THREE MILE CROSS DESIGN CODE AND STATEMENT COOPERBAILLIE COOPER BAILLIE LIMITED Connaught House 22/24 Guildford Road Bagshot Surrey GU19 5JN T | 01276 475 660 COPYRIGHT The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Cooper Baillie Limited. All plans are reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of HMSO. Crown copyright Reserved. Licence No. 100022432 Job No. CB_81_035 Rev D Date October 2016 Signed off by BB 2 CONTENTS 01 INTRODUCTION 04 CONSULTATION AND DESIGN EVOLUTION 06 ACCESS AND MOVEMENT ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT 4 CONSULTATION 20 ACCESS ARRANGEMENTS 42 SITE LOCATION 5 INITIAL DESIGN 20 STREET HIERARCHY 42 CONSULTATION LAYOUT 20 NOISE 44 02 UNDERSTANDING THE SITE CONTEXT POST CONSULTATION LAYOUT 21 PARKING 44 THE APPLICATION LAYOUT 21 CYCLE STORAGE 45 PLANNING CONTEXT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT CHARACTER 22 BINS AND REFUSE 45 TMX 1 DEVELOPMENT 6 LAND USE 22 LIGHTING 45 THE PARAMETERS 7 RESIDENTIAL 22 AFFORDABLE HOUSING 22 07 SUSTAINABILITY 03 DESIGN CODE LANDSCAPE OPEN SPACE AND QUANTUM 22 DESIGN PRINCIPLES & STRATEGIES 46 THE ILLUSTRATIVE DESIGN PRINCIPLES 8 AFFORDABLE HOUSING 24 BFL 12 46 THE REGULATORY PLAN 9 AFFORDABLE TYPES 24 STOREY HEIGHTS 9 SPACE STANDARDS 25 08 CONCLUSION 47 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT CHARACTER 10 LIFE TIME HOMES 25 CHURCH LANE - DEFINING PRINCIPLES 11 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK 26 CORE AREA - DEFINING PRINCIPLES 12 DEVELOPMENT DENSITY 27 WESTERN POCKET - DEFINING PRINCIPLES 13 DEVELOPMENT SCALE 28 ACCESS ARRANGEMENTS 14 AOD COMPARISON SCALE 29 STREET HIERARCHY 14 PROPOSED CHARACTER 32 PARKING 14 05 LANDSCAPE AND OPEN SPACE CYCLE STORAGE 15 BINS AND REFUSE 15 LANDSCAPE STRATEGY 36 LIGHTING 15 ARBORICULTURAL MITIGATION STRATEGY 36 LANDSCAPE STRATEGY 16 GARDEN COMPLIANCE 38 PLAY 17 EXTERNAL ENCLOSURES 39 VEGETATION RETENTION 17 HARD SURFACE MATERIALS 40 DRAINAGE STRATEGY 18 DRAINAGE STRATEGY 41 DESIGN PRINCIPLES & STRATEGIES 19 FOUL WATER DRAINAGE 41 BFL 12 19 STORM WATER DRAINAGE 41 PHASING 19 1. INTRODUCTION ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT 1.1 Land north of Church Lane, Three Mile Cross is Phase 2 of the wider development for the approved masterplan for Three Mile Cross and Spencers Wood, part of the collective strategic development proposals for the south of the M4 development area. SPENCERS 1.2 This Design Code and Statement (DCS) incorporates the updates to the Design Code element of the Reserved Matters submission, as agreed with Wokingham Borough Council (WBC). This document takes forward the design principles established within the approved Outline Design and Access Statement, prepared by Barton Willmore and synthesises the core principles established in that document, as well as demonstrated how the proposed designs accord with the approved principles and justifies areas where WOOD changes to the principles have been made. 1.3 The DCS re-establishes the background to the design of Three Mile Cross and explaining the reasons for the design’s evolution, much of the content stems from the Outline Design and Access Statement, AND which at the time was required to deliver an extensive and detailed set of principles to inform the Reserved Matter submissions. THREE MILE CROSS DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT | FEBRUARY 2013 Figure 1.1: THE APPROVED OUTLINE DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT 4 SITE LOCATION 1.4 The site is located to the immediate south of the M4 motorway at Junction 11, north of Church Lane and to the rear of existing SPENCERS WOOD & THREE MILE CROSS DESIGN AND ACCESS STATEMENT | PAGE 7 dwellings to Basingstoke Road. The Wokingham Borough Council (WBC) administrative boundary defines the northern extents of the site, while the eastern boundary is defined by mature hedgerow and trees. The Outline DAS referred to the site as TMX 1, as shown in Figure 1.3 TMXTMX 1 wallingford 4 3 A M henley - on- thames 25 TMX 3 goring A4 windsor 4 M4 M M4 READING wokingham bracknell 4 newbury A Three mile cross A30 aldermaston TMXTMX 2 M3 A33 A34 woking M farnborough 25 M3 A30 basingstoke aldershot 3 M SPW 6 SPW 4 Figure 1.2: STRATEGIC LOCATION PLAN Figure 1.3: SITE LOCATION PLAN 5 SPW 5 SPW 7 Figure 2.2: Site Location Plan SPW 8 NOTE Documents identified in bold font below are key documents underlying the design of Shinfield West 2.and should beUNDERSTANDING read by designers before commencing THE SITE CONTEXT any design of Reserved Matters within the scope of this Design Code. PLANNING CONTEXT FOR THE TMX 1 DEVELOPMENT Legend M4 SPENCERS WOOD & THREE MILE CROSS DESIGN AND ACCESSPlanning STATEMENT Application | PAGE Boundary 9 2.1 The overarching vision for the development is set out in the approved Outline DAS for the Subsequent Development masterplan area covering Three Mile Cross and Spencers Wood, which by its vision statement Residential (including incidental Public Open Space & Infrastructure ) 3. The Context of the Shinfield West Development PS location subject to separate is: full planning application FP13 FP18 Public Open Space & Landscape “Delivering3.1 At an early sustainable stage in the extensions preparation toof thethe village settlements3.3 Because the at allocation Spencers covers Wood a broad and area,Three Mile Cross3.5 The outline planning application for Shinfield Existing Trees / Vegetation Retained Wokingham Borough Core Strategy, Wokingham further guidance on the planning requirements West was submitted in July 2010 and amended in through the provision of new predominately family homes; community facilities; extensive open space New Planting within SANG Borough Council took the decision to seek to is set out in Appendix 7 to the Core Strategy and March/April 2011, prior to be taken to appeal for and landscape.” Ecological Mitigation Area deliver the majority of the new housing required in a subsequent South of M4 SDL Supplementary non-determination. In terms of design process, the CP in the period to 2026 through the allocation of Planning Document, October 2011. (It should be key document is the Design and Access Statement, Primary Access four Strategic Development Locations (SDLs). One noted, however, that the SPD pre-dates the grant April 2011 (the DAS), which sets out the design Secondary Access Proposalsof these is will the positivelySouth of M4 integrate SDL, based with upon and the support of planning the prosperity, permission community for Shinfield cohesion West, which and individualprinciples on which this Design Code is based. Access Links identitiesvillages of of Shinfield, Three Mile Spencers Cross Wood and and Spencers Three Mile Wood allows in line a larger with extent the wider and quantity SDL vision of housing for coherently in FP17 plannedCross, lying yet todistinctive the south urbanof Reading extensions and east offor the the threethis location villages than south is indicated of the inM4”. the SPD.) Proposed Allotments A33 trunk road. Proposed SANG 3.4 The allocation of the South of M4 SDL was CP RIDGE SANG School Building Location 3.2 Policy CP19 of the adopted Core Strategy, promoted by the South of M4 Consortium, 3.6 The vision set out at the start of the DAS sets out the Hyde End Lane 2.2 Church Lane JanuaryFigure 20102.2 ,identifies allocates the the SDL entire encompassing masterplan areacomprising covered the University by the outline of Reading, planning Taylor approval, following principles that underlie the Master Plan for FP16 School Playing Fields whicha wide encompasses swathe of land around provision and between for residential the Wimpeydevelopment, and David landscape Wilson Homes, and who open between space, Suitable Shinfield West: THREE MILE Main Children's Play Space Church Lane FP26 three villages (and encompassing the hamlet of them control most of the land identified for CROSS FP12 Alternative, Natural Green Space (SANG) provision, a sustainable bus route connecting the “1. Adoption of a development identity that complements Principal Vehicular Route Ryeish Green) for around 2,500 dwellings together housing development within the SDL. In addition and enhances Shinfield’s character and maintains a clear FP16 widerwith new area retail, of The community South and of recreationalM4 SDL areas thatto makingincludes representations Shinfield to on the the east.emerging MAY'S FARM Secondary Route + Bus Route distinction between the neighbouring SDL villages. SANG facilities, two new primary schools, new transport Core Strategy and SPD, the Consortium set out Secondary Vehicular Route 2. Integration of a mix of complementary retail and infrastructure and considerable areas of green its Vision in a document (updated version, Existing Public Right of Way space, serving a variety of purposes, including December 2012). community uses within a local centre located alongside Pedestrian Crossing Points maintaining the separate identities of the existing existing Shinfield facilities and residential areas. Hyde End Lane FP13 Proposed Junction settlements. Improvement CP 3. Creation of a clear network and hierarchyBasingstoke Road of movement Transition Zone routes and spaces through the site,Road Basingstoke enabling integration FP14 Potential Locations of and achieving permeable and legible environments, FP13 Attenuation Features FP20 FIVE ACRE SANG Emergency Pedestrian and showcasing how green infrastructure is helping & Cycle Link Only the environment and providing public access to the CP Car Parking Including Access countryside. school site Sustainable Transport Link: Bus, Cycle and Pedestrian 4. Create a series of connected formal and informal Proposed Pumping Station Location (Seperate Planning greenspaces through which a network of pedestrian Application to Reading BC) Ryeish Lane Emergency Access Gate leisure routes pass, and in which enhanced biodiversity H CP y and Pedestrian / Cycle d e Only will be managed. E n Clares Green Road d Bus Only Section L a 5. Maintain, conserve and encourage local stewardship n Areas of Outdoor Sports e and investment in theSPENCERS landscape within and surrounding Provision WOOD Nullis Farm (Grade II the development.” Listed Building) Proposed Pedestrian and / or Cycle Link 3.7 The Master Plan principles are set out Croft RoadCroft Road Existing Pedestrian diagrammatically on page 52 of the DAS.
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