SSD 18-9237 YARRABEE SOLAR PROJECT Environmental Impact Statement Volume 1 - MAIN REPORT Prepared for: Reach Solar énergy Prepared by: SLR Consulting Australia Pty Ltd Ref: 610.17428-R02-v3.1 August 2018 Reach Solar énergy SLR Ref No: 610.17428-R02 YARRABEE SOLAR PROJECTROJECT Filename: 610.17428-R02-v3.1.docx Environmental Impact Statement August 2018 Volume 1 - MAIN REPORT PREPARED BY SLR Consulting Australia Pty Ltd ABN 29 001 584 612 2 Lincoln Street Lane Cove NSW 2066 Australia (PO Box 176 Lane Cove NSW 1595 Australia) +61 2 9427 8100 +61 2 9427 8200 [email protected] www.slrconsulting.com BASIS OF REPORT This report has been prepared by SLR Consulting Australia Pty Ltd with all reasonable skill, care and diligence. Information reported herein is based on the interpretation of data collected, which has been accepted in good faith as being accurate and valid. This report is for the exclusive use of Reach Solar énergy. No warranties or guarantees are expressed or should be inferred by any third parties. This report may not be relied upon by other parties without written consent from SLR. SLR disclaims any responsibility to the Client and others in respect of any matters outside the agreed scope of the work. DOCUMENT CONTROL Reference Date Prepared Checked Authorised 610.17428-R02-v3.1 17 August 2018 Samantha Hayes Steven Crick Peter Georgiou 610.17428-R02-v3.0 14 August 2018 Samantha Hayes Steven Crick Peter Georgiou 610.17428-R02-v2.0 18 July 2018 Suzanne Jolly Peter Georgiou Peter Georgiou Page ii SUBMISSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Prepared under Part 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 Prepared By: Name: Suzanne Jolly Principal Consultant Qualifications: Graduate Diploma of Environmental Law Bachelor of Arts (Resource and Environmental Management) Company: SLR Consulting Australia Pty Ltd Address: 2 Lincoln Street, Lane Cove NSW 2066 Development Application Applicant Name: Reach Solar énergy on behalf of Novos Project Co Pty atf the Novos Project Trust ( hereinafter referred to as Reach Solar ) Applicant Address: Level 16, 461 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Land to be Developed: Local Government Area of Narrandera: Lot DP Parts of 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 104, 105, 114, 115, 168, 169 DP750889 and 170. All and whole of Lots 8, 11, 14, 100, 101, 102, 103, 106, 107, DP750889 108, 109, 110, 111, 112 and 113. Proposed Development: Yarrabee Solar Project 2354 Back Morundah Road, Morundah NSW 2700 (SSD 18-9237) Description: Electricity Generation - Solar (refer Section 5) Declaration We hereby certify that we have prepared the contents of this document and to the best of our knowledge: • It has been prepared in accordance with Schedule 2 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000; • It addresses the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SSD 18-9237) dated 20 February 2018 provided by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment; • It contains all available information that is relevant to the environmental assessment of the proposed development to which the document relates; and • It is true in all material particulars and does not, by its presentation or omission of information, materially mislead. Name: Suzanne Jolly SLR Consulting Australia Pty Ltd Signature: Date: 17 August 2018 Reach Solar énergy SLR Ref No: 610.17428-R02 YARRABEE SOLAR PROJECTROJECT Filename: 610.17428-R02-v3.1.docx Environmental Impact Statement August 2018 Volume 1 - MAIN REPORT Abbreviations ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics ACHCR Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Consultation Requirements AHIMS Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System BAM Biodiversity Assessment Method BC Act Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan Cwth Commonwealth of Australia DPE Department of Planning and Environment EIS Environmental Impact Statement EMF Electric and Magnetic Fields ENA Energy Networks Australia EPBC Act Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cwth) EP&A Act Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 ha hectares ( 10,000 m2 ) Heritage Act Heritage Act 1997 ISEPP State Environment Protection Policy (Infrastructure) 2007 km kilometres kV kilovolt LALC Local Aboriginal Land Council LEP Local Environment Plan LGA Local Government Area m metres MNES Matters of National Environmental Significance under the EPBC Act (Cwth) MW megawatts MWac Megawatts Alternating Current MWhr Megawatt hour MVA Mega Volt Amps Page v Reach Solar énergy SLR Ref No: 610.17428-R02 YARRABEE SOLAR PROJECTROJECT Filename: 610.17428-R02-v3.1.docx Environmental Impact Statement August 2018 Volume 1 - MAIN REPORT Abbreviations NEG National Energy Guarantee NPW Act National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 NSW New South Wales PCT Plant Community Type PMST Protected Matters Search Tool (under EPBC Act) PV Photovoltaic OEH Office of Environment and Heritage RAPs Registered Aboriginal Parties Reach Solar Reach Solar energy Management Company Pty Ltd RET Renewable Energy Target RMS Roads and Maritime Services SEARs Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements SEPP State Environment Planning Policy SLR SLR Consulting Australia Pty Ltd SSD State Significant Development TEC Threatened Ecological Communities (listed under the EPCB Act) TNSP Transmission Network Service Provider Page vi Reach Solar énergy SLR Ref No: 610.17428-R02 YARRABEE SOLAR PROJECTROJECT Filename: 610.17428-R02-v3.1.docx Environmental Impact Statement August 2018 Volume 1 - MAIN REPORT Glossary Applicant Entity applying for development consent under the EP&A Act in this case, Novos Project Co Pty Ltd atf the Novos Project Trust (may also be termed proponent). Alternating Current Alternating current (AC) is an electric current which periodically reverses direction. Direct Current An electric current flowing in one direction only. Electromagnetic Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is a disturbance generated by an external source that Interference affects an electrical circuit by electromagnetic induction, electrostatic coupling, or conduction. Inverters An apparatus that converts direct current into alternating current. LA90 (15 Minutes) The A-weighted sound pressure level that is exceeded for 90% of a 15-minute measurement period, when measured in the absence of the construction works under consideration and excluding extraneous noise. This is considered to represent the background noise. LAeq (15 Minutes) The A- weighted equivalent continuous (energy average) sound pressure level of the construction works under consideration over a 15-minute period that excludes other noise sources such as from road, rail, industry and the community. Power Conversion Unit Device used to convert power from one form to another e.g. form DC to AC or changing the voltage or frequency. Photovoltaic Cell An electronic device consisting of layers of semiconductor materials fabricated to form a junction (adjacent layers of materials with different electronic characteristics) and electrical contacts and being capable of converting incident light directly into electricity (direct current). Photovoltaic Modules An integrated assembly of interconnected photovoltaic cells designed to deliver a selected level of working voltage and current at its output terminals, packaged for protection against environmental degradation, and suited for incorporation in photovoltaic power systems. Project Boundary The approximately 3000 hectare boundary around the land titles provided in Appendix B within which the Project site is located. Project Footprint The 2600 hectares that the Yarrabee Solar Project with occupy with in the project boundary. This includes the eastern and western access roads. Risk Assessment Risk assessment is the process of identifying, evaluating and controlling risks associated with hazards for the project, including identifying a clear pathway to one or more receptors, and assessing the potential impacts on the receptors as a result of the hazard. Sensitive Receiver A place or object that is sensitive to a particular environmental impact, e.g. school, residence, place of worship, heritage building/structure, archaeological site or public infrastructure such as pipeline. These may be defined by government and industry policies and guidelines. Scada System SCADA is an acronym for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. SCADA generally refers to an industrial computer system that monitors and controls a process. In the case of the transmission and distribution elements of electrical utilities, SCADA will monitor substations, transformers and other electrical assets. Substation a set of equipment reducing the high voltage of electrical power transmission to that suitable for supply to consumers. Transformer Transformers are used to increase or decrease the alternating voltages in electric power applications. Page vii Reach Solar énergy SLR Ref No: 610.17428-R02 YARRABEE SOLAR PROJECT Filename: 610.17428-R02-v3.1.docx Environmental Impact Statement August 2018 Volume 1 - MAIN REPORT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction Reach Solar energy (“Reach Solar”) is proposing the development of the 900 Megawatt Alternating Current (MWac) Yarrabee Solar Project (the “Project”) to be located approximately 23 kilometre (km) southwest of Narrandera in Western NSW. The Project would connect to the 330 kilovolt (kV) Wagga to Darlington Point Transmission Line. The Project site is located in an area that has been identified as a priority renewable energy zone in the recent Independent Review into the Future Security
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