The Daily Register VOL. 99 NO.80 SHREWSBURY, N. J. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 12, 1976 15 CENTS Miss America: Not really Mao widow said against smoking, drinking By MAKVBKTH ALLEN arrested for plot EATONTOWN - Suddenly, with only •y ROBERT LIU The London Financial Times said the four radicals wen two hours sleep, Do- under house arrest, according to "unconfirmed reports from rothy Kathleen Benhtm HONG KONG (AP) - Mao Tsetung s widow. Chiang Peking." It said thr reports suggested that "the power was conducting her (irst Ching, and three other radical members ol Ihe Chinese Com- struggle which surfaced within the leadership before Chair- press conference as Miss munist party Politburo have been arrested on charges of man Mao died has since intensified ' America 1177. And, to date, plotting to seize control of the Chinese government, according Wade said few details of the alleged plot were known He it was the roughest, most to unconfirmed reports circulating today in Peking said Ihe plotters apparently got little support from Ihe army, grueling experience of her Residents in Ihe Chinese capital, contacted by telephone and he speculated thai they may be charged with such reign. from Hong Kong, said the reports were first heard in I he ett) 'treasonable' action as forging statements and sayings it- "It's very hard for a last evening and were the topic of open conversation today tnbuled lo Mao during the last months before he died on Sept girl," Miss Benham com- No official confirmation of the reports could be obtained I mented during, an appear- The Japan Broadcasting Corp reported from Peking that all The Telegraph report said the four radical leaders' last ance yesterday at Mon- was "quiet and normal" there. But the open discussion of the known public appearance wai on Sept 30. at a meeting on the mouth Mall. "I was a typi- reports emphasized that the power struggle between pragmat rve of China's national day cal college student — and ic moderates and revolutionary radicals which began with the overnight I was thrown Into death of Premier Chou En lai last January' is still raging Japanese correspondent* in Peking reported that none of something totally different. Those reported arrested with Mao's (2-year-old widow the tour was at the airport yesterday to welcome Prim* Min- I'd never had a press con- were Wang Hung-wen, 38, the Shanghai "boy wonder" whom ister Thomas Somare of Papua New Guinea when he arrived ference ... and reporters ex- Mao elevated from a factory assembly line to a party Mcf for a usi to China official airport welcomes are Important pected me to know every- chairmanship for his services to the revolutionary' cause in occasions in Peking, and political significance Is deduced thing. the 196(41 Cultural Revolution; First Vice Premier Chang from the lineup of officials present Chun-chlao, 55, a member of the Politburo's standing com- Somare was greeted by Premier Hua Kuo-feng and Vice "Everybody talked so mittee; and Yao Wen-yuan, SI, a leading ideologist and pole Premier l.i Hsien men. 71. an expert In financial and econom- fast. I wanted to think micist since the Cultural Revolution purge 10 years ago ic affairs, according to the official Chinese news agency about some of the ques- The London Daily Telegraph's Peking correspondent. Ni- Hsinhua There had been speculation that Chang would be- tions, but I didn't have the come premier if Hua succeeded Mao as Communist party time. That's when things gel Wade, reported that reliable sources told him the arrests were announced to political organizers at special weekend chairman But the London Financial Times reported that LI got confusing. "I don't re- fulfilled Ihe duties of premier at Somare'a arrival. member exactly how I briefings. phrased things, but I'm not against smoking and drink- ing (as was reported). All I meant to say was that I personally do not smoke. I drink socially, just like ev- Exec says Mayaguez erybody else. "I was raised with cer- tain standards and I know how I plan to live my life. But everyone has to make his own choices on how he probed by wrong unit will be happiest living his own life." By DAVID ASTOR lo gain the release of Ihe #• She noted that she man Mayaguet crew doesn't like to answer ques- MIDDLETOWN - The vice The report became a s«b- tions about politics and the chairman of Sea-Land Ser- ject In the Ford-Carter debate Equal Rights Amendment. vice. Inc., which owns the last week, during which the "These are things I have to Mayaguei. said yesterday President defended hit posi- give a great deal of thought that the General Accounting tion and the Democratic nom- to," she said, "because I'm Office (GOA) was not the ID- inee wondered why It took so a new voter. My thoughts propnate agency to in- long (or the GAO report to he may change tfrom day to WINNING 'MISSES' — Dorothy Kathleen Benham, Miss America 1977, be- vestigate an Incident such as released Mr. Carter did tot day because I'm still learn- stows crown upon Lorraine Patlen, Mies Monmouth County, as Miss United that In which the merchant cntlcite Mr Ford's handling ing and I have mixed emo- Way 1977, at ceremony In the Monmouth Mall, Eatontown, yesterday. ship was captured off the of the Incident, however coast of Cambodia 17 months tions about a lot of things. personal thoughts "She con- — and making It clear that way over a million dollars Mr Richardson expreurd ago. "I'm very young. I'm siders herself a "public re- beauty Isn't what Ihe pag- is awarded to participants "strong" support foe the only 20. I don't have the an- lations person " and good eant is all about. "The only way I can rep- In his first public slatemenl President! action last year, swers to everything. I'm will ambassador for the "It's the largest scholar- resent the females of Amer- since the GOA released the saying thai II probably served justflike everyone else — Miss America Pageant She ship program In the world ica," she said, "is to show Mayaguez report last week, to save American lives "In and people don't go around sajd she enjoys meeting for women," she explained that I'm an Individual ... as Paul F Richardson, who re- the long run " sides on 1J Devon Road here, asking everyone else their people, speaking with them She added that annually. Ser Miss America, page 2 "If Ford had not taken Ihe said that the Joint Chiefs of action, I think that in the long Staff might have been an or- run, other ships would be ganization more suited for the seized." asserted Mr Rich- investigation CAMPAIGN ISSUE - A General Accounting Of- ardson, who was president of "As I understand It. the fice report critical of U.S. action In the Mayaguez Sea-Land it the time of the GAO's primary duty Is a Incident was cited during last week's debote be- incident Keyport exhibit featuring credit/debit, auditing sort of tween Jimmy Carter, left, and President Ford. A "We were a 'paper tiger' at thing," declared Mr Richard- Mlddletown executive of the firm which own* the that stage." he added, referr- son, who was contacted by Mayaguez says GAO was not the proper agency to ing to the fact thai America The Dally Register. "And probe the Incident. had recently lost face after now they are analyzing — Vietnam "I'm thoroughly Hispanic art opens in van very late — a tactical, mili- Forty-one Americans were gain the merchant vessel The convinced some definitive ac- tary maneuver It seems to killed In the assault on a GAO report suggested that tion had to be taken or the me that it is the wrong unit By CAROL JACOBSON Wagner, D-Monmouth, and people." He estimated there Also attending the reception Cambodian island in May. Ihe attack ordered by I'resi United States posture In inter- for the investigation " KEYPORT - A large, yel- Robert Reveles, an aide to were 15,000 to 20,000 Hispanic were Clinton Crocker, a Tin- 1975. while attempting to re- dent Ford was not necessary See Eiee. page ! low Arts Van, equipped for a Rep. Frank Thompson Jr., D- people in Monmouth County ton Falls resident, director two-week stay in Beach Park N.J., attended the reception. with most of them living here, of concerts and lectures at and attended by three young Mr. Van Wagner had first in Long Branch and in Rutgers and responsible for Spanish-speaking artists, suggested the borough as a Bradley Beach. the Hispanic Arts Program drew 75 visitors at last night's site for the pilot project be- Mr. Russell added that he there, and Esther Novak who Ford greets ethnic groups opening reception. cause of its large concentra- hoped other cultural pro- organized the Arts Van proj. The pilot project will em- tion of Hispanic people Mr grams would develop from PCt. By DAVE KII.KV today. Aloysius Mazcwski. and New Jersey we will never let them phasize art in general and His Thompson was responsible this one. See Kryport. page I Associated Press head of Ihe Polish American At a Columbus Day ceremo- down" pule art in particular. for getting partial funding Congress, gut a call last week ny yesterday in Washington. Ford held a strategy teuton Among the guests were pol- from the National Endow- Estonians. Latvians. Poles from Ford, who reportedly Ford again tried to smooth it the While House yesterday, iticians, officials from Rut- ment on the Arts which and Ukramans are among Ihe apologized fur Ihe treatment over the debate remark by and one of those attending • saying "People of the Old gers University and the Mon- MCAP matched.
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