§ 640d–6 TITLE 25—INDIANS Page 250 known as land management district no. 6 (here- minerals within or underlying such lands. All inafter referred to as the ‘‘Hopi Reservation’’) such coal, oil, gas, and other minerals within or shall not be reduced or limited in any manner. underlying such lands shall be managed jointly (b) The boundary lines resulting from any par- by the two tribes, subject to supervision and ap- titioning of lands in the joint use area shall be proval by the Secretary as otherwise required by established so as to include the higher density law, and the proceeds therefrom shall be divided population areas of each tribe within the por- between the tribes, share and share alike. tion of the lands partitioned to such tribe to (Pub. L. 93–531, § 7, Dec. 22, 1974, 88 Stat. 1715.) minimize and avoid undue social, economic, and cultural disruption insofar as practicable. § 640d–7. Determination of tribal rights and in- (c) In any division of the surface rights to the terests in land joint use area, reasonable provision shall be (a) Authorization to commence and defend ac- made for the use of and right of access to identi- tions in District Court fied religious shrines for the members of each tribe on the reservation of the other tribe where Either tribe, acting through the chairman of such use and access are for religious purposes. its tribal council for and on behalf of the tribe, (d) In any partition of the surface rights to the is each hereby authorized to commence or de- joint use area, the lands shall, insofar as is prac- fend in the District Court an action against the ticable, be equal in acreage and quality: Pro- other tribe and any other tribe of Indians claim- vided, That if such partition results in a lesser ing any interest in or to the area described in amount of acreage, or value, or both to one tribe the Act of June 14, 1934, except the reservation such differential shall be fully and finally com- established by the Executive Order of December pensable to such tribe by the other tribe. The 16, 1882, for the purpose of determining the value of the land for the purposes of this sub- rights and interests of the tribes in and to such section shall be based on not less than its value lands and quieting title thereto in the tribes. with improvements and its grazing capacity (b) Allocation of land to respective reservations fully restored: Provided further, That, in the de- upon determination of interests termination of compensation for any such dif- Lands, if any, in which the Navajo Tribe or ferential, the Federal Government shall pay any Navajo individuals are determined by the Dis- difference between the value of the particular trict Court to have the exclusive interest shall land involved in its existing state and the value continue to be a part of the Navajo Reservation. of such land in a fully restored state which re- Lands, if any, in which the Hopi Tribe, including sults from damage to the land which the Dis- any Hopi village or clan thereof, or Hopi individ- trict Court finds attributable to a failure of the uals are determined by the District Court to Federal Government to provide protection have the exclusive interest shall thereafter be a where such protection is or was required by law reservation for the Hopi Tribe. Any lands in or by the demands of the trust relationship. which the Navajo and Hopi Tribes or Navajo or (e) Any lands partitioned to each tribe in the Hopi individuals are determined to have a joint joint use area shall, where feasible and consist- or undivided interest shall be partitioned by the ent with the other provisions of this section, be District Court on the basis of fairness and eq- contiguous to the reservation of each such tribe. uity and the area so partitioned shall be re- (f) Any boundary line between lands parti- tained in the Navajo Reservation or added to the tioned to the two tribes in the joint use area Hopi Reservation, respectively. shall, insofar as is practicable, follow terrain (c) Actions for accounting, fair value of grazing, which will facilitate fencing or avoid the need and claims for damages to land; determina- for fencing. tion of recovery; defenses (g) Any claim the Hopi Tribe may have against the Navajo Tribe for an accounting of (1) Either as a part of or in a proceeding sup- all sums collected by the Navajo Tribe since plementary to the action authorized in sub- September 17, 1957, as trader license fees or com- section (a) of this section, either tribe, through missions, lease rental, or proceeds, or other the chairman of its tribal council for and on be- similar charges for doing business or for dam- half of the tribe, including all villages, clans, ages in the use of lands within the joint use and individual members thereof, may prosecute area, shall be for a one-half share in such sums. or defend an action for the types of relief, in- (h) Any claim the Hopi Tribe may have cluding interest, specified in section 640d–17 of against the Navajo Tribe for the determination this title, including all subsections thereof, and recovery of the fair value of the grazing and against the other tribe, through its tribal chair- agricultural use of the lands within the joint use man in a like representative capacity, and area by the Navajo Tribe and its individual against the United States as to the types of re- members, since September 28, 1962, shall be for covery specified in subsection (a)(3) of section one-half of such value. 640d–17 of this title and subject to the same pro- visions as contained in said subsection, such ac- (Pub. L. 93–531, § 6, Dec. 22, 1974, 88 Stat. 1714.) tion to apply to the lands in issue in the reserva- § 640d–6. Joint ownership and management of tion established by the Act of June 14, 1934 (48 coal, oil, gas and other minerals within or Stat. 960). (2) In the event the Hopi Tribe or Navajo Tribe underlying partitioned lands; division of pro- is determined to have any interest in the lands ceeds in issue, the right of either tribe to recover Partition of the surface of the lands of the hereunder shall be based upon that percentage joint use area shall not affect the joint owner- of the total sums collected, use made, waste ship status of the coal, oil, gas, and all other committed, and other amounts of recovery, Page 251 TITLE 25—INDIANS § 640d–9 which is equal to the percentage of lands in rights and interests in land, actions for accounting, fair issue in which either tribe is determined to have value of grazing, and claims for damages, specifying such interest. the formula for determining recovery, and limiting de- (3) Neither laches nor the statute of limita- fenses for provision authorizing exchange of reserva- tion lands. tions shall constitute a defense to such proceed- ings if they are either prosecuted as a part of § 640d–8. Allotments in severalty to Paiute Indi- the action authorized by this section or in a pro- ans now located on lands; issue of patents ceeding supplemental thereto, if instituted not declaring United States as trustee later than twenty-four months following a final order of partition and exhaustion of appeals in Notwithstanding any other provision of this an action filed pursuant to this section. subchapter, the Secretary is authorized to allot in severalty to individual Paiute Indians, not (d) Denial of Congressional interest in merits of now members of the Navajo Tribe, who are lo- conflicting claims; liability of United States cated within the area described in the Act of Nothing in this section shall be deemed to be June 14, 1934 (48 Stat. 960), and who were located a Congressional determination of the merits of within such area, or are direct descendants of the conflicting claims to the lands that are sub- Paiute Indians who were located within such ject to adjudication pursuant to this section, or area, on the date of such Act, land in quantities to affect the liability of the United States, if as specified in section 331 1 of this title, and pat- any, under litigation now pending before the In- ents shall be issued to them for such lands hav- dian Claims Commission. ing the legal effect and declaring that the (e) Payment of legal fees, court costs and other United States holds such land in trust for the expenses sole use and benefit of each allottee and, follow- The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to ing his death, of his heirs according to the laws pay any or all appropriate legal fees, court of the State of Arizona. costs, and other related expenses arising out of, (Pub. L. 93–531, § 9, Dec. 22, 1974, 88 Stat. 1716.) or in connection with, the commencing of, or de- fending against, any action brought by the Nav- REFERENCES IN TEXT ajo, San Juan Southern Paiute or Hopi Tribe Act of June 14, 1934, referred to in text, is act June under this section. 14, 1934, ch. 521, 48 Stat. 960, which was not classified to (f) Provision of attorney fees for San Juan South- the Code. Section 331 of this title, referred to in text, was re- ern Paiute Tribe pealed by Pub. L. 106–462, title I, § 106(a)(1), Nov. 7, 2000, (1) Any funds made available for the San Juan 114 Stat.
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