FREE THE UNCANNY X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST PDF Chris Claremont,John Byrne,John Romita | 204 pages | 10 Apr 2006 | Panini Publishing Ltd | 9781904419938 | English | Dartford, United Kingdom Days of Future Past - Wikipedia Goodreads helps you keep track of books you The Uncanny X-Men: Days of Future Past to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — X-Men by Chris Claremont. Terry Kevin Austin Inker. Glynis Wein Colorist. Relive the legendary first journey into the dystopian future of where Sentinels stalk the Earth and the X-Men are humanity's only hope Also featuring the first apperance of Alpha Flight, the return of the Wendigo, the history of Cyclops Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published June 7th by Marvel first published More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about X-Menplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. One of the strongest X- Men stories ever This edition not only include the main story "Days of Future Past" but also several issues before and after of the story. So, my rating is an overall average based on the sum of all individual ratings per story. Here I sit Now, for the first time, I realize how it must have been for the Professor all these long months This is an astonishing account of the major events of the X-Men history since its beginning to date narrated by not other than Scott Summers aka Cyclops! Told from his personal point of view, he takes the audience in an uncanny journey through the happiest and saddest moments. All done in one single issue! Definitely a marvelous reading. My name The Uncanny X-Men: Days of Future Past Stephen Strange. I believe I am expected. Nightcrawler aka Kurt Wagner is celebrating his 21st birthday but an unexpected gift takes his soul to a hellish place that only the guest starring of Doctor Strange can help to the X-Men to go there and to help to save Nightcrawler's soul! My first mission-- My only failure. I'd been sent to deal with the Hulk. Nightcrawler signs up to go along with Wolverine. When Wolverine and Nightcrawler are able to reach James MacDonald Hudson aka Vindicator, he is on an official mission of Alpha The Uncanny X-Men: Days of Future Past, the Canadian government's sanctioned super-hero team. Alpha Flight is tracking a mysterious monster and the team is decimated due some members are away in another mission over USA, so Vindicator is having only Shaman The Uncanny X-Men: Days of Future Past Snowbird. Soon enough, Wolverine knows that the monster has to be the Wendigo, which he has some reckoning to do, so he offered his help to find the monster. One of the most famous and celebrated stories of the X-Men titles, if not the best, or the only one able to compete against The Dark Phoenix saga, but taking in account that Days of Future Past was developed in only two comic book issues, that's something astonishing impressive! Those "good ol' days" where creative teams aren't mandated by the publishing house to extend any storyline to 6 issues at least thinking already in the marketing of the trade-paperback. Notice that here, Marvel needed to "fill up" the TPB edition with other issues to be to able to charge what they want for the TPB Kitty Pryde is 13 and a half years old, making her the youngest student ever The Uncanny X-Men: Days of Future Past into the X-Men team so far. She is the newest addition to the team. She is shy and sweet. She is the only hope to save humanity and mutantkind. She is outspoken and driven. The Fantastic Four are dead. The Avengers are dead. The X-Men are mostly dead. And The Uncanny X-Men: Days of Future Past like 5 mutants are still alive but living in concentration camps. The Sentinels are ruling USA. A crucial moment, inwas the trigger to this dark future, so the solution is clear So a bold plan is forged to send the "conscience" of the old Kate Pryde to reach the body of the young Kitty Pryde, back in the past, to prevent that that future may ocurr. Literally there was a "before" and an "after" in the X-Men 's comic book history with the publication of this story. What am I saying?! They are all gone! I'm all alone! Shy and sweet Kitty Pryde is all alone in the X-Mansion, but soon enough she will have a lethal visit and she will have to deal with it all by herself! A lonely remmant of the N'Garai monsters reaches the X-Mansion and it's up to Kitty to defend home against this nightmarish creature! View all 18 comments. Apr 12, Brandon rated it it was ok Shelves:fictioncomixafter-the-end. Nightcrawler is accused of murder and his punishment is brought about by a demon. Sounds cool, right? Well, I was bored to tears and this is mostly The Uncanny X-Men: Days of Future Past to the horrifically bad dialogue. Let the images carry you. From the trailers I've seen, it looks like the screenwriters are playing around with a few of the roles each character has in the original story - which is fine by me. I already have a deep rooted appreciation for anything post-apocalyptic and Claremont and company really nail it. DOFP is the only thing worth checking out here. Also posted Every Read Thing. View all 4 comments. Feb 11, Sr3yas rated it liked it Shelves: comics-undatedcomics. Welcome to "Days of future past" arc from which inspired epic movie version which surpassed all expectations aaaaand four other totally unrelated stories! We pick up the story right after "Dark phoenix saga" and find ourselves reading over 25 years of X-men history in 20 pages. And we call him Giant Potato! Right after that painful chapter, Cyclopes takes an extended leave of The Uncanny X-Men: Days of Future Past and X-men adds a new member to their team: Kitty Pryde! In second story, X-men along with Benedic I mean Doctor Strange goes to Dante's hell to save Nightcrawler on his birthday! Move along! In third story, Wolverine and Nightcrawler travels to Canada to handle some unfinished business and ends up fighting Wendigo! This is the second best arc in this book after DOFP! Sure it is, Logan. And then comes the fourth and the most exciting story of this book, Days of future past! Kitty pryde projects her mind from to to avoid a horrible attack which results in extermination of mutant kind! The stakes are high, time is running out. Will they make it? Pfft, of course they do! And as always, they saved the worst arc for the end. Kitty Pryde is alone in X-Men mansion on Christmas eve and guess who decides to show up? Not Santa, but alien from 'Alien' movie! X-Men: Days of Future Past (Trade Paperback) | Comic Issues | Comic Books | Marvel But in earlythe pop-culture landscape was different. And then you opened it up, and you were immersed. Wolverine and a brunette woman stand in a pile of rubble, backs to a wall, staring toward the reader. Wolverine The Uncanny X-Men: Days of Future Past, for some reason, gray-haired and aged. The previous issue had been standard superhero fare: The X-Men join up with some Canadian allies and beat the crap out of a furry monster called Wendigo. The final page featured third-tier villain the Blob escaping from prison. No doubt many readers were expecting issue No. Instead, readers opened to the first page and saw X-Man Kitty Pryde walking through a bombed-out Manhattan in what looks like a prison uniform. In the previous issue, Kitty had been 13 years old, but now, she appeared to be middle-aged. This kind of disorienting, in media res opener had a small degree of precedent. Then the story would leap backward immediately and tell the wacky tale of how we got there. Over the next few pages, we see Kitty rendezvous with the aged Wolverine from the cover image. They talk about the U. Kitty walks past a row of gravestones with the names of various Marvel superheroes. She reaches some kind of mutant gulag in the Bronx and meets a sad, small group of X-Men, including an apparently benevolent and inexplicably wheelchair-bound Magneto. More importantly, should it? We are toying with the basic fabric of reality. We periodically flip back to the action in the future, where the desperate band of X-Men take on the Sentinels and fail miserably. Storm is fatally stabbed in the spine by a spear. Everyone cries. In the present, Kitty stops the assassination and leaves her teen body … but the story ends on an ambiguous note. All told, one would be hard-pressed to find a more death-filled, ambiguous, and depressing superhero tale published up to that point in comics history. Hell, even the death-of—Gwen Stacy story in Spider-Man had featured the bad guy The Uncanny X-Men: Days of Future Past his just desserts.
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