Judaica Librarianship Volume 10 Number 1–2 62-66 5-1-2000 Recommended Judaica Reference Works, 1994–1996 Charles Cutter Brandeis University Micha F. F. Oppenheim Jewish Theological Seminary of America Follow this and additional works at: http://ajlpublishing.org/jl Part of the Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education Commons, Information Literacy Commons, Jewish Studies Commons, and the Reading and Language Commons Recommended Citation Cutter, Charles and Oppenheim, Micha F. F.. 2000. "Recommended Judaica Reference Works, 1994–1996." Judaica Librarianship 10: 62-66. doi:10.14263/2330-2976.1156. Recommended Judaica Reference Works, 1994-1996 Charles Cutter and Micha F. Oppenheim Brandeis University Jewish Theological Seminary Waltham, MA of America New York, NY The purpose of this column is to recom­ Amichai, Yehuda demons whose names are found in the mend current Judaica reference sources, Bible. Includes an index of names. There both general and specialized. It is intended 1 . Yehuda Amichai: A Bibliograpy of his , are, for example, 80 index references to to serve as a guide to new tools for schol- _ Work in Translation. Bibliographer: Essi Jesus, including his 11-page entry in the arly research as well as to more popular, Lapon-Kandelshein. Ramat Gan: The Insti­ body of the work. but reliable, works. The annotations tute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature describe the scope, arrangement, and use (P.O.B. 10051, Ramat Gan 52001, Israel), 4. Dogniez, Cecile. Bibliography of the of each work. 1994. 653p. ISBN 9652550258. Septuagint (1970-1993). Leiden: E. J. Brill, This work was prepared to commemorate 1995. 329 p. ISBN 9004101926. $102. This column lists selected reference mate­ the 70th birthday of Yehuda Amichai, the rials that appeared from 1994 to 1996. most widely translated Hebrew poet. The This survey of the literature from 1970 to Works published in 1992 and 1993 that entries are arranged alphabetically by some 1993 updates A Classified Bibliography of were not reviewed in prior columns are 29 languages, then subarranged by genre the Septuagint, by S.P. Brock et al. (Brill, included as well. (including short stories, criticism, book 1973), which covered texts of and literature reviews, and interviews), editor, and title in about the Septuagint published from 1900 The reference works are classified under translation. Includes six indexes: Titles to 1969. the following subject headings: (English); Translators; Authors (English); Authors (Hebrew); Yiddish; Titles (Hebrew). Biographies Amichai, Yehuda Baby books Baby books 5. Comay, Joan. Who's Who in Jewish His­ Bible tory After the Period of the Old Testament. Biographies 2. Diamant, Anita. The New Jewish Baby New edition, revised by Lavinia Cohn-Sher­ Cairo Genizah Book-Names, Ceremonies, Customs: A bok. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 1995. 407 Community centers Guide for Today's Families. Woodstock, VT: p. ISBN 0415125839; 0415118875 (pbk). Dead Sea Scrolls Jewish Lights Publishing, 1993. 288 p. Encyclopedias ISBN 1879045281. $15.95. An updated reference guide to more than a Ethics thousand prominent men and women who Genealogy A complete guide to the traditions and ritu­ have shaped Jewish culture from the end of Hebrew language-Dictionaries als for welcoming a new child to the world the Old Testament period to the present. History and into the Jewish community. Describes Detailed biographical information is given. History-Europe contemporary liberal Jewish practices of Includes maps, a glossary, and a thematic Holocaust expectant or new parents. Includes lists of index, in which all the biographers are clas­ Internet names for boys and girls as well as chap­ sified under forty-one subject headings. Jewish studies ters on brit milah and brit bat; celebrations Judaism and customs; adoption; infertility and genet­ 6. Who's Who of World Religions. Editor: Library science ic testing; and a special section for interfaith John R. Hinnells. New York: Simon & Schus­ Lubavitch-Directory families. Reference matter includes: Jewish ter, 1992. 560 p. ISBN 0139529462. $64. Mailing lists resources for new parents; Glossary; Direc­ Manuscripts tory of calligraphers and artists; and Index. Covers 26 formally established churches Museums and new religious movements, including Printing-Wilhermsdorf Bible the occult and the magical, especially in Suffering North America. This book deals with the Talmud 3. Dictionary of Deities and Demons in men and women who have shaped the Travel the Bible (DDD). Karel van der Toorn, et world's religions, including Judaism, in the Women al., editors. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1995. 1774 past and in the present. Includes a bibliog­ columns. ISBN 9004103139. $119. raphy, maps, a synoptic index (a list show­ ing how the entries are distributed among The first compilation of its kind, this refer­ the 26 religious movements), and a gener­ ence tool discusses all the gods and al index. 62 Judaica Librarianship Vol. 10 No. 1-2 Spring 1999-Winter 2000 Cairo Genizah Encyclopedias Hebrew language-Dictionaries 7. Isaacs, Haskel D. Medical and Para­ 1o. The New Standard Jewish Encyclo­ 13. The Oxford English-Hebrew Dictio­ Medical Manuscripts in the Cambridge pedia. Geoffrey Wigoder, Editor. New rev. nary. In collaboration with the Oxford Cen­ Genizah Collections. New York: Cambridge ed. New York: Facts on File, 1992. 1001 p. tre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies. Oxford; University Press, 1994. 144 p. ISBN ISBN 0816026904. $59.95. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. 0521470501. 1091 p. ISBN 0198643225. This one-volume reference book covers all The manuscripts covered by this work are aspects of Jewish history, religion and cul­ The editors of the OEHD attempted to part of the Taylor-Schechter Genizah Col­ ture. In this 7th revised edition, entries describe the most common words and lection; they are written primarily in Judeo­ found in previous editions have been phrases that are "likely to be the most Arabic, Arabic, and Hebrew. This reference updated and new ones added. Includes needed by the average user." The dictio­ tool begins with a bibliography of literature 300 maps and illustrations. nary includes phonetic transcription of the about the manuscripts. The body of the English headwords. work, Description of Manuscripts, is fol­ Ethics lowed by indexes of names, titles, words, History materia medica, subjects, and plates. 11 . Amsel, Nachum. The Jewish Encyclo­ pedia of Moral and Ethical Issues. North­ 14. Gribetz, Judah. The Timetables of Community centers vale, NJ: J. Aronson, 1994. 505 p. ISBN Jewish History: A Chronology of the Most 1568211740. $29.95. Important People and Events in Jewish His­ 8. World JCC Directory. Jerusalem: tory. With Edward L. Greenstein and Regi­ World Confederation of Jewish Communi­ Concise essays on 75 basic human values. na Stein. New York: Simon & Schuster, ty Centers (12 Hess St., Jerusalem Topics are arranged alphabetically. The 1993. 808 p. ISBN 0671640070. $35. 94185), 1995. 70 p. "goal of the volume is to show the specific traditional Jewish responses to the moral "This work offers a concise record of key Covers North America, South America, issues of today" (Introduction, p. 1). Among figures and important events in the history Europe (including for the first time countries the topics covered: Business ethics, Cults, of the Jewish people from earliest times to from the former Soviet Union and else­ Ecology, Euthanasia and abortion, Honesty the present. Its format displays entries where in Eastern Europe), Israel, India, and and cheating, Messiah, Modesty, Peace, chronologically, when read vertically, and Hong Kong. Each entry includes the name Self-defense, Speech, Triage, and War. geographically, when read horizontally" and address, as well as telephone and fax Includes Hebrew sources in 182 pages of (Introduction). More than 8000 entries doc­ numbers of the community center. endnotes, and an index. ument the relationship of the Jewish people to world civilization. This reference work Dead Sea Scrolls Genealogy includes a glossary and .a comprehensive index of names, organizations, places, titles 9. Reed, Stephen A. The Dead Sea Scrolls 12. Resources for Jewish Genealogy in of literary works, and subjects. Catalogue: Documents, Photographs, and the Boston Area. Edited by Warren Blatt. Museum Inventory Numbers. Atlanta, [Boston, MA]: Jewish Genealogical Society 15. Jacobs, Philip Walker. A Guide to the Georgia: Scholars Press, 1994. 558 p. of Greater Boston, 1996. 275 p. ISBN Study of Greco-Roman and Jewish and ISBN 0788500171. 0965215105. Christian History and Literature. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1994. 118 A key to the copy negatives of all the Dead This guide to resources in the Boston area p. ISBN 0819195170. $24.50. Sea Scrolls, both published and unpub­ for researchers of Jewish genealogy is lished, that are housed at the Ancient Bibli­ organized in two major sections. The first "The purpose of this guide is to provide cal Manuscript Center in Claremont, Califor­ section briefly describes and lists the major students of ancient history, literature, and nia. The Catalogue is divided into the fol­ "Record Types," e. g., census records, pas­ religion with a reference guide that will lowing three sections: A. Documents; B. senger lists, etc. The location of these enable them to better understand the ... Photographs; C. Museum Inventory Num­ record types is noted. The second section, social and religious developments in the bers. "In the document list the manuscripts "Record Location," arranged alphabetically Hellenistic world . [T]he focus is on are listed sequentially according to the num­ by name of institution, provides the following persons, groups, movements, events, and bers designated by the editors. Included in information: Facility Director(s); Address; literature that influenced political, social, this list are the photographs which pertain to Phone Numbers; Hours of Operation; Direc­ religious, literary, and philosophical devel­ each document as well as the present loca­ tions; Description of Institution; Description opments in the Hellenistic world" (Preface, tion of the fragments. In the photograph list of Resources. Appendices include a bibliog­ p.
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