—Ontario taxpayers are dis- —You’d think highways’ en- covering they’ve been taken gineers would know one for a ride on more than one shouldn’t charge a bridge crooked road. The Glengarry New before you come to it. ONE OF CANADA’S AWARD-WIN NINO WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS VOL. LXIII—No. 20 ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 20th, 1954 SINGLE COPY 7c Mayor Simon Heads Heavy Loss As Alexandria Sash & Door Co. Planning Board Hennery Razed Starts New Line Of Products The Alexandria district planning board held its organizational meet- Seventy-five hundred potential ing last night when Mayor George broilers were lost in a fire which Expects To Double Staff To 35 Simon was elected chairman; R. J. destroyed the big hennery of Gilles If Promised Orders For New Product Graham, vice-chairman, and Alphee Carrière, the Gore, Lochiel, shortly Mercure, secretary. The slate will after noon, Tuesday. The loss was Are Secured — We Visit The Cholette Plant now go to Queen’s Park for ap- particularly heavy as 1,50.0 of the proval, after which it is expected a chicks were ready for market and While Alexandrians have been seeking in vain for new industries, representative of the department another 1,000 hid been received at •one of the native variety has been growing slowly and steadily through will come here to aid in setting up the plant only that morning. the years and now is ready for marked expansion. the planning area. The fire is believed to have oc- Rolland Cholette’s Alexandria Sash & Door Company last week Present at the meeting were Reeve curred as a direct result of that started production of a new line, interior doors, in the fine new factory Allan Vallance and R. J. Graham, latter fact. Mr. Carrière had re- ibuilding added last year. And there is promise that this new product will representing Kenyon; Reeve J. W. portedly started a fife in his coal .provide many more job op^pings fon- MacLeod and Clifford Campbell, brooder stove that morning in order local men. Name A Door Dalkeith, representing Lochiel; to warm the house for the new An order for 300 doors already has Mayor George Simon, Councillors chicks. It is thqught the fire orig- resulted from a showing of first And Win One Lloyd McHugh and George Le- inated from the brooder stove. samples and Mr. Cholette is ex- febvre, Dr. D. D. McIntosh and Mr. Carrière was working a field pecting further orders for 6,200 Alphee Mercure, representing Alex- about one mile from home when the more which may be forthcoming in Alexandria Sash & Door Co. is andria. fire was discovered about 1 p.m. another week. While a representa- seeking a name for its new line of o Mrs. Aldema Lefebvre, a neighbor, interior doors and .is asking for sug- tive of this paper was' inspecting the - turned in the alarm and the Glen mew product, Tuesday, there was an- gestions from the public. Mr . Mutuals Gain Robertson volunteer brigade rushed other bite from Montreal. A po- Cholette visualizes a label on each to the scene with its three foam door leaving the plant that will be tential buyer from that city made extinguishers. A strong breeze blow- arrangements to visit the plant this distinctive and will at the same Tax|Exemption ing away from other buildings time bring Alexandria (or Glen- "week. helped prevent spread of the blaze. garry) publicity. The plant now employs 17 and Exemption from corporation in- The three-storey building had a If your idea is selected, your prize come tax of the surpluses of all capacity of ilO.OOO birds and the loss has a weekly payroll of more than will be one of the new doors. A Macdonald Chosen New Head of Williamstown High. $500. Mr. Cholette expects to have mutual fire insurance companies is estimated well in excels of 35 on the payroll within another was announced in the Commons $10,000. six weeks if the expected orders for Tuesday by Finance Minister Child Fatally Abbott. Family Grows By New Principal Of Williamstown | his new interior door are received. Legion Men At He has plans, too, for building It was being done on amendment 4 In 11 Months two dry kilns this fall and they will Injured By Car to a budget resolution, ai? a result, High Comes Well Qualified For Post he so aligned with the present fac- Funeral J.W. Jacques the Finance Minister said, of repre- The second set of twins in ex- tory as eventually to permit of its sentations from members of Parlia- A 5%-year-old boy returning actly 11 months has been born The 40-year-old head of the Eng- . expansion to a building 225 feet in ment from all parts of the country. Members of district Legion home from a walk with his grand- to Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Pigeon Awarded Prize In lish department at St. Catharines. length. There is plenty of room for It will be recalled that in present- branches were in attendance, Wed- father and two older brothers, died of Ottawa. Mrs. Pigeon is the Collegiate Institute and Vocational expansion, the company now own- ing the budget, Finance Minister nesday, at the funeral of Joseph after he was struck by a car on former Marguerite Cardinal of English On Graduation School has been picked from 42 ing .24 lots in an area fronting on Abbott declared his intention to William Jacques, held from his late St. Andrew’s Road Monday night. Alexandria. candidates to be principal of the. Lochiel street and running back to- make taxable the surpluses of Mu- home at Apple Hill to St. Anthony’s Gerald Leduc, a son of Mr. and The boy and girl arrived Mon- Ralph V. MacMillan was among new Williamstown High School. Hes wards Peel. tual Fire Insurance Companies. Church and cemetery. The funeral Mrs. Albert Leduc, 4 Thirteenth day, May 17th, at Ottawa Gen- district students completing final is C. Evan Macdonald, B.A. Mr. Cholette started his lumber Directors of the Glengarry Mutual was under auspices of Glengarry street, Cornwall, died from a severe eral Hospital, to bring Mr. and examinations at the Ontario Agri- Announcement of Mr. Mac- and building materials business nine actively protested such a move as Branch, No. 312, Apple Hill, which skull fracture shortly after admis- Mrs. Pigeon’s young family to cultural College, Guelph. A son of donald’s appointment has been jears ago in the building on Bishop did this paper editorially. Raymond Mr. Jacques had been instrumental sion to Hotel Dieu Hospital. eight, the oldest of whom is Mr. and Mrs. Clarence MacMillan, made by Wilfred McDonald, chair- street south which now serves as Bruneau, M.P., Glengarry-Prescott, in organizing and of which he was Police said the youngster was eight years old. The couple’s Lochiel, Ralph took second class man of the school board. The office and store for an expanded took up the matter in his address charter president. struck by a car driven by Clifford first twins were born on June honors in his exams and was new principal plans to be in Wil- fine of hardware, paints and all in the budget debate. His protest The death of Mr. Jacques on Ross, 40, of Martintown. 17th, 1953. awarded the Bruce Thomson prize liamstown early in June to set up types of building materials. Mould- Monday, May 17 th, followed a and the protests of other M.P.’s re- the organization for the new $400,- ings were turned in a small plant Young Leduc had been with his lengthy illness. He was aged 59. in English. portedly resulted in Tuesday’s 000 school plant. He replaces W. J. on the second floor, an operation grandfather, Joseph Leduc, and two Representing Alexandria branch ■ amendment. Square Dancing C. Barrett, principal for the past which now is. transferred to the older brothers watching a power at. the funeral were Duncan Mc- 35 years, who has been named prin- mew factory. shovel operating along the east side Lean, C. H. McCulloch, Alex Birnie, Sisters Win Degrees Contest For Fair cipal emeritus. Expansion was slow but steady. of St. Andrew’s Road less than a Two New ’’Officers” Duncan MacCuaig and Charles Dear. , ; ' - In Medicine At McGill No stranger to Glengarry, Mr. Four years ago the 100x50. ft. ware- block from their home. As they o Progress is being made on the Macdonald Is married to the former house was built, fronting on Lochiel retm-ned home, police said, Gerald Guard School Pupils darted across the road into the path new features being staged in con- Misses Mairi Macdonald MacLean Ann Fraser, daughter of T. Scott .street, and it is now cram full of junction with the holding of the and Catriona Duneila MacLean, Fraser, former United Counties’ interior fittings and all types of of the southbound Ross car.-' He Alexandria's police force has been Scottish Visitors was thrown to the pavement in exhibition of the Kenyon Agricul- daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan warden, and has a summer home building supplies. The two-storey, increased by two and the new front of the car. tural Society. Six entries in the MacLean, Third Kenyon, have com- just east of the village. He recently cement block factory was added “officers” have been assigned to square dance competition were re- pleted their courses in medicine at purchased a house in Lancaster. last year and this 80x35 ft. building The youngster was rushed to Seeing Glengarry traffic patrol in front of the new ceived from county forums by E.
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