1595! CONGRESSIONAL ·RECORD-SENATE November 11. have·· me expelled from the Senate. But it rity risks in positions where they can ~ U:rJITED S'J."ATE_S DISTRICT JUDGE 1s very significant that the Gillette com­ endanger this Nation. Unfortunately, 1!Jo Josepll.Gharles McGarraghy, of the District mittee spent a year and a half .trying to put substantial volume-of such evidence exists. of Columbia, to be United States distr.ict .some substance into Benton's trumped-up But in this etfort I will, as before, .need judge for the District of ·columbia, vice charges. your cooperation. The shou~ that.America Walter M. Bastian, elevated. It is neither significant nor newsworthy is in no real danger from Communist intll. that the Communist Party has attempted tG tration will became louder before they grow .. .. ... .. .. discredit the Senate Permanent Subcommit­ softer. It . will be said w~th increased fre­ tee on Investigations ever since I became its quency that more important than making chairman. It is significant, however, that America strong is getting the approval of SEN.AT£ · they have to a large extent succeeded in dis­ Europeans for our system of security enforce­ 'Crediting it. ment. If the American people should suc­ THURSDAy' NOVEMBER 11, 1954 It is not significant that the Communists cumb to these views I truly fear for civiliza­ claimed my committee's investigation of the tion. (Legislative day of Wednesday, Novem­ State Department's Information Service was I have, in conclusion, a word for my Sen­ . ber 10, 1954) a failure. But it is significant that large ate colleagues. Many of you have either numbers of Americans really believe that already declared yourselves or have agreed The Senate met at 12 o'clock merid­ nothing was accomplished-despite the fact to follow a party policy. It is probably too ian, on the expiration of the recess. that as a result of the committee's work the !late to turn back. It is not easy to ignore The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown State Department in the person of Secretary the clamor of the mob. But as you vote Dulles reversed its policy of subsidizing Com­ " aye" on this resolution I urge you to weigh Harris, D. · D., offered the following munist books with the money of American carefully the question: Who has .really ·won. prayer: taxpayers. by this vote of censure? Perhaps the answer 0 Thou God of the living and of the It is not significant that the Communists will encourage you to wage purposeful, yes, living dead, on this day when the Nation claimed the committee's investigation at vengeful battles against communism in the Fort Monmouth was a failure. But it is very future. And perhaps the answer will con­ bows in reverence and gratitude at the significant that the majority of the press, strain some of you, at.not a too distant date, graves of its heroic defenders and salutes many of our national leaders, and so many to say with Representative O'Connor: "The in honor the veterans who marched in individual Americans have bought this lie­ pack got the smell of blOOd and tracked the armies of freedom, we would rededi­ in the teeth of the uncontrovertible fact that down the prey • • • in our hearts we knew cate all that. we have and are to the 33 security risks at Fort Monmouth were sus­ the plot was not idle gossip and we lunged unfinished task of making all men free. pended after the committee got on the job~ at the discloser to appease our consciences.'• We pray today for our Nation, girding It is not significant that the Communists should want members of the military who are Mr. KNOWLAND. Mr. President., I its strength, material and spiritual, as it acquaint ed with the Fort Monmouth situa­ am about. t.o move t.hat. t.he Senat.e .stand faces the principalities of darkness; and tion to be silenced. But it is frighteningly in recess unt.il12 o'clock noon tomorrow, we ,implore Thy benediction upon all significant that they have succeeded in this­ but before making such a motion, if I whom we ourselves have set in authority. that General Lawton to this day is still for­ may have t.he attention of the junior As the Republic hallows the past, save bidden by his superiors in the Pentagon to Senat.or from South Dakota, let me say us from unwittingly desecrating the tell the story of his own long and unsuccess­ that. I understand that because of the present. by fostering disorder, discord, ful attempts to get rid of securit'Y risks at Fort Monmouth, attempts that bore fruit unanimous-consent. agreement. he will and suspicion· in the ranks·· of those who only after the Investigations Subcommittee have the :floor when the Senat.e recon­ in this grim day, in the name of our arrived on the scene. venes tomorrow. I wish to have it. un­ America, front the most deadly and de­ It is surely not significant that the Com­ derstood t.hat. there may be the regular termined fo'es Of all 'we hold dear. De­ munists desire that the names of the Penta­ morning hour, under the 2-minute limi­ liver us from the-slipreme folly.of turn­ gon officials who were responsible for the tation. Following that, when the Senate ing from the common enemy which seeks promotion and honorable discharge of Major resumes general debate, the Senator to destroY: .us;' as with arrows of· ridicule Peress be kept secret. But it is most signifi­ slander we· wound or hurt 'comrades cant that as a matter of fact these names from South Dakota will resume where he or have never been disclosed. left off today. by our side, whose patriotism is unsul-' be' It is hardly significant t~t the Commu­ Mr. CASE. I intended to say-and I lied. In this day of destiny may we . nists should have wanted to divert an in­ thought I did-that I yielded the :floor carried up irito Thy great purposes and. vestigation of the friends of Major Peress to with the understanding that I might be find in Thee, above all our human con_. an investigation of those who have exposed recognized tomorrow when the Senate tentions, the goal of all our striving and Major Peress. But it absolutely beggars be­ resumes the consideration of Senate the end of all desire: Through Jesus lief that they have managed to do so. Resolution 301. Christ our Lord. Amen. In view of this pattern of Communist suc­ cess-in view of the Communists' uncanny The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ability to strike back just when it would ap­ objection, it is so ordered. pear that their strength has dissipated-can. THE JOURNAL anyone doubt that the security of this coun­ On request of Mr. KNOWLAND, and by try is still in great danger? RECESS unanimous consent, the reading of the But while. I would never have you under­ Mr. KNOWLAND. I move that the Journal of the proceedings of .Wednes­ ~stimate the CGmmunist threat, neither would I have you believe that this thing is Senate stand in recess until 12 o'clock day, November 10, 1954, was dispensed unbeatable. I haven't the slightest doubt noon tomorrow. with. · · · · · that one day, and perhaps soon, the Ameri­ The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 can people will rise up in righteous fury and, o'clock and 23 minut.es p. m.) the Sen­ once and for all, extinguish the Communist ate took a recess until tomorrow, ~burs­ ORDER FOR TRANSACTION OF menace. As for me, I will be around for day, November 11, 1954, at 12 o'cloclt ROUTINE BUSINESS some time and I will continue to serve the meridian. cause to which I have dedicated my life. Mr. KNOWLAND. Mr. President, I The Communists have now managed tG ask unanimous consent that immediately have me investigated five times. If they fail NOMINATIONS following the quorum call there may be to silence me this time--and make no mis­ Executive nominations received by the the customary morning hour for the take about it, they will fail-I will be in­ Senate November 10, 1954: transaction of routine business, under vestigated a sixth time· and a seventh. But, the usual 2-minute limitation on in a sense, a new investigation of me is good UN;tTED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC, AND speeches. · news. It means that the Communists have . CULTURAL ~RGANIZATION been hurt again. The following-named persons to be repre­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With­ Since the Democrat Party will, next sentatives of the United States of America io. out objection, it is so ordered.c January, organize the Senate, I will no the eighth session of the General Confer­ longer be in a position to direct a formal . ence of the United Nations Educational, Sci­ committee investigation of communism. entific, and Cultural Organization: CALL OF THE ROLL Therefore, I shall proceed as I proceeded be­ Albert F. Nufer, of New York. fore when the Democrats controlled the Sen.­ Samuel M. Brownell, of Connecticut.· , Mr. KNOWLAND. · Mr. President, I ate. I shall take to the. people what evi­ Mrs. Elizabeth E. Heffelfinger, of Minnesota. suggest. the absence of a quorum. dence I have· of ~ommlinists and other secu Athelstan F. Spilhaus, of Minnesota. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The 7 Secretary will call the roll. · 1954 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE '15955 The Chief Clerk called the roll, and Whereas the need for such a committee tradition that fashioned a civilization from a the following Senators answered to their was evidenced by the effective work carried wilderness-part of that intrepid band who names: on by that committee; and :fought through adversity and insurmount­ Whereas Senator EDwARD J.
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