OCCASION This publication has been made available to the public on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. DISCLAIMER This document has been produced without formal United Nations editing. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development. Designations such as “developed”, “industrialized” and “developing” are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. Mention of firm names or commercial products does not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. FAIR USE POLICY Any part of this publication may be quoted and referenced for educational and research purposes without additional permission from UNIDO. However, those who make use of quoting and referencing this publication are requested to follow the Fair Use Policy of giving due credit to UNIDO. CONTACT Please contact [email protected] for further information concerning UNIDO publications. For more information about UNIDO, please visit us at www.unido.org UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 300, 1400 Vienna, Austria Tel: (+43-1) 26026-0 · www.unido.org · [email protected] ' Illlll lllllll llll lllll 111111111111111111111111111111111 {,,(. (tJ XD9700122 ;;,·.~.<:,_, 2/566 TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ADVANCED METALS WITH REGARD TO ENVIRONMENTAL COMPATIBILITY PART I: TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS WITH THE AID OF ADVANCED METALS Heinz F. Voggenreiter, Rolf Homann Munich, Germany For United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNIDO, Vienna Dept. New Technologies October 1995 Content 1 Introduction 2 Fundamentals Application-based solutions Production-process-based solutions 3 Objectives of the Study 4 Tendencies in Technical Solutions for Ecological Compatibility 4.1. Light-weight structures 4.1.1. Ground transportation systems General Aspects of Light-Weight Construction in Ground Transportation Systems Ground transportation systems - Materials Overview 4.1.2. Aerospace Applications General Overview Aerospace Applications - Materials Overview 4.2 Efficiency of Thermal Engines 4.2.1 Automotive Engines 4.2.2 Industrial Gas Turbines and Aeroengines 5 Materials and Processes 5 .1 Ferrous Alloys 5 .1.1 High-strength steels 5.1.2 Bake-hardening steels 5.1.3 Tailored Blanks 5.3 Intermetallic Alloys 5.3.1 Aluminides TiAl (y)-based alloys Ti3Al (a2 )-based alloys Ni3Al NiAl 5.3.2 Silicides Al-Mg2Si and Mg-Mg2Si Molybdenum Disilicide MoSi2 5.4 Dispersion Strengthened Alloys Oxide Dispersion Strengthened-Aluminium Alloys Oxide and Carbide Dispersion Strengthened Al Alloys ODS Nickel Base Alloys ODS NiAl Alloys ODS Iron Base Alloys 5.5 Light-weight Alloys 5.5.1. Aluminium Alloys Aluminium-Lithium Alloys High-Strength Aluminium Alloys 5.5.2. Magnesium Alloys 5.5.3. Reinforced Light-weight Alloys Production processes Properties of Reinforced Aluminium Alloys Reinforced Titanium Reinforced Magnesium 6 Summarizing Discussion 6.1 Materials For Light Weight Structures 6.2 Materials For Increased Efficiency of Thermal Engines References Figures Abriviations TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ADVAN CED METALS WITH REGARD TO ENVIRONMENTAL COMPATIBILITY PART I: TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS WITH THE AID OF ADVANCED METALS Heinz F. Voggenreiter, Rolf Homann Munich, Germany However, ecological studies and current Introduction activities on the modelling and prediction of global warming and its negative effects lead to Ozone thinning, the greenhouse effect, global industrialized countries calling for a reduction in warming, lack of drinking water - these are the energy consumption. In the course of alarming keywords which are found all over the industrialization the semi-industrialized world predicting an ecological collapse caused countries counteract this positive development by intensive environmental pollution. The main by their increasing energy demands, especially reason for most of the polluting reagents is the for current generation and industry, insisting on generation of energy and the consumption of the use of their own local fossil energy natural resources for the different needs of the resources. Nevertheless, at present the human race. In most cases energy is generated industrialized countries are the dominant by firing fossil resources such as oil, coal and initiators of air pollution. Figure 1 shows the natural gases, thus affecting the environment USA, the former USSR and China at the top of through the emission of gaseous reagents. The the list of the percentage share in the worldwide energy consume for heating, cooling, transport, emission of greenhouse gases of the different industry and the generation of current rises from countries [3]. year to year due to the progressive tendencies in global industrialization, increasing prosperity, Consumption of fossil energy sources and and finally due to the exponential growth rate of therefore greenhouse gas emission can be the human race. Thus the emission of so-called assigned mainly to the four sections greenhouse gases and aerosols is additionally heating/cooling, transport, industry, and current increased. Table 1 summarizes the main generation. In 1991 the total global energy reagents affecting the global climatic situation, consumption amounted to about 11 billion of their mostly man-made sources and their coal equivalents [I]. stability in the atmosphere [ 1]. Current results of mathematical modelling predict a severe Because of the impossibility of reducing of increase of the surface air temperature of up to global energy consumption, the consequence of 2.5°C in the year 2040 based on the effect of this environmental situation should be to both greenhouse gases and aerosols [2]. This develop alternative energy resources. Studies by must be seen in conjunction with the ongoing K.-P. Molier [1] show the technical feasability thinning of the ozone layer. of switching energy-consuming processes to alternative energy sources, avoiding 75% of Application-based solutions C02 but merely doubling the specific energy price. However, international and • reduction of weight for all kinds of intercontinental economic competition makes vehicles and for the moving parts of such a step virtually improbable. Thus, only engines competition-compatible, conventional technical solutions are practicable which promise a • improvement of the energy efficiency of stepwise reduction of the emission of harmful thermal, engine-driven machines reagents. • Applications based on natural raw materials 2 Fundamentals Production-process-based solutions Future-orientated solutions to satisfy the demand of mankind for energy are based mainly • optimization of the production processes on the search for alternative energy resources. A • Recycling of materials lot of investigations are being conducted on energy production through fuel cells or solar­ WEIGHT REDUCTION can be realized by based processes such as photovoltaics, solar new, light-weight designs in addition to the use plants, solar collectors, etc. By using solar of advanced materials such as modified plastics, processes or hydroelectric power plants , water metal alloys and natural materials such as is broken down into hydrogen and oxygen to be cotton, coco fiber and natural rubber. The light­ used as fuel components for thermal engine­ weight effect is mainly based on the following dri ven machines. This reduces greatly the materials properties: particle and reagents emission. However, this technique necessitates the development of • specific weight hydrogen storage and adapted motor concepts. A further solution for transportation is the use of • Young's modulus (stiffness) electric motors based on future current generation with solar plants or photovoltaics. • strength Also fuel cells, using hydrogen and oxygen as reagents or the Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Lower material specific weight will directly (MCFC), are thought to be good candidates for reduce the application weight. However, automotive engines. All these developments are materials with low specific weight but medium-term or even long-term solutions and insufficient stiffness and strength only must be carried out with priority. Taking into contribute moderately to the reduction of account the rapid increase in energy and raw weight. In general, the required application materials consumption, caused by the prosperity performance limits the admissible elastic of the industrialized countries and the increasing deformations caused by operational loads. Thus, industrialization of the developing countries, the stiffness of the material used must be high short-term solutions are necessary. The main enough to meet the tolerances required. Stiffness demand is the systematic decrease in the is the mathematical product of Young's consumption of fossile resources and raw modulus and the moment of resistance against materials. bending, respectively torsion. As the moments of resistance depend on the part's dimension, Solutions are fundamentally based on the too low a Young's modulus must be following technical approaches, mainly driven compensated for larger dimensions in order
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