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""din 1l1t,11unbtr of str11iet.1wt'II bt al;lt to pro,•ldt, Yoo scrt, wi1h ,,,eforu1n1iort of ~Vi/sou. l'rirt, Anti wl1tn ll t:ou,es10 ptr sonr,lly ,,,ee1;,,gtv/1/1 you, Bnrro,,co, Dltu1kt't1ship6- 8Hlingslt y, P.C.. "'t'vt we'll br just as opt11 as we aver ,vtrt, brougl,t all our players togecl,er to create a 1tro1tgtr If yo,l'd like tlit comburcd s1reugtlt1o/ swo 1<a111.St11rton1 fanuury I. 1997, wt'II br brttrr oblr mpmtd CPA firm1, coll tht t<un, of IVi/1011,Prrct, to p,o.,dt rl1tnu both lorit and m,all tht 10,nr Barmnco, 8/anktmhip & Bilbngslty, P.C. You'll ha,•e pcr1onal rtlo11onsl11ps with the people they tru11. 1hc numbers on yo11r side. I Wilson, Pri« , B=noo, Bl~k,nshlp & BilHng,ley, ,.c 1R l S T R L N C: r tt t N N U M 8 E It S ~ ! j JfllS lnlcrJlatc Cour t, ~iontgom~ry . Al .)f.109 Tel : lJ-1.271.2200 www . wll,onprlcc.com 1...... ............................................. .. .. - ... .. ... ... .... .... .... .............................................. .. ......... .... .. .... - . ..... ....... .... ,_ ....... ....... .. ......................... .. ........... ... ....... ...... .. • Alabama case law, statutes, Secretary of State filings, law reviews and more for as little as $110 per n1onth. * • Low, flat monthly rates . • Predictab le pricing. • Un ltmited use. Give yourself th e ADVANTAGE you need to com.pete- a nd win! 1-800-356 -6548 ( Wh e n y ou n eed res ult s . LEXIS·· NEXIS. ALABAMA STATE BAR 'All iw111:11111.,11ol1,Jin• •r;,li..,,},lc wl"'(:tli"""' lft. J'r"WM',,. "'"1bbk ro bw-t1nm .-at, 10 :1nOC11ry,,1M k-u. l'ricc,qi.iud 11 for 0111'111011wy. AJJu•~I d11up •P~ 10a..11 •ao •llf')' l:ft dw 111111,Noet: aAl('.anJ lt>Ol1.1\ h IIOl 111(h-.""1,.~ ~ ro<tk111•..-pf'.II)',l"ntt,, I'll~ I\) l h.,n,it. l.tXLC.11nJ 'StXIC. ,,.. r<'Cl.trnJ1 r.-dflJl;ll\1 (I( !\mt 1-b<'l'llttt.c.., -.f lffllkr ti«..-. Oli~ U:.XJS.NE.XI"-• divuw11cif kftd ~ ltK..All tl,:bu 1-,wd. AL0 t21 I 'o/•• ,8. No. I January 1997 011the Cover Waterfallnl ChewaclaStat e Park,near Auburn, Alabama. Chcwac la State Park is comprisedof 696acres l yingon tl1e geographicalfoult line separa ting the PiedmontP lalc.iufrom th e LowerCoastal Plain. Unique rock formations and a varietyof trees,nowers and wi ldlifecan be foundthroughout the park. -Photo by Poul Crawford.JD, CW IN THIS ISSUE STATEBAR M EMBERSLABOR AT SUMMEROLYMPIC S By Susan Cullen Anderson ...... • ..•............ ••...... .22 FALL1996 ADMITIEES •••..... .. •.......... • .•••.•••... 25 OPENINGOF COURTS OCTOBER7, 1996..................................... 37 THE ETHICSOF TIME-BASED Bil.LINC B YATroRNEYS By WilliamC . Ross .... ......... .. ...................... 40 PROBLEMSAPl'LYINC THE LtFE OF GEORGJAII. JOHNSONCASE IN THEPR ODUCTLIABILITY S1'."ITLNG: WHERED o WE Co WITH PUNITIVE0 At>1AGES AFTERBMW V. GORE? ByAndrew C. Clausenand AnnetteM. Carwie •. ••.• • ..•.••.... 46 REsPECTINGTHE R ULES: THE Lowe-EDGARABERRATION ENDANGE RSTHE INTEGRITYo~· R ULES]8(c), 20, 21, ANO42(8) ByJer ome 1\ lloffman... .............. .. ................ 54 fhr,IJut,m,u IAm·~t II f,jfi'f·f'JIPffiflll Publishedseven limes a yea, (lhe June issue Is a bar directo<yedition) by Ille Alabama Stale Bar, (O:m1in1lf!ll ft(p11po~ 3) P.O. Box4156 . Montgomery, Alabama 36101·4156. Phone (334) 269-1515. Roben A. Huffal<bf...... ,•• - ...........................- .............. .......................................................................Cha. & Edita< DEPA RTMENTS SusanShlrod< O.Paola .................................... ..........................................................Vlco-Cl>oh & AssociateEdha< Davld8 . Charnplln. .............................................................................................................................. Vice-Chair.Anance Susan H Andl'es...... ..................................................................................Slaff ualson & CommunlcadonsDirector tdorgaret L. Murphy ................................................................................................. Staff Liaison & Managing Edito, Board or Edtlors President'sPage John a. Somerville,B lnningham • Mike Otuhan,Mobiie • Robert s. Smith, Hontsvme • Charles O. Cleveland, Birmingham• Glenda G, Cochran, Birmingham • Usa Huggins, Birmingham • Hon. Debra H. Goldstein, Birmingham 6 • PamelaL Muble. Atla.n1a• SherriT.Freeman. B1rmingham • Wlllam G. Gantt, BlrmJngha,m• Mlchaet A. Kirtland. Montgomery• Jona1hanS . C,oss,Tuscaloosa • P. Leigh O'Oell, Mof1t90"'ery• UnciaG . FllpPO.l!lirningham • La.Jual\a S..Oavis. Moo(OOmery• ViCCOfloJ, Franldln·Scsson. Bitmlngttam • M. Oona.IdDavis. Jr., Mobite • Lynn Roooruon Jacl<.son. Claylon• Hon. WIiiiam It Gordo<I,Montgomery • Rlchatd F Allen. Mon1gome,y• W.Rlam T . ExecutiveD irector's Report Ca,ison. Jr , Montgomery• £ug&nlaH Mullins.Birmingham • Samuel A. Rumor•, Jr .. Birmingham 8 Board ot Bar Comml$$loners Llafson ...............................................- ,................. .James W. Gewln, Birmingham Officer$ Wanen B. l.Jgh1foo1. Binnlngham,•• , ...............................-,- ·····.... ..._ ..................~ ....................................Preslden1 AboutMembers, Among Pirms Stanley Dagnal RO\YI,Huntsvilln ......................................................................................................... President-elec1 10 Donna S. Pale, Hunl&vi:lle.... ............_, ___ ........ - ,................ ......,, ...... ....., __ ,.. , ......................................Vlce·prosldonl K&11h8 . Norman. Montgo,nery. ................... - ...............- .............................................................................- .Sectetary Soard ot Commlssloners Bar Briefs 1S1Cita,lt, E..Matk Ezell,8utle< . 2nd Circut'I. John A. Nichots. luvome. 3rd CirculLLyon Robertson Jackson, Cla'(lon. 41h CircuJ1. R~tph N. HobbS. Selma. 5th Cirtuil, JOlln Percy Oltver.II , Dadeville. 6th Citouit. Place No. 1 14 Walt.erP . Crownover, Tuscaloo$a. 6th Circuit, Place No. 2. J . Douglas McElvy,Tuscaloosa. 7th Circuil. Arthur F. Fite, 111. Annls100. &h Circuit, Williame . Shinn, Oecawr. !AACircuit, W.N. w ,uson, Fl. Payne. 101hCitQlit. Plac:e No. 1. SomuelH . Franklln,81rm1ngham . 10th Ciret.iit, PlaooNo.2. James W, 04win. 10th Ciro.ill, Placo No.3 .J, t.\ark Whilo, Birmingham. tOlh Ct.-cult,Plac. No. 4. SamuOIA.. Aumoto , Jt , 10th Citwll, Placo r,,o,5 , Frockttld<T BuiI ding Alabama'sCourthouses Kuykendal, Ill, Bumingham. 10th Ci«:uil, Place No. 6. Mae 8. Greaves, Birmingham. 101h<Arcult. Place No. 7. S1ephen A. Rowe, Bkmlnghilffl. IOlh Circufl. P&aoeNo . 8, Max C. Pope, Jr., Birmingham. 10th Cwa.dt, Place No, 16 9. C.lhy S. Wright. Bl<mlngham. llesseme<Cul-olf, Ralpo L. Arm•"""II·Besseme< . t 11h Circuit,Robe< t L. Gonce. Fto,ence.12th Circuit M. Oale Marsh, En1erpcise. 13thCitcult, Place No.,.Wes.lay Pipes. MobUe.13tti Ci1cui1.Ptaoo No.2 . Silly C. Badsolo. Mobllo. 13th CUcull. Placo No. 3, Ca\13 O'Aoar, Ill, Mobile. 131hC4rcuf1. Place No. 4, Benj:amenl . ROYo'i!, Mobi!e. 14lh Circuit, Philip P. Nel:son.Ja.Sf)ef . 15th CltCUit,Place No. 1. Robo(l 0. Legislative Wrap-Up Segall, Montgomery.151h Circuit, Place No. 2, Wanda D. Devereaux, Montgomery. 15th Circuit, Place No. 3, 20 James E. Williams..Montgomery , 15th Circuit, Place No, 4 , Richard 8. Garrett. 15th Circuil~ Place No. 5 , Davkl A. Boyd, Monlgomery.161 h Circuil, AoVO. McCord , Gadsden..17th CfraJ!t, Taylm T. Peny, Jr., Demopolis.1 8th Clrcull. Co,lradM . Fowlor, Jr.. Columbiana. 191hCl•CU!I. John Hollls Jod<son . Jr.. Clanlon. 20th CltQ.,11, WacleH . Baxley,Do1han. 2ts t Circuit Cha,lesA . Godwin, Almore 22nd C!rcui1,Eart V, Johnson. AndaJusla.23<d Circ:url. Memorial.s PlaceNo. 1, DonnaS . Pa1e,Hun1sv!Uo . 23rdCircuit. PlaceNo, 2. Patrkk H. Gravos, Jt., Htm1svltlo.241h Ctrcult . JOhn A. Ruggoll,Ill . Alioovil!e. 25th Ci.'cuit,.OliVEtf Frederick WOOd , Hamilton. 2611\Cltcult,. Bowen H BrassBI, 29 Phenix City. 271hCircull. John C, Gu11ahorn. Albertville. 28th Circuit, E.E. Ball. 8a'fMinette. 29th Cin:uit, Tom R. Oglelree. Sylacauga..30th cwcui,, J. Robert Bentley. Oneonta. 31$1 Circuit, w•liem )( H~tt . Tuscumbia. 32nd Circuit, Billy W Jackson.Cullman . 33rd Citcult. R<>benH . Blodgan. Owk . 34111Circuh. Roben I Roge<5.Jr ., Au:ss&llvllle.351h C.reult John B. 8atno11,Ill, MontO<Wlllo. 361hCircuit. Chris Malcom, Moulton, 371hCircui l, J, Disciplinary Notice Tun Barren, OpeUka..381h Circuit. Stephen M. Kennamer. Sco1t$boro.39th Circuil, James M.. Corder. Athens, 40lh 34 Circuit,John K, Johnson, Rodi.lord ThBAlabama Lawyerts publishedsOYOn tJmes a year for S20per yoasIn the UnitedStates and $25 P€Kyear outside lhe United States:by lhe Alabama Slate sa,. 415
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