-----~- --- --- ( P8277·947 II 11111 111111111111111"" 11111111111 REPORT NO. FRA/ORD-77/45.11 POTENTIAL MEANS OF COST REDUCTION INGRADE CROSSI NG MOTORI ST-WARNI NG CONTROL EQU I PMENT Volume II: Comparison of Solid State and Relay Devices and Techniques F. Ross Holmstrom University of Lowell Research Foundation 450 Aiken Street Lowell MA 01854 . .~ . DECEMBER 1977 FINAL REPORT DOCUMENT IS AVAIL.ABL.E TO THE U.S. PUBL.IC THROUGH THE NATIONAL. TECHNICAL. INFORMATION SERVICE, SPRINGFIEL.D, VI RGINIA 22161 REPRODUCED BY NATIONAL TECHNICAL , INFORMATION SERVICE Ius DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE I .. ., SPRINGFIELD. VA. ZZlGI Prepared for U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION Office of Research and Development Washington DC 20590 ,. NOTICE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Govern­ ment assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. NOT I-e E The United States Government does not endorse pro­ ducts or m~nufacturers. Trade or manufacturers' names appear herein solely because they are con­ sidered essential to the object of this report. Technical Report Documentation Page 1. Repo,t No. 2. Government Accession No_ RpP;9s~a~r7 3. 947 FRA/ORD-77/45.II 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Dale POTENTIAL MEANS OF COST REDUCTION IN GRADE December 1977 CROSSING MOTORIST-WARNING CONTROL EQUIPMENT 6. Performing O'gonIIQ,.on Code Volume II: Comparison of Solid State and Relay Devices and Techniaues 8. Performing Orgonlzollo,' Report No. 7. Autf or' sJ I I F. Ross Holmstrom DOT-TSC-FRA-76-2l,II I I 9. Performing Orgoni zatian Nome and Address 10. Wod, Un" No. (TRAIS) University of Lowell Research Foundation* RR828/R8323 450 Aiken Street 11. Contract or Grant No. I Lowell MA 01854 DOT-TSC-589 13. Type of Report and Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Nome and Address U.S. Final Report Department of Transportation March 1975-March Federal Railroad Administration 1976 Office of Research and Development 14. Sponsoring Agency Code Washington DC 20590 15. Supplementary Notes U.S. Department of Transportation *Under contract to: Transportation Systems Center Kendall Square \ Cambridge MA 02142 16. Abstrac! Consideration is given to the properties of solid-state circuits, miniature relays and large gravity-operated relays when applied to control systems for grade crossings equipped with train-activated motorist warnings. Factors discussed include original cost and service-life cost, vulnerability to environment, reliabili ty and fail- safety, power requirements, maintainability, complexity of tasks to be performed and economic scale. 17. Key Wards 18. Distribution Stotement Railroad-Highway Grade Crossing DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE TO THE U.S. PUBLIC Grade Crossing Warning Systems THROUGH THE NATIONAL TECHNICAL Grade Crossing Signal Control INFORMATION SERVICE, SPRINGF IELD. Systems VIRGINIA 22161 I 19. Security Clossif. (of this report) 20. Securi'y Clas5;1. (of thi 5 page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price Unclassified Unclass ified ~n I~ t:\ 03- A 01 Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed poge outhorized I 1.-" PREFACE The work described in this repo~t was part of an overall program at the Transportation Systems Center to provide a technical basis for the improvement of railroad-highway grade crossing safety. The program is sponsored by the Federal Railroad Administration, Office of Research and Development. This volume, the second of a two-volume report, includes an analysis of reliability aspects of grade crossing warning system hardware and an assessment of the relevance of solid-state devices to this application. An executive summary, overview of the entire subject area, general examination of the problem and consideration of special types of relays will be found in Volume I. iii METRIC CONVERSION FACTORS Approximlle Con.erlionl 10 Melr;e Me..urel .. _::l Approxim... Conversionl Irom Milli. MIIIUIII =-- ~ S,.hl Wh•• 'Y.u II... Multipl' b, T. fi.' S....I S,.b.1 Wh.. You bu. .lthi..., h To fi., S'....I ;; - LENGTH :;: LENGTH - rnTl millimeters 0.04 Inches ~ em centlmelen 0.4 inches - m meier, 3.3 leet ft Inches 2.5 centimeters em - c;II m meten 1.1 yards yd h fe81 3D cenUmsUlrs em.... -!un lliJmI8lMS 0.6 m,hu mi yd yards 0,9 meters In =-=- _ mi lea 1.6 kilometers km ==-- :: AREA AREA ~ C,ft : - arfl squ~B csnrlmere..s 0.18 squlIra indies in) 2 Z 1ft2 squlke !Rehel 6.5 SQuare cenlimelet'll cm :: m square merers c 1.2 square y~rds ~ hI square reel 0.09 square meters nl- _ IunZ square lulCJl"letO'fs 0.4 square mlle~ ml 2 2 'fd squam Vanl.! 0,8 square melers m :: ha hectares (10.000 mll 2.5 acres ....,. mil squarl! miles 2.6 Square kilometers km2 _ -< acre. 0." hectares hB _ =:=---",= '" - - MASS (wlight! MASS (wligbtl - <4 • - 9 grams 0.035 ounces 01 ouflces 28 grams 9 - _ kg kilograms 2.2 pounds Ib Ib pounds 0.45 kilograrn.s kg - t tonnes 11000 kgl 1.1 short Ions shOl't IOI'S D.!J tonnn t - ~_~ _ (2000 Ibl ... = ~ VOLUME ~ .. VOLUME . - rill milliliters 0.03 i1uld ounces fI ~ ISP teaspoons 5 m~"~IJlerS mJ _ ~ I lilers 2.1 pints pi Tbsp tablespoons 15 m~"~I~te,. ml Col I fiters 1.06 quarts q1 II oz Uuid minces 3D ~11"lrlers ml - I liters 0.26 gallOl'l!l gal C cups 0.2. IIlers I r- mJ cubic mateu 35 cubic feet hl pt pmU 0.41 1~lers I _ m cubiC melers 1.3 cubic yardS ydJ ql qwart!. 0.95 IIlen I .." J 981 gallons 3.8 Illers I h:l cubiC fee-I O.OJ cubIC meters m~ w :- an TEMPfR·ATURE (•••etl ydJ cubiC YBrds 0.76 cubiC meters m ~ TEMPERATURE 'I"ct' - .'c Cel.,u, 9/5 (Ilion F.......he;' ", _ temperature ~ 32) temper.tun a, fahrwnheil 5/9 (after Celsius "e _ e-I IBmperefUf'8 subncting lemper.lure _ =-- 0 F 121 OF 32 98-6 2J 2 =- <4 -40 I,, ~ ,, ,14,0 I', .~ , L ,I~O I I I '~O I I /';' ~ 1 ; - I r 2'0 i 0 20 i r~o 1 60 I e10 1 Ion ~ _ =-- ~ -:g - 37 °C TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1. INTRODUCTION ," . 1 2. CHARACTERISTICS OF INDIVIDUAL DEVICES . 3 2.1 Vital Relays . 3 2.2 Miniature Relays .. 5 2.3 Solid-State Components . 5 3. LOGICAL FUNCTIONS PERFORMED BY CONTROL SYSTEMS AT ACTIVELY PROTECTED GRADE CROSSINGS . 8 3.1 A Typical Grade Crossing with Plashing Lights , . 8 3.2 Boolean Algebraic Statements for Grade Crossing Operation......................... 11 3.3 Conclusion "........................ 13 4. TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS AFFECTING CHOICE OF COMPONENTS FOR GRADE CROSSING CONTROL SYSTEMS ... 17 4.1 Complexity of Tasks that can be Performed .. 17 4.2 Fail-Safety and Reliability . 20 4.3 Environmental Factors . 30 • 5 . ECONOMIC FACTORS . 32 5.1 Procurement and Maintenance . 32 5.2 Costs of Litigation . 34 5.3 Econ 0 mi c Scale...................... i' •••••• 36 6. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS . 38 7. REFERENCES ' ,. 40 v LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1. Simplified Electrical Diagram Showing Operating Characteristics of a Grude Crossing Flashing Light Control System " .. 9 2. Logic Gates for Performing Elementary Logical Fun c t ion s . '. .......,.,.........,..... .'. ..... 14 3. The Logic Diagram Cor~esponding to the Single­ Track Grade Crossing Control System Using West, East, and Island Track Sections , .. ,., . 15 4, Redunda~cy Techniques for Decreasing Error Probabilities Associated with Unreliable Sensors Used to Detect Presence or Absence of Even t E ·, , , .. , 24 5. The Circuit Yielding the Lowest Overall Miss Probability Possible of any Circuit Using Four Sensors, , . 26 vi 1. I NTRODUCT ION A large gravity of a type called the "vital" relay is the standard logical element currently used in the circuits that control operation of gates and flashing lights at railroad-highway grade crossings in the United States. A typical grade crossing employs up to a dozen relays interconnected to perform the sequen­ tial operations required to operate flashing lights and gates. The source signals fed into the relay logic system are dc track voltages, or ac track signals and coded signals from which dc logic signals are derived. It is natural to ask, Why in this age of integrated microcircuitry, when electronic switches or logical elements can be packaged at a density of hundreds to the square inch and at a cost of a few cents per element, is there continued use of logical elements in grade crossing applications that have a size of many cubic inches and a cost of approximately $100 per element? The purpose of this report is to put this question in perspective by considering the many aspects related to the design and opera­ tion of grade crossing logic and control systems. Characteris­ tics of solid-state components will be compared to large gravity relays. In addition, the properties of miniature spring-return relays of a type used in European railroad signalling applica­ tions will be discussed. 1 The considerations that are discussed in this report include: original cost and service-life cost; environmental factors including temperature, electric surges, and noise; reliability and fail-safety; power requirements; maintainability; complexity of tasks performed; liability aspects; and the ~conomic scale of the overall problem. Consideration of these characteris­ tics will be seen to demonstrate why it is that large gravity "vital" relays will no doubt play the major role in grade crossing logic systems, at least in the immediate future, while solid-state circuits will be used increasingly in special applications. 2 2, CHARACTERISTICS OF INDIVIDUAL DEVICES 2.1 VITAL RELAYS!! Vital relays have a number of specific electrical con­ figurations each adapted to a specific circuit function.
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