VOU XVIII, 18th YEAR. No. 21 , V DUNCAN, B. C., THURSDAY, MAY 23th, 1922. Subscription 12.00 Yesrly in Advt SUN AND BLOSSOMS/iAKE PR^ATION BUILDING PROGRESS ANAMimPUY TEACHING STAFF H^y Gathering at **Dogwoo/ PresbyterUiu Express Sympsthy DEUGHWULBAU. Great Improvementa In Duncan Well Presented By Senior Girls ATith Pastor In HelpfiU Way Principal and Assistant Leaving Garden Fete Business Section—Homes Lieutenant Governor Pays First of St John's Duncan High School In the preienution to the Rev. A. Official Visit To Open It Favoured with ideal summer Two important buildings are at pre­ F, Munro of a generous bank cheque, A most amusing and well acted play -After long and careful considera weather, the garden fete held, by kind sent under construction in Duncan memt^rs of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Miss Molly ” was presented by a tion and following conferences with permission, in the lovely home and which, when finished, will make a ...Tj'i- Lieutenant Cavernnr, the Holt. church showed their appreciation of clvvcr caste, all members of St. John’s government inspector. Duncan grounds of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Whit- decided addition and attraction to the 9- Nichol. paid his first of ­ his services and sympathy for the long .Vninr t'.irls’ branch of the Women’s Consolidated school board have de­ tome, “Dogwoods ”. Quamichan Lake, business section of the city. ficial visit to Duncan when the daacr spell of sickness which he and mem- in St. John’s hall. Duncan cided on a course of action which they on Wednesday of last week was an Everyone coming to Duncan by way Cowichan Chapter, of the ber* family have suffered. last Thursday evening. A good aud- consider advisable in the interests of unqualified success. The gardens of the Island Highway cannot tail to t . in the .Agricultural hall, on The presentation took place during showed keen appreciation of the High school. were looking very pretty and were •ppreciate the fact that, after standing rnday evening, wa. held under his a social gathering of the church mem- the efforts of these young ladies and The principal. Dr. Norman F. Black, tw cause of many remarks of admira­ for so many years at one of the most distinguished patronage. iKrs on Thursday evening in the of those who contributed to the musi- IS leaving at the end of the term. tion. important junctions of the road, the Mrs. Niched was unable to be pres­ Women ’s Institute rooms arranged by ^al part of the programme. His assistant. Mr. A. P. Carter, has One of the chief points of attraction building that has been used by Mr. C. ent but His Honour wa- accompanied the wives of the church elders. It Mr. K. F. Duncan. M, L. A. verj- sent in his resignation, to take effect was the clock golf competition. Mrs. B. Mams to carry on his butcher busi­ by Mr and .Mrs. Alexis Martin, of was made by Mrs. T. A. Thomson, kindly acted as announcer. The en­ at the same time. F. R. Gooding had charge of this ness. IS now being torn down, to be Victoria, and Mr. H. J. S. Muskett, who very appropriately expressed the tertainment opened with a solo by Dr. Black succeeded Mr. .A. private secretary. feature and many amateur and pro ­ replaced by a modern structure. Shortly after sup­ feelings of the contributors. Mi>- Daisy Savage “When You Come .orp two years ago ami Mr. Carter fessional golfers tried their skill. The A one storey garage to hold two per the visitors returned to the Tzou- The Rev. A. F. Munro was so as­ Home”. Mrs. Wade acted as ac- has been on the staff for one year, prizes donated by Mrs. K. F. Duncan cars IS to he built firM. It will be halem hotel, where they stayed the tounded that he found much difficulty cnmpam>t for this and the other He succeeded Mr. Ricliards. and Mrs. Gooding, were eventually used as a temporary- shop while .the night. They left for \ ictorta early in expressing his gratitude. He had song-. Miss Hazel Castley conirib- There was a full attemlance of tru- won by Mrs. E. A. Price, for the la­ old wooden building is being taken on Saturday morning, travelling by not anticipated that the jnthering was nied a piano solo •’Melody in F." (Rub- tees, at the meeting held on Wednesda car dies, and Mr. ^ W. Carr Hilton for apart. The new one to be erected in for such a purpose. On behalf en-teini which wa?. played with much gening of last week. Trustee W. M Outdoor sports are now more poss­ the gentlemen. Its place will be a two storey building. feeling._____ „ Mrs. Munro and himself he thari«x« Dwyer presided. Other changes ii, Situated opposite this minaturc ible: It IS the liusicst time of ilie year the member., for their goodness and constructed of interlocking hollow tile. Miss May Tombs sang “Calling Me il'.** when Mr. J. .•ourse was the plants and flower stall, lor inany farmer-: the emertainment consideration. Jt will be faced on the lower portion Home lo You" and so delighted the \\ .Gibson wrote reminding the b*.anl presided over by Miss Marriner and with pressed brick and with rough ‘ • • • list Is e.xceediiiglv crowded. These 'A very excellent programme was aiidtence with her singing that she that the services .if Mr. W. M. Fleiii Mrs. F. C. im Thom. The cooked cast plaster above. facts aecouni for the aiirndance being provided. Mrs. Haddon Smith, who gave an encore “Keep On Looking", i »ng would so«»n be no longer ava lable not as large a- u-nal. For the dancers mods stall was attractive and its con ­ The ground floor will I.c concreted is a newcomer to local programmes I[' •‘‘h’ -Iway- a welcome sing: f«r agrtciiliural in-trurtion. He sng U was just ihe right numher for com ­ tents found a ready sale. Mrs. W. P. right o\Tr and the shop will have a delighted everyone with her’ singing Her >'ontrilintion was “Ganlen ... gested that the board undertake fort. T here was no crowding. From Jaynes and Mrs. C. H. Dickie were finished floor and walls of terrazzo. which showeel every sign of good Sun-bine" and an encore “The Rose." seaire the full time of an instructor a hnanctal point of view it would have convenors of this booth. i he second floor is planned -o that the training. Miss Mt»nk accompanied her. This matter was laid on the been better had the numhrrs been The needlework stall, with its var ­ rooms, three in number and a bath­ Mrs. C. W. O’Neill, who is always While the finishing touches were table for future action. Miss Mabic swelled. iety of articles, was in charge of Miss room. may be used for offices or as a ready to help. Mr. W. H. de B. Hop ­ being given to the actresses. Miss Knocker ap|»?ied for leave of absence living apartment. A guard of hon.mr of Duncan Boy 5' «• and Mrs. kins and Mr. I. Dick gave vocal pieces. Daisy Savage again »ang. her choice for one year. Her request was grant­ Scouts, under Troop Leader Whan. R- Craig. The Looking Out Circle ^ The estimated cost of the building ed. Mr. J. D, Pollock provided violin solos of “hor all Kternily." proving a great siCM*d at the door when the Lieutenant Mall, with Miss G. M. Stephens and IS in the neighborhood of $10,000.00. and Miss Clack accompanied in her favourite. For an encore she sang Prior to the reading of the minutes Governor and his party arrived. His Miss Eyereld Hopkins as saleswomen. The architect is Mr. Douglas James usual excellent style. •'.Smile Through Your Tears’. Tlie was made to the death of Honour was introduced by .Mr. K F hunting ground for the and Mr. E. W. Lee. Duncan, has the Mrs. W. H. de B. Hopkins gave concert ended with another piano solo Sangsicr. formerly teacher Duncan. M.L.A.. to Mr-. F. G. Christ­ <ht]drcn, with its plates of ice cream contract for the work. i>y Miss Hazel Castley. several very amusing recitations, at Uestholme school A letter of mas. regent of the chapter, and to Dr. and candies. while Mr. \V. Paterson, who has Garage and Reaidencea The play was a complete succc.ss condolence will be sent to hi- widow and Mrs. IVinirose Wells, the last Tea was senred on the verandah, from l>cglnning to end. It wis a and family. caught the "bowling" fever, provided The new garage which is lieing named being secretary of the chapter. from which an excellent view could be pity, however, that a larger stage was lots of merriment in a Scotch reading erected for Mr. James Marsh, on pro- The rejiorl of the transnorlaiinn He was greeted with the National earned of the whole proceedings. not available. It was a wonder to depicting the dreadful effects upon ^rty jiurchased by him recently from committee was accepted. They had .AniJiem ami then proceeded to the Miss Mutter, convenor of the tea everyone how the actresses managed business caused by the town having a gone thnrniiglily Into the matter of the stage where he viewed the dance committee was assisted in the so skilfully to avoid any clumsiness or busses being overcrowded and Ikad “bowling tournament ’’. the Post office, is cxpectcd*to hc*com- ^kitchen" work by Mrs. G. G. 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