NPS Form 10-900 OMB No. 1002e00YB I . United States ~eparrmefltoffthe Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Registration Form This form is for use in nornlnatlng or rH!ueaing deteminations for individual propenies and districts. See instructions in How to Om~lefethe National Register of Hisronc Places Regrsrraaon Form (National fiqister Bulletin 16A). Complete each item by mark~ng"x" in the approprtate box or by entenng the informat~onrwuested. If an itern does not apply to the ProPerry being documented. enter "NIA" for .'not appli-le." For functions. archtteaural class~fication.matenas. and areas of significance. enter Only categories and subcategories from the insmctions. Place additional entries and narratrve Items on continuation sheets (NPS Form 10.900a). Use a typewriter. word processor, or computer. to complete all items. 1. Name of Property historic name neir Fkst View of the Pacific other namegsite number The i*lerimther kcis ad William Clark Sculptme 2. Location Intersection of Ridge Street, !Jest Main Street, and McIntire Road - street & number _ not for publication state Virginia code It. county ~ ~ r l e code 003 zip code 29902 3. StatelFederal Agency Certification AS the designatecl amonty under the National Historic Preservation Act. as amended. I hereby cenify that this C nomination 1 13 request for determination of eligibility mms me documenlatlon standards for registering propenies In the Nat~onalfieglsrer of I Historic P!aces- and meets the Procedural and 0rofeSstonal requirements set forth in 36 CFR Pari 60. In my oplnlon, me property 5 meets ,does not meeghe NatlonaJ-Register Crlterla. I recommend that this property be consloered significant ! : natlondly 1natewlde U iOCally. (- See contlnuatlon sheet for additional comments.) , : Signature of cen~fyrngoffiuafitle Date ' State or federar agencv and bureau - - In mv octn!on. the orooerry - meets L does not meel the National Register criteria. (5See cont~nuationsneet for additional ! i comments.) ! I ' S~gnaturacr cornmenttng of?~ciaI~Title Date ! : State or Eeclera~agency and Dureau I 4. National Park Servlce Certification I hereDy cen~tytnat rne procenv IS: Signature of the Keeper 3a1e or i\coon 2 enter% !n rne Natlonal Reglster - - See conrinuarion sneer. ,detern:ned ellgtdle for :ne Naoonal Register - - See ccntlnuarton sneet. J determined not eilglDie fcr tne Natlocal Register .- J rernovea from tne Nattonal Lewis and Clark SculptUTe .WleCo., LA Name ol Pmperry ' CounIy and State 5. Classification Ownership of Property Category of Property Numwr of Resources within Property (check as many box= as apply) (Check onhl one box) (Do not ~Kludeprenousty llsted resources m the munt.) prlvate building(s) Contributing Noncontributing public-local district 0 0 buildings public-State site 0 0 public-Federal structure sites El object 0 0 structures 1 0 objects 1 0 Total Name of related multiple property listing Number of contributing resources previously listed (Enter "NIA if property is not pan of a muniple property iisting.) in the National Register FmEfonuoencal Figurative Cutdmr Sculptures 6. Function or Use Historic Functions Current Functions (Enter categanes trom ~nmucnons) (Enter categories from innrunlonsl Recreacmn and Culture: Work of Art Recreacuxl ard Culture: !Jerk of Art 7.Description Architectural Classification Materials (Enter categories from ~nn~nlons) (Enter categories tmm innructlons) ?1 /A foundation Pedestal: Granice walls roof other Sculpture: Bronze Narrative Description (Descr~oetne hlstonc and current COndltlOn af the properm on one or more contlnuatlon sheets.) See attached Lewis and C'sk Sculpture rVkmrle Co., i!\ Name or Propew County an0 State 8. Statement of Significance Applicable National Register Criteria Areas of Significance (Mark "x" in one or more boxes lor the crltena qualifvlng the propeny (Enter categories lrom tnstrucl~ons) lor Natio~lReglner lin~ng.) Art i- A Property is associated with events that have made a sign~ficantcontribution to the broad patterns of our history. 1 B Property is associated with the iives of persons significant in our past. 5 C Property embodies the distinctwe characteristics of a type, period. or method of constructlon or represents the work of a master. or possesses high an~sticvalues. or represents a sign~ficantand distinguishable entity whose components lack Period of Significance individual distinction. 1919-1924 -- - D Property has y~elded.or IS l~kelyto y~eld. nfcrrat~onImportant In prehistory or h~stow. Criteria Considerations Significant Dates (Mark "x" in all tne boxes tnat apply.) 1919 Property is: Z A owned by a rellgtous instltutlon or used for rellglous purposes. Significant Person 3 B removed from its orlglnal locatlon (Complete 11 Crltenon a 1s marned a~ove~ 1 C a birthplace or grave. - Cultural Affiliation - D a cemetery. NIA - - E a reconstructed building, object. or structure. 3 F a commemorative property. - G less than 50 years of 2ge or achleved s~gn~ficance ArchitecUBuilder w~thlnthe past 50 years. Keck, Qlarles Narrative Statement of Significance (Explaln the s~gnlllcanceol the Drooeny on one or more conunuatlon sheets ) 9. Malor Bibliogaphlcal References Bibliography [Cite tne books. aneles. and other Sources usW in Prepartrig rhts form on one or more cont~nuat~onsneers I Previous documentation on file (NPS): Primary location of additional data: 9prelim~nary determination of individual listing (36 State Histor~cPreservat~on Office CFR 67) has been requested Other State agency previously listed in the Nat~onalReglster 0 Federal agency C! previously determined eligible by the National Local government Register University 3 des~gnateda National Histor~cLandmark Other Z recorded by Historlc Arner~canBuildings Survey Name of repository: # recorded by Historic Arner~canEngineering Record # - - Lecns and Clark Sculpture Albemarle Co.. VA Yarne of Propeny CQumy and State 10. Geographical Data Acreage of Property UTM References (Place addmlonai UTM references on a contlnuatlon sheet.) !1,71/7/2,0(9,30 i /4,2/1, 1198 o! 1I 3/l11!,.] '!I Zone Eating Nonhlng ,,, , Zone East~ng Nonhrng 4/I,! L See contrnuatlon sheet Verbal Boundary Description (Dernbe tne bouMafhs of the pmpey on a continuation sheet.) Boundary Justification (Explain why the boundaries were selected on a mnfinuauon sheet.) 11. Form Prepared By Betsy Gohdes-Baten namehitle c:;an::a:,cn date .April 13, 19% 2737 Circle (919) &894)68 street & number Drive telephone NC 27705 city or town mbam state zip code Additional Documentation Submm the following Items wlth the completed form: Continuation Sheets Maps A USGS map (7.5 or 15 minute series) indicating the property's location. A Sketch map for histor~cdistricts and properties having large acreage or numerous resources. Photographs Representative black and white photographs of the property. Additional items (Check wlth the SHPO or FW:or any addltlonai Items) Property Owner (Ccmpieie thls Item at me reauen of SHPO or FPO.) name City of Charlotresville street & number p-9- 911 telephone (ROL) 971-3182 city or town Charlottesville state "A rip code 29"2 Papemork Reduction Act SUtement: This lnfOrmatlOn is being collected for aPPlicatlons to the Nat~onalRegtner of Histonc Places to nomtnate propenaes for listlng or determine eliglbiliV for listing. to list pmmnles, and to amend existing linings. Response to this request is requlred to obtan a benefit in accordance wiIh tne Natmnal Hinonc PraYMtiOn Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 470 el -.). Etti~tedBurdan Smemem: Public rewrung burden for thu form IS emmated to average 18.1 hours per rsrpofim ~ndudmngume for rmng ~nnrunlons,gatnenng and mnlngdata. and m?mitmp and nmmng the farm. D~rectmmrnem rapudlng ~utburden esmnme or any aspen of ths form to the Chlal. AdmmQVaSeMceq Dwaon. NanonaI Park Serwce. P 0. BOX 37127.Washmwn. DC 200137127; am the mica of Management arid Budget PWeMwk Reductmu PloPUS (10244018). Washlqmn. DC PS03. United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Meriwether Lewis and William Clark Sculpture Section number 7 Page 1 Albemarle County, Virginia Description: The monumental figurative sculpture of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark is the first of four works commissioned from members of the National Sculpture Society by philanthropist Paul Goodloe McIntire and the first of three he gave to the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, during the years 1919 to 1924. To honor the explorers and their famous western expedition of 1803-06, nationally-known artist Charles Keck created a sculptural group of three heroic-sized figures in bronze: William Clark stands in the foreground of the work while Meriwether Lewis stands above and behind him and Sacagawea, the Indian guide, crouches at their left. The figures are set atop a tall carved rectangular pedestal of pink granite, also of Keck's design. The sculptor is reported to have entitled the work "Their First View of the Pacific," though the name is not commonly used.' Erected in Charlottesville in 1919, the sculpture is approximately 18 feet in height, five-and a-half feet in length and five-and a-half feet in width. The bronze figures were cast at the Roman Bronze Works, of Brooklyn, New York, and the pedestal was executed by Lloyd Brothers Memorials, of Washington, D. C. Over 76 years of exposure have left the figures streaked with a green patina that extends down over base of the sculpture and has discolored the pedestal. Clark, Lewis, and Sacagawea face toward the west from the center of a small landscaped circle of 1,452 square feet at the intersection of West Main and Ridge Streets and McIntire Road near Charlottesville's downtown mall. A hedge of Chinese holly and a border of multicolored dahlias surround the sculpture and form a dense and colorful buffer separating the circle, a remnant of the once-larger Midway Park, from the busy streets on all sides. The figure of Clark, in a fringed buckskin outfit and a hat, is represented as a hunter and leads the group.
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