Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-18-1991 The BG News September 18, 1991 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 18, 1991" (1991). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5252. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5252 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. /$ The BG News WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1991 BOWLING GREEN, OHIO VOLUME 74, ISSUE 16 Briefly State Emergency House protecting jobless Campus grant to aid local despite Bush veto threat Public skate: Tonight from 8 to 10 p.m. homeless in 1992 by Alan Fram there will be a public skate The Associated Press at the B.G.S.U. Ice Arena. by Randy Setter $3,500 from the state, $3,500 from "The administration is ignoring people with contributing reporter Wood County, and $2,700 to han- mouths to feed, and they're serving them a dle administrative costs. WASHINGTON - The House The grant, Malon explained, disregarded a White House veto bunch of baloney." Student forums: Wood County Human Services, cannot be used to help persons threat Tuesday and overwhelm- President Olscamp will one of 52 community action agen- who are already homeless, but ingly passed Democratic legisla- conduct his Student Open cies that will benefit from $4.79 will be put toward helping those tion that would give 3 million —David Bonior, House of Representatives Whip Forums again this year. million in new federal and state who are "at risk" of becoming long-term jobless Americans up The dates will be Sept. 25, grants designed to help the homeless — for instance, those to 20 extra weeks of unemploy- Oct. 9 and 23 and Nov.6 and pending homeless, has been a- people who have already ment benefits. 300,000 workers who each month declare an emergency, as budget 20 in the Chart Room on the warded a $3,500 State Emergency received an eviction or foreclo- The lawmakers sent the $6.4 use up the standard 26 weeks of law requires. Congress therefore second floor of the McFall Shelter Grant Award for 1992. sure notice. billion measure to the Senate on a unemployment compensation had no chance to override a veto. Center. The grant is part of a total $11.6 The grant will work on an vote of 283-125, with the support of and remain jobless. They ac- million recently pledged by Gov. exchange basis, Malon said. nearly one-third of voting House cused Bush of being insensitive to Under the new version. Bush's George Voinovicn and state de- Pending homeless who receive Republicans. Top Democrats Americans suffering during the separate emergency declaration State velopment director Donald grant monies will do so in de- predicted they would have recession. would not be needed. Thus, the Jakeway to help homeless creasing increments, with Hu- enough votes to override a veto Administration officials have president would have to veto the Ohioans in 1992. To receive the man Services paying the full by Bush. argued the measure should be re- bill to stop it, and Congress would Higher ACT scores: grant, which became effective amount of the first month's rent, "The administration is ignor- jected because the recession has have a chance to override. COLUMBUS - The aver- Monday, Wood County Human two-thirds of the second month's ing people with mouths to feed, not been as serious as past down- age ACT composite score Services had to apply for a specif- Kyment, and one-third of the and they're serving them a bunch turns and is ending anyway. They The Senate plans to consider a for Ohio high school gradu- ic amount in grants from the ird payment. of baloney," said House Whip have also said the bill would in- separate version of the bill short- ates this year was 20.9, the state and then match the amount At the same time, the individu- David Bonior, D-Mich. crease the federal deficit. ly, perhaps this week. Its fate same as last year and of the grant with local funds. al or family receiving the support If all 433 House members par- "We have a veto threat on it, there is cloudy. slightly higher than the "The [State Emergency Grant will be assigned to one of Wood ticipate in a vote to try to over- yes," said White House spokes- national rate, the state De- Awards] is fairly innovative, and County Human Services student ride, 289 votes would be needed to person Marlin Fitzwater. The bill would provide 10, 15 or partment of Education said being our first year we took a interns. The intern will visit the enact the measure over Bush's The House approved a similar 20 weeks of extra benefits for yesterday. cautious approach." said Ga- home, assess the situation, and objections. A two-thirds Senate bill on Aug. 2 by a 375-45 vote. The people who have used up the first The national average was briele Malon, social services su- during the next few months, pro- majority would then also be Senate sent it to Bush on a voice 26 weeks of coverage, depending 20.6. pervisor for Wood County Human vide assistance to the grant recip- needed. vote the same day. on a state's unemployment rate. Services. ient in budgeting, planning and Voting for the bill were 234 House Republicans, knowing If the national jobless rate was at William Phillis, acting "The community responded en- money management. Democrats, 48 Republicans and Bush could kill that measure on least 6 percent, all states would state superintendent of pub- thusiastically and matched the "It's not just a simple matter one independent. Eighteen Dem- his own, felt free to support it in qualify for at least five weeks of lic instruction, said he was grant," Malon said. "As a result [of providing monetary assis- ocrats and 107 Republicans voted K;ater numbers than they did additional coverage. disappointed that Ohio's of our efforts, we now have about tance], it's more than that," Ma- against it. esday. People who exhausted their score did not improve. But $9,700 to help the homeless." Democrats embraced the Bush signed the measure Aug. regular benefits since Jan. 1, he said he was pleased that The $9,700 breaks down into Lj See HOMELESS, page six. measure as a lifeline for the 17 but then killed it by refusing to 1991, would qualify. the scores of blacks has con- tinued to improve over the past five years. The average composite score of blacks was 17.4. 3.0 has student The department said the score of blacks has gone up consistently since 1987, when it was 16.9. head over heels Nation by Doug Baker general assignment reporter signed it as witnesses," Ko- kensparger said. Constitution week: "The contract has been The President and the Many University students hanging on our bulletin board Congress of the United would flip over a 3.0, but since sophomore year," O'- States have designated the senior Vanessa Hubert was Leary said. week of Sept. 17-23 Co-.istitu- literally head over heels with Hubert's 3.0 was achieved tion Week. excitement. spring semester last year. Two years ago, Hubert bet "She really did study her friends she would do hard," Draper said. Miss America on her cartwheels from McDonald own: Quadrangle to the steps of As soon as grades arrived HONOLULU —Miss Jerome Library if she ever Hubert knew she had a prom- America Carolyn Suzanne received a 3.0 grade point ise to keep. Sapp broke off her en- average. "If I were to try to back gagement with a former Yesterday, she paid up on down, I knew my roommates professional football player her bet. would make me do it," because he beat her and As confused spectators Hubert said. once tried to push her from looked on Tuesday afternoon, a moving car, news reports Hubert began cartwheeling Although she didn't really said. across campus, beginning at have a good idea of how ex- Sapp, crowned Miss the east door of McDonald actly to cartwheel, Hubert did America on Saturday, re- Quadrangle. go through extensive train- quested a restraining order The trip took 15 minutes ing.r against Nuu Faaola (pro- and consisted of 78 cart- 'My brothers have been nounced NOO-oo fa-ah-OH- wheels. teaching me how to do cart- la) last October, but with- Lori Kokensparger, Miche- wheels in our back yard," she drew the request. lle O'Leary and Cheryl said. Faaola, a running back, Draper, Hubert's current An exhausted Hubert ex- graduated from the Univer- roommates, were present for pressed her feelings after- sity of Hawaii in 1985 and the event, and also witnessed wards: "I feel very tired and Elayed five seasons in the Hubert making the original I'm glad it's over.,r ational Football League promise to cartwheel. Hubert had originally BG Newi/Jay Murdock for the New York Jets, "The very same day we planned to make the cart- Miami Dolphins and Cleve- wrote out a contract for wheel journey last week, but Paying off a two-year-old bet, senior Vanessa Hubert begins another cartwheel In front of Memorial land Browns.
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