THE CATHOLIC December 26, 2012 C Vol. 50, No. 23ommentator SERVING THE DIOCESE OF BATON ROUGE SINCE 1963 thecatholiccommentator.org Commentator to be distributed at churches on weekends By Laura Deavers Editor This edition of The Catholic Com- mentator will be the last issue delivered to people’s homes in the Diocese of Ba- ton Rouge by the post office. Cutting the ribbon for the new Bishop Ott Shelter are, from left, Jim Llorens, who worked for Baton Rouge Mayor-Presi- Except for those people who have dent Kip Holden’s office before becoming chancellor of Southern University; Sister Carolyn Brady CSJ, chair of the St. requested that they continue to receive Vincent de Paul Board of Directors; Councilwoman Tara Wicker; Holden and Bishop Robert W. Muench. Photo by Laura Deavers The Catholic Commentator by mail, all | The Catholic Commentator Catholics in the diocese will be able to pick up a copy of this Catholic newspa- per at their parish church after weekend Mass, or receive it by email or read it on St. Vincent de Paul opens The Catholic Commentator website the catholicommentator.org. With the ever-rising cost of printing new shelter for homeless men and mailing, The Catholic Commenta- tor is going green to be a better steward By Laura Deavers outside or hurricane-force winds them above minimum wages to clean of diocesan resources. The Baton Rouge Editor are howling through the streets, we up downtown Baton Rouge. “We are diocesan periodical joins other diocesan will be there for this needy popula- trying to do better to help people,” publications in Louisiana that are deliv- Amid the coldest nights of this tion. This new shelter was completed Holden said. ered to Catholics at their parish church. season, the Society of St. Vincent de through a half-million-dollar HUD In addition to the two shelters for The Catholic Commentator will be Paul opened a new emergency shel- grant.” men, 11 years ago the Sweet Dreams available every other Saturday and Sun- ter for homeless men on Dec. 21, 21 The additional space for homeless Shelter for Women and Children day in the parish churches in this dio- years after the first Bishop Ott Shel- men will be made possible when the opened. cese. ter opened on Plank Road in Baton single beds that are currently in the Quoting the late Bishop Stanley The newspaper’s dateline will change Rouge. The new Bishop Ott Shelter at shelter are replaced with bunk beds. Joseph Ott, the third bishop of the from every other Wednesday to every 220 St. Vincent de Paul Place in Ba- In his prayer asking God to bless Diocese of Baton Rouge, Acaldo said, other Friday; the date of the first issue ton Rouge has space for 31 men every the new facility, Bishop Robert W. “If I have been a light in some small in January will be Jan. 11, 2013. That is- night and during times of emergency Muench asked that it be always a way, then all of us can be a light.” sue will feature the diocesan vocations or disaster, the space can be convert- place of peace, justice and love. After This is also the 30th anniversary office. The Jan. 25 issue will feature ed to a 62-bed facility. he had blessed all of the beds with of the St. Vincent de Paul Dining Catholic schools. “This new facility will not only holy water, Bishop Muench remarked Room that provides hot meals ev- To ensure that you do not miss any double our capacity during emergen- as he looked around the two large ery day of the year, every year, to the news of the Diocese of Baton Rouge or cies, it will allow the current space at rooms filled with single beds and hungry, according to Acaldo. the universal Catholic Church, remem- our Convention Street men’s shelter lockers, “This is a great use of space. This year, the St. Vincent de Paul ber to pick up a copy of The Catholic to be utilized for another purpose It is so airy and light, really attractive Dining Room will serve approxi- Commentator on Jan. 12 or Jan. 13. If – a shelter for intact families,” said and inviting.” mately 240,000 meals, an all-time there are no copies available at the Mass Michael Acaldo, executive director The mission of this new program record, “which will nourish bodies you attend, let your church parish office of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. will be to empower individuals in and give hope to the thousands who know. “By moving the men’s shelter, we can a way that helps them achieve and come to us in need,” said Acaldo. If you want to receive The Catho- begin the process of putting a family maintain self-sufficiency, Acaldo “Since opening in 1982, this program lic Commentator by email, please send shelter in place, a place where we can said. “Our Bishop Ott Shelter Pro- has served more than 3.5 million your email address to ldisney@diobr. accept married couples with chil- gram has several critical community meals – serving as our community’s org. If you are not able to attend Mass dren; where we can take more wom- programs.” safety net, ensuring that no one has every weekend at your parish church en and children, as well as homeless At the dedication ceremony, Baton to go hungry.” and would like to have The Catholic families headed by single parents.” Rouge Mayor-President Kip Holden Also, every afternoon at 3 p.m., Commentator mailed to you, call 225- Speaking of the new shelter, which said his office is working with the brown bag meals are distributed to 387-0983 or send your name, address is located on the second floor of the company that is currently respon- the hungry so they will have food at and church parish to The Catholic Com- building that houses the St. Vin- sible for the upgrade in the city sewer night. mentator, P.O. Box 14746, Baton Rouge, cent de Paul Dining Room, Acaldo system to hire 10 to 12 men from the “We provide a safety net so no one LA 70898-4746. explained, “Whether it’s freezing shelter, give them uniforms and pay SEE SHELTER PAGE 19 2 The Catholic Commentator December 26, 2012 | IN THIS ISSUE | DID YOU KNOW CATHOLIC SCHOOL STUDENTS par- St. Francis probably did not write Peace Prayer ticipate in Nativity plays at their schools. PAGE 12 Possibly inspired by the simple life of ed on the back of an image of St. Francis St. Francis of Assisi, the popular Peace and carried the title “Prayer for Peace.” FATHER CLARENCE WAGUESPACK Prayer of St. Francis was probably not Although the prayer was not attributed marks his 50th written by the saint since it first ap- to St. Francis on the holy card, it quickly anniversary of peared in writing almost 700 years after became known as the Peace Prayer of St. ordination to the his death. Francis as it circulated through Europe. SEVEN TREES CELEBRATION BRINGS priesthood at Mass “Lord, make me an instrument of The prayer was translated in English Nelson family together at Christmas, Dec. 16. PAGE 20 your peace,” the first line of the prayer, and first appeared in 1936 in “Living calling attention to the importance of reflects the spirit of St. Francis, who dur- Courageously,” a book by Kirby Page, a family rather than possessions during this ing his life advocated gentleness, peace, Disciple of Christ minister, who attribut- special season. PAGE 5 THE 2013 MASS humility and respect among people, but ed the text to St. Francis. During the Sec- ROUGE OF BATON The DIOCESE SCHEDULE CONTAINS the author of the prayer is unknown. ond World War the prayer spread widely OUR LADY OF THE LAKE COLLEGE the Mass times for all According to American Catholic as the Peace Prayer of St. Francis. HOLDS graduation for more than 250 stu- of the churches in the magazine, the first publication of the dents. Several graduates are recognized Diocese of Baton Rouge. prayer occurred in 1912 in a small spiri- Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. for special academic and philanthropic SPECIAL SECTION tual publication in Paris put out by “The Where there is hatred, let me sow love; SPECIAL MASSES WEEKENDS | TOWNS | ES AND achievements. PAGE 8 MassINDEXED BY CSchedulesITIThe Catholic Commentator December 26, 2012 2013 Holy Mass League,” founded by a French Where there is injury, pardon; priest, Father Esther Bouquerel. Where there is doubt, faith; | The prayer was titled “Belle Priere a Where there is despair, hope; Correction INDEX Faire Pendant la Messe,” “A Beautiful Where there is darkness, light; CLASSIFIED ADS 18 Prayer to Say during the Mass” and was And where there is sadness, joy. The article “Supper and Substance COMING EVENTS 18 published anonymously. Some experts O Divine Master, grant that I may not so provides couples relaxation, forma- ENTERTAINMENT 14 think Father Bouquerel may be the au- much seek to be consoled, as to console; tion” in the Dec. 12 issue of The Catho- FAMILY LIFE 5 thor. To be understood, as to understand; lic Commentator stated that Lisa and The prayer was sent to Pope Benedict To be loved, as to love. INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL NEWS 4 Reid Johnson will celebrate their 29th XV in 1915 and shortly after was printed For it is in giving that we receive, wedding anniversary in January. They SPIRITUALITY 7 in Italian in L’Osservatore Romano, the It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, will actually be married for 19 years in VIEWPOINT 16 newspaper of the Vatican.
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