by me from the Certificate of the the purpose of having His Excellency, Secretary of State, under his official seal, Robert D. Carey, Governor of the State of which is in words and figures as follows, to- Wyoming, if it be ascertained that the said wit: town has attained a population of more than four thousand (4000) inhabitants, declare by "THE STATE OF WYOMING public proclamation said Town of Rock Office of the Springs, to be a city of the first class, and SECRETARY OF STATE subject to the provisions of Chapter 121, of the 1910 Wyoming Compiled Statutes United States of America, ) (Annotated), as amended by subsequent acts :ss. of the Legislature of said State, with all the State of Wyoming ) powers and obligations pertaining thereto. Passed and approved this 16th day of I, W. E. Chaplin, Secretary of State of June, A.D. 1919. the State of Wyoming, do hereby certify the JOHN PARK, population of the Town of Rock Springs, is President of Town shown to have been FIVE THOUSAND SIX Council HUNDRED AND NINETY-NINE, by the Attest: Approved: official records of the State Census of 1915, S. M. WARD, E. S. LAUZER, M. D. on file in this office. Town Clerk. Mayor IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great The State of Wyoming, ) Seal of the State of Wyoming. County of Sweetwater, :ss. Done at Cheyenne, the Capital, this Town of Rock Springs, ) SEVENTEENTH Day of JUNE, A.D., 1919. W.E. CHAPLIN, WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Secretary of State, Town of Rock Springs, in said County and (GREAT SEAL OF THE State, on the 16th day of June, A.D., 1919, STATE OF WYOMING) at a regular meeting of said Town Council, By H. M. SYMONS, duly and regularly passed a Resolution Deputy." authorizing and empowering the Mayor of That this certificate is made for the said Town to ascertain and certify to the purpose of having His Excellency, Robert D. Governor of the State of Wyoming, the Carey, Governor of the State of Wyoming, (Rev. 07-2010) (1-1) 2 1-106 declare by public proclamation, said Town Wyoming, have hereunto set my hand and of Rock Springs, to be a city of the first caused the Great Seal of the State of class under and by virtue of Chapter 121, of Wyoming to be affixed. the 1910 Wyoming Compiled Statutes Done at the Capitol, in the City of (Annotated), as amended by subsequent acts Cheyenne, this twenty-sixth day of July of the Legislature of said State, with all A.D. 1919, and in the year of the powers and obligations pertaining thereto. Independence of the United States the One IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have Hundred and Forty-fourth. hereunto set my hand as Mayor of the Town ROBERT D. CAREY, of Rock Springs, Wyoming, the 16th day of Governor. June, A.D. 1919. (SEAL) By the Governor: E. S. LAUZER, M.D. W.E. CHAPLIN, Mayor of the Town of Secretary of State. Rock Springs, a municipal corporation PROOF OF PUBLICATION Attest: S. M. WARD The State of Wyoming, ) Town Clerk : ss. County of Sweetwater ) 1-105 Proclamation. F. B. Crumley, being duly sworn deposes and says that he is manager of the STATE OF WYOMING Daily Miner, a weekly newspaper published Executive Department at Rock Springs in said county and state, PROCLAMATION that the annexed notice was published in By the Governor three (3) consecutive issues of said newspaper and not in a supplement, the first WHEREAS, the Town Council of the publication thereof being on July 31, A.D. Town of Rock Springs of the State of 1919 and the last publication thereof being Wyoming, on the 21st day of July, 1919, at a on August 14, A.D. 1919. regular meeting of the said Council, duly F. B. CRUMLEY, and legally passed a resolution authorizing Subscribed in my presence and sworn to and empowering the Mayor of the said town before me this 14th day of August, A.D. to ascertain and certify to the Governor of 1919. the State of Wyoming that the population of W. A. MUIR, Notary Public. the said town of Rock Springs was found to (My commission expires Feb. 17, 1923.) be more than four thousand (4000) inhabitants; and WHEREAS, E. S. Lauzer, duly elected 1-106 Organization of the City of and qualified Mayor of the Town of Rock Rock Springs as a City of the Springs, has ascertained and certified to me First Class. that the Town of Rock Springs has more Resolution of the Mayor and than four thousand (4000) inhabitants. Town Council of the Town of Rock NOW, THEREFORE, I, ROBERT D. Springs, Wyoming, organizing as a CAREY, Governor of the State of city of the first class under the general Wyoming, do hereby proclaim and declare laws of the State of Wyoming. the Town of Rock Springs to be a City of the first class, and subject to the provisions of Chapter 121, Wyoming Compiled Statutes, Section 1.
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