FLASHING residential brick veneer To avoid water-penetration problems, provide adequate drainage details above and below openings and at the base of the wall By Walter Laska he most common masonry wall system in residential con- Tstruction is brick veneer. All brick veneer walls are drainage w a l l s . T h e i r d e s i g n s h o u l d b e based on the premise that water is going to enter into the wall sys- t e m .T h e re f o re ,t oe n s u re t h ew a l l ’s successful performance, the wall design must incorporate a means for water egress. Drainage space The first requirement for a brick veneer wall is a functional drain- age space. A minimum 1 inch of air space, clear of mortar bridg- ing, should be indicated on the drawings. If possible, design the 1 wall system with a 1 ⁄2- to 2-inch air space. A narrow air space can- not be kept clear of mortar extru- sions and mortar droppings. Fur- thermore, it is impossible for a Figure 1. Although brick veneer walls normally require a 1-inch minimum air mason to remove mortar from a space behind the brick, a new insulation and drainage board material used narrow air space with his trowel, in place of the usual sheathing and building wrap allows water to drain without knocking the brick out of without an open space. The vertical leg of the base flashing should be placed behind this material. bond. A wider air space gives the mason greater flexibility to keep that space free of mortar bridging with an integral plastic drainage wall that will function effectively a n d o t h e r m o rt a r b u i l d u p t h a t panel as its exterior face (Figure no matter how much mortar accu- might impede the flow of water 1). This material can be used in mulates between the insulation down the inside face of the veneer. lieu of an airspace and standard b o a rd a n dt h eo u t e rw y t h eo fb r i c k . One recent innovation that can sheathing material. The drainage promote effective drainage is an panel forms a continuous, unob- Flashing and weep holes insulated polyisocyanurate board structed drainage path within the Moisture that penetrates the brick veneer and flows down the drainage space must be collected 1" minimum air space and directed back to the exterior Brick veneer of the building. Flashing is a mem- brane installed in a drainage wall Insulation between wood studs that facilitates this process. Three locations in a brick veneer wall Building paper or must be designed with flashing: building wrap Vapor barrier above openings, below openings, and at the base of the wall. A de- tail for each location should be developed and shown on the pro- Flashing with end Gypsum wall board dams and weep holes ject drawings. spaced at 24" O.C. Above openings. Flashing maximum above windows and other open- 2x4 header ings must be designed to collect penetrating water and divert it Steel lintel away from the opening (see Fig- Note: ure 2). Specify the flashing to be 1. Extend outer end of flashing extended approximately 8 inches Sealant completely through exterior beyond each end of the opening wythe of brick and upturned to form end dams. If 2. Lap building paper over end dams are omitted, water col- vertical end of flashing a l e c t e d b y t h e f l a s h i n g c a n f l o w minimum of 6" d o w n t h e s i d e s o f t h e o p e n i n g Figure 2. Typical section at window head a n d p e n e t r a t e i n t o t h e w i n d o w frame. Excess water also can satu- rate the brick adjacent to the cor- ners of the openings, eventually Water-resistant building causing efflorescence or deterio- paper or building wrap ration of the masonry. The outer horizontal edge of 1 the flashing should extend ⁄2 inch beyond the face of the brick. If the Turn up flashing f l a s h i n g t e rm i n a t e s w i t h i n t h e Insert flashing beneath to form dam wall, it will not direct water all the building paper and lap a way to the exterior. The water can minimum of 6" flow back under the flashing, caus- ing the lintel to rust. Weep holes s p a c e d a t 2 4 i n c h e s o n c e n t e r must be located directly on the flashing to provide egress for col- lected water. T h e i n n e r, v e rt i c a l l e g o f t h e flashing must be detailed to termi- nate properly under the building paper or building wrap (Figure 3). If the vertical end of the flashing i sl e f te x p o s e d ,w a t e r f l o w i n gd o w n the sheathing can seep behind the flashing and into the building. To prevent this problem, insert the flashing under a slit made in the building wrapper. If self-adher- ing flashing is specified, the flash- ing can be adhered directly onto Flashing membrane extended beyond exterior face of brick the building wrap. Below openings. Flashing must Figure 3. Isometric of flashing above opening be detailed below openings as a secondary line of defense against Sealant water penetration (Figure 4). As with flashing above openings, the 2x4 header ends should be upturned to direct collected water to the exterior. Limestone or The outer end also should be ex- precast concrete 1 sill set in bed tended ⁄2 inch beyond the face of of mortar Batt insulation between the brick to ensure proper drain- 2x4 wood studs a g e . S p e c i f y a t l e a s t t w o w e e p holes, one at each end of the sill. Flashing with 1 end dams and ⁄2" sheathing board Selecting a suitable sill material weep holes is important. Brick rowlock sills spaced at 24" are not recommended for use in 5 Vapor barrier severe climates because their nu- 3 ⁄8" brick veneer merous mortar joints provide ad- ditional avenues for water to pen- 1" minimum air space 1 etrate into the sill. Specify a sill ⁄2" gypsum wallboard m a t e r i a l s u c h a s l i m e s t o n e o r precast concrete, which can be in- Note: stalled in larger sections or in a 1. Extend outer end of flashing single piece. Specifying that head completely through brick wythe joints between the sill sections be 1 2. Terminate inner end of flashing on raked back and filled with an elas- 9 ⁄8" top of sill plate tomeric sealant also will help pro- actual thickness vide a water-resistant sill. 3. Apply sealant to all head joints in limestone or precast concrete sills B a s e o fw a l l . M o s tw a t e r- re l a t e d and at ends of brick sills p roblems with residential brick veneer construction occur at the Figure 4. Typical section at window sill foundation or base of the wall, so p roper flashing design for this lo- cation is critical. Here again, the outer horizontal edge of flashing 1 should extend ⁄2 inch beyond the exterior edge of the foundation. In- s i d e ,t h ev e rt i c a ll e go ft h ef l a s h i n g Insert flashing beneath should be inserted beneath the building paper and lap a building paper or building w r a p , minimum of 6" Water-resistant building to prevent water from flowing be- paper or building wrap hind the flashing and entering into the building (Figure 5). S p e c i f y o p e n h e a d j o i n t w e e p holes, to- tally devoid of mortar obstru c- tions, to be located directly on top of the flashing and spaced at 24 inches on center maximum. Sev- eral available types of drainage m a t e r i a l a re s o m e t i m e s s p e c i f i e d a t t h e b a s e o f t h e w a l l t o p re v e n t m o r tar blockage of weep holes. Flashing continuity along the base of the wall is critical. Specify that ends of flashing sections be Weep hole placed directly lapped a minimum of 6 inches and on flashing and spaced at sealed with mastic. To be effec- 24" O.C. maximum tive, flashing also must be contin- uous around corners. Specifying Extend flashing membrane prefabricated flashing corners is a beyond foundation edge Lap ends of flashing a minimum of 6" way to ensure this continuity.
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