".TVJ3' ;#? Serving the community for 116 years ****#**#CAR--RT 000? -. SUMMIT PUBLIC LISRARv" 75 MAPLE ST SUMMIT, i\i.J Summit Founded in 1889 VOLUME 116, No. 42 September 17,2005 Prices 500 Newsbriefs -, Council okays a new vehicle Fire department's role explored in report for the fire dept. By LIZ KEILL of firefighting equipment and the cruit. The report notes that volunteer jured occupant, using hydraulic res- firefighters, new and retired, includ- way fires are fought. It has also candidates who know a member of cue tools and air bags. The victim ing former fire chief Christopher ByLIZKEBLL SUMMIT — These are changing reached into communications, with the department "seemed to adapt was flown to the trauma center by Cotter, now the city administrator, times, but firefighting remains a wireless telephones, internet access into the day-to-day rhythm of the medi-vac helicopter," the report stat- and Thomas Murray, who served in and sophisticated information man- ed. the fire department for 43 years. SUMMIT — Bids are expect- dangerous occupation,. Fire Chief firehouse better than those that . agement systems. Yet some sections ed to go out for a 2006 GMC James Connelly said during a recent signed on without any guidance and . In another Route 78 incident, Standing as a reminder of the past Yukon vehicle for the city's fire interview. "We need to keep that in of the city's fire department building support." firefighters extricated a driver from and the future is the 3,000-pound department, following .the ap- mind," he said. : date back to the 1800s. In 2004, the a tractor trailer. "Hydraulic, pneu- fire bell, installed at the corner of proval of Common Council at its Those factors are borne out in the building received a roof replace- Responses on the rise matic and rescue tools were used to Broad and Cedar streets, which was Wednesday, Sept. 7, meeting. recently-released Summit Fire De- ment, and a sprinkler system was in- gain entry to the severely injured purchased by the department in stalled. Councilman Andy Lark asked partment Annual Report for 2004. It's apparent just from the num- driver/Despite the best efforts of the 1896. It rang out on the 1 lth hour of if the department would consider High on the list of new initiatives The department has developed a bers, that the daily workload of foe- fire personnel from Summit, Spring- the 1 lth day of the 3 lth month to an- a still-new 2005 vehicle instead. is the process for National Fire Ser- four-year purchasing cycle for major fighters is on the increase. The com- field and Millburn, the victim passed nounce the end of the Great War in "We can often save thousands of vice Accreditation. Just 96 depart- fire apparatus with a maximum re- munications center answered a total away during the extrication," ac- 1918 and today is a marker for the dollars at this time of year on ve- ments throughout the United States placement age of 25 years, based on of 6,277 calls in 2004, up four per- cording to the report. firefighters who died on Sept. 11, hicles," he said. Councilwoman have that distinction, Chief Connel- a nine-year life expectancy. A ladder cent from the previous year. Yet The annual report also highlights 2001. Diane Klaif, who introduced the ly said. In this extensive process, all truck replacement was purchased in wireless calls have decreased, ordinance, said specifications al- department operations, programs 2004 from American LaFrance for a thanks to new antenna sites that low for that possibility, but a par- and activities are benchmarked mid-mount tower ladder. route such calls to the appropriate ticular model may not be avail- against nationally-recognized per- With demands on firefighters agency. According to the report, able in the current year. Fire Chief formance standards. "There are 256 ever-expanding, fitness has become wireless calls are a mixed blessing. James Connelly said he had no performance indicators," Chief Con- increasingly important, officials not- They're convenient for the caller, problem amending the ordinance nelly said of the rigorous conditions ed. Comprehensive physical exami- but difficult for a dispatcher to pin- to state that either a 2005 or 2006 that must be met. nations, exercise equipment at fire point exact locations. vehicle could be purchased. The department is also embark- headquarters and a partnership with In 2004, the department respond- The council also approved the ing on a new strategic plan, which the YMCA all provide resources for ed to 121 fires, 60 rescues, 54 motor appointment of a fire official to be will address standards of response enhancing strength, endurance, flex- vehicle accidents, 186 hazardous responsible for administration and and such issues as homeland securi- ibility and cardiovascular health. conditions such as downed power enforcement of the fire code at the ty and terrorism. "It never ends," Training is also emphasized with- lines and gas leaks, 132 first respon- local level According to a memo the chief said of the increasing de- in the department. Members com- der calls, 180 service calls, 274 from Chief Connelly, this is a re- mands on fire department personnel. pleted 3,600 hours of in-service "good intent" calls (those not need- quirement by the New Jersey Uni- The department has surveyed training in 2004. ing assistance), 687 alarm activa- form Fire Code. Deputy Chief each commercial and multi-family Sessions covered such topics as tions and 132 other calls. Joseph Houck has been recom- building to develop risk assessment equipment evolutions, street and Major incidents from the past mended for the appointment, information. Deputy Fire Chief building familiarity, fire behavior, year include the Douglas Infiniti fire which would be effective Oct. 1. Joseph Houck was appointed Fire apparatus operation, emergency "on March 9,2004, at 68 Franklin PI. In another matter, the council Inspection Officer in conjunction medical procedures, CPR, extrica- Nine mutual aid departments re- authorized physician consultation wish this program. The Summit Fire tion and other areas. sponded as the flames shot through and referral services for the fire Department maintains an apartment Live burn training is offered at the roof and destroyed the show- department as part of its health directory, with drawings of all the Middlesex County Fire Academy room and offices. and safety program. apartment complexes in Summit, as jointly with the Schering Plough But fighting fires is just one as- The cost for the agreement is well as building layouts for Schering Fire Brigade. Firefighters are tested pect of the department's service to $2,800 and the services contract is Plough, Overlook Hospital and the ia dealing with interior fire attack, the community at large. Vehicle ex- $19,004. Atlantic Health Systems Short Hills Mall. "We've been busy victim search and rescue procedures, trications last year included an inci- of Morristown will be awarded with inspections at Schering and high rise fire attack techniques. dent on Route'78 West on Aug. 31, PETERSON AT OVERLOOK — Betsy Peterson, author of the contract. The agreement Plough." Chief Connelly said, be- That training relates to recruiting when a car flipped on its roof in the "Voices of Alzheimer's: Courage, Humor, Hope and Love in would include compensation of cause of several renovations and ad- efforts, too. According to the report, center lane. "Fire personnel stabi- the Face of Dementia," will speak from 1 to 3 p.m. on Sun- $130 per hour with SI 50 per ditions being made on the campus. a mentor program has been imple- lized the car and began a lengthy op- day, Oct. 9, in the Wallace Auditorium at Overlook Hospital physical. Blood tests and x-rays Technoloav has charmed the face mented to interact with each new re- eration to extricate the seriouslv in- in Summit. would be included. Chief Connelly said the select- ed physician should have "a clear, Alzheimer expert understanding of the physical de- mands and requirements of fire- After Katrina, non-profits fighting" and has recommended Dr. William B. Felegi as consult- speaks in Summit ing physician; in city plan to join forces SUMMIT — Overlook" Hospital understand the warning signs and will host "Alzheimer's: A Guide for the neurological chemical responses Candidate forum By LIZ KEILL Night of Inspiration fundraiser American Airlines. Caregivers" from 1 to 3 p.m. on of Alzheimer's, it was harder for her - 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 29. American Red Cross - blood Sunday, Oct. 9, in the hospital's to find--literature for empathetic en- hosted Oct. 17 SUMMIT — On Thursday. Sponsored by the Junior League of drive, Monday, Sept. 26, 2 - 8 p.m. Wallace Auditorium, 99 Beauvoir couragement. In response. Ms. Pe- Sept. 8,40 individuals representing Summit. at Summit Red Cross headquarters. Ave. To register, call 908-322-7848 terson compiled "Voices of SUMMIT — The League of various Summit non-profits gath- Mental Health Assistance - Dr. For details, call 908-273-2076. by Oct. 1. Parking is available in the Alzheimer's: Courage, Humor, Women Voters and Speak Up ered ai City Hall to discuss ways to Christine Truhe. A number of organizations are West Garage across from the hospi- Hope and Love in the Face of De- Summit, a community-wide ad- provide relief to those affected by Bridges and Christ Church - asking for monetary donations, in- tal's main entrance. mentia," a collection of quotes and vocacy group for public school Hurricane Katrina. donations ranging from diapers to cluding FEMA, the American Red If care for a.family member is stories from patients, their families education, will co-sponsor a can- Mayor Jordan Glatt said, "This school supplies.
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