GREENKOHATKOTI ENERGYPVT. LTD. GorporateOffice: Plot no.1071, Road no.44, Jubil-ee Hills, Hyderabad - 500 033,INDIA ffirwwmM,w Ph:+ 91(40)4030100 E - Mail:[email protected] GHEPL/FCA/L6-Tu- s( Date01.08.2017 To, DivisionalForest Officer RohruForest Division, Rohru,Distt Shimla, HimachalPradesh. Sub:Diversion of 0.6943ha of additionalforest land for the constructionof 24 MW PauditalLassa HEP in favor of M/s Greenko Hatkoti Pvt. Ltd-Compliancereport against in-principalClearance (Stage-l)clearance received. Ref: i. Your'officeletter No.2709 Dated: 24/05/20L7. ii. Nodalofficer letter No. 48-2152/2010dated 26-05-2017. iii.RMoEF, Dehradun letter no. 8B/H. P. B/Otl 69 /20t6/294 dated: 24/ 05 / 2Or7. DearSir, With referenceto the above-mentionedsubject, here with attachedpoint wise complianceto the conditionsmentioned in-principal clearance as Annexure-1.we also confirm you that, we have paid/depositan amountof Rs5,34,390.85 against Compensatory A forestation(C.A, Rs-46,737.96) and Net PresentValue[NPV, Rs- 4,85-,316)through NEFT UTR NO: SB|N41720893520L, dated 27-Jul20t7.in CAMPAaccount by Challahgenerate by OnlinePortal Method. We requestyou to kindlyforward the sameto Nodalofficer for hisnecessary action please. Thankingyou YoursFaithfully, For Authori Shimlaoffice: 2nofloor, Plot no.B-2, Lane 4, Sector2, New Shimla,Shimla district, Himachal Pradesh - 171009 Siteoffice: zndfloor, Padam House, Samala, Rohru, Shimla District, H.P. GREENK HATKOTIENERGY PvT' LTD. ffifmWffiMW Corporate Office: no.1071,Roacl no.44, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500 033,INDIA Prr:+.91(40) 4030100 -Mail:@ Diversionof 0.6943 of additionalforest landfor the construCtionof 24MW PauditalLassa HEP in favourof M/s G Pvt.Ltdl. within the judicationof RohruForest Division, Distt. Shimla, H.P. as per Stage-lF.C of L00 tree:; and maintenancefor We have already paid an amount of 7 to L0 years,Essential arnount to be Rs.46,717.96as per the estimatereceived and deposit by User Applicant.from State Forest Departmentthrough of 100trees is to be transmittedbY NEFTUTR NO: SBlN4l-720893520t,dated 27-Jul20L7. presentprice (N.V.P.)amount to be by user applicantin referenceto r givenby Gov.of lndia letter no - 5- F.Cdated 05.0;2.2009 is increasein existingpresent price we alsogiving undertaking for the increasedamount is to be deposit Applicant.This subject is to beassured Applicant. ssaryto depositN.P.V. and other An amount of Rs 5,34,390.85(C.A Rs- in CAMPA account by Challan46,737.96; NPV Rs- 4,85,316/-) Paid by OnlinePortal Method and this through NEFT UTR NO: -2017 to be submittedin thisOffice SBIN417208935201', dated 27{ ul . of constructionwork where ble in given6rremises of projectUser haveto plantand maintain the trees ncewith Fores;tDepartment, Date: n Sharma Ar|\^r b, Place: Auth - Shimlaoffice: 2nd , plotno.B-2, lLane 4, sector2, Newshimla, shimla district, Himachal Pradesh 171009 Site office: 2nd , PadamHouse, Samala, Rohru, Shimla Diskict, H.P GREENKO }IATKOTI ENERGY PVT. LTD. ffir;wwffiffiffi Hyderabad- 500033' INDIA GorporateOffice: no.1071,Road no.44,Jubilee Hills, Ph:+ 91(40)4030100 - Mail: [email protected] CERTIFICATEOF U N DERTAKING to pay the additional M/s GreenkoH tkoti EnergyPvt. Ltd herebygive undertaking of lndia in resperctof amountof NPV if ddterminedby the Hon'bleSupreme Court PauditalLassa Projr:ct in diversionof ad I forestland required for constructionof Shimladistrict, imachalPradesh. Date: Place: HimachalPradesh - 171009 office: , Plotno.B-2, Lane 4, sector2, NewShimla, shimla district, Shimla H'P' Site office: , paOamHouse, Samala, Rohru, Shimla District, .
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