26286 FCCA Magazine.Q7:Quarterly Magazine 1/2/07 9:43 AM Page a 26286 FCCA Magazine.Q7:Quarterly Magazine 1/2/07 9:43 AM Page b FLORIDA- CARIBBEAN Caribbean Cruising CRUISE THE FLORIDA-CARIBBEAN CRUISE ASSOCIATION MAGAZINE ASSOCIATION Fourth Quarter 2006 EXECUTIVE FEATURES COMMITTEE Micky Arison FCCA Chairman, 8 Cruising Boosts Tourism Recovery in Crescent City. Chairman & CEO Carnival Corporation 10 State of the Industry Presentation at the 13th Thomas M. McAlpin President Annual FCCA Caribbean Cruise Conference October 31 - Disney Cruise Line November 3, 2006 - Cayman Islands. Richard E. Sasso President & CEO MSC Cruises (USA) Inc. 14 Norwegian Cruise Line’s Glittering Future. Colin Veitch President & CEO 19 Grand Cayman Host’s the 2006 FCCA Caribbean Cruise Norwegian Cruise Line Conference and Trade Show. Stephen A. Nielsen Vice President, Caribbean & Atlantic Shore Operations 25 Hurricane Response: Taking Strides Towards Preparedness. Princess Cruises/Cunard Line 25 Hurricane Response: Taking Strides Towards Preparedness. Adam Goldstein President 27 Cozumel and the FCCA - Conference Partners for 2007. Royal Caribbean International FCCA STAff 33 1 Million Cruise Passengers Say, “Bienvenidos, Puerto Omari Breakenridge Rico” Annually. Graphics Coordinator Terri Cannici 37 The 13th Annual FCCA Gala Dinner Extravaganza. Director, Special Events Adam Ceserano Vice President 38 Forecast Strong for Freestay Caribbean Cruise Victoria S. Lalta Conversion Program. Director, Public Relations & Membership Programs Laura Mori Research Analyst 5 Cruise Industry News & Platinum Highlights President’s Letter 3 Michele M. Paige FCCA Upcoming Events Faces in the Industry President 12 39 Around the Caribbean 40 Monica Rojas Executive Assistant Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) FCCA Member Lines 11200 Pines Blvd., Suite 201 Carnival Cruise Lines • Celebrity Cruises • Costa Cruise Lines • Cunard Line Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 Phone: (954) 441-8881 • Fax: (954) 441-3171 Disney Cruise Line • Holland America Line • MSC Cruises (USA) Inc. Website: www.f-cca.com • E-mail: [email protected] Norwegian Cruise Line • Princess Cruises • Regent Seven Seas Cruises Caribbean Cruising © 2006 ~ All Rights Reserved. Royal Caribbean International • Windstar Cruises Fourth Quarter 2006 Caribbean Cruising 1 26286 FCCA Magazine.Q7:Quarterly Magazine 1/2/07 9:43 AM Page 2 President’s Letter www.f-cca.com “A good plan today is better than the perfect plan tomorrow.” With the year coming to an end, many like to focus on the past, on their accomplishments or failures. But this isn’t the time to live in the past. Though there’s time for reflection, I’d like to remind you about the joy of the present and importance of the future. Living in the moment while preparing for the next is something vital to success in life and business. Times like these seem to provide a test, as it’s easy to simply look for- ward or behind. Michele with Micky Arison, FCCA Chairman, Chairman & CEO Carnival Though the New Year and the holidays lie just around the corner, there Corporation and her parents at the are still some steps which everyone can engage in now, basic actions FCCA Booth in the Cayman Islands. which prove highly beneficial. Explore the possibilities, determine what changes you should make, create an action plan, find some support, and take action. Creating and actu- alizing plans is a constant process, but one for which the effort must be made. With the world being unpre- dictable, the only thing you can count on is your own course of action; add some balance to the system through preparation. The cruise industry’s own plans show quite a promising year, while our records show another successful one winding down. This issue of Caribbean Cruising showcases past events and future functions. It accounts another amazing Conference, which attracted over 1,200 attendees in Cayman and gives insight into the indus- try through Andy Stuart, Chairman – Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), EVP, Marketing, Sales & Passenger Services – NCL Corporation, State of the Industry Address. Also featured is the progression of the FCCA Foundation, including the Gala Dinner and workshops. Hopefully you can develop your own plans while reading what’s in store for our future. We wish you all the best for the upcoming year. We hope that you take full advantage of it, but to do so requires effort and planning. Getting what you want out of life is really pretty simple; it’s just not easy! Respectfully yours, Michele M. Paige 26286 FCCA Magazine.Q7:Quarterly Magazine 1/2/07 9:43 AM Page 4 Cruise Industry News & Platinum Highlights www.f-cca.com Chukka Caribbean Adventures tion and emissions in check. Most CH2M HILL’s Ports and Maritime Achieves Green Globe Certification importantly, Chukka has ongoing edu- Group Hires John Corley THETHE FRIENDLIESTFRIEENDLIEST ISLANDISLLAAND UNDERUUNDER THETHHE SSUN!UN! cational programs for its team and the Chukka Caribbean Adventures has company is conscientious about rais- CH2M HILL, a global full-service achieved certification under the presti- ing the awareness level of its environ- engineering, construction, and opera- gious Green Globe Certification mental mission among its guests. tions firm, announces the hire of John Program which measures and ratifies Corley as the Global Director of tourism operations worldwide and Green Globe provides a benchmarking Strategic Planning and Business assesses their environmental practices and certification system that responds Development for the Ports and THETHE DUTCHDUTCH by a rigorous system of audits. directly to the major environmental Maritime Group. AND THE FRENFRENCH...TWOCH...TTWO problems facing the planet, including CULCULTURES...ONETURES...ONE ISLISLANDAAND “At Chukka, we are very serious about the greenhouse effect, overuse of fresh- Corley brings to the firm nearly 20 our environmental responsibilities,” water resources, destruction of biodi- years of experience in strategic busi- says Mark Hylton, the company’s gen- versity, production of solid and biolog- ness planning, public infrastructure cor- eral manager. “The Green Globe ical waste and social issues. poratization and privatization, organi- 37 MMAGNIFICENTAGNIFICENT Certified status is a confirmation of zation restructuring, operations BBEACHESEACHES AND A WOWORLDRRLD our development over the years as a As a Green Globe Program participant, improvement, capital planning, master OOFFAC ACTIVITIESTIVITIES team of dedicated, environmentally Chukka Caribbean Adventures had to planning, and program management. aware professionals, committed to successfully outperform set regional His extensive experience includes work providing quality adventure tours and standards in a number of key areas, for both commercial and government A TREATREASURESURE TRTROVEROOVE services. We operate within a system over a period of over two years. The transportation-sector clients, with par- OOFFDUT DUTYFREEYYFREE SHSHOPPINGOPPING which nurtures and enhances the envi- final process, to attain the highest level ticular emphasis on railroad, port, and ronment for our guests and for the sur- of achievement included a rigorous on- maritime communities. Experienced rounding communities. Maintaining site assessment conducted by an inde- internationally, he has worked for an environmental balance is of criti- pendent auditor. Having met all the clients in the Middle East, Europe, SIZZLINSIZZLINGGNI NIGHTLIFEGHTLIFEE cal importance for the Caribbean, requirements of the testing process, Asia, and Latin America. especially since so much of our liveli- Chukka Caribbean Adventures earned hood is dependant on tourism. The its designation as a Green Globe In his new role, Corley will be respon- A FUSIFUSIONONO OFF CARIBBEAN CARIBBEAN management systems that we follow Certified tour operator. sible for developing and implementing AND EUREUROPEANROOPEAN GOUGOURMETURMET today will go a long way towards a strategic plan for the firm’s Ports and DDELICACIESELICACIES ensuring a fruitful future for our Founded in 1983, Chukka Caribbean Maritime Group, as well as growing the succeeding generations.” Adventures is now the number one firm’s global business through new land-based nature adventure tour markets, technologies, and clients. At Chukka Caribbean Adventures, the provider in the region, offering thirty- commitment to the community is at its two tours in Jamaica, Belize, The Prior to joining CH2M HILL, Corley highest level, with 88% of the mem- Bahamas and Turks & Caicos Islands. was an international management con- bers of the Chukka team residing Collectively, the operations delivered sultant with Booz Allen Hamilton. within a 20-kilometer radius. The over 250,000 adventure tours to cruise company draws upon the surrounding and hotel guests in 2006. With a com- Corley received his bachelor’s in civil communities for its staffing. mitment to deliver the highest quality engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Additionally, Chukka purchases local tours with well trained guides and Institute and State University and his produce exclusively, wherever possi- stringent safety standards, Chukka MBA from Johns Hopkins. ble and the operator adopts and main- takes pride in showcasing the natural tains community shops as refreshment beauty of the Caribbean through stops for its tours. unique and sensational experiences and River Consulting Expands Ports and SUN-DRENCHEDSUN-D RENCHEED BEACHES, BEACHESEACHES, REDRED-HOT - HOTCT CASINOS,CASINOSOS, BALMY BALMMYYB BREEZES,BREEZESREEZES, REMNANTS
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