PEER.REVIEWED ARTICI.E SurfaceTemperature Dynamics of LakeBaikal Observedfrom AVHRR lmages DavidW. Bolgrien,Nick G. Granin,and Leo Levin Abstract )o Satellite data are important in understanding the relation- Angoro R. ship between hydrodynamics and biological productivity in a Lcke Ecikol large )ake ecosystem. This was demonstrated using N2AA AvHRR,ond in silu temperature and chlorophyll fluorescence data to describe the seasonal temperature cycle and distribu- tion of algal biomass in Lake Baikal (Russia). Features such as ice cover, thermal fronts, and the dispersion of river water were describedin a seriesof imagesfrom 1990 and 1991. The northern basin retained ice cover until the end of Mav. In lune, thermal ftonts extending <t0 km from shore were obsewed to be associated with shallows, bays, and rivers. Offshore surface temperatures in the northern basin did not 7 exceed4"C until late lune-early JuIy. The southern and mid- O dle basinswarmed more quick)y than the northern bosin. In c phytoplankton l situ dofo showed concentrations to be low off- .P_ shore and high near thermal The Selenga River, the o Borguzin fronts. I largest tributary of Lake Baikal, supplied warm water and Bov nutrients which contributed to Localized increases in chloro- phyll fluorescence. Introduction Satellite data, in coniunction with field data, can be used to Lower SelengoR describethe seasonaltemperature cycle, thermal fronts, up- )l Angoro R. welling, and the dispersion of river water in large lakes (Mortimer,19BB; Lathrop et aL.,1990;Bolgrien and Brooks, t99Z). These featuresare important becausethey represent mechanismsby which heat, nutrients, and pollutants are dis- tributed. The horizontal and vertical distributions of plank- 108' ton are also highly dependenton thermal features.Because it is not feasibleto synoptically sample large lakes using ships, Figure1. Bathymetrymap of LakeBaikal. Con- data collected by satellites can be used to enhanceour un- tours are in metres. derstandingof large lake ecosystems.The objective of this paper is to use satellite-derivedsurface temperatures to de- scribe the hydrodynamics of Lake Baikal and to relate these properties to patterns of biological activity in the lake. in summer are typically <L.0 mg'm '. In shallow bays, near Lake Baikal, located in southeasternSiberian Russia,is river mouths, and during under-ice algal blooms, however, the deepestand most voluminous lake on Earth (Figure 1; chlorophyll o concentrationscan exceed 10 mg.m ' (Kozhova Table 1). Morphometric characteristicsof Lake Superior and et o1.,is8s). The extraordinary bathymetry of Lake Baikal is Lake Michigan are listed on Table 1 for comparison.Lake an important factor influencing the seasonaltemperature dy- Baikal is oligotrophic. Offshore chlorophyll o concentrations namics. The lake is divided into three basins with maximum depthsof rato m, 1638m, and 890 m (southern,middle, D. W. Bolgrien was with The Center for Great Lakes Studies and northern, respectively).The southern and middle basins University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,and is currently an As- are separatedbv the SelensaRiver delta. The middle and sociate of the National ResearchCouncil at the EPA Environ- northern basini are separaiedby the Academician Mountain mental RemoteSensing Laboratory, 944 E. Harmon Ave, Las Vegas,NV 89119. PhotogrammetricEngineering & RemoteSensing, N. G. Granin is with the Limnological Institute, Russian Vol. 61, No. 2, February1995, pp.21,1,-216. Academyof Sciences- SiberianBranch, P. O. Box 4199,Ir- kutsk 664033,Russia. 0099-1112195/6102-21 1$3,00/0 L. A. Levin is with the Institute of Biophvsics.Russian Acad- O 1995 American Society for Photogrammetry emy of Sciences- Siberian Branch, Krisnoyarsk, Russia. and RemoteSensing PE&RS PEER.REVIEWED ARIICIE Tnere 1. MonpuovrrRrc CnnRncreRrsrrcsoF SELEcTEDLARGE LAKES (FRoM ditions of the Limnological Institute (Irkutsk) and the HurcHrrlsou.1957). Institute of Biophysics (Krasnoyarsk). Since 1988, foreign in- Lake Baikal Michigan Superior vestigators have participated in expeditions under the auspi- ces of the Baikal International Center for Ecological Research Location 53'N 108"8 44'N B7'W 47'N 89'W (Maddox, 19BO).Transect data were collected using a flow- Origin Tectonic Glacial Glacial through thermistor and fluorometer interfaced to a micro- graben corrasion corrasion computer. Chlorophyll fluorescence, calibrated with Volume (km',) 23,000. 5,760 12,221 extracted chlorophyll o samples, provided an estimate of Max Depth (m) 1,638 265 307 't (2.5 Mean Depth (m) 73o 99 45 phytoplankton concentration. The position and depth m) Area (km') 31,500 57,850 82,367 of the intake pipe, flow rate, instrument response time, and Shoreline (km) 2,2oo 2,2"to 3,000 ship speed defined a minimum detectable "patch" size of Max length (km) 674 494 )oJ 200 m (Granin et al.,19BB). The temperature recorded by the Max width (km) 74 1so 257 ship was considered to be a "bulk" surface temoerature as Catchment [km,) 540,000 118,000 1,24,8OO opposed to the "skin" surface temperature meaiured by the *Total : volume of Laurentian Great Lakes 24.600 km3 AVHRR.The location of transect points were estimated by dead-reckoning from navigational fixes. Local Area Coverage (r,ac) avHnn images from the NoaR range fFigure 1). The basins are steep-sided, especially along National Environmental Satellite Data Center were selected the western shore. Lake Baikal has three large bays (Barguzin based on available in situ data, characterization of specific Bay, Chivyrkuiski Bay, and Maloe More) and three main trib- thermal features, and minimal cloudiness. Mountainous ter- utaries (Selenga River, Barguzin River, and the Upper An- rain surrounding the lake exacerbated the problem of cloud gara). Littoral zones are restricted to river deltas, shallow contamination of satellite images. Sitnikova et al. (1s84) bays, and "sores," i.e., isolated coastal wetlands. The north- found surface evaporation and foe in fall and winter to ob- ward-flowing Lower Angara River is the sole outlet (Figure scure aerial observations more thin in the spring and sum- 1.1. mer. The seasonal temperature cycle of Lake Baikal was de- Sea surface temperatures (ssr) were derived from avHRn scribed using satellite data from the Advanced Very High band 4 (1030 to 1130 nm) brightness temperatures (Kidwell, Resolution Radiometer (nvnnn) aboard the National Oceanic 1991). Ice cover was identified from AVHRRband Z (zZOto and Atmospheric Administration (Noan) polar orbiting satel- 1100 nm). Data were not corrected for atmospheric effects or Iites. To our knowledge, AVHRR data have not been previ- sun angle differences, nor were the images geo-rectified. The ously used to describe this lake. Lake Baikal is a rift lake spatial resolution of the AVHRR at nadir is approximately 1.1 located between 51'and 56'N latitude and is surrounded bv km. avsRR data (band 2 for Figure 3, and band 4 for Figures high mountains. This combination permits an ice cover of up 3 to 6 and B to 10) were classified using a sequential cluster- to one m thick to form over the entire lake (Kozhov, 1963). ing technique to create a "landmask," and enhance particu- Complete ice cover is atypical of large deep lakes because lar features in each scene. long fetches usually result in continuous wind mixing. Sitni- kova et a1. (1984) used both aircraft and satellite imagery to Resultsand Discussion detail ice break-up in 1981. They found that the majority of Satellite remote sensing research depends on the availability the lake was ice covered in earlv Aoril. Shore-bound ice in of data at spatial and temporal scales relevant to the feature pack-ice the southern and middle basins. ani broken in the investigated. Further, the feature of interest must be spec- northern basin, remained through the middle of May. Ice ac- trally evident in the image. For large lakes, the AVHRRgener- cumulated along the eastern shore because of the prevailing ally satisfies these criteria. The visible bands are useful for westerlv winds. The entire lake was ice-free at the end of detecting ice cover on lakes (Hanison and Lucas, 19Bg). The May. Aithough shore-based ice observations have been made approximate 1.1-km resolution of the thermal bands of the for most of this century, Sitnikova et ol. (1,s84) appear to be AVHRRhas proven sufficient to describe salient phvsical fea- the only reported use of remote sensing techniques on the tures of the Laurentian Great Lakes (Bolgrien and Brooks, lake. 1992). The availability of U.S. satellite imagery for the Lake Vernal thermal fronts are common features in large Baikal region is summarized in Table 2. Review of image north-temperate lakes. Fronts form in coastal regions through quality, including cloud cover, revealed that <50 percent of a combination of solar warming and spring runoff. They sep- the images listed would be useful for limnological research. arate the thermally stratified inshore region where surface The increased availability of avrnn images for Lake Baikal temperatures are )4"C from the isothermal or inversely strat- in recent years makes this sensor a very useful tool for the ified offshore region where surface temperature are <4"C. systematic monitoring of thermal features of this remote lake. Fronts move offshore until the 4'C isotherm disappears across the lake (Mortimer, L971-;Bolgrien and Brooks, 1992). Convection currents and wind-mixing are the primary mech- Tnere2. NUNIBERoF lMacEsAvnrmerE FRoM U.S. Snrellrres FoR THE LAKE anisms responsible for deep-water mixing (Granin et a1., Bntxt REcrolr(51'-56'N x 103'-110'E.DArA ARE FRoM rHE USGS Groanl 1991; Shimaraev ef al., tgg3; Weise ef al., 1s92). Surface LrruoInronvarroru svsrEu ,3ir?l;"#J[1]Dls, ANDEoSAr (ns or 15 temperature is a good method of delineating the temporal and spatial dynamics of thermal fronts (Bolgrien and Brooks, Year <1988 1988 1989 19SO 1991 7952 1993 1992). AVHRR ?03322212951 LandsatTM 020170517411 Methods LandsatMSS r25031L17200 fluorescence have been col- Surface temoerature and data CZCS 40 (no further data collected) Iected from Lake Baikal for more than L0 years by joint expe- 2L2 PEER.REVIEWED ARIICTE I Figure3.
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