Follow us on Twitter #CATribalTribune www.c-a-tribes.org/tribal-news Nov. 1, 2018 -Vol. 14, Issue 20 DOJ and DOI team up for expansion of Tribal access to national crime information database Absentee Shawnee and Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes Included in Expansion (OKLAHOMA CITY) The Department of of the tribes selected for this expansion. Justice (DOJ) and the Department of the Interi- “The Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes or (DOI) announce a dramatic expansion of the are extremely pleased we have been se- federal government’s key program that provides lected to participate in the Tribal Access tribes with access to national crime information Program,” Wassana said. “Throughout databases, the Justice Department’s Tribal Ac- Indian Country, tribal justice systems are cess Program for National Crime Information weighed down by the constant effects (TAP). By the end of 2019, the Justice Department of criminal activity. TAP will give the will expand the number of TAP participating tribes Tribes the ability to access and exchange by more than 50 percent, from 47 tribes to 72. data with national crime information Two of the new participating tribes are in the systems. More than ten tribal programs Western District of Oklahoma, the Absentee Shaw- from our domestic violence program nee Tribe and the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes. to child protection services will benefit “The Absentee Shawnee Tribe is excited about from this grant. I want to recognize the our recent Tribal Access Program Grant. The Trib- U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes’ Judicial Branch employees, Paul Fuentes, probation al Access Program will improve public safety, as- Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, officer and SORNA officer Theresa Faris were the key individuals working many hours to sist in identifying fugitives from justice, and aid Apprehending, Registering, and Track- secure the tribes being part of the TAP expansion. (Courtesy photo) with child protective services and the Tribe’s Sex ing (SMART), the Office of Community Offender Registration within our Tribal jurisdic- Oriented Policing Services (COPS), and from the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes Judicial tion through the access and exchange of critical the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) for their Branch, Paul Fuentes, probation officer and Teresa AIGC’s data,” Gov. Edwina Butler-Wolfe said. commitment to ensure Tribes have access to the Faris, the SORNA representative for their many Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes Gov. Reggie tools needed to improve public safety.” hours of work they put in to secure this opportuni- ‘Know Before Wassana also expressed his gratitude for being one Wassana also took time to thank two employees ty for the tribes. TAPS / pg.4 U Go’ comes to OU on Nov. 3 (Albuquerque, N.M) The Oklahoma State elections American Indian Graduate Center (AIGC) is sponsor- ing a Know Before U Go, a free one-day session for set for Nov. 6 - a look at five American Indian and Alas- ka Native students from 9th through 12th grade, parents and educators to learn about state questions on ballot college preparation, scholar- The Governor has set ship opportunities and finan- State Questions 793, 794, cial literacy. The event will 798, 800 and 801 for a vote be held from 8:30 a.m. - 3:45 on the Nov. 6 General Elec- p.m., Saturday, Nov. 3 at the tion ballot. University of Oklahoma, Jim Information on all State Thorpe Multi-Cultural Cen- Questions can be found ter in Norman, Okla. on the Website www.sos. The free event, which in- ok.gov/gov/questions.aspx. cludes breakfast snacks and BALLOT TITLE FOR lunch, is funded by a grant STATE QUESTION NO. from Wells Fargo. AIGC is 793 partnering and collaborat- This measure adds a new ing with area colleges, state Section 3 to Article 20 of agencies and local communi- the Oklahoma Constitution. ties, including tribal commu- Under the new Section, no nities, to highlight the val- law shall infringe on optom- ue of higher education and etrists’ or opticians’ ability to showcase resources and to practice within a retail funding available to students mercantile establishment, before they enter a college or discriminate against optom- university. etrists or opticians based on Starting with the morning the location of their practice, session, this event is filled or require external entrances with useful information, in- for optometric offices within spiring stories, funding op- retail mercantile establish- portunities, and the chance ments. No law shall infringe for a lucky student to win a on retail mercantile estab- free laptop. lishments’ ability to sell pre- STATE QUESTIONS / pg.6 AIGC / pg.4 PAGE 2 Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribal Tribune Tsistsistas & Hinonoei Breast Cancer Awareness Month (CONCHO, OK) October is National Breast Cancer ing with a loved one being Awareness Month, an annual campaign to bring aware- diagnosed with the disease. ness to the disease. Breast cancer statistics show that A balloon release followed about one in eight women will develop invasive breast to honor and remember the cancer over the course of their lifetime and about 2,550 lives of those who have and new cases of breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed are currently battling breast among men in 2018. With women and men across the cancer. Mallory Miles-Cooper prepares nation battling the deadly disease, faith and families have To help prevent breast to release balloons at the Breast become the foundation of strength. cancer, mammograms are Cancer Awareness event. Cooper was one of the speakers sharing In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness, Tammy encouraged to provide her personal story of watching a Rios, a breast cancer survivor hosted a balloon launch early detection, as well as family member battle breast can- and informational community outreach held on Oct. 18 promoting breast health cer. at the Concho Community Center in Concho, Okla. Rios, education and a supportive through private donations has made it a mission in her life community. to share her experience, strength and hope with others who have been diagnosed with For more information on breast cancer. breast cancer and preven- Tammy Rios, breat cancer survivor, has made it a mission in her life In promoting awareness, pink balloons, clothes and informational booths filled the tion visit, www.breastcan- to share her experience, strength and hope with others who are battling community hall as speakers came forward and openly shared their experiences in deal- cer.org breast cancer. (Photos / Latoya Lonelodge) Indigenous Pink Day Approximately 85 percent of breast cancers occur in women who have no family history of breast cancer. These occur due to genetic mutations that happen as a result of the aging process and life in general, rather than inherited mutations. There are over 3.3 million breast cancer survivors in the United States. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death for American Indian women. A mammogram may save your life. Rosemary Stephens, Editor-in-Chief 405-422-7446 / [email protected] Tsistsistas & Hinonoei Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribal Tribune PAGE 3 Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribes Dementia in Indian Country Dept. of Enrollment By Blythe Sanders Winchester, MD, MPH, CMD The most common ques- dementia are different for Address Notice for 2018 tion I get asked is, “What is our communities? There are December Per Capita the difference between Alz- now 573 federally recog- heimer’s and dementia?” nized tribes across the coun- Payment Dementia is an umbrella try. Our tribes are heteroge- Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribal members have until Fri- term that includes a lot of neous, meaning we are very day, Nov. 9, 2018 to turn in an Adult Change of Address different types of dementia: diverse in our languages, Form and/or a Minor Change of Address Form to the Dept. Alzheimer’s is one of the culture, and traditions. Some of Enrollment in order to receive their 2018 December per types. There are many others tribes do not have a phrase or capita payment on time. including vascular demen- term that fits with “demen- Please note that you ONLY HAVE to submit a Change tia, Lewy Body dementia tia” because it is a foreign of Address Form if uour current mailing address on file (what Robin Williams had), concept. We have to perform with the Dept. of Enrollment is NO LONGER VALID or if and frontotemporal demen- brain exercises and ask a lot you have MOVED. tia. Alzheimer’s is the most of questions during a memo- Parents/Legal Guardians, be sure to update your chil- common followed by vas- ry evaluation. We have to do dren’s mailing address as well. Please remember that the cular dementia. The word this because we don’t have “care of” listed in our database is the only person(s) who “vascular” means relating to a blood test or xray to diag- can change a child’s address. For further information con- or about a blood vessel. So, nose dementia like we do tact the Dept. of Enrollment and we will be happy to ex- this dementia occurs because for diabetes. But, these tools plain this to you. of issues relating to your were not developed for our It is the tribal members responsibility to make sure that blood vessels. This can in- tribal populations. There is their mailing address is current and correct with the Dept. clude strokes, cardiovascular currently a study at the Uni- of Enrollment. disease, diabetes, and bleeds versity of Washington evalu- For questions or concerns about the 2018 December per in the brain. It is also possi- ating a tool I modified to use capita checks, please contact the Per Capita Office at 405- ble to have mixed dementia, in our community.
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