* / • : J , -'V '' ' !,• i ; Weiather - “ '. ■ — ......... • '■ * — t— : y '.-'' ' ^ ----- -ft—F-s^Final-- j— ^^-pof^ly-G loudy-/ r -v : : ____ .W ednesday ~ij]ditioiiEd ~ ^ ^ TheT he .Magic Valley N ewspaperiper Dedicate'^Dedicti to Serving andid RroniotingRronio the Growth of 'NineNine IrrigatedIr Idaho Countiese s V . ^‘ . ___________ . • ■ •' ^ . ■ ~ ^ '■ - ; ' ■ \~TW-TWIN, 1 FALik, IDAHO.). TUESDAY.TUESI JULJ 6. 1965 ' .......'-_:.l- t e N--GENTS---— m r m ' 1 ' ■ ’ ■ ' ' '■ ■’nvc* I. Q h 51 T l'C ■ HfeSLi " W T 1XTI • 1 J ' t s IMll ■Take 542 L i J 1 XT* D u r in g . WV e ^ e e e k e n d l S Belated reports of traffic deaths duduring the three- iiHpaF!. Hiv Fourth of July weekendd raised ththe national toll MMI ■'tndaTTb~5427-a-reeord-for-,a-4hr.ee.day-1 4h r.ee-day-<jbseri£ance_Qf ___ I I n t e r ma ir ty F ig he holiday. Final figures wer^'ere expectedexpect. to raise the ^ i g b t _ |-iiipH duritiR the 78-hour)ur weekendweeken even higher. L -:rw:AS14INaTON-^ r ) —Tlu-In* Honsl l o n s e f;iet-'-s a fie r c e iu tL'irpTvrTyTrpfltrroiray ir a rr y T r as it tffRes The^evious record toil for a three-daythrefi-daj IndepenJence I up the voting rights bill whichiich carrcarries a top priority- tagag in 1President Johnson's Dav holiday was 504. set lastt year. The count of traffic Leglislative program, l.eadeisiideis hehope for a final voteite by l-'riday.1 They have fatalities this year came , said it appear^qertain somelie form of legislation will bee passed to enforco the l5th ■■r)/«g-te the record for a ' Amendment'^Amen command that no person be denied thehe right to vote because of four-day Independence ----------------------- _ - rrace a c e 01or . color. A struggle 1 ticenses Up looms over what approach ^ r ® Tte"mifv of traffic deaths Be- ceO o E e Uu Rr d ’A L EN E Ijla- L(mn Approvroved •on Ssishould be taken—especially JL lT lJip. local time Friday ho (UPI) — The Kootenai ” oh the question of poll— « ^f„d?^nUnu?dT?mHnIgnt-1V,bH.^- e oonty -clerk^s-office-ls- t u x e s . ______________ ________" sued, a "record number of . r: . W Johnson urged prompt action ‘‘n,is year's toll bcought a ' marriage licenses in June : ' H O T s i n g f o r " when he sent his vming rights ™ despite the May 18 in- ', or "'E lderly ,,„ n wa'-"i'’8 bill to - Capitol HiU in mid- Wle. pres.dent of the National ,; crease^crease mIn tho fee from ■ Sen. Eirank. Church, D-Idaho,■Idaho, iannounced Tuesday March^aMarch' at the height of racial ; $3.25 to $5, reco rd s show - a federal ' loan has been approvedapproved to the Twin Falls demdemonsu onstrations in Selma, Ala. ^■■Nevfr°^as driver Improve- : ed Monday.Monda; ■ s j HHousing oiisii Authority to buildId low-rlow-rent homes for the The SSenate passed the bill T he 626 licenses Issued ment been more badly needed.” The 626 Wj pplderly.'']The id e r l Housing and Home FiFinance Agency loan. May 26 Iby a 77-19 margin. It said' "The aUitudes and ,!.! duringdurmg the month was 41 j i [ according to Churth, marksks a mamajor step forwfird in coniaineicontained no ban on the use of of too many drivers are ; ' m more ore thanthan for Ju n e . 1964. |l poll taxes in state and local -e for Idaho's senior citizens, (lilinK to meet the exacting de- ; ! The previousprev: one-month -11 I providing much needed care for Id; elections—the President had not mands of billions of miles of Jj rerecord c o rd wwa a s 615 in A ugust “With“ W ith 21 per cent of Idaho'slo's famifamilies with annual, in- asked forfo such a ban. But il in­ JSi; pressure travel .. la s ty y e e a r. r ^ ^ ■ ..t ccomes o m e ; of less than $3,000,” Church said, “It is inipera- eludedcluded a provision calling for a "Every driver.’ Pyle said, .................. I tivetiv e tthat projects such as! ^ court testest on the constitutionality •■should begin at once to sharp- — .......y w .T'm) this aassist our retired citl-. 4 , 1 • of such taxes. Anil the bill said rn oM skilla_and develop new < zens who must subsist on, Australian Congre.s.sc ngress would declare that oSeTlhrSrTvrnrable' driver Three1 i i r e € Towns |K z e n s slaslate te poipoll taxes are used to disr iprovemejit p ro g ram s.” ^ , ( smsmall all retirement incomes. criminate against Negroes and # iiolher safety councU spokes- ^ 1 1 ^ I “Those who have given the: MinisteriVJ.111 and S“the poor. man estimated tbat the fmal toll CelebrateV ^ iC lC IJJ SSS I best years of their lives to the Poll taxes still are-collected In would be about 550 traffic I progress of Idaho deserve to ro- T ^ l. Ttxas. Alabama, -Mississippi deaths. "Mor? traffic fatalities A f C l j ^ I tain this dignity in their retire-: JolinsonJ l l l l Meet I^id^virpand Virginia in state or local may be counted during the final At Shoshone I ment yeprs, as free from the ,riuM( elections. I specter of poverty as we can; "- JOHNSON. , CITY, Tex, CA P)- “^‘KevKey "npoints In the Senate bill hours of the weekend " he said SHOSHONE—ThingssHOSHONE were In Pre-sident Johnson flies back: to ^ "Molori.sl.s who delayed th e r ^ , make their-fives. ■ and the bill before the House full sw ing h ere M onday w ith ' H H Washington today for a serle.? of ^are the suspension of literacy lltart home are tired, in a rush." ;hree' " communitiesn holding aI • _ i AccordingAcco to L. B. Harper of' private meetings with Australi- , , ^^tfedr^^They-re driving fast- “e comm the Twin Falls Housing Author- * pri™ tests In elections and the use of ioint Independence Day cele-■ . SOUTH VIETNAMESEJVOMANOMAN begs to be taken aboard antl evacuation«vacuatl< helicopter along with itv thi ■ an Prime Minister Sir Robert federaljgderal registrarsi under certain trihan conditions permit and Dration.i°at on man, han !? ity. the proje.tt will .include 50- Gordoncordon Menzies. - conditlor they make mistakes. fir , man, hand upraised, who-was-woundedms-wounded by Viet Cong attackingking lSaBa '<»la^Tuesday.'''Tfie Via‘ unitsunits. ■]There will be 26 efficiency conditions. These provisions au- Traffic accidents in five state.s Wendell,W endell, JeromeJe: and Shoshone! CoDgCong badhad surrounded B a Gla when the hcllcopter landed. Someome of theth< wounded were evacu-'• apartmapartment.'! for the single elderly' Viet Nam was certain to fig-; tomaticallytomatica would trigger en­ [ ure prominently In the talks of forcemei _ California, Missouri, New residents■esidents gatheredgath hero Monday' ' ated but this couple was left>ft behind. ThisT picture was madee from thothe helicopter by AP pho- anand d 2424 one bedroom apartment forcem ent In sevfen Southern ^ the two leaders. states—/states—Alabama, Georgia, Lou- Yorlt, Ohio and Texas^ — ac- morninKtnorninK forfor aa parade which wasi tographer Eddie Adams. (APP wlrephoto by radio from Saigon)’) fo r m£married couples. 'The new lo r I isiana, Mississippi. North Caro^ counted for more than one-third followedfollowed by by junior nnd senior \* * ie * ‘ ------------------------- *■^ ^ ----- ^ ^ -------------—* ----- * —_ * . _ * ___________Jipmes_ho me.s will be built at an aver- GeorgiGeorge E. Reedy, White isiana, f jeauty contests. Winners of the „ Hoiisp tiress secretary, said1 Ima,Ima. SoiSouth Carolina and Vir- fif the deaths. beauty contes X.T 1 • . agea £ ? Tco 5 ir5 f" W )5 5 :---------------------“ Fifty persons weHr'Ktlled'^otT 'sirntor-cDnteB:cTitor-cDnte5rrTr<JrnKtrlsr'Tis-f«- Johnson woulcf~I5!rve-TexB3 by" -ginla.—-ginla.--------- ------------- ---------------- - /ears old, were Ju4nita Harris, * The project, located between' jet transport In late morning; House • Republicans ha-v8 ^ Califomla roads, 31'in Missouri, years old, we W a i i t g . Shoup and Heyburn Avenues, 33 in New 'York; 36 in O hio and dlaughter a u g h te r of,o f , Mr.1 and Mrs. Wil- m ts 5 N ew HeM e l i c o p t e r sh^; ■ and meet privately with Menzies1 drawn uup a suljstitute measure. _ .. will COcost an estim a te d J683,965, ^ 27 in Texas. liamiam Harris,Harris, Shoshone, first; , • at the White House after his re-■ TheTTie big difference between it Harald Gerber is the architectJ turn there. andnnd the Democratic bill Is that ------------------------- Cheryl Shepp-beryl Sheppeard, daughtec_of f /S t ' for the project. The homes will p Vlr. and Mrs. Frank Shepprard, The President and prime min-'' the GOFGOP version has no auto- C om paniesJS forfo U .S. BaiB a s e s ■ beT coYistructed S entirely of brick are I matIc trigger which would ap- Jerome,lerome, secorsecond, and Linda Bent- > -1. ‘ ister are known to'be in general matic ti Hitehhiker and wilUlM! Similar - to SunnyJ aBreement on Vict Narrr policy' ply It to specific Southern ._ zlnger,clnger, daughidaughter of Mr, and Mrs.’ '^ WASHINGTONWASHI (AP)—Tbe-The ArmyArmi wants to create5 some new: helicopter com- y^g^'c , View Courts on Addi.son Avenue- o“estlons.Question states.states._________________________________ r -panies-to fill the gap left-tn-Ui-S.-t -Gboppet^-eutfits-^wefe-sent ^to -Easxr'-East:---------------------; --------------------- 18 rH J.lll.CU dc) thiri warw a r in SouthJ Viet Nam.1. InformeInformed sources said Jociayiciay tlie Army has proposed- y Bidsgij, for construction will he jg Winners of the junior pageant, jq ^j,|g [ j ; to the Defense Departmentlent that ffive new helicopterr coinpaicoinpanles be fot nied.
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