· ­ Safety Bulletin • • • • MILWAUKEE REPEATS! Bulletin Board REDUCED RAIL RATES fot' visit.ors road tank car whiGh (~ost thc g-ovenllllent tl'OlIl !llll'o~d hl'l'lUll(' dT('(·.Li'e :'Ila.\' 1011 'Vi,nOO ill 1[)4~. It ~old for $:-),200. a II pa~"ellg'('r (,alT.yjJJg- l'nilroads in the Ot1'leia h, :-:i1id that at toda~"s pI'iecs !.he l'lIi tcd Stnt(~~ 1111'1 Canada. The cub lJU.I'e" got :\ b:\rgain, a llloUllt to a ];) pel' ccnt, red1J(·(ioll in Vol. 50 May-June 1962 No.2 eo~('h f<1J'e~ from <Ill port;; to 'lIl." in­ f<:l'ior j.!Oiut, j'(·/..lIruillg to any port, HORATIO ALGER AWARD (\oIli't'l'1'ed SpPl'p[Hry of Comuu'J'('e liodgeH ha~ elwh year h.y th(; Amel'icon S~hools and c:nJllllH'1H1('d til(' l'ailroads tOl' oJTl'I'illg' ('olk~(':,; _-\s:,;()('iatioll on 10 Jll"OJJ\i)l(·nt. ">\11 ('.';I'iting n P 11' iJl(lncemrn[ for Alll('li('!lll~ "'!lo h,ivc :l"hiev('c! SlH'~PSS ]WOjlll'K I'rom CV('l"y\rhere to S(;e the through illil i\'illnol illit.illli n' "'as pre­ hefll't-l>llHl (It AlHel'lc~ 011 Ollt< of Allleri­ seull'd On AI ay 9 t.o .J. I'a!.ril'k Lannan, ('a'~ fl1Yorii(' mlldp:; of t.nlll:<portation". ('!w imwn of till' e.xeeutivc ~omlJlittee of MARJE HaTTON tIl(' :'II i1,,'m] ke(" Roa tl hoard of (1 iredoJ"s. lVIi/nagittg Editor Th(, hOBor ]'('cogllizl'd i\h. Lutman's WORST WEATHER IN 20 YEARS ]'is(' from bumblc hegilJllilJg"s to inte1'­ PUBLIC RELATlONS ('olltrihulC'd to a net, los~ oJ: $L7::l,IIUO lwtiollal JillUll('icl' a~ fittiug t,he storied DEPARTMENT for the JI iIwaukee RO'Hl ill thl' fir;;! Horatio Alger tl'l.ditiu!J, qnarte,' of lhl' ~·elll'. )\ It,llOUg-h revcnues Union Station-Chicago wen' llP $1,011 ,noo COlnpHH'I1 wi tll the ~al111' quarter a VPflr ago, rccord lin'li king: MARKING NATIONAL TRANSPOR­ The MilwQukee Road Mago:zin.c:! is pub~ "Ilowfalis followed hy Hoods in mueh of TATION WEEK, Ute National Asso(,i­ lished fot" octive and retired employes l'~ilroa(l's of the Chic"go, Milwouke", St. Poul t!J(' t('lTit.ory l"E'sult.t'd in Ull­ 1Ition of Hnilway Business \V 0 ilL " n Company~ 6- Pacific Railroad to whom usual ('xpeJises of mOl"(' 1hnn 1 million it is distributed free. It IS avoiloble ]In''wntl'd model electric t.rains to 44 to other. ot Sl.OO per yeor. Retired dol bll'S. hOlll(''- fO!' rd:lnll'd and hUl\dic!lPIH~(l employes mey continue to rt:!eeive it without cost by sending their odd rcsse:s (·hi Idl'('n 'lIld to seven'] bospitals, In to the circulation de'PQrt'JT\ent~ 824 Union Stotion, Chlcogo 6, III. l'<'P<>g'll ition oJ: (he effo!'i" mayors i n ~ ll\lIII !)('1" of (,Hies where the inst.i­ FOREIGN EXCHANGE. '1'\\'0 As"otl­ t \lUons are Joeu tell prodaill1ed the nti II 11 of AlIl('ritan fi.aill'onds Ctlrtoon contents !-'J'C"Cilt 11 tion dote-)fny 16-Ruilroad hookleb, "The hon Hors(' COE'S to \VIlX" "-oullen's Day. The train:,;, value,l at nnd "Spl:'ein l :\r:rent", arE' enjoying: ini.t'l'­ ~nl (-'::tell. <cousist of n IlWOll]o[,il'<" L"'o naliOllul ciro.;u]ation lhese tluy~. The Safely Bulletin .. pigg"~'hack Cflrs, a pi(~k('l (,a1', illulilillutetl Milwaukee Repeals! --- --- --- -- 4 tll'st. is beiug' ~(",'inl ized by t.he French taboose, TV lllOllit.or (.jur, 11 lnO-watt )'ailfan IW)'iodie>l1 Ln 'lie Dn Hili), lind Comments From Our Customers -- - 5 f-nmsfonllel', llull t.l'aGk n~qlliTillg a 52 t1](' SN'Olld wn~ lIuapled to run H:; fl SIJE­ by DO-inch base. Shippers Support the Milwaukee's (' ia J feat lll'C i11 11aspu(nins, a mag-Ilzine Stand on the Proposed GNP&B Merger -----.--------------- 6 publi"hed ill Toronto for Latviall chil­ dnm ill ihis (-(luni ry 1111ll Cam'da_ President Q~inn Comments un SUMMER TRAINING of lhp Fifth Railroads in the Space Age- ----- 7 Al'Jn~' call" f(ll' mQrc t.1l<1Il ]40,000 Rl'se1'­ Gold Box Car for the Milwaukee, - ,. 8 visis <HIll ~ati(ln>ll (Ju<\Hlsmcn to go on PUBLIC AUCTION of lIlilitar.v sur­ ('1'0 wl:'"k~ of active dnt)' at 25 Illidwc:-:f­ Diners Rated "Au for Sanitation --- 9 plu~e~ Hnd olllmodc(] property put on ('rn ('u(mmpUl('l.Jts begilll)ing' ,\la~' '27 "Transport 21" ----------------10 til(; blOCh l"('('elltl~' h~' t.he ddCDse ;;ur­ through Sl'pt. L The largest influx will ]JIm; ~ale~ ofJin~ (If the Rock fsland Ar­ bc at. Cump ~feCoy, Wi~., OI] tbe Mil­ What It Takes to Keep Traffic on the Rails ------- ---- - ----·13 s('J1[tl hrought 17.8 per cent of (,he w;onket> HOlld, when~ an (·st.imalell42,OOO orig-ilwl pri(:e. Au e:H'epiion W<\S a rail- \\'i l! tl'ai11. Reserved for Railroad Women------14 Milwaukee Railroadiana to Be .; Preserved in National Railway Museum --------------------15 , 'I In the Retirement Spotlight------ -16 Appointments - ------------ -----17 The Cover Retirements ----- --------- ---- -19 TillS wu~ ({ p/'vud momcnt lor till' I'IlIljloyc~ of the Milwaukee Terminals, the About People of the Railroad ------20 '1'U/:lroa</'8 80 {nt.!J r!l«(',nr!l>lns /0'1' ! 9M. TJ (11' j.n q I!'(I!I III i' '".'I" Ii: In .~(lId,l/ <:0 ntl!.~/. /IIT the second conSCCli/i/i(' !!"I/r (witli 1/ !"rIti" Ii! 5.82 lor 4)637,25[1 'III(/n ),V1W.' lI'orl,:<!(Z), they I(:ey~ (([}(lin (11/'(,<)'«"11. till" J'rcsiclenl'.\ Safety Tl·UJlh!J. 1'1:(:tared at I/." pre.'culat;ull cel'e',n(my /lYC', /ro1ll /.('/1: .J. ". l)()mIJro'lt'.~k';! 8upu'intcndent .".!' Ihe ;l£ihcWfl,:t!() Tr'l'millal.•, ..1, 11'. 81,.1'((. $11}!('J';nlcudent o'/' 8a(I't!I, an(/ L. V . ..:lIU/I'l·.'O-rt. !lel/cruZ lI/.((uI!yer 8!VI('IfI. Fo'l' dt!l-ail,; vf tftc Ou.lstwII/i·/I-.'] .<flId!) )If''r­ /0 rnl«l1('(', (If J'J'I In pave 4_ :1!1I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111rtll' ""'rlIIII III IIlIllIIIlllIIlIlIlllllllllllIIllllllIIllllIIlllllr 11111111111111111111111111 1111 II 1111111111111,1111111111111,1111111111,11111"'11111 1'1,11"" 1I1~IIIIIlIlIIIIIJ 111I1 111""11111111111111111111,11], 1111111'11<1111 11111111111111 11II11II111111I,IIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I1I1IIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111!:i SUSIE SAYS: " Lots offun' SUSIE SAYS: Everything tastes·so in the Hiawatha's good on the Super Dome Hiawatha.! ~ I .. ( ., .­ Presenting Susie-She Loves To Ride the Hiawathas \ Our whole· YOU'LL be seeing a lot of the pert little miss shown here living it up on a family Hiawatha train. Meet Susie, whose win­ I some smile and cute-as-a-button ways just loves identify a new series of advertisements dealing with the comfort features of to ride the Milwaukee Road streamliner service. Hiawatha "Specially for family travel, 'Susie Says;' Mom likes the courteous attention and the delicious meals in the diner, Dad loves those restful reclining seats, and the kids vote for the Super Dome cars." Scenery, service, or siesta, you get them all on the Hiawathas, Susie says. Bright for her age? That's our Susie! The Sayings of Susie illustrations are the work of ­ Chicago Artist Pat Rosado, known for her appealing characterizations of young children q,nd teenagers. ~~~~ '011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111;1111111111rllllllllil111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 May-June, 1962 3 SAFETY BULLETIN: ... MILWAUKEE REPEATS! Terminals Employes Win System Safety Contest THE persistence which has marked the Jakubec, assistant to vice president-oper­ effort of the Milwaukee Terminals em­ ation, presided at the event, which waS ployes to win the annual safety contest attended by G. L. Wood, general super­ was highlighted at a ceremony in Mil­ intendent of the car department; A. W. waukee, Wis., on Apr. 27 which ac­ Hallenberg, general superintendent mo­ Superintendent J. J. Dombrowski has knowledged their 1961 standing as the tive power; J. D. Shea, general super­ something to smile about. best among the Road's 12 operating di­ intendent, Milwaukee; and G. M. Demp­ visions .. sey, assistant superintendent of safety. Recognition of their achievement took Speakers, in addition to Mr. Anderson into account that the Milwaukee Ter­ and Mr. Dombrowski, included A. W. minals Division had also won the Presi­ Shea, superintendent of safety; F. A. greatest number of man hours worked dent's Safety Cup last year for the first Upton, chief mechanical officer; and R. compared with all other divisions of the place finish in 1960. K. Baker, assistant general storekeeper. railroad made the record particularly The 1961 trophy, of a new design, The division and shops employes won laudable. This was emphasized by Mr. was presented to the employes, including the contest with a total of 4,637,258 Shea, who cited the winning of the con­ Milwaukee Shops people, lily L. V. An­ man hours worked without a fatality, test two years in succession as indicative derson, general manager system, and and only 27 reportable injuries, with a of the fine spirit of cooperation which accepted on their behalf by J. J. Dom­ resulting casualty rate of 5.82. Second exists between employes and supervisors, browski, superintendent of the Milwau­ honors were won by the Iowa Division and the interest of the individual em­ kee Terminals. The occasion included with a rate of 6.78, and third place went ploye in his personal safety. congratulations to Mr.
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