Red Bank School Building Fund Found Short SEE STORY BELOW Sunny, Warm Sunny and warm, dear and THEMHY FINAL milder tonight. Sunny, warm Red Bank, Freehold again tomorrow. l Long Branch EDITION (Sie Detalta, Face.3) 7 Monmouth County9* Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 33 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1969 30 PAGES 10 CENTS Moonmen in New York To Start Tour of Honor • By ARTHUR EVERETT Armstrong told a news con- couple of hundred million host, and in attendance will ference, attended by about NEW YORK (AP),-Alone ference in Houston yester- Americans up here." be most of the 50 state gov- 1,000 persons, Armstrong re- In the vastness of space they day, when asked about the There won't be quite that ernors, plus hundreds of dip- vealed that as the lunar mo- conquered the moon, but to- celebrations. • , > . many on hand today. But lomats, space officials and dule Eagle neared touchdown day the Apollo 11 astronauts The entire coast-to-coast police in New York and Chi- fellow astronauts. on the moon "we realized we are Joined in triumph by mil- program of frenzied tribute cago were prepared for. Millions of Americans who had a possible abort situation lions of their countrymen, will consume far less than crowds totalling well into the can't be- there personally will to contend with." earthbound Americans who the 21Vi hours the Apollo 11 millions as the moonmen watch the welcome on tele- 20 Seconds Left soared with them in spirit on lunar module spent July 2Q-21 were paraded in blizzards of vision, just as they watched In guiding the module away one of the great adventures on the surface of the moon. ticker tape up Broadway and enthralled as Armstrong and from a boulder strewn crater, of the ages. Tight Schedule along Chicago's glittering Aldrin walked the surface of Armstrong said, precious fuel On a unique, split-second, "We're behind before we Michigan Ave. and State St. the moon. All three major was consumed until there was one-day schedule/ Neil A. begin," said New York's City Hall receptions were networks will cover the pa- only "15 or 20 seconds of fuel Armstrong, 39; Michael Col- commissioner of public on the schedule in both ci- geantry in the three, cities. left." Had the fuel fallen be- lins, 38, and Edwin E. Aldri.i events, John "Bud" Palmer, ties, plus a United Nations As Armstrong, Collins and low a prescribed limit, the Jr., 39, receive a public wel- who arranged the tight, 3- welcome in New York and a Aldrin receive the transcon- moon landing would have If come in the three largest ci- hour, 15-minute welcome rally of 10,000 youths in Chi- tinental homage of American been canceled. ties in tte" United States — here. cago's Grant Park. throngs, they will do so with Other highlights of the starting in New York, then A quarter of a million State Dinner the knowledge that the lunar news conference: • SOMEONE ASKED A FUNNY _ The Apollo 11 astronauts, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., moving westward to Chicago miles in space last month, Then it's on to Los Ange- landing which made them Aldrin: "We found our mo- Neil A. Armstrong and Michael Collins, left to right, are tickled as one of the and finally Los Angeles. Collins radioed: "It'd be nice les and a reception and state heroes came within seconds bility on the surface better writers at yesterday's news conference posed an amusing question to the space- "That's certainly the last to have some company. Mat- dinner at the Century Plaza of being called off. than we had anticipated. We men. IAP Wirephoto) thing we're prepared for," ter of fact, be nice to Have a Hotel. President Nixon is the At the Houston news con- (Moon Men, Pg. 2, Col. 5) „'.'• "$».' ., State Seen Fertile Ground For Nixon Job Programs By DORIS KULMAN many of its businesses and openings "for- almost any habilitation," Mr. Sehulster come in developing facilities New Jersey, which has industries, has been operat- type" of clerical and office said. and finding instructors "and jobs begging for people, is ing job training programs, help. He pointed out that the that's not done overnight." fertile soil for President Nix- Mr. Cartmell said.: The unemployment rate in Monmouth County Welfare on's . proposal to streamline He acknowledged that New Jersey is 3.6 per cent— Board has been operating a In addition to preparing the and expand job training pro- "there are a lot of problems the national r^te—according work incentive program, and unemployed to enter the job grams. involved" in job training lor to Mr. Sehulster. He said the that under the Manpower De- market, the Employment Ser- vice also is encouraging em* •'* t!lHt>*»*ir >••'.• The expanded Manpower the hard-core unemployed but New Jersey rate is "serious" velopment Act New Jersey plovers to expand their on- Training Act the President said that "on the average, the because it is concentrated in now is training between 4,- the-job training and tuition proposed to the Congress yes- program is successful. It's the big cities and represents 000 and 5,000 workers a year terday is part of his welfare working." the hard-core unemployed. in "institutional training," refund; programs so that such as vocational schools.. reform program, which would He said the'Newark banks , Preparing the hard-core un- workers will advance in theii require most welfare recipi- have had "great success in employed for the job market He said the problem in ex-, jobs, Mr. Sehulster said. ents to take job training. Sen. teller training" and have job "may take quite a bit of re- panding the program will (Job, Pg. 2, CoL 1) Abraham Ribicoff, a Connec- ticut Democrat and a former secretary of Health, Education GESUNDHEIT TIME — Ragweed, season officially arrives Friday, and Register re- and Welfare, criticized the. porter Mrs. Carol Jacobson strikes a pose that will be fashionable among hay fe- President's failure to provide ver sufferers for the next two months.- " (Register Staff Photo) .jobs for welfare recipients, Picketing Nets Jail Terms and said he will seek to amend the proposal to estab- FREEHOLD — Municipal , Judge Levchuk sentenced Two other pickets, Sidney ard Davis. He must file With- lish 500,000 public service Court Judge Alexander Lev- John Davis, CC president, to Blacknall and Clifford Dec- in 10 days. jobs tor persons on public as- chuk yesterday expressed 60 days in the county jail and kle, drew 90-day suspended Mr. Marino was not repre- sistance. "serious. doubt of the pur- Richard Davis (no relation) jail terms and were placed sented by counsel. pose of the picketing" of Sor- to three months in jail on on probation for- one year. •The case of the missing de- Lack of jobs apparently 1 isn't the problem here. rento's Delicatessen, which charges of assault and bat- One attorney said later he be- fendant, John Jackson of 12 By CHRIS CONNELL gers University-specialist in environmental preceded a fight there July tery. lieved six months is the max- Bond St., was severed from "There's a pretty strong NEW BRUNSWICK (AP) - The sun science. i The judge dismissed two imum probation term that demand for almost every 25, and meted out jail terms the rest of the cases. Judge won't be over ttie equator or the Tropics THEY TRAVEL to two of its leaders. complaints against the store's can be set in Municipal Levchuk told Mr. Ansell he of Cancer and Capricorn Friday, but there's kind of worker," Jerome Se- The pollen generally doesn't travel In so doing, Judge Levchuk proprietor, Richard Weinick, Court. will probably declare a mis- a new season starting anyway. farther than half a mile, but the invisible, hulster, superintendent of the rejected the argument of filed by John Davis and De- Sentences Stayed trial and dismiss the com- The sneezy season. odorless grains are capable of blowing State Employment Service Richard Ansell of Asbury tective Anthony LeMoine and All other charges were dis- plaint so that a new com- Which means two months of wheezes, hundreds of miles, according to Flower. said yesterday. "There's a market for people who can Park, defense attorney for found Mr. Weinick guilty of missed and all sen- plaint dan be filed. Mr. Jack- sniffles, and pills for New Jersey's half-mil- "The morning is the worst time," said assaulting 15-year-old Bar- tences were stayed pending son reportedly is in Florida lion hay fever sufferers, two months of be prepared to compete." six members of the Con- Flower, who is a hay fever sufferer himself. bara Randolph by "brushing appeal. Mr. Ansell said he because of a death in his pollen counts for everybody and two months "For the last two years, cerned Citizens (CC) of "The ragweed tends to give off more pollen up against her." He reserved would appeal, at least on be- family. - of blowing in the wind for tons of pollen in the morning." there's been a terrific short- Greater Freehold, that the sentencing of Mr. Weinick. half of John Davis and Rich- (Pickets, Pg. 2, Col. 1) grains of the infamous ragweed. There is actually no technical hay fever age of skilled help," Albert pickets had a "constitutional Ragweed is the rabbit of the weed time period, despite the customary mid-Au- H. Acken, executive vice right to be there." world, proliferating at phenomenal rates in gust to mid-October rule of hand.
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