VOLUME 44. No 27 South Amboy, N. J., Friday, September 26, 1924 Price Four Cents. THE VOTE IN THIS CITY CONTESTS IN REPUBLICAN PRIMARY TWO INJURED IN SMASH UP ON REPUBLICAN 1st Ward 2nd Ward 3rd Ward 4th Ward Tot. STATE BRIDGE EARLY THIS MORNING 1 D. 2 D. 1 D. 2 D. 1 D 2 D. 1 D. 2 D. United States Senator— Robert F. Reilly, Standard Oil Company Employee, Walter E. Edge 70 95 32 03 15 50 120 87—532 Harold G. Hoffman Becomes Republican Candidate for Hamilton F. Keun... .. 15 105 29 52 11 42 70 81—411 Crushed Between Perth Amboy Bus and Bridge Rail- Member House of Representatives— Mayor, His Name Being Written On 888 Ballots Out of T. Frank Appleby 73 178 54 100 24 86 183 167—852 ing While Delivering Gasoline to Drawbridge. Stanley Wushburn. 7 24 8 14 3 C 16 12— 90 972 Cast—No Contest In Democratic Party. State Senator— Morgan F. Larson..... 62 112 30 The first heavy fog of the season 64 14 57 112 103—554 With his name written in on 88SJ is the probable explanation of an ac- Albert W. Appleby 15 90 31 49 12 32 85 C4—378 ballots out of 972 that were cast cident on the State bridge shortly PUBLIC SCHOOLS HAVE Member of General Assembly— DR. SEHLBREDE IS in the Republican Primary last Tues- after seven o'clock this morning in Douglas M. Hicks 6!) 102 18 48 18 54 118 83—510 day, Assemblyman Harold G. Hoff- which a bus, a truck and an oil wag- LARGER ENROLLMENT Wilton T. Applegate....32 172 48 88 21 66 132 126—085 INSTALLED AS PASTOR man became the Republican nominea on figured and in which Robert F. Edna B. Martin..- C2 93 42 66 10 48 131 85—536 for Mayor of South Amboy, and will Report of Superintendent Show« In- Thomas L. Hanson 73 172 54 97 20 80 163 144—803 , Services Held Last Friday Night In oppose former Senator Daniel C. Reilly, of 519 Washington avenue, crease of 44 Pupil* Thil Year, Presbyterian Church. Perth Amboy was severely injured. Charles Mcllvaine 7 50 10 24 5 10 29 32—173 1 Chase, the present Mayor, in the Nov- County Clerk— Reilly was removed to the City Hos- The large classes in the local High Dr. G. E. Sehlbrede was officially ember election, pital in Perth Amboy and is being David A. Brown... 14 41 9 24 5 16 49 31—189 HoiFman's name did not appear on School and the unusual fact that not Charles H. Morris 1 18 4 4 1 installed as pastor of the First Pres- held under observation by Dr. M. S, 6 13 12— 57 byterian Church, of this city, Friday the ballot, no petition having been a single member of the graduating F. Win. Hilker 07 142 45 81 17 08 120 116—672 Meinzer, as complications from pos- class is conditioned in any subject evening, September 18th. The ser- filed, but the local Republicans, with sible internal injuries are feared. He Coroner— vice was interesting and very im- enthusiasm that has noe previously were statements exciting much fa- Charles A. Darling....47 77 11 44 10 30 90 70—389 is well known locally as he has been vorable comment at the meeting of 1 pressive. Rev. Wm. S. Kern, of been equalled in a South Amboy pri- W. Edward Govvcn 21 112 45 •01 14 67 102 in charge of the oil deliveries in this tho Board of Education Wedensday 80—4D2 South River, Moderator of the Won- mary election, turned out a record city for many years. Rilly is married, Freeholder!— • mouth Presbytery, presdided. The vote an,d almost unanimously nomi- evening. It appears that there are R. K. Vandenbergh fiC 131 33 68 11 64 114 39 years old and has a large family now 241 pupils in the High School, DO—DOS scripture lesson of the evening was nated their candidate by writing in of children. William D. Hoy 20 3G 9 32 9 31 75 43—255 read by Itev, Frederick Niedermcyer, or pasting in his name. and the enrollment in the sevoral Geo. S. Applegato 00 143 43 7(1 13 C8 144 114—051 Reilly was in charge of the Stan- classes is also unusual. In the grad- D. D., Pastor of the First Presby- Edwin L. Tice became the Republi- Frederick Gebhnrdt.._lG 03 20 3f! 7 23 43 42—249 terian Church, of Perth Amboy. The can nominee for Councilman at large, dard Oil truck and was delivering gas- uating class there are nineteen pu- Mayor— oline to the draw bridge attendants pils, while in the Junior class there opening prayer was made by Rev. and Otto Miller the candidate for Harold G. Hoffman....73 188 55 Ill 23 85 201 1(12—888 councilman in the second ward. Tice's when the accident happened. His ma- :we twenty-four. In the ninth grade Council man-nt-Largc— Charles llruce, D. D., Pastor of the there are forty-nine pupils, and it is First Presbyterian Church, of Mata- opponent will bo Philip A. Downs, chine was on tho right side of the Edwin L. Tico ...4(5 159 ' 42 84 17 01 143 84—630 bridge headed toward this city, and the Junior Class that is expected to wan. Tho sermon was delivered by while Miller will be opposed by the Councilman— present incumbent, John Connors. lie had just handed a can of gasoline establish new records, The class us Otto Miller Kov. John McNoill, D. D., Pastor of 10 58 Ft. Washington Presbyterian Church, In the Democratic primary there to one of the attendants when ho was a whole is reputed to be one of the County Committcomc.ii—James W. 106; — m struck by the bus and crushed be- strongest both physically and scholas- Hnckett Charles K. Freeman 35: New York City. were no contests with the exception S. Newell Junes 50; H. VV". Prostoii 82; Fred Delhert 'A J, i'rininkfi 4: T. Dr, McNoill is an eminent evan- of the candidates for nomination as tween it and the bridge girders. lie tically. K. Mimdukii 1!)2. was at first thought to have been kill- gelist of the Presbyterian Church. freeholder, and the organization men, According to the report of tho Su- County Committoewoman—Mary J. Rnstodo 170 Nellie Watsor 3<1; Josso Edward Burt, and Aloiisso Winant, re- ed because of a long, deep wound in perintendent of Schools, the local F. King 50; ICIiznliclh A. I'earce Ho has just returned from a summer his head, and the bodily bruises he 7R; Bertha L. Deibort 45; Mrs. J. Pfimku 4; of evangelistic work in England ceived substantial votes over AVillard schools had the largest first day en- Mrs. A mm Oliver IP.il- / .mm 10 I'ni'lfinu 90 N. Apgar, the third entry. suffered. Examination at tho hos- rollment in teh records and the total Scattered Votes—Mayor, (!. P. Dmbrow t; D. C. Chase 4. Councilmnn- and Scotland. D r. M c N e i 11 ptal, however, proved otherwise and gives his message in a clear and force- Two hundred and twenty eight rollmont in the records and the tolal votes were cast in the Democratic pri- first aid treatment brought him back four more pupils this year than last, ful manner which wins the undivided .to consciousness quickly. attention of his audience. mary. Of these D. C. Chase, nominee indicating a growth of the city. for Mayor, received 101, seventy- The bus, one of Clifford's, was in The school board arranged to have He choose, as the theme of his ser- ' l seven under the total vote. Phhilip charge of Albert Jerome, of 521 Miss Julia Delaney, of Uroadwny, Kor Councilman, Third Ward, Guy Biiclimnn 1. For Justice of tho Peace A. Downs received 198 votes, ant! in Kidgevvay avenue, Mechunicsville, and take charge of a new class establish- Second Ward, R. Forgolson 2; Thomas Gleason 1; Mrs. Price 1; Albert Colo the second district of the fourth ward was loaded with passengers enroute ed to take care of an overcrowded 1; D. C. Chase 1; A. II. Bergen 1; Joe Compton 1. (I'onllliiuil 'in I'IILM' I) DEATH CLAIMS MRS. he received six votes in the Republi- to their daily work in Perth Amboy. I can Primary. The bus was traveling very slowly on i DEMOCRAT FRANCESJ. EMMONS For Councilman at large Edwin L. account of the fog causing poor vis- CHANGE DATE OF 1st Ward Tice polled 086 Republican votes. He' ibility when it was struck in the rear | 2nd Ward 3rd Ward' 4th Ward Tot. Old Resident Passes Away Early On had filed no petition, and his name end by a truck coining in the opposite 1 D. 2 D. 1 D. 2 D. 1 D. 2 D. 1 D. 2 D. Saturday Morning While Aileep. United States Senator— was written in upon the ballots. The direction and pushed against the I CELEBRATION nomination for councilman in the bridge railng. One of the passengers, Fred'k. W. Donnelly .27 23 32 4,'i 37 15 23—209 Death called unother of the older Italian Citizens Will Hold Columbus Member House of Representatives— third ward was tendered to Otto Mil- Miss Nellie Sedusky, of Kidgewny Day Affair on Monday, October 13. residents of this city early last Sat- ler, whose name was written in on- avenue, MechanicsviTle, sustained a Elmer II.
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