—Town and Fraternities -- Het/.el five candidates promNo* to be the Union Building most e\ciune , according to Saul . New Stude nt-Legislato r Ratio — East — Finrilay Union Ruildii i q Solomon, election' - commissioner. and .Johnston Hall The c.iiKl'ri.,tr'= are Thomas Lix , —West — Waring Joe l Maan/inci. Crnu .Mrlidosian, Of 800-1 Set by Congress —North — Warnock Steve Reiss and J-ihn S7ad,t Jr. By LARRY RElBSnTEIN McElwain . Hartranft Mifflin) — 2 —South — Rcdifcr Cnngres, ,'iNn nn^r.! a resolution Collegian Staff Writer —West Halls — 2 —Beaver — Rcdifcr for Pollock iiippn 'tiiiG in prn,ri-.l e. a letter re- representatives nuesting Ur.i\er-it.\ Presi !--nt F.ric A The Undergraduate Student —North Halls — 2 —Center — Simmnns and MeElu J,n IVnlker to prnclnim Wednesday a Government Congress approved —East Halls — 5 —Pollock - Pollock Union Buildin g " Day of Cn:i- ern last night a bill reapportioning The letter formulated bv Marvin —South Halls — 1 Voting time1; in East and the HUB voting areas for congressional Ruyen. prok'-sor nf i rono'i.ics ;n '-ed —Pollock and Nittany Halls — 3 will be from 8 a m. to 6 p.m. All other Walker to ' fn:"i' ,il!y ricngniro the elections. areas will vote irom \-V.W a m. tn r.'JO -Town — 8 per\ns-\e mid Horupant impact of the The number of congressmen to p.m. and from 4:30 tn 11 30 p.m. —Fraternities — 4 .var in Vietnam on all our lives." be elected from residence halls, Aron Arbittier, USG vice president, A total of 36 students filed for 27 ' We believe thai such .1 pro will be in fraternities and town submitted the amendment to conform seats Five students arc cnmpotini; Un- el.imatinn unuld be the appropriate the ratio of one representative with student sentiment expressed in tile freshman class presidency. mean.- tor enablim; all thn\i> within the for every 800 undergraduate stu- last Spring Term 's USG executive Univer.--il \ community who so desire Andrews reminded the cindiriale-. [»¦ dents. elections. Students favored In focus [!u nift'Mui'pci ' and energy ^-Collegian Photo by Roger Greeuawalt overwhelmingly a referendum that pictures and platforms are to be (in t his bese tting nationa l problem." were changed HALPH KIRKPATRICK, world famous harpsichordist Constituent areas also question lowering the representation turned in by noon Monday in 21)2 HUB. states elections, living the letter Harpsich ordis t autographed Patlee's Copy of the Book, "Domenico Scar- by Congress. In past figure of one congressman for every separate con- Ball ot posilions will he rlcfci mine! "Such a prn< lam.ilion would cnei ce latti." Kirkpairick wrote the biography of the famous areas were divided into 2 .000 students. today at 5 p.m. in 203 HUB. p,u tn. ipi-lmn in the ac- hs Book composer. stituencies so congressmen no one hccau.M' Autograp represented a segment of the area. Elections To Be Held Wednesday tivities takin g place on that dav would East Halls had more vacant sent 1; Now, entire living areas are a single The elections for congressmen be w holh voluntary , and all points 01 and than number of candidates. In South . constituency. freshman class president will view cnuld find expression " it sai d. be held Center and fraternities the number of The following are the new con- Wednesday and Thursday. 'SG Mike An- candidates equaled the number of Ted Thomp. on . l. presidi-nt. urg- stituent areas with the number of drews, an election , commissioner ' - , an- seats available. ed the congressmen to obtain student Ra ps representatives: Grou p nounced the areas s where Women the voting signatuies on the letter to present to Queen Choice Cr iteria —Center Halls — (Simmons- will be held. The freshmen presidential race with Walker later. By RENA ROSENSON placing an advertisement in volved in WLF. There are The Collegian and putting up graduate assistants, graduate Collegian Staff Writer posters at all entrances to the students' wives, faculty mem- The Women ' s Liberation stadium. bers and women from town. Discussions Office: "Why should it be necessary Change Front announced plans last A suggestion was made to in- " to that only students be chairmen night to "do something vite the queen and the rest of of an organization in which so bring to the attention of the the finalists in the competition many other types of people are community the to the next WLF meeting. "We involved ," University want to tell them that we are a member said. hypocrisy involved in the aware of their point of view. For the purpose of obtaining Name to 'Student Inclusion'? selection of a homecoming We would like to hear what a charter, it was decided that By EILEEN McCAULEY name of the office be changed students, are excluded from dent of USG; Ron Balchclor. fice something more than a queen. they have to say and give them Miss Rosenthal and Betty to "office to Insure Student our point of view," a Petras. a new student at the Collegian Staff Writer full participation in all president of OSGA: Jim Dor- discussions office wherein stu In a general discussion the Inclusion." U n i versity decision-making ris , editor of The Dail y Col- d ents are brought together. spokesman for WLF said. University, would be named A member of the Faculty- 'hypocrisy' referred to was Hal Sudborough, president of bodies. " legian , and Sudborough. " In fact, en t he v.ii 'ous oc- No final decision was made chairmen and a member of Student Committee on the Of- The students also will pro- defined as the dress, ap- WLF would be named faculty Ihe Graduate Student According tn Sudborough . casions when the office was as to whether the homecoming fice for Student Discussions pose that the director of the of- students and faculty members being used , the office brought pearance and personality stan- adviser but it would be "on said the students on the com- Association , said the reason for queen finalists will be con- paper only." fice be given an 'ex officio' may participate in discu-siuns together administrators , st u- dards set for all women by the tacted. mittee will propose that the the change was because "the status on all University com- with the committee, which has dents and faculty members , selection of one as the ideal In other business, WLF mittees and that no com- been asked to name candidates and attempted to arrive at n woman. discussed the problem of ob- mittees be closed to the direc- for the position of director of concensus among the three tor. the Office for Student sectors of the Umvrrsiiy. The "It would be more realistic if taining a charter. They have Facult y, had a temporary charter since Staff Names Record ed Sudborough said these pro- Discussions and to explore the potential of the office is thu« the girls were evaluated with posals will be presented at an general concept of the office more than one of a simple her clothes off." one woman last spring, but now they are permanent open committee meeting 3 and the role of the director. c o mmunication mechanism said. "After all, the whole required to obtain a p.m. Sunday in 105 Forum. „ Students:cl , , .,Left ,, Out.,, What that 'more' is . is not thing is sexual exploitation." one. Director: Full Voting Rights clear and is now being serious The main objection to the The members of the NUC Support s Boycott "The director should be "Many student groups felt l y considered by all the sec selection of a queen was the organization reject the given full voting rights on the left out when the office was tors. ••idealized idea of beauty" University requirement that Senate floor and the Board of first created and therefore brought about by it. "It any chartered group have a Trustees. Generally, he should boycotted it." Sudborough said , Office's Operations typifies" the ugliness I see in faculty 'Adviser arid a student be admitted to any com- "but this time we're setting up "For practical purposes \\f According to Cindy Of Classes , . ROTC, military recruitment chairman. Moratorium mittee's discussion on any the committee to conduct a should attempt to focus on the " another Rosenthal (lOth-history- and the Vietnam war, By REENI E THOMSON Vietnam War which would for the Administration to pro- problem in the University," discussion in front of students offic e's operations vis a vis the woman said. Levittown) the organization is Sudborough said. concerning the oflice There Through organization and a Collegian Staff Writer relate the war to current ceed as if there were no Administration the lans to publicize their a discussion Members of the committee, will be microphones set up on office , the Administration may WLF p chairman is not only un- More than 90 faculty and American foreign policy. doubts, no objections, n o grievance at the football game The statement will raise reasons for stopping the entire which was established by the floor to receive comments gat h er , lo ,-i great extent , the necessary but undesirable. staff members have pledged University President Eric A. and recommendations from the tomorrow when the queen will support of the Wednesday, related questions such as project." focus mid concensus of the be crowned . Their plans In another general United States NUC strongly urges the Walker , include four faculty audience and we hope that organized student bodies. At the point was made National Vietnam War ' intervention in include writing a letter to the discussion, Guatemala, Thailand and faculty to state their objections members recommended by the through this type of Hireling, the same time the office can that not only students are in- Moratorium in protest of the University Senate and four stu- the director and a new role for editor of The Daily Collegian, Vietnam War and the class Laos.
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