Vol. 65 Washington, D. C., April 21, 1960 No. 16 June 21-25, 1960, at Atlantic City Information Released on Congress Housing You will find on the back page of believe that those in charge of the this issue of the VISITOR an applica- By E. M. Peterson course were pleased with the dili- tion for sleeping-room accommoda- MV Secretary, Columbia Union Conference gent effort put forth. tions in Atlantic City, N. J., for the After that date they will not hold So many of our people wanted to North American Youth Congress, space for those planning to attend take these classes that arrangements June 21-25, 1960. Forms for non- the Congress. If weather is good, have been made with the Eastern delegates have been last-minute reservations may be Instructor Training Center in Brook- sent to the various hard to obtain. lyn, N. Y., to have another such churches from the If you have any questions, please course for those who could not be office of the local present at this one. The date set for conference MV De- contact your local conference MV Department, or the Columbia Union this is Sunday, May 22, through partments. These Conference MV Department. Thursday, May 26. We are hoping forms may not that all the workers and Civil De- reach all who would fense leaders in our churches who desire them, how- are desirous of receiving the factual ever, so it was de- Special Civil Defense Course information and outstanding mate- cided to place a non-delegate appli- For Seventh-day Adventists rial given in this course will plan to cation form in the VISITOR. Those be present. A quota has been as- who are regular delegates will re- A CIVIL defense training course, signed to each conference to be ceive a special reservation form from planned especially for Seventh-day worked out with t h e conference their local conference MV Secretary. Adventists, was made available to Home Missionary Secretary who is There appears on page 11 of this the Columbia Union and Atlantic the Civil Defense director for the issue a listing of all hotels and mo- Union Conferences by the Office of conference. tels participating in the Congress Civil and Defense Mobilization, at LEMUEL E. ESTER housing plan. We believe the prices the Eastern Instructor Training Cen- Director, Civil Defense, are exceptionally good for this time ter in Brooklyn, N. Y., March 6-10, Atlantic Union Conference of year. Be sure to fill in your de- with 100 delegates in attendance. Dr. sires by giving first, second, third Fred W. Kern, director of the Reli- choice, etc., then designate the type gious Affairs Office for OCDM, with of accommodations you wish. It is his staff, planned this special course. Books and Musical also necessary to give your arrival He was ably assisted by Howard B. Instruments Needed and departure dates. When you have Forbes, director of the Eastern In- finished filling out the form, tear the structor Training Center. We were WILLIAM W. POHLE, missionary, entire page from the VISITOR and very happy to have the privilege of returning to Hong Kong in August, mail directly to: Youth Congress working with H. K. Halladay, direc- wants books and musical instru- Housing Bureau, 16 Central Pier, tor of Civil Defense for the Colum- ments for the South China Training Atlantic City, N. J. You need not bia Union Conference, in planning College. Have you books you do not send a deposit with this form. The for this meeting. We were also privi- need? Or have you musical instru- hotel or motel that accepts your res- leged to have Ernest Edwards and ments in the attic which are not be- ervation will contact you and will, Maybelle Vandermark of the Civil ing used? Why not donate them to no doubt, ask for a day's rate as a Defense Department of the General the South China Training College deposit. Conference present. where they will be put to good use? Please look after your reservation We felt that we had, as delegates, Needed are E. G. White volumes as soon as possible. Most of the ho- a most representative group of min- and other denominational books; tels and motels have requested that isters and church Civil Defense lead- histories; biographies; and language, reservations reach them by May 15. ers from both conferences and we (Continued on page 3) Funeral services were conducted Attention, Amateur Radio W. H. Jones Dies; Former April 11 in the Takoma Park Sev- Station Operators enth-day Adventist Church. Serv- Conference Official ices were conducted by Clinton J. ALL amateur radio station oper- Wn.L1Am H. JONES, 71, a former Coon, retired President of the Poto- ators, please send the following in- official of the Potomac Conference of mac Conference, under whom Mr. formation to the Youth's Instructor Seventh-day Adventists, died Fri- Jones worked for many years in by May 1 for the Amateur Radio day morning, April 8, at the Wash- Washington, D. C., and in Virginia. Log: name, address, station call let- ington Sanitarium and Hospital, Ta- Burial was in George Washington ters, bands, code or phone or both. koma Park, Md., after a prolonged Cemetery. illness. He retired on June 30, 1959, after having served the How to Accomplish Adventist denomi- Manager Appointed by The Impossible nation as a secre- Furniture Concern tary-treasurer f o r HAVE you ever wistfully asked CLIFTON LAWSON Of Willoughby, 44 years. At the yourself when it will be possible to Ohio, has been appointed General accomplish the impossible in life? time of his retire- Manager of Ecclesiastical Furniture, Thousands have a secret desire to ment f r o m active Inc., Corry, Pa. Mr. Lawson has had accomplish some objective that ap- service he was Sec- a wealth of experience. He served in parently is impossible. In the April retary-Treasurer of supervision with Fisher Body, a di- issue of These Times magazine Ar- the Potomac Con- W. H. Jones vision of General nold V. Wallenkampf, Professor of ference with head- Motors, for 21 years. Religion at the College of Medical quarters at Staunton, Va. Twelve years ago Evangelists, has outlined a short for- Born in Pittsburgh, Pa., Mr. Jones when his job came mula for the achievement of the im- began work for the denomination in in conflict with his possible. You will be interested in 1915. His first post was in Richmond, desire to worship the methods that are outlined. Va., where he was a Bible instructor God on the Sab- Governor Mark 0. Hatfield of Ore- and Home Missionary Secretary of bath, he resigned. gon portrays the secret of "The Truly the Virginia Conference. For the past 12 Satisfying Life" as he indicates that During the years 1917 to 1922 he Clifton Lawson years he has served without Christ life is only a mockery. was Secretary-Treasurer and Man- as a partner in an Hatfield, who is one of the youngest ager of the Book and Bible House of advertising business in Cleveland, governors of the United States, says the Virginia Conference. In 1920, Ohio. He is presently a member of that in his own experience he has while serving in Richmond, Va., he the Willoughby Church. His ex- found that spiritual growth and per- was married to Louise Cousins who perience in business and employee sonal development have been greatly was a secretary in the church office. relations will prove to be a real as- enhanced by centering life around In 1922 Mr. Jones was called to set to this organization. Christ's redemptive power. Baltimore, Md., to serve as Secre- As this company continues to grow Heaven's location and what it has tary-Treasurer of the Chesapeake under the blessing of God, it be- to offer have been talked of for cen- Conference. Two years later he ac- comes more and more apparent that turies. Evangelist John L. Shuler cepted a call to the East Pennsylva- more qualified men are needed. We gives a beautiful portrayal of the nia Conference where he served as are thankful that the Lord has sup- kingdom of God a n d the glories Secretary-Treasurer and Manager of plied us with a devoted man like which it has to offer. He reveals that the Book and Bible House. Mr. Lawson. heaven is a definite, specific place From 1932 to 1938 he continued to DAN ROTTHOFF where God's people will long enjoy work in this dual capacity in the President, Ecclesiastical the privilege of blessed association New Jersey Conference. In 1938 he Furniture, Inc. with Christ. returned to the East Pennsylvania A central theme in April is the Conference with the single post of story of the resurrection. Ellen G. Secretary-Treasurer. White has written a gripping ac- In 1944 Mr. Jones was called to the count of the rolling away of that Greater Washington area to serve as stone 2,000 years ago and the Secretary-Treasurer of the Potomac emergence of Christ from the bonds Conference, a post he held until the of death. time of his retirement last year. Hot cross buns and rabbits are not He lived in Washington until 1955 modern in their symbolism of Easter, when the Conference office was as some people think. They date moved from Takoma Park, Md., to back for centuries. Donald W. Mc- Staunton, Va. Kay depicts the origin of Easter cus- In recognition of his 19 years of toms and their significance both yes- service in behalf of the church in terday and today.
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